Category: sustainability

What Trump’s Loss Means for Solar Industry

Photo by Chelsea on Unsplash

If you're living in America you're going to see a big change for renewable energy.

For his entire presidency, President Donald Trump denied that humans affect the environment in any way while boosting the production of
fossil fuels.

Trump repeatedly tweeted and announced that climate change is a "hoax." If that wasn't good enough, he went on to make fake claims that wind turbines cause cancer.

Many environmental protections were taken apart, and a lobbyist for coal was appointed at the head of
 the EPA.

The new president-elect Joe Biden, conversely, takes a completely opposite stance. Biden is committing to quickly concentrate on pressing climate issues before they become a larger crisis.

He was promised to spend up to
$2 trillion on sustainable energy, in addition to getting America joining back with the Paris climate accord.

Regardless of what your stance is on fossil fuels versus renewable energy - renewable energy is a business that produces significant contributions to the GDP as well as job creation.

The “green economy” in America employs more than 9.5 million people, according to the University College London study.

The green economy generates $1.3 trillion in annual sales revenue in the United States, while creating 9.5 million full-time jobs, climatologist Mark Maslin and researcher Lucien Georgeson said in their study published in the online journal Palgrave Communications.

Heads of industry in the sustainable energy field are now feeling relieved about Washington's change of attitude.

The President-Elect is going to appoint more environmentally-centered officials to lead the EPA, as well as the Energy Department and related organizations.

“Following Biden’s win, the US will re-join the Paris negotiations and other nations will be compelled to join the net-zero club and, in 30 years time, we may just get there.”

Said Professor of climate physics and director Prof Piers Forster.

As far as the Stock Market is concerned, solar and other clean energy stocks are booming in 2020 this year.

SunPower, based in San Jose, California (SPWR) is now valued at $3.3 billion with a share price is spiking up 270% in record highs.

Their competitor, SunRUN (RUN) has risen in the upwards of more than 300% in 2020. Giving the solar company a market valuation of $11 billion.

That's not to say that there won't be obstacles for green energy still with the Whitehouse divided, Republicans who tend to favor big oil, dominating the Senate, and Democrats who lean towards renewable energy expected to hold the House.

Biden has a climate taskforce who aspires to install eight million solar rooftops through fast-tracking permits and deregulating the process.

Covid 19 changes to urban life are spurning more focus on renewable energy right now as well.

Data centers are installing more and more solar panels, and the exodus out of cities is fueling a housing boom.

The rapid uptick of remote work due to Covid 19 closing down office space is a huge driver for solar energy as well. This is because you can't work if you don't have power.

Many west coast techs and more who work from home are installing more solar panels to side-step power outages in California.

Another stark contrast in political maneuvers between Biden and Trump have to do with tariffs.

Back in January 2018, Trump forced a 30% tariff on silicon solar cells made overseas, which are scheduled to expire in February 2022.

The federal Energy Investment Tax Credit (ITC) is due to expire in 2022 as well.

President-Elect Biden has a tax plan which requires Congress to widen the ITC. This is going to give businesses and home owners a much greater motivation to insall solar panels on rooftops everywhere.

What other changes do you expect to see with a Biden presidency?
Comment below!

New Solution to Facebook Ad Policy Violations

After years of working at Facebook, I understand exactly what ad copy in your funnel is triggering the automations and how to get compliant. I'm a Facebook ad policy specialist and can audit your funnel, and share what to say that Facebook wants to see instead - but just isn't telling you.

Want to book a call to talk to Facebook and get results? Get solid answers directly from the source instead of guessing, googling and playing roulette? Schedule a call with me and I can easily tell you proven reasons why the automations flag you and how to become compliant.

You'll be swapping out walking in a minefield of ad flags, to have a sure path to having your Facebook ad accounts protected from being disabled. My clients have included social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker and Dean Graziosi. I'm featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith's Marketing Essentials Course.

Save energy and money - how much is it costing you to not know why Facebook is shutting you down? My calendar is here.

Tony Robbins

I get 100s of emails a week from businesses and advertisers asking for help when their facebook ad account keeps getting disabled, so my calendar gets booked fast. But if you want to get to the front, you can pre-pay for a consulting session here: Book a call

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Mari Smith and Trevor W Goodchild

Mapping the Future With Drone-Powered Reforestation

While the incredible developments in Cellular Architecture are paving the way for the future of biotech, another company is tackling deforestation on a whole new level.

Dendra, formerly known as Biocarbon Engineering, has developed a system of drones that replant trees. They received 2.5 million in funding with some promising projects on the way.

But first, let's examine why cutting down millions of trees everyday is worth investigating solutions to. What are the real effects of clear cutting forests?

Deforestation has side effects that many are not aware of, and it is a rampant issue today that is degrading the biome we rely on to survive.

It's not good for business when your business is located on a river delta that's getting deforested and your mangrove trees aren't there to break the wind and rain if a hurricane or cyclone hits.

Did you know the Amazon actually puts water into the atmosphere? The rainforests pump something like 20 billion tons of water into the atmosphere daily. This means less forests = more drought.

More drought means more massive migrations from coastal cities into inner urban areas, which means higher rents, less capacity and options for when you want to pick out your new house and a huge strain on basic resources for every city that coastal city refugees flee to.

This may mean increased profits for the real estate sector but everyone else will have to also deal with artificially inflated mortgage rates and scarcity.

Deforestation releases more CO2 than cars which average 14% of all carbon emissions, while deforestation contributes to 15% of carbon emissions. This is because when trees are cut down they release the CO2 they were storing back into the air.

Drought, increased green house gasses, erosion, less protection against cyclones and flooding (trees stop floods from over taking a field) - clearly the cons outweigh the pros.

But there is some nice innovation in drone technology that will help remedy the loss of trees.Let's dive into what Dendra is doing with drones and deforestation.

The Dendra system uses satellite and drone-collected data to find out the best location to plant a tree. The planting drones then fire a biodegradable seedpod into the ground with pressurized air at each predetermined spots.

The speed these are fired is around 120 seedpods per minute. The seedpods are filled with a germinated seed, nutrients, and other vital components.

These penetrate the ground, and, activated by moisture, will grow into healthy trees.

What kind of numbers are we talking about for the amount of trees that can be planted?

Two drone pilots, piloting 10 drones can plant 400,000 trees per day. If this was expanded to 400 teams then planting 10 billion trees each year would be feasible.

There is more than one company out there making waves in this field, Droneseed is another one also using Drone tech to 10X tree planting abilities.

Flash Forest as Newsweek reports, is also using drones to replant forests and combat the increased carbon in our atmosphere due to deforestation. Their drones shoot vessels into the dirt.

Each vessel contains three germinated seeds as well as other species which support the area, a fungus called mycorrhizae which helps plants to develop, fertilizers, and other "secret" ingredients.

Are you an Angel Investor? Perhaps you may want to invest in one of these companies on the cutting edge of reforestation. Here's Flash Forest's kickstarter page.

What other promising companies helping with deforestation have you heard of?

             .  .  .

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Coping With Lockdown: Oil Plummets, Retailers Close for Thanksgiving

While Customer Service may be undergoing a makeover in light of recent protests, Target and Walmart are staying closed for Christmas this year. Dick’s Sporting Goods is also closing for Thanksgiving.

2020 is a year unlike any other with more rapid changes to business and the world as we know it.

The biggest shopping events of the year will take on a new tone now, as crowds are prohibited from gathering due to the rapid spread of the Corona Virus with over 16 million new cases globally. 

Giant retailers are encouraging consumers to shop earlier online for the holidays and promise to start sales earlier as well, according to Target's blog. 

Context is everything right now, this 2019 seemingly normal picture of what life was like shopping pre-C19 now, will trigger many emotionally, seeing people without masks at the checkout:

The year is flying by at super sonic speeds despite the feeling that time is dragging by extra slow, stuck at home and feeling cabin feverish.

The speed of major events that keep happening is making it hard to feel like we have had enough time to savor the moments, as each day can bring new challenges when adapting to life on lockdown.

This coming Monday U.S. Senate Republicans are expected to reveal a new $1 trillion coronavirus aid package. This could add more economic stimulus and perhaps even indicate a bull market trend for big oil who has been suffering losses due to reduced travel during the pandemic.

Per Reuters:

Brent crude LCOc1 lost 81 cents, or 1.9%, to $42.53 a barrel by 11:13 a.m. EDT, while U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude CLc1 fell 65 cents, or 1.6%, to $40.64 a barrel.

Following the closures of consulates in Houston and Chendu, investors worried about relations between China and the United States and have retreated to safe havens, such as gold and bonds.
Is big oil partially responsible for Americans getting stimulus checks?

This is a good question, as the oil industry hasn't shirked donating millions to politicians in exchange for political favors in the past. This is part of what killed the electric car before Elon Musk brought it back through better brand definition and audience targeting.

The more money consumers have, the more likely they'll use that money to break the monotony of staying at home all the time and splurge on trips, drive more and oil companies benefit from this.

The oil industry is doing everything they can to find a way to survive right now as the margins for refined oil products have dropped into negative areas:

Source: IEA

To be fair, trading divisions can make money even when prices dip by exploiting choppy market moves.

Is it possible that these fossil fuel companies, out of self interest, are pulling the strings they have to pull to nudge politicians towards printing more Monopoly money out?

When the Terminator can become the governor of California and someone who is illiterate, unable to read at all can become president in 2016 - who is to say what's possible these days...

There is still the larger question of where we go from here, for a long term plan. There are greater things at stake micro and macro level.

I haven't been able to see my son for a long time, since Christmas in 2019 as the pandemic hit and the fear that either one of us is asymptomatic keeps his mother from allowing visitation. Will I ever see him again?

Many families are experiencing strife due to how things are panning out, unable to go back to work because daycares aren't open and schools are closed to only virtual classes.

Oil based capitalism is literally the backbone of much of America's economy. When the bottom drops out as the flow of petrodollars halts there are new problems: where do we put all this oil?

Three quarters of the world's storage capacity have already been reached and the limits were tapped back in May 2020 this year as The Petroleum Economist reports.

Another side effect is that Exxon, Shell, BP, and a handful of others — who are much better positioned to survive this crisis than smaller producers — are using the crisis to try to roll back environmental regulations.

So perhaps not quite the benevolent saviors their PR agents would have us believe they are. While it's easy to say things like, just go green with wind, solar and hydroelectric energy sources this ignores how entrenched oil as a commodity is in the stability of existing markets for the global economy.

One of the newest coping mechanisms of fossil fuelers is Russia may agree to a three-way arrangement with Saudi Arabia and the U.S. to limit output to halt the downward slide of oil product prices.

Previously, Putin was resisting any concessions in a stand-off with Saudi Arabia since Moscow pulled out of a supply-limit agreement with OPEC over demands for deeper cuts in output.

But the reality is this industry has to prepare for challenging times, low oil prices, and learn how to adapt like the rest of us to the rapidly evolving situation with the corona virus.

There is no doubt that political alignments are being reworked, and arrangements are being made to consolidate in the interests of the most powerful forces at work in the world.

I'd like to see the same desperate winner take all driving unstoppable force the fossil fuel industry has right now, also coming from renewable energy providers.

In the aftermath of the pandemic, there will be new winners and losers. I would like to see a more sustainable business model from green energy that creates new markets for both investors and consumers.

What changes would you like to see after C19? Comment below!

               .  .  .

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Dakota Access Pipeline Court Ordered Halt

Sometimes a business losing out is a good thing for the global impact. Not every business is well adapted to current times and sometimes the market needs certain business models to die out to make way for something better.

As retail businesses learn to adapt so they don't close, the oil industry which is responsible for millions of deaths, wars, and occupation, is struggling as well.

You may have forgotten with the huge headlines coming and going in rapid succession, from Black Lives Matter protests to covid craziness, that the Dakota Pipeline threatened the livelihood of thousands native to the planned development site.

Dakota Access Pipeline TLDR History

Informational hearings for landowners took place between August 2014 and January 2015. Dakota Access, LLC, controlled by Energy Transfer Partners, started constructing the pipeline in June 2016 and cost $3.78 billion dollars.

Protests of the Dakota Access Pipeline occurred at several places because of concerns about the pipeline's impact on the environment and to sites sacred to American Indians. Indigenous nations around the country opposed the pipeline, along with the Sioux tribal nations.

The Obama Administration spoke out for the need to analyze environmental impacts more, then later President Trump did his best to fast track the pipeline into operation. Trump signed a presidential memorandum to advance approval of pipeline construction.

Then the Cheyenne River Sioux sued this decision, citing an 1851 treaty and interference with the religious practices of the tribe.

The pipeline goes underneath Lake Oahe, a water supply source for the Sioux Native Americans. The pipeline became active May 2017, despite almost 15,000 people from around the world protesting, staging sit-ins for months near the Standing Rock Indian Reservation.

The pipeline commercial operations started without oil spill response plan for the Missouri River crossing and without emergency response cleanup equipment stored nearby.

Jesse Jackson called the move to put the pipeline closer to the reservation, "environmental racism," as ABC News reported. But the plot thickens like a cup of day old coffee - why would Trump be so eager to support the pipeline?

Trump's 2016 federal disclosure forms show he owned between $15,000 & $50,000 in stock in Energy Transfer Partners - the company in charge of constructing the pipeline - per Al Jazeera.

Surprised? There's more. Energy Transfer Partners CEO Kelcy Warren gave $103,000 to the Trump campaign, as Reuters reports. Despite how crazy this sounds already it gets even crazier with Russian hackers.

Russian government's Internet Research Agency Troll farm spread misinformation on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram by creating a fake Facebook Page to enrage people with posts about the pipeline, same sex marriages, and racial issues.

As far as a business model, the oil industry is definitely anachronistic, as surveying your customers for what they like and giving it to them is one of the fundamental ways to grow your brand.

This isn't exactly a strategy being used here. But, there seems to be a positive turn of events. Well, not positive for the oil industry, but positive for the people it affects.

Dakota Access Pipeline Court Ordered Halt

Reuters states:

According to the ruling, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers violated the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) when it granted an easement to Energy Transfer LP (ET.N) to construct and operate a segment of the oil pipeline beneath Lake Oahe in South Dakota, because they failed to produce an adequate Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

The court ordered Energy Transfer to shut and empty the 570,000 barrel-per-day (bpd) line within 30 days, closing off the biggest artery transporting crude oil out of North Dakota’s Bakken shale basin to Midwest and Gulf Coast regions.

My Take

It is a complicated issue, at least the shutting down part is. While most people not either getting bribes from the oil industry as Trump was blatantly benefiting from or working for the oil corps, would agree that it's not good to endanger the water supplies of local residents, closing down the operations faces additional complications.

First, many jobs will be lost for those working the pipeline, which will cause a loss of economic stimulus from those workers spending their money in the local economy as well as their own struggle to survive.

Second, there will be a question of retaliation from the oil industry. This could take the form of people they hire to sue, or get elected and pass laws hurting Native Americans or other black hat tactics.

Third, it's going to be complicated trying to get the oil in the pipeline now, out of it, and transported elsewhere. It's likely the unused oil will be transported via rail cars to the west and east coasts.

So hey if you own a rail car company - there is some money to be made with this shut down. Many environmental and locals to the area are super relieved and happy to hear this news.

But, there are other elements at play that while working against the oil industry, in a way, soften the blow to their business, in that, oil consumption nationally is already at an all time low.

This is because of covid, people are staying home more, going out less, and using their cars a whole lot less. In addition to individuals, large events people drive to are canceled. 

Those high school and college graduations that were canceled also mean thousands if not tens of thousands of relatives of graduates, especially in college, who live out of town, aren't driving to their family's graduation ceremony. 

There are many other examples of where and how both individual car use and public transit and cross country bus transit are down.

Now, in the aftermath of the Dakota Pipeline shutting down, there will be less oil consumption, yet, we already weren't using as much oil as pre February 2020 this year. So..does it matter that much anyways? 

Ideally, society as a whole would have shifted before now to more renewable sources of energy due to countless studies on the global impact of fossil fuels. It's just hard to convince established industries, with deep pockets and large contributions to politicians who pass the laws regulating oil to switch to going green. 

Perhaps this is the push we needed to ramp up infrastructure around sustainable energy? I don't know. But I do know thousands of Native Americans are happy their water supply and burial grounds aren't threatened anymore. 

This just brings up the important point to think about: if your business model involves harm to other people and the environment, it is time to rethink how you're strategizing for the long term. Certain businesses should be allowed to die.

Operating a business that has longevity means your marketing plan and long term strategy is just as responsive as site optimized for mobile viewers and social media presence.

The values that your company publicly demonstrates is the most attractive value proposition or unique mechanism think tanks can come up with. After all, like attracts like.

                                              .  .  .

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Real Meaning of Going Local

For years we've heard, "go local" as a cry to champion local businesses over big box retail stores that have often outcompeted smaller stores. In some ways, 'go local' became coopted by hipsters as a way to feel trendy and superior - not exactly a motivating factor to support this in spirit.

These days, businesses and consumers are rethinking outsourcing as a feasible means of doing business. With supply chains experiencing massive disruption (gone to a grocery store recently or tried to buy TP?) manufacturing for lower costs in other countries doesn't seem as appealing.

This approach has pretty much destroyed British manufacturing jobs.

For years we've heard about human rights violations in 3rd world countries whose factories create the Nike shoes and JC Penny apparel. The factories that make our toilet seats and fishing rods and lead-based children's toys have very little incentive to treat workers humanely other than eliminate the bottom line.

It's about creating the cheapest product possible, regardless of quality or the blood, sweat and tears of the underpaid workers whose backs American luxury is built upon.

After watching a documentary called the High Cost of Low Prices back when I first entered college, as part of a research paper due in my Composition 1 class, I refused to shop at Walmart on principle. Walmart deducts rent out of their employees' paychecks in China regardless of if these people want to live in Walmart or not.

So most made the fiscally conservative decision to just live at Walmart.

They live in the upper floors of the department store (similar to the movie Sorry to Bother You depicts in a fictional context only, this is real).

But please excuse me, and let me step off the soap box. It isn't about whether this is right or wrong in the aftermath of this corona debacle. It's about survival of the planet and this is something to consider: the values of a business model along with the supply chain's geographical distance to retailers. Health and safety, when neglected have economic costs, as we are seeing today.

Patrick Geddes, one of the most influential city planners to exist, advocated neotechnics, and regional planning. Geddes proposed that physical geography, market economics and anthropology connected social life together.

He felt that physical geography should determine how buildings were built to facilitate social interactions. This was done by first surveying the environment and instead of building grid cities using the scientific method and civic surveys to create a series of self-sufficient cities interconnected but not wholly reliant on each other to survive.

Right now, we live in a world where much depends on the health and vitality (and political maneuverings) of cities, countries, far from where we live, across oceans. When calamity strikes, we are at the mercy of how capable foreign governments are at dealing with emergencies.

Their mistakes have ripple effects, globally felt.

"Go local" isn't just a catch phrase right now.

It's something that needs to be revisited strategically, for economic sustainability. What will the world look like, when we've overcome the covid19 epidemic? I hope we learn from this, how to work together in the market, similar to a Geddes self-sufficient city, connected to, but not dependent on other cities.

Our survival depends on learning the lessons history has taught us, we just need to pay attention to them and take action to course-correct.

So go local, pay attention to supply chains, let's support each other.

Are You On the Right Track?

The world is changing at a rapid pace and as we enter the next year the often trivialized concept of "specifies survival" has become an intriguing concept in business.
The popularity of sustainability is indisputable.
But it's a paradox.
As many celebrities, and social movements have popularized "going green" there are often disconnects. People with "don't support the war" signs in their yard after 911, and the invasion of Iraq for their oil, still continued to buy oil guzzling SUVs.
Consumers still mindlessly buy products from companies that dump toxins in local tributaries (Walmart has had lawsuits threatened by the EPA for doing this in Texas - it isn't just 3rd world countries suffering). The motivation to actually do a little bit of research - I promise you, it's not any more time than you spend scrolling the FB newsfeed per week - is very little. 
That's kind of mysterious. 
The survival of the human race appears to depend on how popular an idea is, which Kardashian endorsed it to their fans (like the fires in Australia destroying an entire country ignored by the west, until more celebrities jumped on board and publicized it), and if it's convenient. 
If there was some sort of complete trust in political leadership, around the world, to:

  • Care more about the long term survival of our species than getting re-elected
  • Prioritize resource preservation over doing arms races
  • Look at impacts of companies more than business deals subsidizing the very companies dumping toxins into our water supply
...then active citizenry wouldn't be as pivotal.
The World Grows Smaller & Bigger
Increasing access to technology and education are providing greater opportunities in developing countries and contribute to the expansion of the middle class as well. India is rapidly becoming more of an industrialized nation than ever before. New issues such as pollution are going to come to the forefront with this progress as well. 
Per to the World Economic Forum, the world has fewer people living on less than $1.25/day by one-half. We are on the path to meeting the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) 2010 forecast that the global middle class may double by 2020 and triple by 2030.
Many say this is a result of urbanization, the increased access to education (no doubt increased by access to the internet as well), tech and growth expansion opportunities.
So while Walt Disney may have banned plastic straws from its theme parks we the people have a ways to go for changing our buying habits. It is from within society that lasting change happens.
Change starts with us. 
For most people it's incredibly difficult to analyze their own buying behavior in relation to large changes in the world. We have 2 contradicting mindsets:
1. I don't matter, I can't make that big of a difference by myself
2. Everyone is looking at me, I have to be careful not to embarrass myself
The latter is called the spotlight effect - the idea that more people are staring at us than actually are (as the mass self-absorbed public rarely stares long at each other before power walking on).  
The majority of consumers resist change to habits & established behaviors. The comfort of ignorance, the benefits and luxuries of not taking responsibility for anything we do with our money is the luring siren call of a real zombie nation.
Unthinking, feeding, breeding in large comfortable chairs like Wall-E's cast of characters or Jabba the Hutt (By the way Mandelorian is a great Disney did not pay for that name drop)...we march on into oblivion. But wait. There's more. Hope. 
Entrepreneurship+Sustainability = Opportunity
Entrepreneurs have discovered the benefit of sustainability as a business model due to it's popularity in pop culture. New ideas for new products that are eco-friendly pour out in the thousands every day.
Jason's Deli has little cards on the table talking about their sustainability work, more notices about where and how GMOs are used are no longer hidden but front and center.
Stating that your vegetables are organically grown not GMO isn't just an About section; it's a marketing tool and brand development asset.
I take heart in these type of changes. It's more than a business opportunity: being conscious of how what we do affects the world and being motivated to act on this knowledge helps save the world.
Saving the World
More than a general hippie euphemistic statement - but actually implement sustainable systems for land, air, and water and solar - it's simply incredible what is available now.
But the turning point, before we reach another critical mass for resource deprivation, deforestation, and water scarcity is going to come from a value shift in buying habits.
The 3 seconds it takes to make a buying decision based on the business practices in relation to resource-management is going to be what really helps us as a species survive.

These little decisions multiplied by the billions add up.
Every choice you as a person make - adds up. You are not alone. You are part of something greater. 
Consumers are smart. Startup founders can make use of the growing consensus that companies should do more than tout 'sustainable' as an empty slogan. People are now expecting facts and data to back up a business's sustainability claims. The fluff just isn't enough anymore.
I take hope from this.
It's new opportunities to do a new kind of business: one led by less selfish money acquisition and more global heart-conscious decision-making skills. Entrepreneurs have can build partnerships with environmental organizations, 501c3 nonprofits and sustainability research groups to verify the sustainability claims of a product, service or company.  
I like this. I like this a lot. 
My thoughts are that once it becomes a core value, inherent as 'do no harm' and 'try to not be a douche bag if you can help it' that we'll see values and companies align easier and in greater quantities. Yes, fossil fuels will fight this every step of the way until they start building better cars with less of a carbon footprint.
While there may be a dark before the dawn, the way things are trending is that we, as a global consciousness are continuing to evolve. I tip my cap to you, sip my Texas Pecan Coffee, and wish you a good day!