Want a proven methods on how to increase your Instagram following? Read on!

Whether you're at an Airbnb chillaxing, at home or standing in line at the grocery store - you'll see people staring at Instagram on their smart phones.

I would never call myself a guru of IG but I'm hip on a few tips. Below you'll find proven methods to growing your Insta-following.

1. Run A Photo Contest 

Running a photo contest can hyper charge your follows and engagement. 

2. Use Best of Content on Your IG Channel

Taking the best-of-the-best user content from around the web and featuring it on your IG channel is also a great tool to super boost IG engagement.

3. Hashtag Strategy

While it's been debated for years on what the right amount of #hashtags is to use, it's generally agreed that using 9 hashtags for each post is the best strategy. You don't want to use more than that as IG can start reducing your reach if you do.

4. Post Daily

Post once daily at least, use tools like Buffer to preschedule your posts if you need to.

5. Take Advantage of Current Trends

Pay attention to what's trending & hijack trending hashtags to use with your own content.

6. Create Brand Themes & Colors

Make sure that you create a brand theme and color palette that's consistent to build that know-like-and-trust factor. 

7. Run IG Ads & Collab With MicroInfluencers

If you got the bucks, run ads and pay micro influencers to sponsor your content - that's got go viral potential.

Even on the sub sub of those not micro influencers but just at like 9K-50K followers you can see about collabing to expand reach.

Here's an example of a great IG post:

What are your goals using Instagram? Comment below!

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Mari Smith and Trevor W Goodchild


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Trevor W. Goodchild