Want to give your ad account a fighting chance at avoiding a Facebook Ad Account Restriction? Today, we’ll cover ad account restrictions, the biggest dangers and some good strategies to keep your ad account safe.

Facebook ad account restriction

Why Swelter Through Another Chat with Facebook?

The first thing most people do when you get a Facebook Ad Account Restriction, is panic, Google the problem or immediately try to run new ads – many times identical to the ones that got them rejected. Or chat into Facebook ad support – only to get wrong answers that further the ad account restrictions.

The most important thing to do when in Facebook jail, is assess where in your funnel Facebook has honed in on and flagged you with a Facebook Ad Account Restriction. The irony is when you go online to Meta’s website, facebook ad policies are listed in the “Transparency Center” – except they are clear as mud.

Another challenge is that each section of Facebook’s ad policies are often truncated, incomplete, and never tell you any risk assessment for the parts of your funnel and ad policy violations. I’ll help clear some of this up in this article today.

Facebook refused to take down fake account, says TikTok star

Facebook ad account restriction

Something to watch out for is also the imposter accounts which are rising exponentially high now, as bad actors have found a career in trying to fake legit accounts, and prey upon your audience, per a recent article in The Guardian. 

Facebook Ad Account Restriction: Rejected Ads

For getting ad accounts restricted due to an overwhelming amount of rejected Facebook ads I have the solution: Balance the amount of rejected ads with approved ads of any type.

What you’re looking for is an overall ratio of more approved than rejected, as this helps the machine learning view your ad assets more favorably, which can help prevent getting a Facebook Ad Account Restriction.

You are no doubt reading this blog after Googling ” I need help getting my account unrestricted” or something similar. So, why trust me over all the other blogs online? I’ve worked at Facebook in ads, and tech, and with the engineers at Meta. When one word can get you banned, you can’t afford to guess when it comes to getting a Facebook Ad Account Restriction.

Just like my client, Amazon Reality Show star Juanita Ingram of The Expats International Ingrams you’ll discover there are micro flags in ad copy and landing pages that have to be removed first before attempting to appeal or relaunch a brand with Facebook.

Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision
Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns and solving a Facebook Ad Account Restriction?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call to avoid getting a Facebook Ad Account Restriction.

Facebook Ad Account Restriction: New Approach Gives You A 2nd Chance

A huuuuuuuge problem businesses and ad agencies running ads on Meta’s platforms face is that there’s a lot of old advice out there steering people wrong.

The old school “how to start a biz” programs advise you to create a hundred ads up front, and not pay attention to policies. Kind of a spray and pray approach, that if you submit a shit ton of ads at once and hope some slip through BUT this is WRONG and won’t avoid a Facebook Ad Account Restriction.

Maybe back in 2016 you could do that. But this year, the game has changed.

ad account restriction

A new approach that will prevent you from losing sleep and losing a lot of money is a preventative one: ensure your funnel is free of Facebook flags before running ads. Or at the least, after getting policy flags, make sure you have removed them from your main website before running new ads.

The average advertiser will not be able to read between the lines here and grok how Facebook’s philosophy applies to your funnel and your ads. I’ll help explain. For my essential guide to Facebook ad policies click here.

“We want to help ensure that the ads don’t detract from the overall experience across our technologies.”

Facebook says this but if you’ve noticed every time you log into the Meta Business Suite or Facebook Business Manager, Facebook harasses your eyes with a ton of bullshit pop ups every single time you open Ads Manager or your BM. So, yeah, the hypocrisy keeps happening. Let’s cover another common flag: Unusual Activity restrictions. 

Facebook Ad Account Restriction: Advertising restrictions for unusual activity

The “Unusual Activity” flag is confusing for many people because Facebook won’t give you context. But, TLDR – it’s usually a location or device IP address mixup. You’re traveling and log into Facebook business tools – Facebook will think you have been hacked.

So, word of advice: never log in to Facebook business tools while traveling. You know when I’m about to travel I call my bank and let them know so I’m not left holding the bag at the register with a rejected card transaction. Maybe someday Facebook will allow you to advise them of your travel plans to avoid this flag? Let’s hope so. 

For ad agencies spending $100K a year and up on Facebook ads:

We all know the Facebook ban bots are vicious but there IS a way to work with them and never get shut down. I know, because I’ve helped countless 7 and 8 figure ad agencies recover from Facebook bans or avoid them all together. But to do so, you have to get familiar with how Facebook automations decide to flag Facebook ads. Also, if you want a faster route to getting ads live, click here.

Facebook Ad Account Restriction: Discover New AI Policies

Facebook wants to use your posts to train AI. Here’s how to object.

PCWorld just provided some helpful info on the upcoming onslaught of forced AI tools and bots onto us.

On June 26, 2024 Facebook will change its privacy policy with regard to generative AI features such as Meta AI. From that point on, posts and photos from all users will be read by the AI to help train them and improve services such as the AI Creative Tool. Meta is currently providing information about this on Facebook.

Private messages will not be affected, only public texts and images. Nevertheless, many users may be skeptical about this new regulation due to data protection concerns or for personal reasons.

ad account restriction ai

In order to prevent your data from being used by Meta, you must expressly object. This can be done using a specific form that can be found on this Facebook help page. Select the middle option:

AI at Meta Data Subject Rights ad account restriction
Alright, back to avoiding a Facebook ad account restriction – I just wanted you to have this information because AI is like the hot new shit but people are not looking ahead to see how the current trajectory of artificial intelligence generative AIs will compromise privacy.

One of the mistakes advertisers make when it comes to advertising on Facebook, is to assume Facebook actually cares personally, about your ads or business, and will act or behave logically.

This is a false equivalent because of the degree all flagging and review of ad account restrictions are done by Facebook’s bots. If you don’t speak bot language, and the type of lexicon Facebook’s automations use in particular, you are essentially using a strategy of luck and guesses to ensure your money-maker – the ad account – is safe from Facebook bans.

Don’t risk your revenue with guesses. If you want an escape plan from Facebook Jail, I’m like Michael Scofield with the blueprints for a way out.

ad account restrictions
Just like my client Darryl CEO of King Memory found out, and shared on LinkedIn there are specific ways to work with Facebook policies without losing conversions or getting stuck in Facebook jail:

Facebook customer feedback
Trevor W. Goodchild verifiably reveals what key metrics matter when staying out of Facebook jail. This means better more profitable decisions when ad buying and running campaigns. Stop losing money from Facebook bans – Schedule your discovery call now

Facebook Ad Account Restriction: Your advertising access is restricted – what does it mean?

Here’s a missed concept by 100% of the businesses facing ad account restrictions: Learn how Facebook perceives ads this will help you reframe your ad copy and creative to be more compliant.

No, that doesn’t mean you can’t kick pain points or be negative sometimes to inspire FOMO, or the need for a solution to a problem, but it does mean considering Facebook ad policies first and then conversion elements for high converting Facebook ads.

For example, if your ads are making Facebook users feel bad and they leave Facebook for TikTok, Facebook loses more money than you do from a disabled ad account. Are your Facebook ads blocked? Schedule your discovery call today right here.

TLDR: If your Facebook ads are perceived as too sexual, too spammy, too clickbait-y, too misleading, too negative and Facebook users decide to get off Facebook, that’s a truckload of money you just took from Facebook.

Facebook will 😡 your ad now and remove it because you just lost them thousands of dollars because every single ad that Facebook user saw was paying Facebook money.

Now, let’s check out another Facebook ad policy violation that can put you in Facebook jail.

Facebook Ad Account Restriction: Why does Facebook say my advertising access is restricted?

The lack of transparency is what makes this frustrating, so I’ll help clarify a few details. With the big tech lay offs, Facebook is relying on automations now more than ever. So you’ll need to get familiar with what type of content Meta flags. Typically if your ads sound like they are unrealistic, and over promising results, you’ll get on the radar, or get flagged.

Facebook Ad Account Restriction: How do I unrestrict my Facebook ads?

Prevention is a lot easier than recovery. I won’t bullshit you with clickbait titles without substance – there’s enough of that online already when you google Facebook ad account restriction. So, I’ll just give it to you straight. You have 48 hours to appeal a disabled ad account by clicking “request review” HOWEVER you don’t want to just hit that button LIKE MOST PEOPLE DO because it is a precious chance to present your case to Meta to reinstate your account.

Instead you’ll want to narrow down the biggest flag in your funnel first, remove it, then appeal. I go into the risks of clicking request review in this video below:

It’s a lot easier to appeal a restriction if you know why you were restricted. Facebook not answering this question? Get your call with me today right here, I can help.

Facebook Ad Account Restriction: How to appeal advertising restrictions

When you ARE appealing, you’ll want to first audit your funnel, remove the highest risk flags, and then request a manual appeal but only if you understand just how to talk to Facebook ad support.

Whatever you do, don’t do this: mash buttons resubmitting a copy of the same rejected ad to Facebook. Or impulsively click “request review” without auditing your funnel for policy violations first. And I can help with that. Want a free discovery call to see if I can help get your Facebook ads live again? Schedule your call here.

Learn More

Clickbait flags are connected (but aren’t the same thing) as Unrealistic Claims. Circumventing Systems are connected to Unrealistic Claims (but aren’t the same) in both being header flags sometimes for unrelated ad policy violations.

MLM flags usually have to do with, although not exclusively, money. Talking about how much money you can make people online is a dangerous topic to approach given these MLM flags.

Do you want to spend 200 hours researching all the ways your ads could get flagged or would you rather just have instant answers within 60 minutes for exactly why your Facebook ads are getting flagged?

I’ve worked with celebrities, influencers, written for and consulted major social media publications and can help prevent you from getting the ban hammer.

It’s kinda ironic (thank you Alanis) but engineers at Facebook have reached out and asked me for help not getting banned with their ads from the very automations they created!!! To quote Clay Davis from The Wire….


Elon Musk engineers have also reached out to me for help. Want the same VIP treatment? Keep reading for more info:

Facebook Ad Account Restriction: Solution

I’ve worked at Facebook in ads, tech and project management, and my zone of genius is helping ad agencies get Facebook ads live again and preventing future shut downs.

Are you going to trust random articles online or someone like me, who has worked at Meta?

I’m trusted by high level brands that take accuracy and results seriously:

Facebook account restricted from advertising

I can show you how to resolve FB bans even if Facebook won’t, and solve issues like advertising access permanently restricted.

Schedule a call with me and learn how to stop the domino effect when Facebook starts banning your entire funnel after a simple ad rejection.

Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me.

Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision
My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to not know why Facebook is shutting you down? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends,
immediately secure an expert-level Facebook consulting call from someone at Facebook. Book a call with me now!

Facebook jail solution testimonial

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook