Looking for a solution to the Facebook ban, non-functional landing page? You’re in the right place – I’ve worked at Meta in ads and will be helping you solve this issue today.

Don’t miss out on new fixes for ad account restrictions here.

Table of Contents

How to fix: Landing page not working

Frequently, Facebook will not specify exactly why they rejected your ads, but simply say, “Your ad account is disabled for promoting ads that violate Advertising Policies.”

non-functional landing page

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Account-level enforcement for policy violations

The challenging part is that you have no idea exactly why you’ve gotten this message because it didn’t tell you which ad triggered the shutdown, what part of the ad was against ad policy, or was it in fact the landing page that the Facebook automations flagged?

For an in depth look at the top reasons why Facebook disables ad accountsclick here.

Non-Functional Landing Page: CTAs

Some landing pages are a simple image on the left, opt-in or CTA buy button in a box on the right. Other squeeze pages have a full scroll with the primary offer up top, testimonials and more ad copy below for 3 pages worth of words and images.

Other times, a squeeze page actually is avoided all together and advertisers send Facebook users to an entire website with hundreds of pages connected to the main landing page through drop down menu bars.

How in the world are you going to figure out which part of your landing page triggered the automations to shut you down?

I’ve spent years working at Facebook and in this blog I’ll discuss how to fix Facebook non functional landing pages.

Non-Functional Landing Page: Facebook Flags

While there are a thousand reasons why your landing page could trigger the Facebook automations to shut your ads down, today we’ll discuss just one of those reasons – when your landing page is deemed as non-functional by Facebook.

Find out how to fix Facebook non functional landing page. non-functional landing page

As you can see there are a lot of reasons why Facebook might mark your lander as non-functional. For my essential guide to Facebook ad policies click here.

If you’re sending Facebook users to a landing page that is just a PDF (perhaps with an email opt-in to access it) Facebook considers that landing page to not be working.

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Below I’ll outline the most common reasons why Facebook flags your ads for a non-functional landing page – and include a few surprising reasons – with tips on how to fix this:

Non-Functional Landing Page: Popup Plugins

While some plugins can help with lead acquisition, others can lead to Facebook bans, like certain pop up boxes.

PopUp  Boxes  

We love and hate them – the popup boxes meant to use people’s 3 second attention span against them, to rope in more leads or sales with a pattern interrupt popup box on a website’s landing page.

non-functional landing page Here is everything you need to know on Facebook ad landing page policy.

They are annoying af but do help increase conversions. Neil Patel does a great breakdown of one of the newest versions of popup boxes in his article here, but let’s get back to Facebook ad policies.

Ask yourself, if your lander has popup boxes if they fall under 1 of 3 categories:

•  Mid-scroll popup box
•  Full page popup box
•  Escape capture popup boxes

This first one is pretty common – you’re scrolling down the page, perhaps right at or below the fold you see a popup box just past halfway down the page.

Facebook is ok with these, they aren’t against ad policy.

But now, let’s look at the full page popup box – a newer style of popup that Neil Patel discusses in the article linked above. Are these ok with Facebook or will they trigger a non-functional landing page flag that shuts down your ads?

Non-Functional Landing Page: The Banned Type of Popup

Well, it depends. If there is no “X” visible to close the popup box or perhaps the popup box is so full screen it requires the Facebook user to zoom out to even see the “X” (on a Macbook for example, having to press command and the minus sign to zoom out to see it), you may get flagged.

That isn’t as common though.

BUT if you have the 3rd type of popup box, the escape capture that refuses to let you leave a landing page after you’ve clicked to close that tab or window Facebook hates these.

Non-Functional Landing Page: Popup Ban Fix

That will definitely be enough to shut your ads down and brand you with the non-functional landing page flag (or not even tell you this and just give you the generic your ads promo stuff against our ad policies flag).

So how do you fix this? Stick with mid-scroll popup boxes or full page popup boxes that have a visible “X” to close them.

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Non-Functional Landing Page: Ad Sense

Your conversions depend on Facebook users not clicking away. But if the color scheme doesn’t match the ad on your lander, it can cause people to click away and increase your bounce rate.  And there are Facebook policy issues here too.

Landing Pages That Don’t Match Facebook Ad

This one can be a surprising flag to get – if you’re even told specifically that this is why your Facebook ads are shut down. I’ve rarely seen people told this exact message, either it’s the non-functional landing page flag or just the generic shut down message.

This can happen for a couple of reasons. Or rather 3 reasons, and the 3rd is enough to get your entire profile banned from advertising. If you’re looking for the scoop on the top reasons that Facebook ads get rejected click here.

Your ad copy and creative are confusing and don’t match what’s on your landing page.

As mentioned above, what affects conversion rates can affect your Facebook compliance status as well. If your Facebook ad is let’s say, blue and red but your landing page has a different image and is orange and white?

Facebook users will feel this kind of unconscious uncomfortableness because they feel like they ended up on the wrong page after clicking on your CTA. For the most common Facebook ad policies explained click here.

You want to match the same color scheme and have the same image on your landing page that your Facebook ad has for conversion purposes.

But also, for Facebook ad policy purposes. Because if the landing page is so drastically different from the Facebook ad, then Facebook’s bots will give you the side eye and possibly flag you for a non-functional landing page.

Non-Functional Landing Page: Ad Sense Fix

How to fix this: make sure your landing page’s creative and color scheme matches your Facebook ad.

When Liana of Power Up Strategy hired me to audit her ads before they went live, she never got shut down again by Facebook’s bots. Want to stay protected? Schedule a discovery call here.

Non-Functional Landing Page: URLs

Now let’s discuss the website or URL you’ve entered into Ads Manager for the CTA button.

Display URLs Don’t Match Landing Page URLs

When you’re creating a Facebook ad, you gotta enter in the destination URL (if the Campaign Objective is “Traffic”) for where you’re sending Facebook users after they click on the CTA button.

You’ll also see an option for a display URL – this gets fucked up a lot when advertisers enter in a slightly different URL or a completely different URL.

Non-Functional Landing Page: Ugly URLs

If you have a really ugly-looking URL with lots of numbers combined with letters after your root domain .com/ you can shorten that to your homepage domain for the display URL.

BUT, if you enter an entirely different website URL for the display URL, you will get the flag for non-functional URL.

non-functional landing page If you want to learn how to fix facebook non functional landing page read this article now.

If these don’t match, you’ll definitely risk getting flagged for a non-functional URL.

How to fix: Make sure you either leave the display URL field blank, enter the same URL as your destination URL, or only put a small variation of your site’s homepage, in the URL address.

Non-Functional Landing Page: Dead Pages

Up next is how to address pages you may not even know about that are hurting you when Facebook’s ad policy bots scan your lander.

The 404 Factor

You’re feeling great, your CPCs are under a dollar, your conversion rates are super high and WHAM, Facebook shuts you down for having a non-functional URL and you’re like…FML. But…

Then you CHECK your website and everything is looking sweet. You click and go to your homepage it’s great. You go to the landing page and it’s great. So what gives?

If you have a landing page with a menu bar of links to other parts of your website – like a ton of different pages, and one of them doesn’t work or down for maintenance, you’ll get hit with this flag.

It’s just going to be a big ass trigger for the automations if one part of your website isn’t working.

Non-Functional Landing Page: Bot Triggers

The machines will see that one broken link and flag your entire ad for being fake or not legit. Because Facebook’s automations will basically look at your ad as leading to a 404 page that isn’t working, even if that page isn’t the one directly linked to your ad’s CTA.

So what should advertisers do to avoid getting hit with a non-functional landing page flag, and mistakenly labeled for having a not working website?

How to fix: make sure you check all your links on your website and fix any that give the 404 broken link warnings. A plugin many find useful is called “Link Checker” available for download for free in the WordPress plugin library.

Note: Link Checker can frequently mark active links as broken for a variety of reasons, you can go into the plugin’s menu on WordPress and mark links you know are working as active and Link Checker will un-cross them out on your site.

How To Get Social Proof on Facebook Ads

A lot of people running ads on Facebook want to use social proof but they can make a misstep when using Facebook Groups and Pages to do so. More on this coming up. 

Non-Functional Landing Page: IP

One of the most protected brand assets Meta has, is the IP or intellectual property of the Facebook logo and symbols. Up next you’ll find out why this can get you banned and how to avoid it when sidestepping the Non-Functional Landing Page ban on Facebook.

Directing People to a Facebook Group

It may seem like an irony, but you can’t really use a Facebook ad to advertise a Facebook Group – at least not on an external landing page.

You’re likely to get flagged for trying to use Facebook’s brand assets without written permission. Also, in a way, Facebook also views this is trying to circumvent ad policies.

Non-Functional Landing Page: Copyright Infringement

Copyright infringement, especially unique to how Facebook decides to enforce this and the method they use for both flagging and discerning what is a flag is a much more extensive conversation. That would be more appropriate on a consulting call.

Non-Functional Landing Page: IP Fix

How to fix: don’t try to run Traffic ads to a page promoting your Facebook Group.

Below, you’ll read more top level tips on fixing non-functional landing pages (or regular websites mis-flagged as such). 

Non-Functional Landing Page: The Blacklist

You don’t want to end up on the blacklist at Facebook, as they can coordinate invisible quarantines around you online. Coming up, I’ll help you find a solution if your website is blacklisted.

Your Website is Blocked / Blacklisted

Not mentioned in Facebook’s HelpCenter for this flag

This is one of the hardest ad policy issues to overcome because in a way it is a ban on your entire brand – but if your website is blacklisted by Facebook’s automations on Meta’s servers, you’ll also get this flag.

Which of course, won’t make any sense to you because your website is working just fine, so how is this a nonfunctional URL?

Non-Functional Landing Page: Circumventing Systems

As you may have read in my other articles like Common Facebook Ad Policy Violations [Explained] there are many header flags where the automations may display one flag for why your ad account is shut down, when in reality the flag that shut you down is completely different.

That can happen here as well.

Sometimes you may even get hit with the Circumventing Systems flag when the real flag is Non-Functional Landing Page. This makes it hard to decipher why you were banned and what to do to fix it.

You may be seeing an external flag that you have a non-functional URL but, you could be blacklisted if your competitors flag your ad’s website as spam. Or if Facebook users flagged it as spam.

Non-Functional Landing Page: Low Quality Images

You can get hit with an ad account restriction for the Non-Functional Landing Page flag if the images you use are blurry, or not HD enough for Facebook’s standards.

Or this can happen if you have been advertising products to a low quality landing page even on Shopify if the images used on Shopify are low quality.

How to fix: before you spin out on why Facebook has flagged you about a non-functional landing page, make sure your website is in good standing with Facebook. If you don’t know how to do that, I can help schedule a discovery call here.

Also, here’s my free guide on navigating Circumventing Systems flags:

Circumventing Systems Guide 2.0

Non-Functional Landing Page: Enter the Spiderverse

Non-Functional Landing Page

Hey it’s your neighborhood webslinger – internet web that is and I’ve got a friendly reminder about being in good standing with the Web of Trust:

Web of  Trust 

WOT Services is the developer of MyWOT (also known as WOT and Web of Trust), an online reputation and Internet safety service which shows indicators of trust about existing websites. The confidence level is based both on user ratings and on third-party malware, phishing, scam and spam blacklists.

The service also provides crowdsourced reviews, about to what extent websites are trustworthy, and respect user privacy, vendor reliability and child safety.

If your website is failing the Web of Trust’s standards you’re a lot more at risk for Facebook slapping the non-functional landing page flag on you.

Non-Functional Landing Page: WOT Fix

How to fix:make sure your website passes WOT standards. 

Don’t know what WOT is? Don’t know where to start? Here are some key factors to keep in mind to make your website trustworthy for Web of Trust standards and Facebook ad policies:

The Domain Resembles an Established Brand
Website Privacy Policy with Physical Address


If the URL of a website begins with “https” not “http,” it means it has passed an “SSL Certificate” (the “s” is for “secure”) — a validation that as your data passes from your browser to the website’s server, it’s secure.

However, there are levels of validation some of which are easy to crack. Domain Validation (DV), the lowest level of validation, just confirms that an organization owns a domain, and as such, requested a certificate.

It has nothing to do with its legitimacy.

Extended Validation (EV), on the other hand, offers the highest, safest, and most extensive validation level. Here the company requesting the cert has to prove their identity and that their business is legit. There used to be a green bar with a lock icon displaying this but that’s changed as Namecheap explains here.

So, make sure your landing page starts with “https” and that will help. Are your Facebook ads blocked? Click here for expert guidance

Non-Functional Landing Page: Fake Brand Pages

Will the real Slim Shady please stand up, please stand up, please stand up?

slim shady non-functional landing page
No one likes an imitator when the real article is available – well neither does Facebook. If you are trying to create knock off pages mimicking bigger brands you’re in for some trouble:

The Domain Resembles an Established Brand

Cybercriminals may create phishing sites that convincingly impersonate an existing websites (say the attacker uses the domain amaz0n.com, buys a DV certificate, and designs it to look exactly like amazon.com) to trick people into logging in or buying something using a variety of methods such as phishing emails.

I see that shit all the time, often in the form of “invoice” emails with fake bills for things I never purchased. Just today I got a snail mail letter about:

Facebook ad landing page policy is one of the most important thing you should know about
WOT advises to always check the domain of a site, type the intended domain name into your browser yourself, and don’t click links in emails you receive from your bank or other online vendor.

On Facebook’s side, if they see your landing page has pretend name brand characters in it like amaz0n.com or you’re trying to misappropriate Facebook’s own brand assets they’ll hit you with the non-functional landing flag.

Or even a copyright infringement flag if the automations mistake your almost-brand name URL for the real one. Jeeze! Wouldn’t it be ironic? So, yeah, don’t do that. 

Website Privacy Policy with Physical Address

I can’t count the times even major companies I’ve worked with don’t have a proper privacy policy Facebook will approve on their landing page. Your landing page has to have a Privacy Policy with a physical address or you’ll be hit with the non-functional landing page Facebook flag.

And other flags.

Think about all the Shopify sales pages with knock-offs or stolen goods – or sometimes there are even fake landing pages from clickbait farms running ads on Facebook.

They do not have privacy policies. You don’t want to be grouped in with them if you want to run Facebook ads without getting shut down.

How to fix: make sure every landing page you send traffic to from Facebook ads has a privacy policy with a physical address. 

How the Facebook Ad Review Process Works

You may be wondering, “Trevor, you’ve worked at Meta, can you explain what’s going on after I submit an ad to a lander?”

Facebook has 24 hours to get back to with a rejection or approval for Facebook ads. The Facebook bots will assess each of your ad assets in your Facebook funnel (ad account, business manager, page etc) and the history of bans, or ad rejections before answering.

Given that this process is automated for 95% of the ads submitted, understanding what the machines flag for, how they flag and how to stay compliant with style of scanning the automations do is key to staying out of Facebook jail.

Was this helpful?

I hope you’ve found this article helpful for fixing Non-functional landing page flags – if you want the VIP experience from someone who has worked at Facebook, to help you not lose time and money from Facebook bans and restricted ad accounts – keep reading. 

New Solution to Non-Functional Landing Page Flags

Ad agencies: tired of getting the silent treatment from Facebook when all you want to do is get your Facebook ads live and revenue in the door?

I’m a Facebook ad policy specialist who worked at Facebook and I’m trusted by high level brands that take accuracy and results seriously.

Facebook account restricted from advertising

I can show you how to resolve FB bans even if Facebook ad support is useless to resolve ad account restrictions.

Don’t lose any more money from Facebook bans and schedule your call with me now.

Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me:

 your access can't be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

It shouldn’t be a mystery on what to do to recover from a ban. I strive for customer satisfaction, being a business owner myself.

Facebook Policy
My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to have a disabled Facebook ad account? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends, immediately secure expert-level Facebook consulting. Book a call with me now!

Facebook jail solution testimonial

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

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Ad Account Restricted Facebook FAQ

Facebook ad account disabled FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to fix ad account disabled on facebook

Your first step should always be to stop active ads running with the same copy as the rejected ad, then audit your funnel for flags, and appeal using the strategy outlined in the appeal section of the FAQs

2. How to enable my disabled facebook ad account

If you have a spare ad account in your Facebook Business Manager that you can run ads from, feel free to. BUT, identify the micro and major flags FIRST, so as not to repeat the same mistake. 

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3. How to appeal a disabled facebook ad account

As far as how to appeal a disabled Facebook ad account, you’ll get 48 hours to make your appeal. The best strategy is to communicate to Meta | Facebook that:

A. You understand WHY you were banned.
B. You are committed to following the policies from here on out.
C. You have identified and REMOVED the offending content from your funnel.

You can also get some top tips on facebook ad policy in this complimentary eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

4. how to get disabled ad account up and running

Depending on how long your ad account was disabled, sometimes, if your appeal is written correctly, the appeal itself CAN potentially get you reactivated, if you understand to communicate with Facebook ad support correctly. 

5. How Many Policy Violations Before Account is Shut Down?

Typically, it’s a 1 to 10 ratio. For every single rejected ad that you get, you’ll want 10 Facebook ads that are approved. After a pattern of behavior is established by machine learning, from Meta’s automations, you may spiral rapidly into Facebook jail if your ratios aren’t correct. 3 consecutive ads getting rejected risks your ad account getting disabled. But, it also depends on how severe the ban is. 

And, if this still all seems too confusing, your clients are yelling at you to get ads live to bring in money, simply schedule a complimentary Facebook discovery call here

6. How to remove restriction on facebook ad account

As far as removing a restriction on a Facebook ad account, if we’re talking about a disabled ad account, well, you can rehabilitate your funnel and then appeal, possibly getting it reactivated if you do this SMART (I have methods that work if you’re in the appeal window). But as far as removing a restriction from Facebook ads, see the previous FAQ answer: you need to get in a positive approval-cycle ratio.

7. how long does facebook take to review restricted ad account

Now, ask yourself, is it an election year? Have there been over 20,000 Meta employees laid off? Did you word your appeal using specific language Facebook ad support can and will respond better to? These are the factors in play. Typically, you get an answer within a week. If you have a more severe ban or are in the special ad categories, you may get an answer faster but it won’t be one you like. Severe bans end up as permanent restrictions and they deliver that ban hammer faster than other lighter Facebook ad policy restrictions. 

8. how to fix your access can’t be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

In a situation like this, your recovery options depend on what is banned:

a) Facebook Ad Account
b) Facebook Business Page
c) Facebook Business Manager
d) Facebook profile

So, each one may have a different recovery option, depending on your situation, and type of ban it is, as well as your particular niche or business’s vertical, and the health of the accounts before the ban. Want to get a pathway to get Facebook ads live? Schedule your complimentary discovery call here.

9. How To Get Your Disabled Facebook Ad Account Back 

First, let me also address the elephant in the room: personal and emotional attachments to disabled ad accounts. I’ve worked with tons of Fortune 500 level companies, and the amount of hair pulling and FML-ing over ONE ad account being disabled, is incredible. Sometimes, it’s faster, and cheaper, to just start a new ad account, and relaunch, rather than recover a tainted asset.

That being said, the same answer applies here to the instructions above, for appeals

10. How to unblock your Facebook ad account

Now, unblocking an ad account, may be possible if you get in fast enough with the right kind of messaging to Facebook ad support. While they are the gatekeepers, and don’t have any real power, they CAN talk to the right folks who, if you word your appeal right, can unblock your Facebook ad account. And of course, if you need next-level assistance, I’m always available to chat and see if it’s a good fit here.