How to Recover a Permanently Disabled Ad Account

Looking for how to recover a permanently disabled ad account? You’re in the right place!

permanently disabled ad account

Why My Facebook Ad Account is Disabled? 

(And what NOT  to do)

The ugly truth about permanently disabled ad accounts is that a human didn’t turn your ads off, it was a machine. Are you asking “How can I Recover permanently disabled ad account?” If you’ve got a permanently disabled ad account on Facebook, typically Facebook won’t give you a straight answer and…

It’s a nightmare.

What’s even worse is hiring randos promising to recover your permanently disabled ad account.

Who don’t deliver.

Or try to steal your identity, your money then disappear and then you’ll never recover your permanently disabled ad account.

No worries, I can help!

I’ve worked at Facebook for years in ads, tech & project management and can offer insight if you’re trying to recover a permanently disabled ad account on Facebook to run ads again.

This article will guide you through the steps to take if you’re wondering how to recover a permanently disabled ad account on Facebook and Meta hasn’t helped.

For the top reasons why Facebook disables your ad account click here.

Over time, the automations add up the amount of ad account restrictions your Business Manager has and make a decision on whether or not you should be allowed to continue running ads.
That was the case for my client Jack Randall. Jack is a social media marketer that kept getting shut down by Facebook until we worked together.

Trevor helped me successfully diagnose exactly why my ad account was disabled, and helped me frame out a plan to move forward.

Want the same premier level treatment and stop guessing when it comes to protecting your money-making ad assets? Book a free discovery call here.

Diagnose The Problem: Permanently Disabled Ad Account

permanently disabled ad account

Before You Begin:

• Make sure to screenshot any rejected Facebook ads
• Inform those in the Business Manager to pause any actions
• Document the emails from Facebook & screenshot notifications

It may seem small, but if you ever do work with an expert on Facebook ad policy like me, whose worked at Meta, having this data will improve your chances of recovering a permanently disabled ad account on Facebook. 

Permanently Disabled Ad Account: The Red Flags

It’s no secret Facebook has many automations running at the same time – these are the automations that shut you down dropping the ban hammer leading to a permanently disabled ad account.

A series of rejections on the back end may not be visible to you at first. You’ll get a number of red flags that hurt your ad account quality.

The challenging part is Facebook doesn’t let you know ahead of time how close you are to a complete ban but does tally up how many times you’ve come close to getting rejected, even if your ads stayed active. Trying to recover a permanently disabled ad account on facebook isn’t something many can do. When your ads stop it’s challenging to find a path forward.

Are your ad accounts fine but your Facebook ads are rejected? Read Facebook Ads Blocked Here’s What You Can Do 

Red Flag: You Violated Facebook Advertising Policies

Facebook’s advertising policies are programmed into their machines but very seldom is an actual human pressing a button that shuts you down. Once your red flags reach a certain threshold, another automation determines that you are a bad actor, and then you find yourself with a permanently disabled ad account.

This means that your entire presence on Facebook as an advertiser is now being questioned – as is whether or not Facebook should allow you to ever advertise again.

How To Protect Your Facebook Ads Account

Rejected Facebook Ads

There are many types of bans – you can have your Facebook ads rejected. This is the entry-level ban – not an actual ban yet.

Although, if you demonstrate to Facebook through a series of ads rejected that you do not know the Facebook ad policies they will then move to disable your ad account. If you’re trying to recover a permanently disabled ad account on Facebook to run ads again, having multiple rejections beforehand adds an extra hurdle.

Disabled Facebook Ad Account

permanently disabled ad account

When you reach the next level of banning, and your Facebook ad account gets disabled, this means you can’t use that ad account to generate ads through the Ads Manager anymore.

But, if you’ve audited your marketing funnel you’re running Facebook ads for, removed the content that triggered the automations and then create a new ad account – you may be ok to try to recover a permanently disabled ad account.

If your new ad account has compliant ads Facebook will often leave you alone and not flag anymore.

Business Manager Disabled:

If however, you just keep running ads with the same flags, Facebook may disable your Business Manager. Which means you can’t use any ad account in your Business Manager anymore, or any Page that this Business Manager / Business Suite owned.

Restricted Facebook Profile:

After a certain amount of rejections of ads, disabled ad accounts and Business Managers, Facebook may restrict your profile from advertising. That’s the one key to many doors. Meaning, you can’t create new ads at all from that personal Profile, all triggered from a permanently disabled ad account.

Trying to recover a permanently disabled ad account on facebook won’t really help if your profile is restricted from advertising.

For the most common Facebook ad policies explained click here.

Get to know your business better

The way your business is policed by Facebook will depend on the KIND of biz you run. Certain types of companies, like real estate, are higher risk for getting a permanently disabled ad account. When and if you DO get a permanently disabled ad account, the official channels for contacting Facebook ad support are through your Business Manager or the Business Center, opening up a Facebook Messenger Chat with an agent.

permanently disabled ad account

But to be honest, the success rate is less than 5% of the time. Most Facebook ad support agents aren’t fluent in English and won’t understand 90% of what you say if you’re asking them for help trying to recover a permanently disabled ad account.

They will often give advice off of random guesses which has resulted in many advertisers getting completely banned. Also, these Facebook ad support agents, in addition to not being very intelligent in marketing, do not know Facebook ad policies at all if you’re chatting them trying to recover Facebook accounts to run ads again.

If you need a more VIP level of support you can see if you can get on my calendar as I’ve worked in ads, tech and project management at Facebook.

In a rush and need priority consideration? Prebook your call here.

I don’t work with everyone, but I have successfully solved many ad agencies’ issues when they were dealing with a permanently disabled ad account.

Hacked? Read This Important Note

If you are not hacked, feel free to skip ahead to the”FAQ” for Frequently Asked Questions

permanently disabled ad account

Recently there has been a slew of imposter Instagram Accounts, hacked Facebook profiles, hacked Business Facebook Pages, and more. (Read the section titled “Protecting People From Fraud or Scams” on How to Navigate Facebook’s Policies As A Business.)

If you google #facebookdisabledme there are thousands upon thousands of regular Facebook users – not even advertisers – who have been disabled because they broke the Community Standards and have a feature taken away or a copyright strike. Or, they got hacked and Facebook refused to restore access to their profile after they were hacked.

Part of the reason why regular Facebook users who don’t advertise don’t have a line of dedicated support teams that will help is because they haven’t paid for FB ads and gained access to Facebook ad support. You have to pay to play. That’s how it goes.

But, even if you are an advertiser, and have paid for ads, and have access to Facebook ad support chats, that doesn’t mean they can somehow just transform into a cybersecurity expert to help you after you were hacked – because that has nothing to do with ad policies if you’re trying to recover Facebook accounts to run ads again.

It is definitely a sucky position to be in when you’ve been hacked. A lot of time is wasted when a Facebook advertiser or regular Facebook user blames Facebook for their own actions of clicking on the wrong pop up, opening a fake email, or having a poorly made unsecure password.

Or let’s be honest – you may have just been randomly targeted by super hacker. If you’ve been hacked, don’t expect Facebook to help.

Because Facebook isn’t going to hack into your computer to remove the malware allowing a hacker to access your Facebook profile or business page.

I’m a Facebook ad policy specialist – and do have a strategy that has worked successfully with more than one client trying to recover Facebook accounts to run ads again. Schedule a free discovery call here.

permanently disabled ad account

Why is Facebook Not Willing to Help Hacked Facebook Users?

Facebook doesn’t allow compromised accounts onto their platform. It’s a risk to everyone else. Being hacked has nothing to do with Facebook’s ad policies or the Community Standards that regulate non ad content on the Facebook Newsfeed. Keeping a hacked account off of Facebook to protect other Facebook users is basic computer security.

Asking Facebook for help with your own computer being hacked is like asking Facebook to raise your credit score. It is unrealistic to expect Facebook to hire a cybersecurity firm for you. (I know a trustworthy one if you need a reference).

And so, asking Facebook to help you because you let malware infect your computer, or your password was hacked on the dark web is like going to Walmart and asking for a refund for something you bought at Target or JC Penny’s.

Discovering what specifically was hacked, and silo-ing new accounts is going to be the best pathway for you.

If you’re trying to recover from a permanently disabled ad account on Facebook and your main goal is to run ads again to get revenue coming in the door – that I can help with. Schedule a discovery call here

Get Down to Brass Tacks on Being Hacked on FB 

Remember, Facebook isn’t a public school or government office – there are no inalienable rights guaranteed like it’s from the constitution. It’s a private company, IG and FB are private websites. They can do what they want. Which is why I always encourage content creators (I am one myself with my YouTube podcast) to make sure to get email addresses of their audience and get their audience off the platform.

It isn’t Facebook’s fault your old profile was hacked. You have to look at it in a “what’s in it for them” approach just like you would any client avatar when writing copy that you want to convert into sales. Facebook has no interest in helping someone who is just pissed off their IG page is down.

But, if you demonstrate your understanding of the policies, a commitment to following them, and specific actions you’ve taken to ensure your computer is free from hackers – then that 0% chance you are at right now of getting your account back may turn into a 2-3% chance you get it back.

And moving forward, you’ll want to make sure your site has cybersecurity protection year round, or at the very least if your website is WordPress, free plugins like WordFence can help protect you from hackers.

BUT – if you need to restart again after a complete ban or shut down, there are a few tips I have for you, if your goal is to get revenue from your Facebook ads again, like I said above, that I can help with.

Frequently Asked Questions

Next up, I’ll cover some frequently asked questions.


permanently disabled ad account FAQ


Facebook’s automations flag based on machine logic and pattern behavior, usually if you get shut down out of nowhere it’s because you’ve done a series of smaller Facebook ad policy violations that added up to a threshold.


No, most of the time, unless you’re a special ad category, machines review and decide the fate of almost all Facebook ads.


Facebook Business Pages get restricted from violations in the Community Standards – that regulate normal FB users, not running ads on Facebook. But, also, if you are running a business model that isn’t approved on Facebook, they’ll take down your Page as well. There are many more reasons, like suspected hacking, imposter accounts reporting yours as fake etc.


It depends on the type of ban, the severity and your personal history with rejections over the past 90 days. If it is a lighter ban, it’s possible to get new ads up again within a few weeks to a month if you have the right guidance.


No, they do not. They are trained to get you to buy more FB products and beta test new products out, and read scripts. 


When I worked in the advertising department at Facebook, it was a regular thing, but now, it’s much much higher due to new automations for flagging content, upcoming election years, and the proliferation of spammers in 3rd world countries. 


Like many things, it is a case-by-case basis. I’ve helped advertisers recover permanently restricted accounts, because it was within a specific time window and we got them back up. Others, had to adopt an alternative – yet still successful – strategy.


If you’re doing it by yourself, it could be a few weeks to forever, to never. If you’re working with me, I’ve seen results within 48 hours, to 3 or 4 days, depending on the type of business, and the type of ban, and if I accept you as a customer and feel you have a chance with an appeal. If so, I have an appeal service, if you qualify. 


After Cambridge Analytica ( I was working at Facebook in ads then), Facebook was sued in 2018 by Fair Housing Advocates from a Washington, D.C.-based national fair housing group, because they felt the ability to target Facebook users by income and zipcode was unfair – ignoring the result of removed targeting parameters resulting in people in trailer parks seeing ads for mansions and just being pissed off because of a mismatch between the audience and the product.

As a result, the Special Ads Category was established regulating credit, employment, real estate | housing ads, social issues, elections or politics. What the news didn’t tell you is Mark Zuckerberg fired hundreds of employees settling for $4 million outside of court.

This had a trickle down effect on the globe, with hundreds of somewhat competent Facebook workers fired, Meta outsourced labor to 3rd worlds and cheap call centers with barely trained employees that have 0 understanding about computers, social media, let alone Facebook. This resulted in hundreds of thousands honest advertisers being unable to feed their families after Facebook Ad Support turned into a sweat shop, with these contract workers unable to answer simple questions and answering them incorrectly, leading to more permanently disabled accounts, businesses losing money unable to get ads active after a simple mistake that got them banned. Thanks Fair Housing advocates! You did a great job of looking out for the people!


The FB Page feedback score, related to the original Relevancy Score (how I miss those days) determines if Meta feels that Facebook users are responding positively to your ads. If you have a score lower than 1, Facebook restricts your Facebook Business Page from advertising.

Real Talk

Real Talk Facebook Policy

Many advertisers think they can ignore the Facebook ad policies but really, you want to be on Facebook’s good side as it’s still a private website and they can kick you off whenever they feel like it.

This makes it a lot harder to recover facebook ad accounts.

Want to make sure your landing page doesn’t get flagged by Facebook? Click here.

One of the challenges you face as an advertiser is Facebook’s total lack of transparency for how their automations actually work in real life.

Most who work at Facebook don’t understand what it means to run a business and have that business shut down because of rando automations.

The engineers at Facebook – who I’ve worked with – that create these automations are not business people. They are often ignorant of the reality of how these automations work outside a sandbox environment.

In reality, these automations often glitch out approving ads that should be rejected giving you a false baseline to base your future ads off of.

The result is hundreds of thousands of advertisers with no understanding of the ad policies, enforced by machines, because these machines are defective much of the time in how they misread context.

Or mistake an idiom for a literal word and flag you for something you didn’t even say but perhaps made a metaphor or simile about and then disable Facebook ad accounts.

For my essential guide to Facebook ad policies click here.

Permanently Disabled Ad Account: Tips

I recommend a three-part approach to your Facebook advertising strategy:

  • Brand Awareness: get your audience familiar with your brand
  • Review Compliance: Get funnels FB compliant before new ads   
  • Retarget & Close: Retarget warm leads & land new customers

I’ve found that when you focus on building familiarity with your brand first over just making money, you increase the CTV – the lifetime value of your customers.

And focusing on providing value first, you sound less spammy to Facebook. Integrating a Facebook compliance check before ads go live shifts from just a conversions-only strategy, to a brand development long term approach.

Let’s face it – you can’t build brand loyalty if you keep getting your ads shut down by Facebook right? Just having tunnel vision on recovering facebook ad accounts won’t solve for lacking a bigger picture view of your marketing strategy.

Shifting the focus to providing value before asking for sales ups the quality of your leads but at the same time it makes becoming compliant with Facebook ad policies easier and reduces the risk of getting a permanently disabled ad account.

I offer pre-screen services in my consulting audits to ensure your ads are not at risk for FB bans here.

Facebook Permanently Disabled Ad Account Reasons

1. Spam Ads: Facebook wants to avoid spamming users, so you can’t create ads that sound unrealistic. When you overpromise a result or sound like clickbait especially when you have a new ad account, Facebook will shut you down ASAP.

I advise you to sound realistic in your ad copy and when scaling ads, up your daily budget up by less than 5%-15% until you’ve reached your advertising goals. 

2. Logging in from Different IP Addresses: Facebook can mark you as a spammer or identity thief or online fraud if you log in from multiple IP addresses. If you login to your Ads Manager using a different device, Facebook may consider this suspicious if it’s done too often and disable Facebook ad accounts.

I recommend that you only use one device and don’t outsource ad creation to the Philippines or other 3rd world countries. If you absolutely need to login somewhere else, try using your smart phone. 

3. See Who’s On Your Business Manager: If any user in your Business Manager and ad account gets their personal ad account banned, you can lose your ad account by association. 

4. Missed Payments: If your bank rejects Facebook ad charges Facebook can ban you from advertising, restricting your profile.

I suggest using Gmail to label the email addresses ad charges from Facebook come from to make sure you always pay your FB ad charges on time. And of course make sure you have a credit card on file, or PayPal. 

5. Low Quality Landing pages: Facebook doesn’t like nearly blank landing pages that users land on from your ads. Or if your landing page looks really spammy that will raise flags too.  

Make sure you have a privacy policy, and high quality graphics – any blurred images will be flagged as well. 

6. Check Credit Card History: Facebook uses payment methods to recognize previous offenders so if someone else on your Business Manager got banned using the same credit card, you’ll get flagged too.

If you’ve been banned in the past, use a new payment method for your next ad account.

But the caveat here is you need to know why you got banned before adding new CCs, what specific ad copy, ad creative or lander element shut you down.

New credit card #s won’t stop Facebook from banning you for repeating the same mistakes – new ads need to have compliant ad copy.

7. Asking for confidential Facebook advertising info in lead ads: Make sure you aren’t asking for sensitive info in your lead ads.

Several insurance agencies I’ve worked with tried to ask for personal info that wasn’t not allowed and resulted in their ads getting shut down before they contacted me. 

8. Choosing the Wrong Ad Appeal Option After Not Following Facebook’s guidelines

Make sure your ads follow the guidelines:

My video, How To Recover A Disabled Facebook Ad Account In 2024 goes over the common mistakes Facebook advertisers make when trying to appeal and recover disabled Facebook ad accounts.

Permanently Disabled Ad Account: Background Policies

Facebook Advertising Policies (summary) Facebook may ban your ads for the following reasons:

  • Personal attributes: Be careful not calling out Facebook uses with negative personal attribute
  • Facebook Brand: Using Facebook’s brand name violates their brand assets policy 
  • Restricted ad banned words: Using AI screening, Facebook is able to detect, flag down and restrict any ads that contain banned keywords on sensitive subjects. This includes topics like fat-loss, anti-aging, and how to start a business verticals. 
  • Covid-19 Vaccine: Any ad that discourages the users from taking covid-19 vaccines will be rejected.
  • Before-and-after images: This usually seen in the fitness and dieting industry – the images with a line down the center, before on the left after on the right. These will get your ad rejected. 
  • Low Quality Content: Facebook will disable your account if your ads have poor quality. Whether it’s bad grammar, low image quality or blurry pictures – this shows Facebook your shopify page or Facebook ad is spammy. 
  • Targeting: If you’re targeting an audience with any adult product like alcohol, lottery, gambling, etc make sure your ads and Facebook Page are gated to 21 years old and up as well as following applicable terms.  
  • Lead ads: You cannot request sensitive information such as account numbers, health information and religion as #7 covered above. 
  • Restricted Content: Be sure to check your regional guidelines on any subjects that are controlled by the state such as alcohol, casinos, tobacco products etc. Certain ad categories need a letter of approval to be reviewed by Facebook before your ad goes live. 

9. Ads That WERE Compliant Aren’t Now: If your ad has been running for a long time and you’re wondering why it suddenly gets disapproved, the following reasons could be why: 

  • Ad Fatigue: It’s possible that Facebook users have flagged your ad because they’ve seen it too many times – you needed to change up your creative and ad copy.
  • Negative User feedback: If Facebook users find your ad too negative, they may flag it to Facebook. 
  • Automations Rescanned Your Ads:  Often automations mistakenly approve ads that should have been shut down, on a rescan they find this out and automatically shut you down. 
  • Changes in Facebook’s Ad Policies. Facebook will change their ad policies almost once every quarter so what was approved in Q1 isn’t now, but Facebook will blame you for not being in compliance even if your ad used to be. 
  • 3rd Party Software: Facebook lets 3rd part apps access their API – but this is mainly to steal their software builds to reverse engineer a Facebook version of it, to be released later on.


    Facebook doesn’t really like 3rd party apps integrated in their API and will randomly disabled your ad account for letting a 3rd party app have access.

How Do I Recover A Permanently Disabled Ad Account?

For a run through on contacting Facebook Ad Support check out my blog Top Reasons Why Facebook Disabled Ad Accounts and scroll halfway down.

To be honest, your chances are slim-to-none of recovering a disabled Facebook ad account. That’s because 9 out 10 times it’s been disabled because you did something that actually does go against Facebook ad policies. BUT I have successfully recovered Facebook Business Pages that were deleted from clients like Amazon Reality TV Show Star Juanita Ingram.

permanently disabled ad account

And I have been successful helping clients recover Facebook accounts to run ads again. It’s a case by case basis.

Facebook after banning you often won’t tell you, but I can. Schedule a free discovery call here.

Unpopular Opinion About A Permanently Disabled Ad Account

Let go of the fact that your ad account was disabled. Stop trying to recover a tainted asset.

Focus on creating a new ad account with compliant ads and funnels. Make sure your website has all content the automations flagged removed. And replace that with compliant ad copy, ad creative, and compliant landers.

You ever had an ad under perform then try to jack up the budget to see if that helped? Often it doesn’t. And because the learning phase completed, Facebook’s algorithm is trained to deliver your ad the same way.

Many times you need to create a new Campaign, not just duplicate the same ad in order to give your new ads the chance to get recalibrated in the Newsfeed and win those ad auctions right?

The automations that flag you operate kinda the same. How you ask?

Well, in the sense that if your ad account has X amount of strikes on it, Facebook will passive aggressively slow the distribution of ads run through it because Facebook has judged it as a tainted asset.

Something already black marked by Facebook shouldn’t be so high-pri for your to recover.

Permanently Disabled Ad Account Strategy

You’ll have a much higher success rate starting with compliant ads in a new ad account, just like you would with an underperforming ad you over-split-tested til it was dead. Just saying.

In some cases, if I audit your funnel and discover the ad account was flagged incorrectly or Facebook over reacted and you don’t have a long history of ad rejections in it – then it is worth recovering. Also, it depends on the time frame, as far as your chance of success if you’re trying to recover Facebook accounts.

Just make sure to remember that when you’re stressing about trying to recover a disabled Facebook ad account. Let’s talk about starting fresh with a new ad account now.

Permanently Disabled Ad Account: Make an ad account active

Creating a new ad account in your Business Manager is fairly easy – just keep in mind if you don’t know why you were shut down don’t do this as it defeats the purpose if you run the same type of ads with the same flags that shut you down before!

That being said, here are the steps in creating a new ad account in your Business Manager:

Navigate to your Business Settings of Business Manager (

permanently disabled ad account

Then, in Business Manager Settings navigate on the left to Ad Accounts:

Facebook ads policy violation
After that select “Add an Ad Account:”

disabled facebook ad account
Once you’ve done that make sure to assign yourself the Admin role to have complete control over the ad account you’ve just now created:

Restricted Facebook Ad Account Because of Payment


Permanently Disabled Ad Account How to Request a Review What Not to Do

If you do know what part of your funnel triggered the automations to shut you down and disable your Facebook ad account then you may be able to make a convincing case with Facebook ad support – if you use the right phrasing – to get it reactivated.

Keep in mind 3 out of 4 times you won’t get it back.

Here are some top tips when requesting a review of your disabled ad account:

• Come prepared when chatting in to Facebook Ad Support:
• By knowing exactly why you were shut down
• Be polite – these people get yelled at a lot
• Understand they are the gatekeepers with no real power
• Be realistic – don’t expect to recover your ad account
• Request a manual review if you know 100% you are compliant
• Get your funnel compliant before chatting in

This can help if you’re trying to recover Facebook accounts to run ads again. 

Biggest Risk in Recovering Disabled Facebook Ad Accounts

Personal attachment can be a bitch and make you do crazy things.

Remember when I went off on a rant earlier about how foolish it is to be so determined to recover a disabled ad account?

Let’s talk about What Not To Do:

It’s just 1 major rule: Don’t risk the integrity of your Business Manager, and Profile trusting sketch folks to recover disabled Facebook ad account you own.

There are a lot of scam artists that will fake promise they can recover your disabled Facebook ad account. Just look at some of the comments on YouTube videos about this topic.

They typically charge anywhere from $60 to thousands with giant promises they can recover your disabled Facebook ad account.

permanently disabled ad account

A lot of YouTubers who make Facebook ad videos just leave these comments – letting their viewers get scammed, losing money and fucked over. I do my best on my own YouTube channel to delete these identity-theft motherfuckers:

permanently disabled ad account

These are fucking fraudsters, often from Malaysia, Mumbai, Bangladesh, Vietnam and the Philippines.They discovered they can prey on the desperation of advertisers just like you.

This personal attachment to a tainted asset often gets Facebook marketers, business owners and ad agencies in HUGE trouble.

Because sometimes they’ll ask for your log in password to Facebook – now they use this to hack other people’s account and signal to Facebook that your Profile is trash now.

Then what happens?

Facebook disables your Profile from advertising. Blocks your IP address. Puts you on a watch list. And you lose money, don’t get your ad account back AND can’t advertise AT ALL now.

This obsession with recovering your disabled Facebook ad account has got to stop.

As long as learn why your ad account was disabled by Facebook’s machines and don’t repeat those mistakes in new adsrelaunching a new ad account is 10 times safer.

The exception to this is if you’re working with me, it’s been less than a week since your ad account was disabled, and it wasn’t like, a big policy strike. Something minor, a glitch, or Facebook should have just rejected your ads instead of disabling your ad account. Which can be frustrating if you’re trying to recover Facebook accounts to run ads again.

In those situations, if you’re working with someone like me, who has launched projects at Facebook that Mark Zuckerberg himself announced – sure, we can try to recover disabled Facebook ad account.

The biggest take away here is to not be soooo attached to a disabled ad account, not trust those 3rd world country fraudsters, to learn from the Facebook ban hammer what not to do, and a good framework I can teach you for running compliant ads going forward.

That has 1000% ROI for your time, money, and energy than desperately trying to recover a disabled Facebook ad account.

You want your Facebook ads live and running right? Focus on what has a higher return. Want a guarantee that your Facebook ads will be approved and that if you’re permanently restricted you have a path to getting Facebook ads active, and bringing in money? Keep reading.

Permanently Disabled Ad Account New Solution

Ad agencies: tired of getting the silent treatment from Facebook when all you want to do is get your Facebook ads live and revenue in the door?

I’m a Facebook ad policy specialist who worked at Facebook and I’m trusted by high level brands that take accuracy and results seriously.

Facebook account restricted from advertising

I can show you how to resolve FB bans even if Facebook ad support is useless to resolve ad account restrictions.

Don’t lose any more money from Facebook bans and schedule your call with me now.

Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me:

 your access can't be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

It shouldn’t be a mystery on what to do to recover from a ban. I strive for customer satisfaction, being a business owner myself.

Facebook Policy
My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to have a disabled Facebook ad account? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends, immediately secure expert-level Facebook consulting. Book a call with me now!

Facebook jail solution testimonial

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook


  1. Sander

    Hi, a while ago (2021) i did dropshipping and got my personal ad profile blocked. now i have some brands with 1 day shipping and cant advertise on facebook how i want it. before shedule a call. when it turns out im egible for the audit and you can get my ad pofile back, what are the costs of that?


    • Trevor W. Goodchild

      The best next step is to set up a Facebook Discovery Call – this is a check if you are a spammer as well, since most who are serious about getting help with a permanently disabled ad account will book a short no-cost discovery call:

      This is for everyone’s safety

  2. Justine Ita

    Please I’ll be so glad if my facebook is been reactivated thank you.

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