Is Facebook banning your ads or ad accounts and making you google how to advertise content unrestricted on Facebook?

Your ad account could be the next victim of Facebook’s terminator ad policy bots.

I saw a lot of this when I worked in advertising at Facebook and my last blog covers it too.

Have you missed out on sales because of an ad ban or an ineffective marketing strategy? You may also enjoy a breakdown of ad objectives included later i this article. 

The way Meta has set flagging up for ads is very reliant on automations.

Table of Contents

How to Advertise Content Unrestricted:

About advertising restrictions

The way Facebook or Meta as they like to be called has Facebook set up, a series of robots make decisions on whether or not you can feed your family with the profits of ads.
A lot of this has to do with staffing issues Meta has faced, and outsourcing to other countries for ad support. When you ask why, and how to fix this Facebook says on their site:
advertise content unrestricted

Well, that is about as helpful as a bag of rocks on a sinking ship. If you read the entire article, you’ll find the same generic language without any details for what you should do when dealing with a restricted ad account.

So you keep searching Facebook’s site and find:

Why we may apply advertising restrictions

“We may apply advertising restrictions when an advertiser doesn’t follow Meta Advertising Standards or other policies and terms.”

While you hate Facebook you like the money you make from it, kinda like:

advertise content unrestricted

The real kicker is, how these advertising standards are defined or explained is missing.

Having worked at Facebook, I know intimately why the Facebook bots slam down the ban hammer, even while most of the public is without a clue.

So, today, in this article, I’ll explore strategies on how to advertise content unrestricted on Facebook. 

How to Advertise Content Unrestricted:

Common examples of policy violations

“Make a $100,000 dollars in 3 minutes, just click here!”

When you make giant claims, Facebook’s bots get really active because they’ll think you are an MLM. The same goes for many industries like weight loss:

“Lose 30 pounds in 5 days without dieting or exercise!”

A great way to frame Facebook ad policy violations, is to think about how you’d ban yourself if you were looking for reasons to. 

There is no way to list all the common Facebook policy violations because Facebook will punish you for ad policies you can’t even read on their transparency center online because the automations are programmed to flag for much smaller policy violations without notifying you.

It’s a shock seeing things like “Your account is restricted ” and the truth about Facebook restricted ads is that it is not a human making the final decision restricting your ad account.

I’ll tell you what can help – learning more about how Facebook’s bots enforce advertising restrictions.

This helps so you don’t get caught and sent to Facebook jail for breaking their rules.

Certain ad policies like Personal Attributes flag they have gutted their website of all images showing you what to beware of. In fact, this blog has those images on my ultimate guide to personal attributes here. 

Want to save time and money? Just schedule a complimentary discovery call

Up next, I’ll dive into 1 Facebook ad strategy that is working better than ever, before sharing some powerful tips on staying out of Facebook jail. 

Best Facebook Marketing Strategies

As many have found out:

Facebook has a massive social media presence, with more than 253.56 million U.S. users, according to Statista. It also enjoys high user engagement: On average, Americans 18 and older spend over 32 minutes per day on Facebook (based on an eMarketer analysis of social media usage across age groups). Additionally, according to DataReportal, Facebook advertisements can potentially reach 65.9 percent of Americans 13 years and older.

Clearly, Facebook can deliver a vast audience to marketers, but it’s crucial to find and refine the right strategies to reach your target audience. 

Getting started with Facebook advertising is straightforward. Follow these steps:

  1. Set a goal. Here are some examples of objectives:
  2. Decide on a budget and schedule. Next, set a budget and specify your campaign’s schedule, including the start and stop dates.
  3. Define your target audience. You can include or exclude people based on their history with your company. For example, you might send a new customer promotion to those who haven’t yet liked your page, target friends of people who have liked your page, or show ads to people who are already familiar with your brand. You can further refine ad placement by targeting users based on their device type, platform and operating system.

Facebook offers numerous ad formats, including the following:

  • Boosted post: With a boosted post, Facebook shows an existing post to more people.
  • Image ad: An image ad is a single photo or graphic with a headline and call to action (CTA).
  • Video ad: This is a short video advertisement on Facebook that adheres to preset specifications.
  • Carousel ad: This ad type is a series of images that users click through, each with a CTA.
  • Slideshow: A slideshow is a series of images that are played automatically.
  • Collection: A collection is a hybrid mobile format that combines video, slideshows and images. When clicked, it becomes an Instant Experience (see below).
  • Instant Experience: An Instant Experience is a great way to highlight your brand. A full-screen Experience opens after a user taps your ad on a mobile device.
  • Stories ad: In your Facebook Story, ads are full-screen images or videos that disappear after 24 hours unless saved.
  • Messenger ad: A Messenger ad includes text and images that appear in users’ inboxes while on Facebook or Messenger.
  • Lead ad: A lead ad pre-fills a contact form with the user’s information when clicked.
  • Dynamic ad: A dynamic ad retargets people who have already visited your website by showing them products they previously browsed.
  • Link ad: A link ad is a static image ad; every part is clickable because the goal is to drive web traffic.

The best targeting strategy is to go broad, instead of narrow these days.

Targeting broad audiences means that you’re not looking to appeal to a specific custom audience – but rather, you want to show your ads to as many Facebook users as possible who may be interested in your products or services.

Rather than creating specific ad sets and using audience targeting tools to create a small subset of users, you’ll broadly target a large variety of users, and you’ll try to reach as many people as you possibly can to build brand awareness.

This targeting strategy can be a great option if you’re new to Facebook Ads, or you’ve just recently opened a business and want to get your information in front of as many people as possible.

When you try to narrow your audience too much, unless it’s a custom audience based on web traffic or emails, you could limit the results. 

Meta Advantage+ audiences are effectively Facebook’s machine learning taking over and doing your targeting for you. As a reference for any veteran Facebook advertisers, this is the new automated version of “broad targeting.” 

But let’s say you have mastered Facebook marketing, yet wake up one morning to see:

How to fix a disabled Facebook Ad Account after being notified of it

What then? You’ll want to figure out how to advertise content unrestricted

How to Advertise Content Unrestricted: Facebook

BUT I guess none of these winning FB strategies will matter if Facebook has banned you, so let’s address ad restrictions. 

How to Advertise Content Unrestricted: About

About advertising restrictions

How to Advertise Content Unrestricted: advertising restrictions

Often a Facebook ban happens because Facebook already had their eye on you. Getting an ad account restriction on Facebook happens when FB ad policy automations build a character profile of your ad account based on ad approval vs ad rejection basis. Get too far in one direction for rejections, and the red alert goes out to the bots to shut you down. 

Your advertising access is restricted – what does it mean? Facebook account restricted what to do
ad account restricted facebook How to Advertise Content Unrestricted:

When you get your advertising access restricted it means the Facebook bots found something big or small somewhere in your funnel against policy. And you just keep asking how to advertise content unrestricted, and Facebook acts like an ex that leaves you on read.

how to advertise content unrestricted
It could be a headline, an image, it could be the small print, or maybe you implied Facebook as a brand endorses your brand.

Ready to stop guessing and stop losing money and time? Click here for a complimentary discovery call.

I’ve worked side-by-side with the software engineers at Meta, and offer better answers on this topic than many blogs you’ll find after googling facebook ad account restricted. All white hat.

It’s 2049, and you’re looking into the future hoping for a solution to Facebook ban bots interrupting the ad auction and learning phase of your ads, just after achieving ROI. What should you do?

advertise content unrestricted 2049

Ban the banners? Hulk out like Bruce Banner? It’s important to remember Meta is a big company, and there’s a lot of contradictory info because, and I know from working there, Facebook’s teams don’t communicate with each other very well.

Not to mention privacy concerns

FBI Warns iPhone, Android Users—Change WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Signal Apps

Facebook ad account restricted phone image

Recently, the FBI warned iPhone and Android users to stop texting and to use an encrypted messaging platform instead. The news made global headlines, with cyber experts urging smartphone users to switch to fully secured platforms—WhatsApp, Signal, Facebook Messenger. But the FBI also has a serious security warning for U.S. citizens using encrypted platforms—those apps, it says, need to change.

While China has denied any involvement in the ongoing cyberattacks on U.S. telco networks, describing this as “a pretext to smear China,” government agencies are clear that Salt Typhoon hackers linked to China’s Ministry of State Security, have infiltrated multiple networks, putting both metadata and actual content at risk.

There are just three providers of end-to-end encrypted messaging that matter. Apple, Google and Meta—albeit Signal provides a smaller platform favored by security experts. These are the “U.S. tech companies” the FBI says should change platforms and policy to “provide readable content in response to a lawful court order.”

What all reports missed is that Facebook is not considered responsibly managed – and I know from working at Facebook they read your Facebook messages so…yeah did Zuckerberg pay off the FBI to recommend Messenger over your phone? 

Count me out.

But just be warned, it’s like inception with all the back door deals between Big Tech, private corporations and governmental entities. [Read the full Forbes article on the FBI’s warning here]

Don’t believe everything you read unless your source is like me, from inside the beast giving you the game plan to get ads live again and not risk privacy.

So, it’s vital to understand how the Facebook bots flag ads and ad accounts.

If you’re like my client Jack Randall, President of Social Flight, you’re tired of beating your head against the wall trying to guess why Facebook has shut you down, and want answers faster.

“Trevor helped me successfully diagnose exactly why my ad account was disabled, and helped me frame out a plan to move forward.” 👍🏻

Click here, to schedule a discovery call.

How to Advertise Content Unrestricted: Reasons

Why does Facebook say my advertising access is restricted?

Facebook typically says your advertising access is restricted because it tracked a sequence of actions violating Facebook ad policies.

How to advertise content unrestricted is really a preventative approach.

It can be one thing that gets you a facebook ad account restricted after it’s removed you’re good, or it could be a series of smaller actions over time Facebook’s automations have logged and determined, overall, you are deliberately choosing not to follow policy.

Other times it could be a log in issue, a bank issue, or a business model conflict if the automations flag your ads as belonging to a banned business model (like MLMs). Make sure to read my blog on removing ad account restrictions here

How to Advertise Content Unrestricted – what does it mean? 

What does it mean to have a Facebook ad account restricted? Well, it’s like having a bullseye on your back – and the machines Facebook uses will attempt to reinforce their initial judgement that you are against their rules.

When you get a Facebook ad account restricted, Facebook offers you a chance to appeal first. But, if instead of appealing you rush to resubmit the same ad with the same violations in it, it can lead to disabling your Facebook Business Manager too.

If someone else on your BM is in hot water with FB that can roll over on you too, because Meta will hold you responsible for another person’s facebook account restricted if you share the same BM. It’s tough, but there is a path to ban-free ads here.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

How to Advertise Content Unrestricted Violations

Advertising restrictions for policy violations  

How to Advertise Content Unrestricted facebook ad account restriction prohibited content
If your Facebook account is restricted from advertising, it may hurt your ability to earn money in the future, so you’ll want to make sure your overall track record is in the black not the red.

Part of the key in How to Advertise Content Unrestricted on Facebook, is to make sure you have more approved ads than rejected.

If your facebook account’s restricted it was done by bots.

Given how automated Facebook’s policy bots are, to be successful not getting thrown in FB jail, you’ll want to understand how and why these policy automations flag to avoid being on their radar.

There’s some nuance to this you’ll want to know learn How to Advertise Content Unrestricted & side step getting a facebook ad account restricted.

How to Advertise Content Unrestricted: Activity 

Advertising restrictions for unusual activity 

If you buy a new smartphone, and are in a new location, download the Facebook app and log in, you could get hit with the unusual activity flag.

With a Facebook account restricted from advertising you may get the flag for unusual activity. Now, this can be frustratingly vague. Which activity was unusual? Why? How does this relate to learning How to Advertise Content Unrestricted?

Meta thinks you are a hacker when it sees new log ins, especially if you’re traveling out of state, out of country, when logging in. I’d suggest avoiding logging in to Facebook business tools while traveling to avoid this flag.

Read the ultimate guide on what to do if you’re hacked while running Facebook ads or want to prevent this from happening here.

How to Advertise Content Unrestricted Rejected Ads

How Serious is a Rejected Facebook Ad?

facebook ad account restriction

You see those images above? Facebook has stripped their policy site from showing these clear examples of what they do and don’t allow.

But I got your back and will continue to provide them for more transparency on Facebook ad policies. Speaking of which let’s talk ad restrictions & How to Advertise Content Unrestricted.

our Facebook ad gets rejected, you appeal or try to run it again, then your ad account gets disabled. You start googling How to Advertise Content Unrestricted and don’t find answers and think about appealing.

You try to appeal this (probably incorrectly) and then that appeal gets rejected and your Business Manager gets disabled.

It all starts with the Facebook ad and whether it follows ad policies or paints you as a bad actor to Facebook trying to circumvent systems if you try to run the same ad already rejected, multiple times leading to a Facebook ad account restricted from advertising.

If you’ve read How to Unrestrict My Ad Account you get how vital your appeal strategy is and has to be when it comes to appealing a facebook ad account restricted and learning How to Advertise Content Unrestricted.

And of course when appealing, the sweatshop workers you are chatting with have no clue How to Advertise Content Unrestricted.

The problem with getting hit with a Circumventing Systems flag is that Facebook’s bots are not specific about WHAT you are circumventing, and HOW to fix this. I have a short little guide to add a bit of help here.

Circumventing Systems Guide 2.0

How to Advertise Content Unrestricted Meaning

What does a restricted Facebook ad account mean?

When your ad account is restricted, you cannot run Facebook ads at all.  It means that your other assets like your Facebook Business Page and your Facebook Business Manager may be at risk too after getting a facebook ad account restricted.

How to Advertise Content Unrestricted Cause

How did I get myself restricted from advertising on Facebook?

Bad habits. Everyone has habits and the habits you have when creating ads can get you in trouble if your habits don’t include a compliance check up or sometimes you can get banned for simply acting too quickly.

If your ad copy sounds too spammy it’s working against you if you want to know How to Advertise Content Unrestricted.

I’ve seen a series of quick thoughtless actions lead to a facebook ad account restricted before.

How to Advertise Content Unrestricted Diagnosed

How can I tell if my account was restricted?

Facebook is supposed to send emails to your email account associated with your personal Facebook profile every time you have an ad approved and rejected. BUT, they end up in spam sometimes. You may not see these emails if your gmail has filtered these out to the promotions tab or social tab. 

Logging into Meta Business Suite or Facebook Business Manager and going to the ad accounts you own on the Ads Manager page, you’ll typically see red letters detailing the warning you have gotten or ban.

How to Advertise Content Unrestricted Recovery

How do I unrestrict my Facebook ads? Facebook ad account restricted tips

advertise content unrestricted
A good practice for preventing a facebook ad account restricted is to audit your funnel for potential flags and remove them, making everything compliant BEFORE submitting ads to Facebook to review.

And you don’t want a facebook account restricted because the ad account creation limit for new Facebook Business Managers is only 1 or 2 ad accounts most of the time. This means being aware of what may get banned and avoiding it is a full time job you can’t slack on if you want to avoid getting a facebook ad account restricted

It pays to be informed of what Facebook is doing as it effects industries at large, like Facebook’s recent ad policies on selling CBD on Facebook. You need to stay current to avoid Facebook accounts restricted from advertising.

How to Advertise Content Unrestricted: Why

Why is my Facebook ad account restricted?

Now, it is not your fault that you don’t understand the policies – Facebook is clear as the vision of a serious scotch drinker after the 4th glass. But, most likely your Facebook ad account is restricted because of a few words in your ad copy, privacy policy or the creative you chose.

Given my history of working with thousands of ad agencies both while I was working AT Facebook and in my own practice, I have stats on which ad policies are triggered the most in specific niches. Like personal attributes flags being higher in weight loss niches, or MLM flags being higher in the start-a-biz online vertical.

Understanding how YOUR specific niche interacts with Facebook ad policy automations is KEY to staying out of Facebook jail and avoiding a facebook account restricted.

How to Advertise Content Unrestricted Ad rejections

Your ad account was banned for too many rejected ads

When you step over a certain ratio of rejected ads, Facebook has a separate automation that determines the health of your ad account. If you are not paying attention to this as you run ads throughout the quarter, you could end up on the wrong side of the ban bots. So, as the meme below states, you’ll need to study your ad account history a little more carefully to avoid this type of ban.

facebook ad account restriction

Now, resolving a facebook account restricted can be a lot easier to prevent than recover from. That’s why so many people are searching How to Advertise Content Unrestricted.

If you’ve read my Common Mistakes to Avoid When Advertising on Facebook you found out the hidden clues in FB warnings  – that you may need an expert to decode into everyday language.

Just like my clients, the social media marketing agency for Wu-Tang Clan discovered, there are micro flags in ad copy and landing pages that have to be removed first before attempting to appeal or relaunch a brand with Facebook.

Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call to avoid getting a disabled Facebook ad account.

Facebook ad account restricted: disabled accounts

What Disabled Facebook Ad Account Means

Disabled facebook ad account, Search • back • clock • Open Google agency account • Open Google agency account

If you see that, “You are restricted from running ads” this means you missed the canary in the coal mine beforehand. How to Advertise Content Unrestricted means auditing your funnel before getting banned. 

SOME element in your ads attracted the attention of Facebook ban bots and there were warning signs. Probably not obvious because Facebook isn’t that transparent.

Now, depending on what type of Business Manager you have you may be able to create a new ad account as long as the new ads have 0 flags in them that the old ads have.

When reading the Facebook ad policies on Facebook ad rejections you may feel frustrated, because they won’t talk about your specific situation in any detail, if at all.

How to Advertise Content Unrestricted: Authority Sources

Facebook ad account restricted: Trust the right answers

A big hurdle to overcome with dealing with a Facebook ad account restricted is who to trust online. Most articles you’ll read come from outsiders, who have not worked at Meta and are shaking a Magic 8 ball to come up with best guesses.

Even worse, chatting in to Facebook ad support, you talk to people who don’t seem to understand your questions about How to Advertise Content Unrestricted.

I’ve heard stories from clients who got in a worst ban after talking to Facebook ad support before finding my blog.

And Facebook has a spotty track record for providing reliable advice on how to solve a facebook account restricted.

I’ve heard some people say that Facebook ads aren’t worth using anymore and don’t turn a profit – every week my calendar is booked with calls from businesses running high converting ads on Facebook making hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars.

So, while Nas may have rapped that Hip Hop is Dead (with the recent beef with Kendrick Lamar and Drake you know hip hop is alive and kicking) Facebook certainly isn’t dead either.

Per Sprout Social, Facebook is the third most visited website following Google and YouTube, respectively. This puts it ahead of other leading platforms like Twitter and Instagram.

The platform boasts 3.065 billion active users on a monthly basis.

This makes it the most used social media platform worldwide.

In 2023, Facebook’s total ad revenue amounted to $135 billion, up from $116 billion the previous year.

Don’t leave money on the table just because you don’t understand the way the bots flag for policy, I can help you there.

Is your Facebook ad account already disabled? Don’t get ripped off! Read How to Recover Facebook Ad Accounts now!

Just like my client Dr. Emi benefited from my funnel audits for compliance, you can too. It all starts with a free discovery call here. By the way, Dr. Emi was just featured on the Today Show on NBC.  

(In a rush? Skip the line with prepaid funnel audits with VIP Access).

How to Advertise Content Unrestricted: Business Manager

What is a Disabled Facebook Business Manager?

Facebook ad account restriction

If you are restricted from running ads, when your Facebook Business Manager is disabled within the Facebook Business Suite as they (annoyingly) renamed it, then you may need to relaunch your brand depending on how severe this ban is.

Sometimes Business Manager bans if they are appealed fast enough with the right language can be overturned.

But out of lets say 100 disabled Facebook Business Managers I’ve seen, 1% gets recovered.

Facebook account restricted from advertising? KNOW THIS: What you want to keep in mind is the Facebook Business Pages – as they are your digital storefront for your brand name – and take them out before your Facebook Business Manager gets disabled!

That being said, when you have a disabled Facebook Business Manager that means every asset inside is jeopardized.

  • Ad Accounts
  • Facebook Business Pages
  • People connected to this BM

How to Advertise Content With a Disabled BM 

Facebook ad account restricted: Causes

Here’s why:

When you have a disabled Facebook Business Manager, Facebook keeps track of who is in the Business Manager and the other BMs they are connected to.

So, everyone in a disabled Facebook Business Manager is at risk of having everything else they are working on getting shut down too. If you FORGOT a lurker in your BM who has a facebook account restricted it WILL come back to bite ya a$$ so BE AWARE. 

A disabled Facebook Business Manager is the next to the worst ban you can get on Facebook.

When my client Happi Digital, an eCommerce Agency hired me to audit their Facebook ads, I uncovered flags that if left alone could have shut down their entire ad agency.

Need Facebook ad policy expert too? Schedule a call with me right now.

How to Advertise Content Unrestricted: Pages

What Does it Mean When Your Facebook Page is Restricted?

How to Advertise Content Unrestricted  Facebook ad account restriction

We saw many Pages go down in 2020 – when the pandemic first hit America with e-comm businesses that had shipping delays in China due to covid-19 shut downs, leading to ecom folks to google How to Advertise Content Unrestricted.

These e-commerce businesses saw their customers giving them bad reviews that took their Page quality score beneath a 1.

Then, just by automation alone, their FB Business Pages got restricted. And they didn’t even have a facebook account restricted-just the Page got shut down.

This is challenging because if you try to relaunch a new Facebook Business Page with the same brand name you may get blocked by Facebook right away for circumventing systems. You’ll need a better strategy more finely tuned for relaunching.

Want to stop losing money over Facebook bans? Get the expert advice of someone who worked at Meta here.

How to Advertise Content Unrestricted Company Policy

Why is my Facebook advertising account restricted?

advertise content unrestricted

Still asking what to do when seeing, “You are restricted from running ads”? And asking How to Advertise Content Unrestricted?

Facebook’s company policy is to get you to go away as fast as possible as customer service is just an illusion for PR for their stock value.

If you want to get to the bottom of why your Facebook advertising account is restricted, and How to Advertise Content Unrestricted you’ll want to audit your funnel.

This is to identify what was the biggest risk that got you on the radar and eventually shut down. And reframe your business model to be in compliance on Facebook.

Have your Facebook ads been blocked? Read this blog here.

Here’s the deal, even if you read all of the Transparency Center policies on ads, you still wouldn’t know how to prevent a ban.

In reality, there are 1000s more that you are policed on by the automations but never told about.

Want access to a funnel audit to ensure you are compliant? Click here for a discovery call.

How to Advertise Content Unrestricted: Appeal

How to appeal advertising restrictions

There is a right way and a wrong way to appeal getting a Facebook ad account restricted. The wrong way is to mash buttons, click request review, and wait for the Facebook gods to grant you clemency. With staffing shortages, and reliance on automations, the first approach won’t get you far. But identifying what got you flagged, and what is the hierarchy of risks in your funnel and replacing the offending content with compliant copy is a much better place to start before appealing. 

How to Advertise Content Unrestricted: Fixes

How do I fix my restricted Facebook account?

No one wants to see: “You are restricted from running ads.”

If you googled disabled facebook ad account or Facebook ad rejections you’ll find a number of bullshit articles out there – even by major brands – that will just tell you to “Request Review.”

That CAN help if you have already removed ALL the flags from your funnel. But if you have not…Full stop, no pass go, don’t click it.

Remove a Restriction on a Facebook Ad Account

What you’re doing here is saying to the automations that shut you down: “Hey bot, I know you are machine, but can you decipher human empathy and context?”

Even better, “Can you send this Appeal to ANOTHER robot? And put my fate in the next bot’s hands?”

Really the best chance you have is to appeal within 48 hours of getting shut down AFTER identifying the EXACT source of the Facebook automation flag if you want to learn How to Advertise Content Unrestricted.

Anything less than that, and your chances diminish by A LOT.

Now, if you’ve found me within that time period, I can possibly help you, depending on your type of business and other factors. Click here to schedule your call and avoid a further shut down and avoid a permanent restriction.

Want a better answer than Facebook ad support gives? Keep reading.

Learn more

facebook ad account restriction

Learn more about the appeal process: when appealing keep in mind you’re chatting wit outsourced workers who have a goal of getting more chats per day than increasing real resolution rate.

They will try to shut you down every step of the way. I can help you navigate these hurdles, and get the best chances you can have for making an appeal if you have contacted me fast enough after a ban. 

Beyond that window, the chances get slimmer. But you do have other options if your goal is to get Facebook ads live again and not just trying to recover old disabled ad accounts.

What if you had a guarantee that your ads were compliant before they went live on Facebook?

Keep reading for these answers and more: 

Facebook Ad Account Restricted Solution

Ad agencies: tired of getting the silent treatment from Facebook when all you want to do is get your Facebook ads live and revenue in the door?

I’m a Facebook ad policy specialist who worked at Facebook and I’m trusted by high level brands that take accuracy and results seriously.

Facebook account restricted from advertising

I can show you how to resolve FB bans even if Facebook ad support is useless to resolve ad account restrictions.

Don’t lose any more money from Facebook bans and schedule your call with me now.

Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me:

Disabled facebook ad account your access can't be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

It shouldn’t be a mystery on what to do to recover from a ban. I strive for customer satisfaction, being a business owner myself.

facebook ad account restriction fix testimonial
My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to have a disabled Facebook ad account? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends, immediately secure expert-level Facebook consulting. Book a call with me now!

Facebook jail solution testimonial

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

Ad Account Restricted Facebook FAQ

Facebook ad account restriction FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to fix ad account disabled on facebook and How to advertise content unrestricted on Facebook

Your first step should always be to stop active ads running with the same copy as the rejected ad, then audit your funnel for flags, and appeal using the strategy outlined in the appeal section of the FAQs

2. How to enable my disabled facebook ad account

If you have a spare ad account in your Facebook Business Manager that you can run ads from, feel free to. BUT, identify the micro and major flags FIRST, so as not to repeat the same mistake. 

Ready to Finally Make the Money You Need in the Hours That Work for You & Your Family? Don’t miss out,Learn More here.

3. How to appeal a disabled facebook ad account

As far as how to appeal a disabled Facebook ad account, you’ll get 48 hours to make your appeal. The best strategy is to communicate to Meta | Facebook that:

A. You understand WHY you were banned.
B. You are committed to following the policies from here on out.
C. You have identified and REMOVED the offending content from your funnel.

You can also get some top tips on facebook ad policy in this complimentary eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

4. how to get disabled ad account up and running

Depending on how long your ad account was disabled, sometimes, if your appeal is written correctly, the appeal itself CAN potentially get you reactivated, if you understand to communicate with Facebook ad support correctly. 

5. How Many Policy Violations Before Account is Shut Down?

Typically, it’s a 1 to 10 ratio. For every single rejected ad that you get, you’ll want 10 Facebook ads that are approved. After a pattern of behavior is established by machine learning, from Meta’s automations, you may spiral rapidly into Facebook jail if your ratios aren’t correct. 3 consecutive ads getting rejected risks your ad account getting disabled. But, it also depends on how severe the ban is. 

And, if this still all seems too confusing, your clients are yelling at you to get ads live to bring in money, simply schedule a complimentary Facebook discovery call here

6. How to remove restriction on facebook ad account

As far as removing a restriction on a Facebook ad account, if we’re talking about a disabled ad account, well, you can rehabilitate your funnel and then appeal, possibly getting it reactivated if you do this SMART (I have methods that work if you’re in the appeal window). But as far as removing a restriction from Facebook ads, see the previous FAQ answer: you need to get in a positive approval-cycle ratio.

7. how long does facebook take to review restricted ad account

Now, ask yourself, is it an election year? Have there been over 20,000 Meta employees laid off? Did you word your appeal using specific language Facebook ad support can and will respond better to? These are the factors in play. Typically, you get an answer within a week. If you have a more severe ban or are in the special ad categories, you may get an answer faster but it won’t be one you like. Severe bans end up as permanent restrictions and they deliver that ban hammer faster than other lighter Facebook ad policy restrictions. 

8. how to fix your access can’t be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

In a situation like this, your recovery options depend on what is banned:

a) Facebook Ad Account
b) Facebook Business Page
c) Facebook Business Manager
d) Facebook profile

So, each one may have a different recovery option, depending on your situation, and type of ban it is, as well as your particular niche or business’s vertical, and the health of the accounts before the ban. Want to get a pathway to get Facebook ads live? Schedule your complimentary discovery call here.

9. How To Get Your Disabled Facebook Ad Account Back 

First, let me also address: personal and emotional attachments to disabled ad accounts. I’ve worked with tons of Fortune 500 level companies, and the amount of hair pulling and FML-ing over ONE ad account being disabled, is incredible. Sometimes, it’s faster, and cheaper, to just start a new ad account, and relaunch, rather than recover a tainted asset.

That being said, the same answer applies here to the instructions above, for appeals

10. How to unblock your Facebook ad account

Now, unblocking an ad account, may be possible if you get in fast enough with the right kind of messaging to Facebook ad support. While they are the gatekeepers, and don’t have any real power, they CAN talk to the right folks who, if you word your appeal right, can unblock your Facebook ad account. And of course, if you need next-level assistance, I’m always available to chat and see if it’s a good fit here.