Google’s Hummingbird Update: How It Changed Search


Google’s Hummingbird Update: How It Changed Search

Google just released a slew of brand new updates for their search algorithm which you'll need to stay on top of if you're using SEO and PPC ads on Google's platform (check out Real Estate price drops in the last blog)

The concept behind this move is to allow consumers to find more accurate data that isn't just what major brands have paid to alter search paths for. There are implications for social media marketers here as well.

Google Hummingbird

1. Hum to Search Audio Algorithms

This is pretty neat as I'm sure you've had a tune in your mind, know the melody but not the name of the song. Now you can just hum or whistle into the search app to find your song.

Google goes into detail here on what their thoughts are on this new feature:

"Starting today, you can hum, whistle or sing a melody to Google to solve your earworm. On your mobile device, open the latest version of the Google app, tap the mic icon and say “what's this song?” or click the “Search a song” button. Then start humming for 10-15 seconds. On Google Assistant, it’s just as simple. Say “Hey Google, what’s this song?” and then hum the tune."

You may not be able to to harness this tool for SEO as much, unless you're running a music podcast, or are creating a catchy tune that has humming as part of the chorus for a new song release.

Hummingbird Defined

2. Spell Check Enhanced

Just like typing in Gmail you'll get suggestions for finishing the rest of your sentence through AI learning, the new spelling suggestions are improved to give you better results.

Google search update

This is definitely a reason to make sure your website is free of spelling and grammar errors.

A Complete Rewrite Of The Core Algorithm

3. Index Individual Passages of Text

The search algorithm update Google made here is aimed at being able to find detailed information more related to consumer Google searches, by identifying passages of text on web site pages.

Google Humming Bird Update

This is a trend Google has been following for quite some time, where featured snippets of specific text and parts of videos are highlighted within Google searches.

Google says:

"By better understanding the relevancy of specific passages, not just the overall page, we can find that needle-in-a-haystack information you’re looking for. This technology will improve 7% of search queries across all languages as we roll it out globally."

This will affect page ranks in search queries, as well as a company's performance stats - so be sure to answer in FAQs the most frequent questions customers ask about your business.

Hummingbird Affected 90% Of Searches

4. YouTube Video Segments - Key Moments

To better serve searchers, one of Google's projects has been to index specific sections of YouTube videos and expand this to be included in more search results.

Google video section indexing

Hummingbird And Natural Language Search

Google says: "Using a new AI-driven approach, we’re now able to understand the deep semantics of a video and automatically identify key moments. This lets us tag those moments in the video, so you can navigate them like chapters in a book."

"Whether you’re looking for that one step in a recipe tutorial, or the game-winning home run in a highlights reel, you can easily find those moments. We’ve started testing this technology this year, and by the end of 2020 we expect that 10% of searches on Google will use this new technology."

This also matches up with YouTube's video chapters where YouTubers can add descriptions per video segment, using the timestamps to allow Google more contextual data for the content contained in each segment.

Now, Google is implementing AI for these video sections to add more data to search results. Make sure to include tags for your video segments.

Does The Hummingbird Update Do New Things?

5. New Subtopics for Greater Diversity of Content.

It's a bit fuzzy on how this is going to be applied but Google is using neural nets to give consumers more clickable subtopics.

Google states:

"We’ve applied neural nets to understand subtopics around an interest, which helps deliver a greater diversity of content when you search for something broad."

Hummingbird Did Not Initially Affect SEO

As an example, if you search for “home exercise equipment,” we can now understand relevant subtopics, such as budget equipment, premium picks, or small space ideas, and show a wider range of content for you on the search results page. We’ll start rolling this out by the end of this year."

This helps you pair your listings to more relevant categories, stemming from the most frequently used filters and search terms which is worth considering when implementing SEO.

For the full deets on Google's Search Algorithm Updates 2020 navigate here.

What's your favorite new search feature and how will you use it? Comment below!

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