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Facebook Ads Approved: How To Fix “Personal Attributes”

Is your ad account restricted from a Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes flag? You’re in the right place, as I’ve been at Facebook and have the answers many businesses need that Facebook isn’t sharing.

Facebook ad rejected personal attributes

Facebook ad policy regarding the Personal Attributes flag is not well explained online, so as someone who has worked at Meta, I’ll be helping you to understand the best practices to avoid getting banned.

One of the most common flags you get when running ads on Facebook is Personal Attributes. The Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes flag often happens if you get too specific with your targeting of a type of audience.

If you need VIP assistance from someone who worked at Facebook book your discovery call here.

What Is The Facebook Personal Attributes Policy?

Perhaps you really do want to follow Facebook policies, but can’t get a straight answer on how to do so. It can often be confusing to figure this out.

Not every ad agency has the bandwidth to dig deep on this. And business owners don’t even have the context to understand why Facebook shut downs happen due to an ad rejected personal attributes flag.

My Facebook ad account disabled blog provided you with some cool solutions to that issue. And today, I’ll explore exactly what the Personal Attributes flag is, why the automations target you, and best practices for saying Facebook ban-free.

(Also a good roadmap: What to Do After Violating Facebook’s Ad Policies)

As Liana Lang, CEO of Power Up Strategy Inc. said, “Please meet Trevor, my ‘secret weapon’ for all things Facebook compliance. I highly recommend hiring him to help you out especially if you plan to be running ads.”

Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call.

In the meantime, read over this short but effective guide on solving what to do in the case of an ad rejected personal attributes flag ban:

Facebook Policy Personal Attributes Guide

Why The Personal Attributes Facebook Policy Is So Heavily Enforced

Personal Attributes is a detail about someone that ad copy calls out. Personal Attributes consist of targeting one specific group of people, and singling them out, negatively or positively. If you break this policy Facebook might send you a red alert saying something like, “The ad was declined based on an ad rejected personal attributes flag.”

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes Types

These attributes can be height, weight, age, gender, financial status, sexual orientation, or belonging to a subgroup. Even if you went to ad conferences like Midwest Digital Marketing Conference, you will won’t have full answers on FB policies – so I aim to please with this detailed blog today to help you solve this issue.

While you’re here, bookmark the Facebook Ad Guide, influencer Larry Kim reached out to me to share on his website: Common Mistakes to Avoid When Advertising on Facebook

Understanding What Won’t Work

What won’t work, is reading spam articles online by 3rd party people from other countries with spammy backlinks – so they appear at the top of search results when googling stuff like: ” Facebook Personal Attributes flag” – instead of going to the source, someone who has worked at Facebook in advertising.

Understanding “You” Usage

What I can say, is you really want to be careful, how hard you kick the pain points when using you and your and a Personal Attribute, in order to avoid getting flagged. Take an educational tone or approach rather than a hard sell.

Using “you” and “your” in ad copy, while great for drawing the eyes to the page, can be problematic if it’s paired with a negative attribute about a person or a group you’ve labeled.

Here’s an example of ad copy that spam sites will try to tell you is ok but is actually going to get you in Facebook jail:
Personal Attributes flag– 

Yeah, I wouldn’t take this advice – if your ads are making you tons of money, and you are in good standing, I wouldn’t use ad copy like this, at least not the first bullet point, otherwise you would jeopardize your ad account. Want to skip reading this whole article and just get help now?

Schedule a discovery call with me here

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes What Experts Say

You may be searching Google, or looking on Reddit threads for answers and seeing guesses. Facebook ad expert Jon Loomer says:

“Your ad can’t suggest that you know someone’s race, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender, disability, financial status, medical condition, voting status, or criminal record. It’s not that your ad can’t include information about these attributes, it simply can’t suggest that you know or believe that the targeted user falls into certain groups.”

One of the biggest roadblocks advertisers face when getting hit with a Facebook shut down is not being told why it happened.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: PAS Formula

The rules of advertising when it comes the ole problem-agitate-solution formula don’t work 100% on Facebook. Or they work but only if customized for Facebook ad policy.

Which results in Meta giving you some default warning like: “Unfortunately, the ad did not meet the criteria and was rejected with an ad rejected personal attributes flag.”

You’ve read the policies, but still don’t have answers and are mashing the keyboard like Ron Swanson:

The issue isn’t necessarily what you think it is. In your eyes, the ad felt like something you’d hear around the water cooler in normal conversation. Your ads were bringing in money, satisfying clients, until Facebook tells you: “The rejection of the ad was solely due to an ad rejected personal attributes flag.”

Want to save some time and money, and instead of reading this entire article just get a solution? Schedule a complimentary discovery call on my calendar here.

First Person

If you have some really on-the-line ad copy that you fear may get you flagged, try rephrasing it in the first person as that can give you a little more wiggle room to not get instantly banned. You can still break ad policies using the first person, but, for Personal Attributes flag, if you are careful, using “I” can bring you some relief from getting banned again.

Third Person

And, you can of course, always use the 3rd person point of view for navigating the Personal Attributes flag more sustainably. But, keep in mind, even if you are momentarily side-stepping getting banned for the personal attributes flag, your ad copy could have been targeted for another flag that isn’t revealed even after your ad account is restricted. If you need a comprehensive audit of your brand to ensure it isn’t banned, feel free to schedule a call with me here.

Focus on the Product

A good best practice for avoiding getting flagged is to focus on the product, instead of making people feel bad about something personal about their lives. Focus on the benefits and attempt to not sound over the top with the promises of results. 

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes flag Perception

Within the Facebook ecosystem:

What you consider normal may not be perceived the same by the bots that do the flagging within Facebook’s ecosystem. That’s why things get tricky. You keep resubmitting the ad, hitting that button over and over like
ad rejected personal attributes button
You may feel your ad copy sounds normal – but if you want to follow the Facebook ad policies, you gotta frame your copy specifically for Facebook’s website Or face a ban telling you, “Unfortunately, the ad did not meet the criteria and was rejected with an ad rejected personal attributes flag.”

That’s why I’ll let you know some reasons why your Facebook ad may have been rejected for the Personal Attributes flag.

Top 3 reasons why your Facebook ads are rejected

Here are the top 3 reasons why your Facebook ads were rejected for personal attributes:

1. You targeted a specific group of people too specifically
2. Your ad copy made Facebook users feel bad
3. The way you phrased something that is compliant triggered a ban

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes flag POLICIES

When I worked supporting Facebook’s remote access tools for a global staff, often content reviewers would have to take down violent content that was literally call-the-police level.

Just because you are, *mostly* compliant, doesn’t stop the billions using Facebook everyday from abusing it.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes flag Reality

Because of the scale of both advertisers and everyday Facebook users, Facebook has to have policies that are enforced in broad strokes. That’s why it feels like it’s impossible to follow them all, in reality, it’s easier than you think once you get down to brass bolts.

Advertising Standards

Facebook just wants you to not be a troll, hacker, or violent guerrilla warfare instigator. The problem is how you come across is inspected on a minute level. The advertising standards are in place to ensure bad actors don’t ruin Facebook for both advertisers and the general public.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes GENERAL GUIDANCE

This list sounds deceptively simple. You’re thinking, “How hard can it be to follow these 4 bullet points?”

Well, it can be harder than it sounds because a machine is the one interpreting your ad copy as compliant or ban worthy. (Check out my article Facebook ad account disabled next steps).

What “Text referencing or alluding to personal attributes or characteristics of the targeted group or individual,” means, is if you are calling out a specific smaller sub group of people you can get the Personal Attributes flag.

So, the balance is, hitting the pain points, but not getting too graphic, or else Facebook will say something like, “the ad was declined because of an ad rejected personal attributes flag.”

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes flag: FB Philosophy

ad rejected personal attributes
To avoid hearing Facebook ad support say, “The review team identified an ad rejected personal attributes flag, leading to the rejection of the ad,” you’ll need to know Facebook’s philosophy.

Facebook’s philosophy here is that if you are being too negative about a small enough group of people, they’ll leave Facebook, feeling too singled out. And Facebook loses a lot of ad money if people leave Facebook for a competitor platform.

While there can be tons of flags, people in the weightloss niche will see an ad rejected personal attributes flag playinf a crucial role in as disapprovals, unless it’s reworded.

You and Your are tricky pronouns, because they do specifically call out the viewer. So, you’ll need to be extra careful with how you use these 2 words. Especially if you single out an attribute of your target audience negatively AND use “you” or “your.”

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: RACE OR ETHNICITY


This is a great example of what not to say. When you use the word “other” you are dehumanizing (aka “othering”) a select group of people. Facebook doesn’t like that because it sounds bad.

Navigating Facebook’s Advertising Policies as a Business is a good read too if you’re looking to go from ignorance on Facebook ad policy to having some clarity.

What we’re trying to avoid is bigger bans. Because an ad rejected personal attributes flag can contribute to your overall policy score as a business.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: RELIGION


If you’re paying attention you may start to see the pattern – meeting “other” Buddhists isn’t allowed. Saying a specific group of individuals after “you” isn’t allowed.

Did you already say something that got your Facebook ad account disabled?

Don’t get ripped off! Read How to Recover Facebook Ad Accounts now

If you’ve been shutdown a lot but never got answers, you’re like one of my clients, Steve Martinez, Vice President of Apollidon Learning.

“Trevor took us through the process of getting one of our University of Texas ad accounts reinstated (within minutes). He offered some critical insights to why our Facebook Ad Account was disabled and shared options to reduce our chances of future issues. We have a better understand of how the algorithm works and know exactly what to do and say if our account gets disabled again.”

Want to see how I can help you? Schedule a free discovery call here. Or, if you’re in a rush, prepay for your consulting call and skip the line.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: AGE


Ever hear the expression, “Never ask a woman her age?” Well, Facebook feels that way times 1000.

Some of my clients have included skin care companies, and they often have run into issues talking about looking younger or older. It’s a really fine line here. As you can see saying “teenagers” is allowed, as well as “seniors” but definitely not combining “you” and “younger.”

You don’t want your entire Facebook Business Manager shut down just due to an ad rejected personal attributes flag. But it can happen if you get a large quantity of rejections in a short amount of time. Education here on FB policy is prevention.

Or, you could just schedule a call with me to add clarity, simply click here.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: Best Practices

A good thought exercise before writing ad copy about age, is to say, “Would a person, sensitive to their age, get offended in any way by my ad copy?”

Filter your ad copy through that and you’ll have a better chance avoiding the ban hammer.



It’s generally a good idea to not talk about sexuality on Facebook in any context. But definitely don’t say “Are you gay?”

And, you can see from the reoccurring theme like 80s nostalgia and Stranger Things, once again, don’t use “other” before identifying a specific group of people.

It’s much better to go 3rd person. That’s a safer route than saying, “you” “your” or “other.”

Already completely banned?

If you are running ads and spending $100K a year or more on ads, I can help with that.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: GENDER IDENTITY


This is one of the newest Facebook Policy Personal Attributes flags that came out, very recently. According to Facebook, you can say “Come meet transgender singles.”

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: Tip

But if I were you, I’d avoid doing so. It’s a hot topic, very divisive, and the machines at Facebook want to eliminate any ad that may put Facebook in a bad light. While it’s allowed right now within 6 months Facebook will impose stricter automations that will severely flag you for saying “meet transgender singles.” Because that’s a little too specific to target Facebook users with.

Something Facebook won’t tell you about ad restrictions

Something Facebook won’t tell you about ad restrictions, is ad rejected personal attributes flag can be the reason behind the decline of both organic reach and paid reach.

I know you’re like:

ad rejected personal attributes MEME 3
But, it’s true. If you have too many ad rejections, one thing Meta does before a ban, is start suppressing reach. Organically at first. Then, Facebook suppresses the reach of even your paid ads. You’re saying, “But if I’m PAYING for reach, how can Facebook suppress it?”

If Facebook ultimately decides your brand has a more negative effect on the Feed, and a consistent pattern of Facebook ad policy violations, they’ll limit the reach you pay for, before eventually full on banning you.

Want to avoid or recover from a ban? Schedule a complimentary call here.



It’s clear these are some hot topic issues, from medical problems, to emotional you must be very careful how you talk about this on Facebook.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: Tip #2

You can see that the pattern continues of not directly asking with “you” about someone’s personal attribute. It’s much better to use the 3rd person perspective here rather than 2nd person.



One of the most common businesses to get flagged for vulnerable financial statuses are loan companies. Also, car accident personal injury attorneys also get hit with the Personal Attributes flag.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: Tip #3

I’m sure at this point, you’re starting to understand that on one level, the general idea about Personal Attributes is to not negatively call out details about your target audience.

I’d suggest not using Facebook as your platform if you intend to sell crypto or forex type products. And look at your ad copy to make sure it doesn’t sound like you are, or you risk getting flagged.

Are you hacked? Blame Facebook for the pop up you clicked, and are mad af that you’re getting no help at all? Read the ultimate guide on what to do if you get hacked here.

Spam is at an all time high right now, so be on the lookout for fake tags from your personal profile. Over the past few weeks, online forums such as Reddit and Twitter have been teeming with rants from angry users who are facing a particularly vexing problem: Facebook tag spam.

They keep getting tagged on Facebook by unfamiliar accounts, apparently with the intention of being redirected to spammy posts or tricked into clicking on suspicious links.

Clicking on those links is how you get hacked or associated with bad actors that get you banned on Facebook (don’t hire people off Upwork or Fiverr to run ads for you or connect them to your Facebook accounts. You can outsource, just don’t give someone in a 3rd world country access to your Facebook ad assets).

As you can see, Facebook policy is pretty specific. And to get more granular, it applies differently to each attribute.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: VOTING STATUS

facebook-ad-rejected-personal-attributes-policyAttributing ownership of a ballot to a Facebook user here isn’t allowed, whereas the 3rd person “Learn about voter registration” is kosher. The same goes with identifying a Facebook user in your target audience by voter registration card.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: MEMBERSHIP IN A TRADE UNION

Do trade unions use Facebook ads much? I’ve never seen a Facebook ad about this but I’m not in a union. You’ll read above that Facebook isn’t not cool with advertising dissing
Union reps – with “your” preceding it.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: Compliance Tip

A better version of this ad copy would be something like, “Issues with a Union rep?” 

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: CRIMINAL RECORD


Asking someone if they are felon is not a great icebreaker. If felons are your target audience,  perhaps rethink your target audience (do they make a lot of money after being released from jail?)

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: Automation Tip

Even the first Facebook-approved copy example would still get you flagged. Asking,  “Services to clean up any previous offenses” in reality, would get you flagged by Facebook’s bots even if Facebook’s official policy says it won’t. Because it’s triggered another policy, instead of just Personal Attributes – but unrealistic claims.

This is where Facebook tends to frustrate advertisers and businesses alike – because above Facebook says you can create ad copy about “previous offenses” but I guarantee you the automations will still flag and shut you down. If not at first, later they will.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes Tip #4

It’d be better to partner up with a vertical who already serves this clientele, that has their email addresses, like a probation company, do a JV or just buy an email list and create a custom audience from it and/or Lookalike audience.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: NAME OR IDENTIFICATION


I didn’t even know this was a thing until I was hit with Facebook ads using my personal name – idk who sold my data, Shopify or something – and the company offered me personalized quilts with my name. Bad targeting on their part and against Facebook ad policy.

So, it’s only a matter of time before they are shut down unless they change to a new tactic.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: Tip #5

Asking for someone’s Driver’s License in a Facebook ad is likely to get you on the radar, as that’s a little too personal to ask for that info.

That’s like saying, “Hey buddy, comment on this Facebook ad with your social security number, credit card number and billing zip!”

How Facebook uses Big Data: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

One thing to keep in mind when avoiding Facebook jail is just how much data Facebook tracks – which makes it hard if you don’t have industry experience working AT Facebook, to see how to get around those FB prison bars.

Arguably the world’s most popular social media network with more than two billion monthly active users worldwide, Facebook stores enormous amounts of user data, making it a massive data wonderland. It’s estimated that there will be more than 183 million Facebook users in the United States alone by October 2019. Facebook is still under the top 100 public companies in the world, with a market value of approximately $475 billion. 

Examples of violating ads with personal attributes



facebook-ad-rejected-personal-attributes-policy facebook-ad-rejected-personal-attributes-policy

Hopefully these examples give you a better idea of what Facebook will flag you for. The “Alternative ideas” are almost all useless because they are too vague.

If you need help rewriting ad copy to be compliant with Facebook I offer a prescreen service – book a discovery call here.

Getting the Language Right in Your Facebook Ad

There are a few techniques you can use to ensure Facebook doesn’t flag you for Personal Attributes. One is to write everything in 3rd person. The other is to use a 1st person testimonial. These are pretty good alternatives than kicking the pain points a bit too hard.

However, you can still get flagged when using the 3rd person if you are too specific with who you call out with pain points. So, be careful there. 

Determining Why Your Ad was Rejected

I have a process that has worked 100% of the time for identifying why a Facebook ad was rejected – but that’s because I’ve worked at Facebook for many years.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: Tip #6

If you don’t know someone like me with this experience, skill and context, then I’d suggest taking a good look at the ad copy in your ad above the creative, below the creative as far as the headline goes, as well as your website.

Do the litmus test: Ask yourself, “If I was someone who got easily offended at any remark, positive or negative about myself, would this ad copy be on the line for a flag?”

Looking through that lens can help you identify potential Personal Attributes flags.

Fun fact: Facebook doesn’t flag as seriously on landing page outside of the Facebook platform, when it comes to Personal Attributes. Does that mean you say whatever the hell you want like a drunk Gilbert Godfrey (RIP)?

The answer is no, you’ll still get flagged if you negatively call out an attribute too specifically on your website. But, there is a little more wiggle room on an LP. Keep reading below for more details on Landing Pages (LPs).

Facebook Ad Policies and Landing Pages

Facebook | Meta has a list of verbatim words programmed into their automations and if you trigger this on your lander, yes, you’ll still be flagged. Despite your expectations, the ad gets declined because of an ad rejected personal attributes flag.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: Stats

Is Facebook still worth advertising on? Well, per Sprout Social, despite the platform’s reputation as a seemingly “older” network, 24.4% of Facebook users in the United States are between the ages of 25 and 34.

facebook ad policy personal attributes

That’s a lot of marketing potential and revenue you’re leaving on the table, when a few micro adjustments can get you compliant. 

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: Tip #7

On landers, some words NOT allowed above a Facebook ad creative in the ad ON Facebook, are in a grey area on your landing page. Meaning, if everything else in your funnel IS compliant then, you can get away with a little bit more on your website than on Facebook itself.

Meaning because, simply said, is prime real estate 100% owned by Zuck | Parent Company Meta. Your website is yours, but if it’s connected to Facebook ads, you’ll have some scrutiny. For more info read How to Fix NonFunctional Landing Pages

Ultimately, when you run ads on a social media site like Facebook, you’ll run the risk of getting a disabled Facebook ad account. And sometimes the rejection notice will cite an ad rejected personal attributes flag as the reason.

Having trouble defining where that line exactly is for what you can and cannot say? This is my zone of genius, schedule a free discovery call here

Wrap Up

One final piece of advice I have…

Avoid Using Words like “You” and “Other”

I hope I’ve beaten it into your minds enough that you really don’t want to say “you” that much in an ad. Yes, you can say you and your in the 3rd person, but only a specific number of times before you get banned for Personal Attributes flags.

And with “other” I would just not say that at all before naming a group of people you’re targeting.

Use Third-Person Narrative

For those non-English major types, 3rd person perspective is they, them, POVs. Not “you” but from a 3rd person point of view. This will be a lot less risky than overdoing it on the personal pronouns.  And you want to minimize risk when advertising on Facebook, because more risk equals more money lost. 

This is especially true given how fast Facebook changes their policies. Just recently, breaking news happened where the “News” tab is being removed from Facebook in certain countries.

Apparently, the number of people using Facebook News in Australia and the U.S. has dropped by over 80% last year. People don’t come to Facebook for news and political content — they come to connect with people and discover new opportunities, passions and interests. And see your ads of course, as long as they are compliant without a Facebook ad rejected personal attributes issue.

Use First-Person Testimony On Landing Page

A good rule of thumb to incur social trust from strangers visiting your website from an ad, is to include testimonials on your lander. When someone who doesn’t know you, sees people similar to themselves recommending your product or service, you’re more likely to get a sale.

This also helps with staying compliant with the Personal Attributes policy and avoiding an ad rejected personal attributes flag.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes FAQ

Facebook ad account disabled FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to fix ad account disabled on facebook

Your first step should always be to stop active ads running with the same copy as the rejected ad, then audit your funnel for flags, and appeal using the strategy outlined in the appeal section of the FAQs

2. How to enable my disabled facebook ad account

If you have a spare ad account in your Facebook Business Manager that you can run ads from, feel free to. BUT, identify the micro and major flags FIRST, so as not to repeat the same mistake. 

3. How to appeal a disabled facebook ad account

As far as how to appeal a disabled Facebook ad account, you’ll get 48 hours to make your appeal. The best strategy is to communicate to Meta | Facebook that:

A. You understand WHY you were banned.
B. You are committed to following the policies from here on out.
C. You have identified and REMOVED the offending content from your funnel.

You can also get some top tips on facebook ad policy in this complimentary eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

4. how to get disabled ad account up and running

Depending on how long your ad account was disabled, sometimes, if your appeal is written correctly, the appeal itself CAN potentially get you reactivated, if you understand to communicate with Facebook ad support correctly. 

5. How Many Policy Violations Before Account is Shut Down?

Typically, it’s a 1 to 10 ratio. For every single rejected ad that you get, you’ll want 10 Facebook ads that are approved. After a pattern of behavior is established by machine learning, from Meta’s automations, you may spiral rapidly into Facebook jail if your ratios aren’t correct. 3 consecutive ads getting rejected risks your ad account getting disabled. But, it also depends on how severe the ban is. 

And, if this still all seems too confusing, your clients are yelling at you to get ads live to bring in money, simply schedule a complimentary Facebook discovery call here

6. How to remove restriction on facebook ad account

As far as removing a restriction on a Facebook ad account, if we’re talking about a disabled ad account, well, you can rehabilitate your funnel and then appeal, possibly getting it reactivated if you do this SMART (I have methods that work if you’re in the appeal window). But as far as removing a restriction from Facebook ads, see the previous FAQ answer: you need to get in a positive approval-cycle ratio.

7. how long does facebook take to review restricted ad account

Now, ask yourself, is it an election year? Have there been over 20,000 Meta employees laid off? Did you word your appeal using specific language Facebook ad support can and will respond better to? These are the factors in play. Typically, you get an answer within a week. If you have a more severe ban or are in the special ad categories, you may get an answer faster but it won’t be one you like. Severe bans end up as permanent restrictions and they deliver that ban hammer faster than other lighter Facebook ad policy restrictions. 

8. how to fix your access can’t be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

In a situation like this, your recovery options depend on what is banned:

a) Facebook Ad Account
b) Facebook Business Page
c) Facebook Business Manager
d) Facebook profile

So, each one may have a different recovery option, depending on your situation, and type of ban it is, as well as your particular niche or business’s vertical, and the health of the accounts before the ban. Want to get a pathway to get Facebook ads live? Schedule your complimentary discovery call here.

9. How To Get Your Disabled Facebook Ad Account Back 

First, let me also address the elephant in the room: personal and emotional attachments to disabled ad accounts. I’ve worked with tons of Fortune 500 level companies, and the amount of hair pulling and FML-ing over ONE ad account being disabled, is incredible. Sometimes, it’s faster, and cheaper, to just start a new ad account, and relaunch, rather than recover a tainted asset.

That being said, the same answer applies here to the instructions above, for appeals

10. How to unblock your Facebook ad account

Now, unblocking an ad account, may be possible if you get in fast enough with the right kind of messaging to Facebook ad support. While they are the gatekeepers, and don’t have any real power, they CAN talk to the right folks who, if you word your appeal right, can unblock your Facebook ad account. And of course, if you need next-level assistance, I’m always available to chat and see if it’s a good fit here

How to appeal for a disapproved Facebook & Instagram ad?

This is a great technique for Facebook ban-proofing your ads. (So is my prescreen service). You are safer the more you are able to use the 3rd person, and avoid saying things like, “Want to lose weight off your fat a$%? Click Learn More!”

If you haven’t had a chance yet, read my break down of Common Facebook Ad Policy Violations [Explained]

Even if you spent a week reading Facebook’s Ad Policies you’d still be at risk of a shut down for Personal Attributes simply because there are ways Facebook’s bots flag you that Facebook isn’t transparent about.

Generally speaking, your ads have to follow a 1000 more rules than you are actually told about.

BUT – don’t miss out on an opportunity to never have to get flagged again.

What if you had a guarantee that your ads were compliant 
before they went live on Facebook? What if you knew 100% without guessing why your ad account was disabled? What if you knew why your Facebook ads were blocked and had a path to get ads live again?

Keep reading for these answers and more: 

New Solution to Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes Flag

Ad agencies: tired of getting the silent treatment from Facebook when all you want to do is get your Facebook ads live and revenue in the door?

I’m a Facebook ad policy specialist who worked at Facebook and I’m trusted by high level brands that take accuracy and results seriously.

Facebook account restricted from advertising

I can show you how to resolve FB bans even if Facebook ad support is useless to resolve ad account restrictions.

Don’t lose any more money from Facebook bans and schedule your call with me now.

Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me:

 your access can't be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

It shouldn’t be a mystery on what to do to recover from a ban. I strive for customer satisfaction, being a business owner myself.

Facebook Policy
My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to have a disabled Facebook ad account? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends, immediately secure expert-level Facebook consulting. Book a call with me now!

Facebook jail solution testimonial

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

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Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

Facebook Ad Policy Violations [Explained]

Struggling with a Facebook ad policy violation? I can help, I’ve worked at Meta and will give you more context on why this happens, how to avoid it and what to do if you get banned by Facebook. Don’t forget to read my last blog: Facebook Ad Account Restricted & Lead Form Ad Errors

Facebook Ad Policy

Facebook ad policy for advertising sounds simple but it’s pretty complex – would you like a clear explanation?

I’ve worked at Facebook and see what you see when googling Facebook ad policy, with those generic headlines like:


Clear as mud right? I’ll be helping you understand Facebook ad policy better in this article. You can also peep my Facebook Ad Policies Checklist.

In this article today I’ll be revealing some of the reasons for disabled Facebook ad accounts, and how to navigate Facebook ad policy without risking a Facebook ban. What sets my blog apart from all the other google results?

I’ve worked at Facebook in ads, tech and project management, high up at Facebook before and after it was rebranded to Meta.

So, you’re getting high quality info from someone who worked AT Facebook, not guesses from randos online.

Wouldn’t you like to prevent Facebook from banning your ad account?

As Liana Lang, CEO of Power Up Strategy Inc. said, “Please meet Trevor, my ‘secret weapon’ for all things Facebook compliance. I highly recommend hiring him to help you out especially if you plan to be running ads.”

Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call.

Now, you may have noticed Facebook changes their ad policies A LOT!

Who are the Facebook changes really for? 

I’m sure we’ve all seen the awkward testimonial from Mark Zuckerberg when he faced Congress. Anytime there is a PR fire – like Cambridge Analytica (I was working at Facebook when this happened), Facebook has to get out and do damage control.

Facebook policy
Facebook’s policy is to change Facebook’s policy to show they are doing something about an issue. Even if those changes wreak havoc on advertisers just like you.

Facebook creates new ad automations to police Facebook ads more to please their stakeholders, and show the board they are doing something. What they don’t do is look at the big picture for how these new automations integrate with the existing Facebook bots.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

What you consider normal may not be perceived the same by the bots that do the flagging within Facebook’s ecosystem. That’s why things get tricky. You may feel your ad copy sounds normal – but if you want to follow the Facebook ad policies, you gotta frame your copy specifically for Facebook’s website. 

The delete Facebook movement continues to gain pace

facebook policy
Other celebrities who have quit the social network include pop singer Cher, Starwars actor Mark Hamill, actor and Will Ferrell. What you don’t hear about is the ad agencies who represented these celebrities and the money they lost.

BUT, as the platform becomes less crowded because Facebook is driving many away with all the issues with privacy or Facebook bans on advertisers, this leaves more room for you to make money on Facebook after you figure out the Facebook ad policy which I’ll help with.

(Check out my article Facebook ad account disabled next steps).

Lets cover some common Facebook ad policies that ad agencies often get banned for.

Here are a list of the facebook ad policies Facebook frequently drops the ban hammer on:


Many of these ad policies are triggered because marketers don’t keep Facebook ad policy in mind when making ads. Your first goal when designing ads should be to ask, “Will Facebook approve this ad?” THEN focus on the conversions aspect.

Facebook advertising policy principles explained

Facebook policy explained

Facebook’s advertising principles are to keep the most amount of Facebook users on the platform without losing anyone to competitors like TikTok or Elon Musk’s Twitter.

Because of this, they are extra sensitive about how you say something. So a pro tip is to think like Facebook does when making ads, and be extra PC.

Did you already say something that got your Facebook ad account disabled?

Don’t get ripped off! Read How to Recover Facebook Ad Accounts now

#1: Name Your Page Accurately

May seem simple but a common mistake advertisers can make is to create a Facebook Business Page that doesn’t match their core audience or their core offer.

As a result, if there ever is an issue with Facebook ad policy, and Facebook looks at your Page that you barely put any effort into, and it’s blank or looks sketch, that’s a red flag to Facebook.

I would advise creating more than one Page if you run ads in multiple industries. Instead of using 1 Page to run all the ads for your clients, make sure to differentiate Pages per industry to give you a better chance of not being shadow banned.

#2: Have a Privacy Policy in Place if You Collect Data

Another easy miss that can get your entire funnel banned: a missing privacy policy. This is a legal document you need to get created before you run ads to a lander.

There are free privacy policy generators online, or you can get a lawyer to draw up one.

Just make sure to have it on the landing page you are sending traffic from Facebook to.

Attention Agency Owners, Brand Marketers, and Consultants

It’s a lot easier to prevent Facebook bans than it is to try to bully Facebook into undoing a ban. Think about how this works out with your friends.

When you prove your friend wrong in an argument what do they often do? Double down on their wrong answer out of pride. What do you think Facebook does?

The exact same thing. To some extent. I want you to think philosophically about this – someone in the wrong is more defensive than someone in the right. So, while not impossible, it is a lot harder to appeal a ban than it is to prevent one from happening. 

#3: Don’t Imply That Facebook Endorses Your Promotions

Another easy to miss flag that many advertisers accidentally violate: You can’t use the Facebook “f” or “fb” or “facebook” or their logo on your lander.

If you do Facebook can and will shut your entire funnel down real quick as that’s trademark infringement, not a Facebook ad policy. It’s IP law, for intellectual property regulated on a federal level.

What’s the 1st rule about Fight Club?

Facebook policy
Don’t talk about Fight Club. Apply this to Facebook branding on your site.

#4: Observe Copyright at All Times

While it’s great to leverage big brand names if you’ve worked with them, trademark laws don’t just apply to Facebook’s logo.

If you are name dropping established brand names, Facebook may shut you down (or the company whose brand name you are using) for copyright infringement.

So, just don’t do it. Even one of my clients, celebrity Juanita Ingram, creator and host of the Amazon Reality Show The Black Expat owns rights to her show but due to Facebook’s bots won’t name drop “Amazon”‘s name in her Facebook posts. 

Facebook policy


If you’ve been shutdown a lot but never got answers, you’re like one of my clients, Steve Martinez, Vice President of Apollidon Learning.

“Trevor took us through the process of getting one of our University of Texas ad accounts reinstated (within minutes). He offered some critical insights to why our Facebook Ad Account was disabled and shared options to reduce our chances of future issues. We have a better understand of how the algorithm works and know exactly what to do and say if our account gets disabled again.”

Want to see how I can help you? Schedule a free discovery call here. Or, if you’re in a rush, prepay for your consulting call and skip the line.

What are Facebook ad policies?

Facebook ad policies operate on 3 levels:

One level is the Community Standards for NON ads but if your Page or Profile is breaking them it can affect your ads.  

The 2nd level is the common sense ad policies like no guns or drugs, that every social media website has. 

The 3rd level are the ad policies specific to your industry. Different ad policies apply for ads about weightloss versus ads about how to make money online.

Facebook and Instagram Ads Updates for 2025: What Marketers Need to Know

One of the social media and business publications I’ve written for, Social Media Examiner,Social Media Examiner, has a good update on what’s next for Facebook marketing tools:

As Meta continues to evolve its social advertising platform, AI and machine learning have become central to how ads are created, delivered, and optimized. “AI has taken over the ad platforms as well as everything else about marketing,” says Tara Zirker, founder of the Successful Ads Club and a Facebook ads expert.

For marketers who haven’t recently embraced advertising on Meta platforms, particularly those who stepped back after the iOS updates that affected social media platforms, now is the time to reconsider. 

The potential reach is enormous, with over 3 billion monthly active users on Facebook and nearly 3 billion on Instagram. More importantly, Meta’s advertising remains one of the most cost-effective options available for reaching a target audience with paid social media marketing.

“Facebook is one of the best bang for your buck in terms of reaching leads and converting those leads into sales,” Zirker explains. “Looking at Facebook’s own data, you see about $20 cost per action overall on the platform, $8 cost per lead, and less than $1 per click when targeting US markets. When you compare that against other platforms, it’s still an incredible bargain.”

Zirker emphasizes that ads can significantly enhance your organic efforts.

By applying advertising dollars to warm audiences, you can achieve much stronger reach and conversions than with organic content alone. This is noteworthy, given the declining organic reach across social platforms.

Advantage+ Placements

One of the most significant changes in Meta’s advertising approach involves placement optimization. Zirker strongly advises against manually selecting placements, a practice she sees many advertisers still following.

Many advertisers worry about limiting their ads to specific platforms, particularly Instagram. However, Zirker’s analysis of numerous accounts through her membership program reveals that even with unrestricted placements, about 60-80% of the advertising budget typically goes to Instagram, where the audience is most responsive. The algorithm effectively identifies where your ads perform best.

#1: Meta’s Advantage Plus Features

Meta has introduced a suite of Advantage Plus features representing a significant shift toward AI-driven advertising. These features fall into several categories, each designed to automate and optimize different aspects of your advertising campaigns.

Speaking of changes….One of the newest changes to facebook ad policy is the CBD rules for advertising CBD on Facebook. Read my expose on these changes here: Facebook’s New CBD Ad Policy

And even more recently, a lot of folks are getting banned for Personal Attributes flag – for targeting facebook users too personally. I’ve written guides about this as well:

Facebook ad policy

Already completely banned?

If you are running ads and spending $100K a year or more on ads, I can help with that.

Also check out:
Top Reasons Why Facebook Disables Ad Accounts

The ad review process Facebook Ad Policy

Typically what happens is after you submit an ad for review Facebook has up to 24 hours to reject or approve the ad. But, if you have some weird Facebook ad policy block it can take longer.

One of the newest glitches is if you are adding a payment method it can block your card and disable your Facebook ad account. Make sure your bank doesn’t block Facebook’s preauth charge of $1.

Facebook ad rejected, now what?

Really the 1st thing you should do when a Facebook ad is rejected, is look carefully at each part of the ad:

1. The ad copy above the creative

2. The creative.

3. The headline beneath the ad creative

4 The landing page

5. The privacy policy.

It’s real easy to go from 1 rejected ad to a disabled Facebook business manager if you can’t diagnose fast why your ad was rejected. 

Facebook account restricted from advertising?


If you have an ad account that has been disabled for Facebook ad policy violations this means the next ad asset on the chopping block is your Facebook Business Manager. You don’t want that banned right?

So you’ll want to expand your audit of the ads you’ve run. Just like in the last section I mentioned breaking down each part of the ad and reviewing it for ad policy violations, now do the same thing for the ads you’ve run in the last month.

Don’t know what to look for? Just hire me to audit your funnel and get real answers when Facebook goes silent. Book your call here.

Facebook Ad Policy Reviews and disputes

Most ad agencies make the rookie mistake of blindly appealing an ad reject or ad account getting disabled without understanding why it was shut down.

That’s a fast way to get your BM banned because if you have that same flag, that got you shut down, in more than one ad, it will all count against you.

It is much safer to audit your funnel first before appealing. Otherwise you are just rolling the dice. And when rent time comes around you don’t want to be rolling the dice with your landlord.

Facebook Ad Policy Key takeaways 

‣ Facebook creates new ad policies for good PR 

‣ These ad policies are run by automations

‣ These new Facebook Ad policy automations break when integrating with existing Facebook policies

‣ Beware of trademark infringements, don’t use the FB logo on your lander

‣ Audit your funnel before appealing an ad rejection 

Facebook Ad Policy Related articles

Check out the ad-guides I’ve created for ad agencies, you’ll find some great tips to help when Facebook isn’t being transparent.

Facebook Ad Policy Prevent Bans

Even if you spent a week reading Facebook’s Ad Policies you’d still be at risk of a shut down for Personal Attributes simply because there are ways Facebook’s bots flag you that Facebook isn’t open about.

Don’t miss out on an opportunity to never have to get flagged again:

New Solution to Facebook Ad Policy Violations

After years of working at Facebook, I understand exactly what ad copy in your funnel is triggering the automations and how to get compliant.

Schedule a call with me and I can easily tell you why the automations flag you and how to become compliant. Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me.

Facebook Policy
You’ll be swapping out walking in a minefield of ad flags, to have a sure path to having your Facebook ad accounts protected from being disabled.

My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to not know why Facebook is shutting you down? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends,
immediately secure an expert-level Facebook consulting call from someone at Facebook. Book a call with me now!

Mari Smith Facebook Ad Consultant

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

Facebook Ad Account Restricted & Lead Form Ad Errors

When you’re facing a facebook ad account restricted it seems like Facebook or Meta won’t tell you simple things like, “What part of my funnel was flagged?” or “Why did I get a facebook ad account restricted?”

On top of that, Meta’s obsession with being the first to dominate AI has degraded Lead Form ad results with low quality leads. Find out later how Facebook took the decision out of your hands to give you bad leads and what to do about it.

And, I’ve worked at Facebook, so I’ll be sharing helpful tips on what to do about getting a facebook ad account restricted.

Facebook ad account restricted

Facebook ad account restricted: Violations. Facebook doesn’t approve your advertisements due to violating Facebook’s advertising policies

I guarantee, there are tons of ad policies Facebook’s automations enforce that aren’t actually revealed to you on the facebook ad policies pages.

The reason is the entire business model for Facebook is based on disposable employees, never investing in developing skills and long term talent. It’s a form of Peter’s Principle, where the person you’re talking to struggles to understand their job, and is mediocre at it most of the time. Which is why Facebook ad support can’t explain getting a Facebook ad account restricted.

Facebook  ad account restricted

And when they finally do “get it” they are promoted. Except in Facebook’s case, it’s fired, laid off, or replaced with outsourced workers. And here you are, hat in hand, asking these poorly trained workers to help with a facebook ad account restricted and they can’t understand half of what you say, reflexively just repeating back to you everything you chat on Facebook ad support.

Would you like to make $6 figures from Facebook ads? The first step is avoiding Facebook jail. Ad bans raise ad costs. 

I’ll tell you what can help – learning how and why Facebook’s automations scan and flag your marketing funnel before it’s too late and you’re completely banned. That can help with a

Want to save time and money? Just schedule a complimentary discovery call to reduce risk and see how I can help you resolve Facebook restrictions here.

Facebook ad account restricted: About

About advertising restrictions

Facebook ad account restriction

You may not know this but you may get a Facebook ad account restricted because Facebook already had their eye on you.

Getting a Facebook ad account restricted happens when FB ad policy automations build a character profile of your ad account based on ad approval vs ad rejection basis. Get too many ad rejections and alarm bells ring, and the bots descend like Transformer Decepticons to shut you down.

Facebook ad account restriction

You wouldn’t believe the one small thing that got a million dollar skin care company shut down before we worked together. 

Facebook ad account restriction: Small Flags
Your advertising access is restricted – what does it mean? Facebook account restricted what to do

Facebook ad account restriction jail

Want to know the secret to escaping Facebook jail?

Most do.

Now let me explain…

I’ve seen folks banned for how they phrased their shipping and handling policies. It was a skincare company, so they had to watch out for getting hit with the Personal Attributes flag.

And yet, that wasn’t even what got them under fire when they found me and asked for my help. It was the small print in their S&H policy that violated a big policy they had no idea Facebook was punishing them for.

When you get your advertising access restricted it means the Facebook bots found something big or small somewhere in your funnel against policy.

Ready to stop guessing and stop losing money and time? Click here for a complimentary discovery call.

I’ve worked side-by-side with the software engineers at Meta, and offer better answers on this topic than many blogs you’ll find after googling facebook ad account restricted. All white hat.

It’s important to remember Meta is a big company, and there’s a lot of focus on policy and social responsibility. For example:

The Chinese Military Is Weaponizing Facebook’s Open Source AI recently reported that

According to the report, the military-focused AI tool dubbed “ChatBIT” is being developed to gather intelligence and provide information for operational decision-making, as laid out in an academic paper obtained by Reuters.

Unsurprisingly, allowing a foreign adversary’s military to make use of your large language model isn’t exactly a good look.

Last month, the Biden administration announced that it was finalizing rules to limit US investment in AI in China that could threaten US national security.

But given Meta’s fast-and-loose approach, these rules will likely be far too little, far too late. Meta, on the other hand, thinks its AI is far too puny to make any difference for China anyway.

“In the global competition on AI, the alleged role of a single, and outdated, version of an American open-source model is irrelevant when we know China is already investing more than a trillion dollars to surpass the US on AI,” a spokesperson told Reuters.

It’s important to bring up China right now because Russian and Chinese hackers are coming for your Facebook and IG accounts as hacking is at an all time hight, so make sure you hire a good cybersecurity company. Additionally, Meta’s obsession with AI is turning once-profitable leadform ads into a dumpster fire:

Facebook Lead Form Ads: Quality Leads Turned to Trash with Meta’s AI

Facebook ad account restriction lead

Without your permission, Meta has been flipping on AI switches in your ad account and Facebook Business Page, that lead to trash leads. Reading their dusty help center article here  you’ll see it says:

“By toggling on Display business information to encourage call pickup when you create a lead ad with instant form in Meta Ads Manager, you can call a prospective lead on their Facebook or Messenger app. Your business information, such as name and logo available on your Facebook Page, will appear on the incoming call screen. This gives people some context on who the caller is, which may make them more comfortable picking up your call and help you generate more quality leads.”

TLDR: Facebook is saying your leads from leadform ads can call you through Facebook messenger. Sounds great right?

Wrong. It’s terrible. Here’s why:

Facebook ad account restriction leadform

So someone blocked Facebook Messenger, why is that a big deal? Well it IS a big deal if you’re running Facebook lead form ads because:

What Facebook IS NOT EXPLAINING here is that if the Facebook user opting in to be a lead from your Facebook leadform ad, and that Facebook user previously had blocked receiving calls through Facebook Messenger, your CRM won’t know this and give you a dead lead with a broken phone number.

On TOP of all that it creates ALL KINDS OF AUTO FILL ERRORS. You’ll want to TURN OFF “Display business information to encourage call pickup” in your leadform ads to avoid Facebook trashing your leads. Again, Meta decided this WITHOUT ASKING YOU and FORCED IT into your ads and Page through their AI.

Protect yourself friends, turn that shit off and get good quality leads again. Double check all your automation settings. Now, let’s continue to talk about why Meta is handing out a Facebook ad account restricted. 

Facebook ad account restricted.Why does Facebook say my advertising access is restricted?

Facebook typically says your advertising access is restricted because it tracked a sequence of actions violating Facebook ad policies. It can be one thing that gets you a facebook ad account restricted after it’s removed you’re good, or it could be a series of smaller actions over time Facebook’s automations have logged and determined, overall, you are deliberately choosing not to follow policy.

Other times it could be a log in issue, a bank issue, or a business model conflict if the automations flag your ads as belonging to a banned business model (like MLMs). Make sure to read my blog on removing ad account restrictions here

Facebook ad account restricted – what does it mean? 

What does it mean to have a Facebook ad account restricted? Well, it’s like having a bullseye on your back – and the machines Facebook uses will attempt to reinforce their initial judgement that you are against their rules.

When you get a Facebook ad account restricted, Facebook offers you a chance to appeal first. But, if instead of appealing you rush to resubmit the same ad with the same violations in it, it can lead to disabling your Facebook Business Manager too.

If someone else on your BM is in hot water with FB that can roll over on you too, because Meta will hold you responsible for another person’s facebook account restricted if you share the same BM. It’s tough, but there is a path to ban-free ads here.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

Advertising restrictions for policy violations  

facebook ad account restriction prohibited content
If your Facebook account is restricted from advertising, it may hurt your ability to earn money in the future, so you’ll want to make sure your overall track record is in the black not the red. That means more approved ads than rejected. If your facebook account’s restricted it was done by bots.

Given how automated Facebook’s policy bots are, to be successful not getting thrown in FB jail, you’ll want to understand how and why these policy automations flag to avoid being on their radar. There’s some nuance to this you’ll want to know to side step getting a facebook ad account restricted.

Advertising restrictions for unusual activity 

If you buy a new smartphone, and are in a new location, download the Facebook app and log in, you could get hit with the unusual activity flag.

With a Facebook account restricted from advertising you may get the flag for unusual activity. Now, this can be frustratingly vague. Which activity was unusual? Why? How does this relate to getting a facebook ad account restricted?

Meta thinks you are a hacker when it sees new log ins, especially if you’re traveling out of state, out of country, when logging in. I’d suggest avoiding logging in to Facebook business tools while traveling to avoid this flag.

Read the ultimate guide on what to do if you’re hacked while running Facebook ads or want to prevent this from happening here.

Your Facebook ad gets rejected, you appeal or try to run it again, then your ad account gets disabled. You try to appeal this (probably incorrectly) and then that appeal gets rejected and your Business Manager gets disabled.

It all starts with the Facebook ad and whether it follows ad policies or paints you as a bad actor to Facebook trying to circumvent systems if you try to run the same ad already rejected, multiple times leading to a Facebook ad account restricted from advertising.

If you’ve read How to Unrestrict My Ad Account you get how vital your appeal strategy is and has to be when it comes to appealing a facebook ad account restricted. The problem with getting hit with a Circumventing Systems flag is that Facebook’s bots are not specific about WHAT you are circumventing, and HOW to fix this. I have a short little guide to add a bit of help here.

Circumventing Systems Guide 2.0

What does a restricted Facebook ad account mean?

When your ad account is restricted, you cannot run Facebook ads at all.  It means that your other assets like your Facebook Business Page and your Facebook Business Manager may be at risk too after getting a facebook ad account restricted.

It means also that you may have associated with un-trustworthy actors who may have gotten in trouble with FB and are on your Facebook Business Manager. Discovering authentic people in the ad space can be a challenge with fake accounts and AI these days.

Be sure to vet your vendors and the sources you rely on for info (Like Hubspot, who I trust, like their article: 15 Facebook Ad Tools for Design, Testing, Scheduling, and More). Now, let’s talk about how this happens.

How did I get myself restricted from advertising on Facebook?

Bad habits. Everyone has habits and the habits you have when creating ads can get you in trouble if your habits don’t include a compliance check up or sometimes you can get banned for simply acting too quickly. I’ve seen a series of quick thoughtless actions lead to a facebook ad account restricted before.

How can I tell if my account was restricted?

Facebook is supposed to send emails to your email account associated with your personal Facebook profile every time you have an ad approved and rejected. BUT, they end up in spam sometimes. You may not see these emails if your gmail has filtered these out to the promotions tab or social tab. 

Logging into Meta Business Suite or Facebook Business Manager and going to the ad accounts you own on the Ads Manager page, you’ll typically see red letters detailing the warning you have gotten or ban.

How do I unrestrict my Facebook ads? Facebook ad account restricted tips

A good practice for preventing a facebook ad account restricted is to audit your funnel for potential flags and remove them, making everything compliant BEFORE submitting ads to Facebook to review.

And you don’t want a facebook account restricted because the ad account creation limit for new Facebook Business Managers is only 1 or 2 ad accounts most of the time. This means being aware of what may get banned and avoiding it is a full time job you can’t slack on if you want to avoid getting a facebook ad account restricted

It pays to be informed of what Facebook is doing as it effects industries at large, like Facebook’s recent ad policies on selling CBD on Facebook. You need to stay current to avoid Facebook accounts restricted from advertising.

Why is my Facebook ad account restricted?

Now, it is not your fault that you don’t understand the policies – Facebook is clear as the vision of a serious scotch drinker after the 4th glass. But, most likely your Facebook ad account is restricted because of a few words in your ad copy, privacy policy or the creative you chose.

Given my history of working with thousands of ad agencies both while I was working AT Facebook and in my own practice, I have stats on which ad policies are triggered the most in specific niches. Like personal attributes flags being higher in weight loss niches, or MLM flags being higher in the start-a-biz online vertical.

Understanding how YOUR specific niche interacts with Facebook ad policy automations is KEY to staying out of Facebook jail and avoiding a facebook account restricted.

Facebook ad account restricted: Ad rejections

Your ad account was banned for too many rejected ads

When you step over a certain ratio of rejected ads, Facebook has a separate automation that determines the health of your ad account. If you are not paying attention to this as you run ads throughout the quarter, you could end up on the wrong side of the ban bots. So, as the meme below states, you’ll need to study your ad account history a little more carefully to avoid this type of ban.

facebook ad account restriction

Now, resolving a facebook account restricted can be a lot easier to prevent than recover from.

If you’ve read my Common Mistakes to Avoid When Advertising on Facebook you found out the hidden clues in FB warnings  – that you may need an expert to decode into everyday language.

Just like my clients, the social media marketing agency for Wu-Tang ClanWu-Tang Clan discovered, there are micro flags in ad copy and landing pages that have to be removed first before attempting to appeal or relaunch a brand with Facebook.

Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call to avoid getting a disabled Facebook ad account.

Facebook ad account restricted: disabled accounts

What Disabled Facebook Ad Account Means

Disabled facebook ad account, Search • back • clock • Open Google agency account • Open Google agency account

If you see that, “You are restricted from running ads” this means you missed the canary in the coal mine beforehand. SOME element in your ads attracted the attention of Facebook ban bots and there were warning signs. Probably not obvious because Facebook isn’t that transparent.

Now, depending on what type of Business Manager you have you may be able to create a new ad account as long as the new ads have 0 flags in them that the old ads have.

When reading the Facebook ad policies on Facebook ad rejections you may feel frustrated, because they won’t talk about your specific situation in any detail, if at all.

Facebook ad account restricted: Trust the right answers

A big hurdle to overcome with dealing with a Facebook ad account restricted is who to trust online. Most articles you’ll read come from outsiders, who have not worked at Meta and are shaking a Magic 8 ball to come up with best guesses.

Even worse, chatting in to Facebook ad support, you talk to people who don’t seem to understand your questions. I’ve heard stories from clients who got in a worst ban after talking to Facebook ad support before finding my blog.

And Facebook has a spotty track record for providing reliable advice on how to solve a facebook account restricted.

I’ve heard some people say that Facebook ads aren’t worth using anymore and don’t turn a profit – every week my calendar is booked with calls from businesses running high converting ads on Facebook making hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars. So, while Nas may have rapped that Hip Hop is Dead (with the recent beef with Kendrick Lamar and Drake you know hip hop is alive and kicking) Facebook certainly isn’t dead either.

Per Sprout Social,Per Sprout Social, Facebook is the third most visited website following Google and YouTube, respectively. This puts it ahead of other leading platforms like Twitter and Instagram.
The platform boasts 3.065 billion active users on a monthly basis. This makes it the most used social media platform worldwide.
In 2023, Facebook’s total ad revenue amounted to $135 billion, up from $116 billion the previous year.

Don’t leave money on the table just because you don’t understand the way the bots flag for policy, I can help you there.

Is your Facebook ad account already disabled? Don’t get ripped off! Read How to Recover Facebook Ad Accounts now!

Just like my client Dr. Emi benefited from my funnel audits for compliance, you can too. It all starts with a free discovery call here. By the way, Dr. Emi was just featured on the Today Show on NBC.  (In a rush? Skip the line with prepaid funnel audits with VIP Access).

Facebook ad account restricted: Business Manager

What is a Disabled Facebook Business Manager?

Facebook ad account restriction

If you are restricted from running ads, when your Facebook Business Manager is disabled within the Facebook Business Suite as they (annoyingly) renamed it, then you may need to relaunch your brand depending on how severe this ban is.

Sometimes Business Manager bans if they are appealed fast enough with the right language can be overturned.

But out of lets say 100 disabled Facebook Business Managers I’ve seen, 1% gets recovered.

Facebook account restricted from advertising? KNOW THIS: What you want to keep in mind is the Facebook Business Pages – as they are your digital storefront for your brand name – and take them out before your Facebook Business Manager gets disabled!

That being said, when you have a disabled Facebook Business Manager that means every asset inside is jeopardized.

  • Ad Accounts
  • Facebook Business Pages
  • People connected to this BM

Facebook ad account restricted: Causes

Here’s why:

When you have a disabled Facebook Business Manager, Facebook keeps track of who is in the Business Manager and the other BMs they are connected to.

So, everyone in a disabled Facebook Business Manager is at risk of having everything else they are working on getting shut down too. If you FORGOT a lurker in your BM who has a facebook account restricted it WILL come back to bite ya a$$ so BE AWARE. 

A disabled Facebook Business Manager is the next to the worst ban you can get on Facebook.

When my client Happi Digital, an eCommerce Agency hired me to audit their Facebook ads, I uncovered flags that if left alone could have shut down their entire ad agency.

Need Facebook ad policy expert too? Schedule a call with me right now.

Facebook ad account restricted: Pages

What Does it Mean When Your Facebook Page is Restricted?

Facebook ad account restriction

We saw many Pages go down in 2020 – when the pandemic first hit America with e-comm businesses that had shipping delays in China due to covid-19 shut downs. These e-commerce businesses saw their customers giving them bad reviews that took their Page quality score beneath a 1.

Then, just by automation alone, their FB Business Pages got restricted. And they didn’t even have a facebook account restricted-just the Page got shut down.

This is challenging because if you try to relaunch a new Facebook Business Page with the same brand name you may get blocked by Facebook right away for circumventing systems. You’ll need a better strategy more finely tuned for relaunching.

Want to stop losing money over Facebook bans? Get the expert advice of someone who worked at Meta here.

Facebook ad account restricted: Reasons

Why is my Facebook advertising account restricted?

Facebook account restricted from advertising

Still asking what to do when seeing, “You are restricted from running ads”? If you want to get to the bottom of why your Facebook advertising account is restricted, you’ll want to audit your funnel. This is to identify what was the biggest risk that got you on the radar and eventually shut down.

Have your Facebook ads been blocked? Read this blog here.

Here’s the deal, even if you read all of the Transparency Center policies on ads, you still wouldn’t know how to prevent a ban.

In reality, there are 1000s more that you are policed on by the automations but never told about.

Want access to a funnel audit to ensure you are compliant? Click here for a discovery call.

How to appeal advertising restrictions

There is a right way and a wrong way to appeal getting a Facebook ad account restricted. The wrong way is to mash buttons, click request review, and wait for the Facebook gods to grant you clemency. With staffing shortages, and reliance on automations, the first approach won’t get you far. But identifying what got you flagged, and what is the hierarchy of risks in your funnel and replacing the offending content with compliant copy is a much better place to start before appealing. 

Facebook ad account restricted: Fixes

How do I fix my restricted Facebook account?

No one wants to see: “You are restricted from running ads.”

If you googled disabled facebook ad account or Facebook ad rejections you’ll find a number of bullshit articles out there – even by major brands – that will just tell you to “Request Review.”

That CAN help if you have already removed ALL the flags from your funnel. But if you have not…Full stop, no pass go, don’t click it.

Your advertising access is restricted

What you’re doing here is saying to the automations that shut you down: “Hey bot, I know you are machine, but can you decipher human empathy and context? Even better can you send this Appeal to ANOTHER robot? And put my fate in the next bot’s hands?”

Really the best chance you have is to appeal within 48 hours of getting shut down AFTER identifying the EXACT source of the Facebook automation flag.

Anything less than that, and your chances diminish by A LOT. Now, if you’ve found me within that time period, I can possibly help you, depending on your type of business and other factors. Click here to schedule your call and avoid a further shut down and avoid a permanent restriction.

Want a better answer than Facebook ad support gives? Keep reading.

Learn more

facebook ad account restriction

Learn more about the appeal process: when appealing keep in mind you’re chatting wit outsourced workers who have a goal of getting more chats per day than increasing real resolution rate.

They will try to shut you down every step of the way. I can help you navigate these hurdles, and get the best chances you can have for making an appeal if you have contacted me fast enough after a ban. 

Beyond that window, the chances get slimmer. But you do have other options if your goal is to get Facebook ads live again and not just trying to recover old disabled ad accounts.

What if you had a guarantee that your ads were compliant before they went live on Facebook?

Keep reading for these answers and more: 

Facebook Ad Account Restriction Solution

Ad agencies: tired of getting the silent treatment from Facebook when all you want to do is get your Facebook ads live and revenue in the door?

I’m a Facebook ad policy specialist who worked at Facebook and I’m trusted by high level brands that take accuracy and results seriously.

Facebook account restricted from advertising

I can show you how to resolve FB bans even if Facebook ad support is useless to resolve ad account restrictions.

Don’t lose any more money from Facebook bans and schedule your call with me now.

Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me:

 your access can't be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

It shouldn’t be a mystery on what to do to recover from a ban. I strive for customer satisfaction, being a business owner myself.

facebook ad account restriction fix testimonial
My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to have a disabled Facebook ad account? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends, immediately secure expert-level Facebook consulting. Book a call with me now!

Facebook jail solution testimonial

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

What Is a Virtual Bookkeeping Business
(And Why Is It Better Than Any Other “Make Money Online” Opportunity Out There):
Work from home
On Day 1 of the Keyboard Rich Challenge, you’ll discover:

How starting a virtual bookkeeping business can give you financial freedom + time with your family & time for yourself, too!

Why you won’t need a prior degree, experience, startup capital, or have any “sales” skills to get clients.

The very few things you need to start your business THIS week—and the stuff you DON’T need that will only waste your time.

Learn a legitimate (and in-demand) skill that businesses love paying good money for – click here to get started making money from home

Ad Account Restricted Facebook FAQ

Facebook ad account restriction FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to fix ad account disabled on facebook

Your first step should always be to stop active ads running with the same copy as the rejected ad, then audit your funnel for flags, and appeal using the strategy outlined in the appeal section of the FAQs

2. How to enable my disabled facebook ad account

If you have a spare ad account in your Facebook Business Manager that you can run ads from, feel free to. BUT, identify the micro and major flags FIRST, so as not to repeat the same mistake. 

Ready to Finally Make the Money You Need in the Hours That Work for You & Your Family? Don’t miss out,Learn More here.

3. How to appeal a disabled facebook ad account

As far as how to appeal a disabled Facebook ad account, you’ll get 48 hours to make your appeal. The best strategy is to communicate to Meta | Facebook that:

A. You understand WHY you were banned.
B. You are committed to following the policies from here on out.
C. You have identified and REMOVED the offending content from your funnel.

You can also get some top tips on facebook ad policy in this complimentary eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

4. how to get disabled ad account up and running

Depending on how long your ad account was disabled, sometimes, if your appeal is written correctly, the appeal itself CAN potentially get you reactivated, if you understand to communicate with Facebook ad support correctly. 

5. How Many Policy Violations Before Account is Shut Down?

Typically, it’s a 1 to 10 ratio. For every single rejected ad that you get, you’ll want 10 Facebook ads that are approved. After a pattern of behavior is established by machine learning, from Meta’s automations, you may spiral rapidly into Facebook jail if your ratios aren’t correct. 3 consecutive ads getting rejected risks your ad account getting disabled. But, it also depends on how severe the ban is. 

And, if this still all seems too confusing, your clients are yelling at you to get ads live to bring in money, simply schedule a complimentary Facebook discovery call here

6. How to remove restriction on facebook ad account

As far as removing a restriction on a Facebook ad account, if we’re talking about a disabled ad account, well, you can rehabilitate your funnel and then appeal, possibly getting it reactivated if you do this SMART (I have methods that work if you’re in the appeal window). But as far as removing a restriction from Facebook ads, see the previous FAQ answer: you need to get in a positive approval-cycle ratio.

7. how long does facebook take to review restricted ad account

Now, ask yourself, is it an election year? Have there been over 20,000 Meta employees laid off? Did you word your appeal using specific language Facebook ad support can and will respond better to? These are the factors in play. Typically, you get an answer within a week. If you have a more severe ban or are in the special ad categories, you may get an answer faster but it won’t be one you like. Severe bans end up as permanent restrictions and they deliver that ban hammer faster than other lighter Facebook ad policy restrictions. 

8. how to fix your access can’t be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

In a situation like this, your recovery options depend on what is banned:

a) Facebook Ad Account
b) Facebook Business Page
c) Facebook Business Manager
d) Facebook profile

So, each one may have a different recovery option, depending on your situation, and type of ban it is, as well as your particular niche or business’s vertical, and the health of the accounts before the ban. Want to get a pathway to get Facebook ads live? Schedule your complimentary discovery call here.

9. How To Get Your Disabled Facebook Ad Account Back 

First, let me also address the elephant in the room: personal and emotional attachments to disabled ad accounts. I’ve worked with tons of Fortune 500 level companies, and the amount of hair pulling and FML-ing over ONE ad account being disabled, is incredible. Sometimes, it’s faster, and cheaper, to just start a new ad account, and relaunch, rather than recover a tainted asset.

That being said, the same answer applies here to the instructions above, for appeals

10. How to unblock your Facebook ad account

Now, unblocking an ad account, may be possible if you get in fast enough with the right kind of messaging to Facebook ad support. While they are the gatekeepers, and don’t have any real power, they CAN talk to the right folks who, if you word your appeal right, can unblock your Facebook ad account. And of course, if you need next-level assistance, I’m always available to chat and see if it’s a good fit here.

Facebook Ad Policy Why Ad Accounts Get Restricted

They’ll all lie to you – Facebook, Instagram, Google, saying despite an account ban it will be turned on after they review. The reason for these lies is Meta outsources labor to unskilled workers, making it tough deciphering Facebook ad policy when Facebook’s bots work around the clock to ban and restrict ad accounts.

I’ve worked at Facebook in multiple departments – advertising to tech and today, I’m explaining how Facebook ad policy works. Stay tuned also for a full breakdown of a hacker’s message, impersonating Facebook. Want to just get a restricted FB ad account fixed? Schedule a discovery call here, free for a limited time.

facebook ad policy

Facebook policy for ads sounds simple but it’s pretty complex – it’s dangerous to think Facebook will take the time to understand you, your ads, or why the automations ban you. Would you like a clear explanation? Facebook won’t give you one, but today I’ll help make some things clear. And don’t forget to read my blog, Facebook account restricted from advertising – What to do


When Facebook was first established it was just for college kids, and soon it ballooned into a billion dollar empire. Similar to a city that grows too fast for its own infrastructure to support the traffic, city codes, building violations, and so on – Facebook has too much traffic to handle the ads from a human level. (don’t miss out on this ad account restriction guide)

So, they hired engineers I’ve worked with to design the automations to replace the humans reviewing your ads for Facebook ad policy compliance. And as a result, a lot of advertisers and businesses get banned without warning or explanation. Why is that?

Facebook ad policy

Facebook ad policy is designed to stop bad actors from scamming innocent Facebook users – and I’ve oversaw the outsourced workers who review your content, moderating it to ensure compliance, when I was in tech at Meta I had to review their work. They are so badly trained, they have no idea how to tell the difference between you and a bad actor.

Keep in mind, Facebook itself is under scrutiny, especially with Facebook’s new focus on AI. Don’t want AI suggestions all the time? Check this out:

How to Turn Off Meta AI on Facebook

Facebook ad policy ai Select your Account profile picture in the top-right corner of the screen. In the drop-down menu, choose Settings & Privacy, and then pick Settings. Facebook with the account icon and Settings menu option highlighted On the left side, scroll down to Audience and visibility and select Posts. On the right, turn off the toggle for Allow comment summaries on your posts. The "Posts" option in the FB sidebar and the "Allow comment summaries on your posts" ite


If you’re browsing the web or using the Facebook app on your computer, you can turn off Meta AI in just a handful of steps.

  1. Select your Account profile picture in the top-right corner of the screen.

  2. In the drop-down menu, choose Settings & Privacy, and then pick Settings.

    Facebook with the account icon and Settings menu option highlighted
  3. On the left side, scroll down to Audience and visibility and select Posts.

  4. On the right, turn off the toggle for Allow comment summaries on your posts.

    The "Posts" option in the FB sidebar and the "Allow comment summaries on your posts" item

Now, let’s talk about Meta’s advertising principles. 

Meta advertising policy principles

The more eyes are on content, the more chance ads will be displayed to FB users, so high engagement is prioritized, even if sometimes that engagement isn’t positive.

The ad review process

Facebook rarely puts human eyes on ads, the decision to approve or reject a Facebook ad is done by machines 90% of the time. And typically they have, maximum, 24 hours to approve or reject a FB ad. If it goes longer than that “in review” you’ll want to reach out to Facebook ad support.

What to do if your ad is rejected or if your business asset is restricted

The first step is to stop taking actions on Facebook with Ads Manager, Facebook Business Manager, and your Page. Often the biggest fail comes from acting too quickly without examining your entire funnel and assessing the damage before acting.

Community standards

Typically, there’s no cross over from facebook ad policies that govern all ads you run on Facebook and the Community Standards which regulate the organic content. Facebook has workers in sweatshops overseas monitoring the organic content and removing porn, violence, drugs and more. You won’t see Community Standards violations in Ads Manager, they’ll be in the Support Inbox, visible from your Profile (not FB Business Page)’s privacy settings.

Facebook Ad Policy

Anytime you report a fake profile on Facebook you’ll see the Support Inbox filled with automated messages, and sometimes you can reach a person – but this is for non-advertising issues.

Facebook Ad Policy support inbox 2

Facebook Ad Policy Content

Unacceptable content

When you look at Facebook ad policy on unacceptable content, you’ll see things like, don’t sell illegal items, or exploit people but what this manifests as in your real, every day experience running ads for profit is the part where Meta talks about Misinformation.

Facebook ad policy
If you cut out all the BS and fluff what Facebook is saying for Facebook ad policy here is TLDR: “Don’t look like spam or an MLM.”

Suffice to say, you are wandering in the dark searching for the sunken ships in the Bermuda Triangle trying to get Facebook to be clear and specific on what they ban and what they allow. Want to save yourself money and headaches and avoid bans? Schedule your complimentary discovery call with me here

Facebook Ad Policy: Deceptive Ads

Deceptive content

Let me decode this for you, as it isn’t clear from reading this section on Facebook ad policy what Facebook means when you break it down to nuts and bolts. Meta here is saying don’t make exaggerated claims that don’t sound realistic in their opinion for what an average person’s results may be using your product or service. So, tone down your ad copy from anything that sounds like a tabloid or over sensational.

Facebook Ad Policy Restricted Products

Restricted goods and services

You may be blissfully unaware of certain banned business models on Facebook and specific types of products you can’t sell on Facebook which include:

  • Animals
  • Crypto Currency
  • Tobacco 

One of the reasons why people who sell CBD have such a hard time ever getting it live on Facebook is because the bots will flag anything smoke-related as selling cigarettes. I have an article about selling CBD on Facebook you may find helpful here.

Facebook Ad Policy: Objection

Objectionable content

What Facebook means by “Objectionable content” for Facebook ad policy is:

  • No nudity (seems obv) 
  • No cursing in ads (don’t try to be cute here) 
  • No Graphic Content

What that typically looks like in ads is if you try to go too extreme or shocking with kicking the pain points when writing ad copy. Want to stop reading an encyclopedia of Facebook ad policy and just ensure your ads get approved?

Or recover from a restricted ad account? Then you’re like my client Cubatica who ran ads for Tony Robbins that I prescreened for his Knowledge Broker Blueprint (KBB) launch. Schedule your Facebook ad policy discovery call today right here.Facebook ad policy discovery call today right here.

Facebook Ad Policy IP

Intellectual property infringement

Facebook Ad Policy

It’s crazy how obvious this is – yet every year I still see many of my clients come to me with IP flags. You cannot borrow authority from a celebrity or name brand of an established company to sell your products, without paying your dues. If you attempt to use a major brand name – including Facebook’s – without a licensing agreement, Facebook will flag you for copyright infringement. 

Facebook Ad Policy Political Ads

Social issue, electoral or political advertising

If Facebook’s bots perceive your ad as something political or addressing a social issue you’ll have to mark your ad as a special ad category ad – if you don’t Facebook will ban you. 

Facebook Ad Policy: Drugs et al

Product and format-specific policies

This is a fancy way of saying even if your ad is a video ad not a static image ad you still have to obey Facebook ad policy and not have any:

  1. Drugs and alcohol use

  2. Adult content

  3. Profanity

  4. Violence and gore

Facebook Ad Policy: Cybersecurity

Advertising policies affecting business assets

Wow, another vague af Facebook ad policy title! What does it mean? It means don’t run ads that Facebook thinks sound real spammy, and don’t try to hack people. This also means don’t SOUND like you are. What do I mean by that? Well, if FB says don’t hack people, check your copy to make sure there are no phrases that could be misinterpreted that way.


What you should know by now is that Facebook doesn’t F around when it comes to enforcing Facebook ad policy because there are genuinely bad actors out there breaking all the rules to harm others, so they have a better safe than sorry approach. After the Big Tech Layoffs, now Facebook is even more short staffed and relying on automations to make most of their Facebook ad policy decisions. Keep that in mind – machines are reviewing your ads not people.

Want someone who speaks Facebook ad policy bot language? Schedule your discovery call with me today. Schedule your discovery call with me today.

Facebook Ad Policy Enforcing Policy


The way Facebook automations enforce Facebook ad policy is by building a profile of your actions on Facebook Business Manager, Ads Manager, Facebook Business Page and running ads. After a specific period of time (lets say 60-90 days or sooner) the Facebook ad policy automations may make a conclusion, after seeing a pattern, that you are deliberately breaking Facebook ad policy if you have repeat violations.

Here is the problem with Facebook relying on machine-learning to enforce ad policies – if you made a few mistakes in a row, Facebook’s automations see the pattern and assume you are deliberately violating another one of their ad policies, called Circumventing Systems. I created a quick and dirty guide for you on Circumventing Systems here:

Circumventing Systems Guide (1)

Wouldn’t you like to prevent Facebook from banning your ad account?

As Liana Lang, CEO of Power Up Strategy Inc. said, “Please meet Trevor, my ‘secret weapon’ for all things Facebook compliance. I highly recommend hiring him to help you out especially if you plan to be running ads.”

Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call.

Now, you may have noticed Facebook changes their ad policies A LOT!

Who are the Facebook changes really for? 

I’m sure we’ve all seen the awkward testimonial from Mark Zuckerberg when he faced Congress. Anytime there is a PR fire – like Cambridge Analytica (I was working at Facebook when this happened), Facebook has to get out and do damage control.

Facebook policy
Facebook’s policy is to change Facebook’s policy to show they are doing something about an issue. Even if those changes wreak havoc on advertisers just like you.

Facebook creates new ad automations to police Facebook ads more to please their stakeholders, and show the board they are doing something. What they don’t do is look at the big picture for how these new automations integrate with the existing Facebook bots.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

What are Facebook ad policies?

Facebook ad policies operate on 3 levels:

One level is the Community Standards for NON ads but if your Page or Profile is breaking them it can affect your ads.  

The 2nd level is the common sense ad policies like no guns or drugs, that every social media website has. 

The 3rd level are the ad policies specific to your industry. Different ad policies apply for ads about weightloss versus ads about how to make money online. While many blogs get it wrong guessing, I’ve worked with the engineers at Facebook and help business prevent or recover from a Facebook ban, learn more here.

Advertising Standards

In 2023 if you googled new facebook ad policies 2023 this is what you’d see:

Facebook ad policy

You can see beginning in February 2023, advertisers will only be able to use age and location to reach teens. Facebook is removing gender as a targeting option – thats another update to the Facebook advertising guidelines. That’s my blog as the first result (Facebook had to advertise to rank above me under the Sponsored post btw).

Already completely banned?

If you are running ads and spending $100K a year or more on ads, I can help with that.

Also check out:
Top Reasons Why Facebook Disables Ad Accounts

Facebook Policy Related articles

Check out the ad-guides I’ve created for ad agencies, you’ll find some great tips to help when Facebook isn’t being transparent.

Unmasking Hackers: How They Impersonate Facebook Accounts and Trick Users

Like no time in history the world is under attack by phishing messages, impersonated IG accounts, and hacked Facebook business managers, hacked Facebook Business Pages, and compromised ad accounts.

Flood gates of hell have opened and it’s like Brad Pitt fighting zombies at the top of the wall in World War Z, no joke:

Facebook ad policy
All that being said, when dealing with Facebook policy, how do you discern between real Facebook staff messages and a hacker impersonating Facebook? For this, take a look as I break down a hacker’s faked Facebook message to me:

The Anatomy of a Hacker’s Fake Facebook Message

Alightchall so here’s a hacker’s message to me for my biohacking facebook page. His name was “York Alfredo” TF was that supposed to be,  a noodle dish living in New York? Here is his message, pretending to be Facebook:

Facebook policy

For a full breakdown, read the most comprehensive article on protecting yourself from getting hacked here. You’ll learn things you never knew about how your account can be compromised and what to do about it. 

Facebook Ad Policy [Explained] Why Some Accounts Are Banned & Others Are Not

So why do some accounts get banned while others are not? Simply said, it depends on a few things, for instance your track record for ad rejections or Facebook ad policy violations, within a specific amount of time. If you have had a lot of near misses, you are more likely to be shut down for a smaller flag in the future.

And, you may hate to hear this, but there are some agency accounts who have simply not made changes to their previously approved ads for years, and get into a holding pattern where the automations don’t rescan them. So, they’ve gotten away with noncompliant ads for years.

Eventually, the bots will catch up to them, and they’ll be calling me, to help them get Facebook ads live again after a ban or ad account restriction. But, just because you see noncompliant ads live on Facebook doesn’t mean it’s safe for you to do so. 

Facebook Policy Prevent Bans

Even if you spent a week reading Facebook’s Ad Policies you’d still be at risk of a shut down for Personal Attributes simply because there are ways Facebook’s bots flag you that Facebook isn’t open about. But that’s what I help businesses and ad agencies with: actual transparency for how Facebook ad policy automations flag and what to do to avoid Facebook jail. 

Learn more

Don’t miss out on an opportunity to never have to get flagged again:

Facebook Ad Policy Violations New Solution

Ad agencies: tired of getting the silent treatment from Facebook when all you want to do is get your Facebook ads live and revenue in the door?

I’m a Facebook ad policy specialist who worked at Facebook and I’m trusted by high level brands that take accuracy and results seriously.

Facebook account restricted from advertising

I can show you how to resolve FB bans even if Facebook ad support is useless to resolve ad account restrictions.

Don’t lose any more money from Facebook bans and schedule your call with me now.

Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me:

 your access can't be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

It shouldn’t be a mystery on what to do to recover from a ban. I strive for customer satisfaction, being a business owner myself.

facebook ad account restriction fix testimonial
My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to have a disabled Facebook ad account? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends, immediately secure expert-level Facebook consulting. Book a call with me now!

Facebook jail solution testimonial

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

What Is a Virtual Bookkeeping Business
(And Why Is It Better Than Any Other “Make Money Online” Opportunity Out There):
Work from home
On Day 1 of the Keyboard Rich Challenge, you’ll discover:

How starting a virtual bookkeeping business can give you financial freedom + time with your family & time for yourself, too!

Why you won’t need a prior degree, experience, startup capital, or have any “sales” skills to get clients.

The very few things you need to start your business THIS week—and the stuff you DON’T need that will only waste your time.

Learn a legitimate (and in-demand) skill that businesses love paying good money for – click here to get started making money from home

Ad Account Restricted Facebook FAQ

Facebook ad account restriction FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to fix ad account disabled on facebook

Your first step should always be to stop active ads running with the same copy as the rejected ad, then audit your funnel for flags, and appeal using the strategy outlined in the appeal section of the FAQs

2. How to enable my disabled facebook ad account

If you have a spare ad account in your Facebook Business Manager that you can run ads from, feel free to. BUT, identify the micro and major flags FIRST, so as not to repeat the same mistake. 

Ready to Finally Make the Money You Need in the Hours That Work for You & Your Family? Don’t miss out,Learn More here.

3. How to appeal a disabled facebook ad account

As far as how to appeal a disabled Facebook ad account, you’ll get 48 hours to make your appeal. The best strategy is to communicate to Meta | Facebook that:

A. You understand WHY you were banned.
B. You are committed to following the policies from here on out.
C. You have identified and REMOVED the offending content from your funnel.

You can also get some top tips on facebook ad policy in this complimentary eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

4. how to get disabled ad account up and running

Depending on how long your ad account was disabled, sometimes, if your appeal is written correctly, the appeal itself CAN potentially get you reactivated, if you understand to communicate with Facebook ad support correctly. 

5. How Many Policy Violations Before Account is Shut Down?

Typically, it’s a 1 to 10 ratio. For every single rejected ad that you get, you’ll want 10 Facebook ads that are approved. After a pattern of behavior is established by machine learning, from Meta’s automations, you may spiral rapidly into Facebook jail if your ratios aren’t correct. 3 consecutive ads getting rejected risks your ad account getting disabled. But, it also depends on how severe the ban is. 

And, if this still all seems too confusing, your clients are yelling at you to get ads live to bring in money, simply schedule a complimentary Facebook discovery call here

6. How to remove restriction on facebook ad account

As far as removing a restriction on a Facebook ad account, if we’re talking about a disabled ad account, well, you can rehabilitate your funnel and then appeal, possibly getting it reactivated if you do this SMART (I have methods that work if you’re in the appeal window). But as far as removing a restriction from Facebook ads, see the previous FAQ answer: you need to get in a positive approval-cycle ratio.

7. how long does facebook take to review restricted ad account

Now, ask yourself, is it an election year? Have there been over 20,000 Meta employees laid off? Did you word your appeal using specific language Facebook ad support can and will respond better to? These are the factors in play. Typically, you get an answer within a week. If you have a more severe ban or are in the special ad categories, you may get an answer faster but it won’t be one you like. Severe bans end up as permanent restrictions and they deliver that ban hammer faster than other lighter Facebook ad policy restrictions. 

8. how to fix your access can’t be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

In a situation like this, your recovery options depend on what is banned:

a) Facebook Ad Account
b) Facebook Business Page
c) Facebook Business Manager
d) Facebook profile

So, each one may have a different recovery option, depending on your situation, and type of ban it is, as well as your particular niche or business’s vertical, and the health of the accounts before the ban. Want to get a pathway to get Facebook ads live? Schedule your complimentary discovery call here.

9. How To Get Your Disabled Facebook Ad Account Back 

First, let me also address the elephant in the room: personal and emotional attachments to disabled ad accounts. I’ve worked with tons of Fortune 500 level companies, and the amount of hair pulling and FML-ing over ONE ad account being disabled, is incredible. Sometimes, it’s faster, and cheaper, to just start a new ad account, and relaunch, rather than recover a tainted asset.

That being said, the same answer applies here to the instructions above, for appeals

10. How to unblock your Facebook ad account

Now, unblocking an ad account, may be possible if you get in fast enough with the right kind of messaging to Facebook ad support. While they are the gatekeepers, and don’t have any real power, they CAN talk to the right folks who, if you word your appeal right, can unblock your Facebook ad account. And of course, if you need next-level assistance, I’m always available to chat and see if it’s a good fit here.

Facebook Ad Account Restricted & Lead Form Ad Errors

When you’re facing a facebook ad account restricted it seems like Facebook or Meta won’t tell you simple things like, “What part of my funnel was flagged?” or “Why did I get a facebook ad account restricted?”

On top of that, Meta’s obsession with being the first to dominate AI has degraded Lead Form ad results with low quality leads. Find out later how Facebook took the decision out of your hands to give you bad leads and what to do about it.

And, I’ve worked at Facebook, so I’ll be sharing helpful tips on what to do about getting a facebook ad account restricted.

Facebook ad account restricted

Facebook ad account restricted: Violations. Facebook doesn’t approve your advertisements due to violating Facebook’s advertising policies

I guarantee, there are tons of ad policies Facebook’s automations enforce that aren’t actually revealed to you on the facebook ad policies pages.

The reason is the entire business model for Facebook is based on disposable employees, never investing in developing skills and long term talent. It’s a form of Peter’s Principle, where the person you’re talking to struggles to understand their job, and is mediocre at it most of the time. Which is why Facebook ad support can’t explain getting a Facebook ad account restricted.

Facebook  ad account restricted

And when they finally do “get it” they are promoted. Except in Facebook’s case, it’s fired, laid off, or replaced with outsourced workers. And here you are, hat in hand, asking these poorly trained workers to help with a facebook ad account restricted and they can’t understand half of what you say, reflexively just repeating back to you everything you chat on Facebook ad support.

Would you like to make $6 figures from Facebook ads? The first step is avoiding Facebook jail. Ad bans raise ad costs. 

I’ll tell you what can help – learning how and why Facebook’s automations scan and flag your marketing funnel before it’s too late and you’re completely banned. That can help with a

Want to save time and money? Just schedule a complimentary discovery call to reduce risk and see how I can help you resolve Facebook restrictions here.

Facebook ad account restricted: About

About advertising restrictions

Facebook ad account restriction

You may not know this but you may get a Facebook ad account restricted because Facebook already had their eye on you.

Getting a Facebook ad account restricted happens when FB ad policy automations build a character profile of your ad account based on ad approval vs ad rejection basis. Get too many ad rejections and alarm bells ring, and the bots descend like Transformer Decepticons to shut you down.

Facebook ad account restriction

You wouldn’t believe the one small thing that got a million dollar skin care company shut down before we worked together. 

Facebook ad account restriction: Small Flags
Your advertising access is restricted – what does it mean? Facebook account restricted what to do

Facebook ad account restriction jail

Want to know the secret to escaping Facebook jail?

Most do.

Now let me explain…

I’ve seen folks banned for how they phrased their shipping and handling policies. It was a skincare company, so they had to watch out for getting hit with the Personal Attributes flag.

And yet, that wasn’t even what got them under fire when they found me and asked for my help. It was the small print in their S&H policy that violated a big policy they had no idea Facebook was punishing them for.

When you get your advertising access restricted it means the Facebook bots found something big or small somewhere in your funnel against policy.

Ready to stop guessing and stop losing money and time? Click here for a complimentary discovery call.

I’ve worked side-by-side with the software engineers at Meta, and offer better answers on this topic than many blogs you’ll find after googling facebook ad account restricted. All white hat.

It’s important to remember Meta is a big company, and there’s a lot of focus on policy and social responsibility. For example:

How Russia Uses A Facebook Ban To Hunt Down Activists

WorldCrunch recently reported that Alexey Sokolov is being tried for showing the logo of Facebook, which Russia has classified as an extremist organization. But his human rights activism and opposition to the regime show how the social media is used by the regime to persecute opponents.

To say the least, Russian and Chinese hackers are coming for your Facebook and IG accounts so make sure you hire a good cybersecurity company. Additionally, Meta’s obsession with AI is turning once-profitable leadform ads into a dumpster fire:

Facebook Lead Form Ads: Quality Leads Turned to Trash with Meta’s AI

Facebook ad account restriction lead

Without your permission, Meta has been flipping on AI switches in your ad account and Facebook Business Page, that lead to trash leads. Reading their dusty help center article here  you’ll see it says:

“By toggling on Display business information to encourage call pickup when you create a lead ad with instant form in Meta Ads Manager, you can call a prospective lead on their Facebook or Messenger app. Your business information, such as name and logo available on your Facebook Page, will appear on the incoming call screen. This gives people some context on who the caller is, which may make them more comfortable picking up your call and help you generate more quality leads.”

TLDR: Facebook is saying your leads from leadform ads can call you through Facebook messenger. Sounds great right?

Wrong. It’s terrible. Here’s why:

Facebook ad account restriction leadform

So someone blocked Facebook Messenger, why is that a big deal? Well it IS a big deal if you’re running Facebook lead form ads because:

What Facebook IS NOT EXPLAINING here is that if the Facebook user opting in to be a lead from your Facebook leadform ad, and that Facebook user previously had blocked receiving calls through Facebook Messenger, your CRM won’t know this and give you a dead lead with a broken phone number.

On TOP of all that it creates ALL KINDS OF AUTO FILL ERRORS. You’ll want to TURN OFF “Display business information to encourage call pickup” in your leadform ads to avoid Facebook trashing your leads. Again, Meta decided this WITHOUT ASKING YOU and FORCED IT into your ads and Page through their AI.

Protect yourself friends, turn that shit off and get good quality leads again. Double check all your automation settings. Now, let’s continue to talk about why Meta is handing out a Facebook ad account restricted. 

Facebook ad account restricted.Why does Facebook say my advertising access is restricted?

Facebook typically says your advertising access is restricted because it tracked a sequence of actions violating Facebook ad policies. It can be one thing that gets you a facebook ad account restricted after it’s removed you’re good, or it could be a series of smaller actions over time Facebook’s automations have logged and determined, overall, you are deliberately choosing not to follow policy.

Other times it could be a log in issue, a bank issue, or a business model conflict if the automations flag your ads as belonging to a banned business model (like MLMs). Make sure to read my blog on removing ad account restrictions here

Facebook ad account restricted – what does it mean? 

What does it mean to have a Facebook ad account restricted? Well, it’s like having a bullseye on your back – and the machines Facebook uses will attempt to reinforce their initial judgement that you are against their rules.

When you get a Facebook ad account restricted, Facebook offers you a chance to appeal first. But, if instead of appealing you rush to resubmit the same ad with the same violations in it, it can lead to disabling your Facebook Business Manager too.

If someone else on your BM is in hot water with FB that can roll over on you too, because Meta will hold you responsible for another person’s facebook account restricted if you share the same BM. It’s tough, but there is a path to ban-free ads here.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

Advertising restrictions for policy violations  

facebook ad account restriction prohibited content
If your Facebook account is restricted from advertising, it may hurt your ability to earn money in the future, so you’ll want to make sure your overall track record is in the black not the red. That means more approved ads than rejected. If your facebook account’s restricted it was done by bots.

Given how automated Facebook’s policy bots are, to be successful not getting thrown in FB jail, you’ll want to understand how and why these policy automations flag to avoid being on their radar. There’s some nuance to this you’ll want to know to side step getting a facebook ad account restricted.

Advertising restrictions for unusual activity 

If you buy a new smartphone, and are in a new location, download the Facebook app and log in, you could get hit with the unusual activity flag.

With a Facebook account restricted from advertising you may get the flag for unusual activity. Now, this can be frustratingly vague. Which activity was unusual? Why? How does this relate to getting a facebook ad account restricted?

Meta thinks you are a hacker when it sees new log ins, especially if you’re traveling out of state, out of country, when logging in. I’d suggest avoiding logging in to Facebook business tools while traveling to avoid this flag.

Read the ultimate guide on what to do if you’re hacked while running Facebook ads or want to prevent this from happening here.

Your Facebook ad gets rejected, you appeal or try to run it again, then your ad account gets disabled. You try to appeal this (probably incorrectly) and then that appeal gets rejected and your Business Manager gets disabled.

It all starts with the Facebook ad and whether it follows ad policies or paints you as a bad actor to Facebook trying to circumvent systems if you try to run the same ad already rejected, multiple times leading to a Facebook ad account restricted from advertising.

If you’ve read How to Unrestrict My Ad Account you get how vital your appeal strategy is and has to be when it comes to appealing a facebook ad account restricted. The problem with getting hit with a Circumventing Systems flag is that Facebook’s bots are not specific about WHAT you are circumventing, and HOW to fix this. I have a short little guide to add a bit of help here.

Circumventing Systems Guide 2.0

What does a restricted Facebook ad account mean?

When your ad account is restricted, you cannot run Facebook ads at all.  It means that your other assets like your Facebook Business Page and your Facebook Business Manager may be at risk too after getting a facebook ad account restricted.

How did I get myself restricted from advertising on Facebook?

Bad habits. Everyone has habits and the habits you have when creating ads can get you in trouble if your habits don’t include a compliance check up or sometimes you can get banned for simply acting too quickly. I’ve seen a series of quick thoughtless actions lead to a facebook ad account restricted before.

How can I tell if my account was restricted?

Facebook is supposed to send emails to your email account associated with your personal Facebook profile every time you have an ad approved and rejected. BUT, they end up in spam sometimes. You may not see these emails if your gmail has filtered these out to the promotions tab or social tab. 

Logging into Meta Business Suite or Facebook Business Manager and going to the ad accounts you own on the Ads Manager page, you’ll typically see red letters detailing the warning you have gotten or ban.

How do I unrestrict my Facebook ads? Facebook ad account restricted tips

A good practice for preventing a facebook ad account restricted is to audit your funnel for potential flags and remove them, making everything compliant BEFORE submitting ads to Facebook to review.

And you don’t want a facebook account restricted because the ad account creation limit for new Facebook Business Managers is only 1 or 2 ad accounts most of the time. This means being aware of what may get banned and avoiding it is a full time job you can’t slack on if you want to avoid getting a facebook ad account restricted

It pays to be informed of what Facebook is doing as it effects industries at large, like Facebook’s recent ad policies on selling CBD on Facebook. You need to stay current to avoid Facebook accounts restricted from advertising.

Why is my Facebook ad account restricted?

Now, it is not your fault that you don’t understand the policies – Facebook is clear as the vision of a serious scotch drinker after the 4th glass. But, most likely your Facebook ad account is restricted because of a few words in your ad copy, privacy policy or the creative you chose.

Given my history of working with thousands of ad agencies both while I was working AT Facebook and in my own practice, I have stats on which ad policies are triggered the most in specific niches. Like personal attributes flags being higher in weight loss niches, or MLM flags being higher in the start-a-biz online vertical.

Understanding how YOUR specific niche interacts with Facebook ad policy automations is KEY to staying out of Facebook jail and avoiding a facebook account restricted.

Facebook ad account restricted: Ad rejections

Your ad account was banned for too many rejected ads

When you step over a certain ratio of rejected ads, Facebook has a separate automation that determines the health of your ad account. If you are not paying attention to this as you run ads throughout the quarter, you could end up on the wrong side of the ban bots. So, as the meme below states, you’ll need to study your ad account history a little more carefully to avoid this type of ban.

facebook ad account restriction

Now, resolving a facebook account restricted can be a lot easier to prevent than recover from.

If you’ve read my Common Mistakes to Avoid When Advertising on Facebook you found out the hidden clues in FB warnings  – that you may need an expert to decode into everyday language.

Just like my clients, the social media marketing agency for Wu-Tang ClanWu-Tang Clan discovered, there are micro flags in ad copy and landing pages that have to be removed first before attempting to appeal or relaunch a brand with Facebook.

Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call to avoid getting a disabled Facebook ad account.

Facebook ad account restricted: disabled accounts

What Disabled Facebook Ad Account Means

Disabled facebook ad account, Search • back • clock • Open Google agency account • Open Google agency account

If you see that, “You are restricted from running ads” this means you missed the canary in the coal mine beforehand. SOME element in your ads attracted the attention of Facebook ban bots and there were warning signs. Probably not obvious because Facebook isn’t that transparent.

Now, depending on what type of Business Manager you have you may be able to create a new ad account as long as the new ads have 0 flags in them that the old ads have.

When reading the Facebook ad policies on Facebook ad rejections you may feel frustrated, because they won’t talk about your specific situation in any detail, if at all.

Facebook ad account restricted: Trust the right answers

A big hurdle to overcome with dealing with a Facebook ad account restricted is who to trust online. Most articles you’ll read come from outsiders, who have not worked at Meta and are shaking a Magic 8 ball to come up with best guesses.

Even worse, chatting in to Facebook ad support, you talk to people who don’t seem to understand your questions. I’ve heard stories from clients who got in a worst ban after talking to Facebook ad support before finding my blog.

And Facebook has a spotty track record for providing reliable advice on how to solve a facebook account restricted.

I’ve heard some people say that Facebook ads aren’t worth using anymore and don’t turn a profit – every week my calendar is booked with calls from businesses running high converting ads on Facebook making hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars. So, while Nas may have rapped that Hip Hop is Dead (with the recent beef with Kendrick Lamar and Drake you know hip hop is alive and kicking) Facebook certainly isn’t dead either.

Per Sprout Social,Per Sprout Social, Facebook is the third most visited website following Google and YouTube, respectively. This puts it ahead of other leading platforms like Twitter and Instagram.
The platform boasts 3.065 billion active users on a monthly basis. This makes it the most used social media platform worldwide.
In 2023, Facebook’s total ad revenue amounted to $135 billion, up from $116 billion the previous year.

Don’t leave money on the table just because you don’t understand the way the bots flag for policy, I can help you there.

Is your Facebook ad account already disabled? Don’t get ripped off! Read How to Recover Facebook Ad Accounts now!

Just like my client Dr. Emi benefited from my funnel audits for compliance, you can too. It all starts with a free discovery call here. By the way, Dr. Emi was just featured on the Today Show on NBC.  (In a rush? Skip the line with prepaid funnel audits with VIP Access).

Facebook ad account restricted: Business Manager

What is a Disabled Facebook Business Manager?

Facebook ad account restriction

If you are restricted from running ads, when your Facebook Business Manager is disabled within the Facebook Business Suite as they (annoyingly) renamed it, then you may need to relaunch your brand depending on how severe this ban is.

Sometimes Business Manager bans if they are appealed fast enough with the right language can be overturned.

But out of lets say 100 disabled Facebook Business Managers I’ve seen, 1% gets recovered.

Facebook account restricted from advertising? KNOW THIS: What you want to keep in mind is the Facebook Business Pages – as they are your digital storefront for your brand name – and take them out before your Facebook Business Manager gets disabled!

That being said, when you have a disabled Facebook Business Manager that means every asset inside is jeopardized.

  • Ad Accounts
  • Facebook Business Pages
  • People connected to this BM

Facebook ad account restricted: Causes

Here’s why:

When you have a disabled Facebook Business Manager, Facebook keeps track of who is in the Business Manager and the other BMs they are connected to.

So, everyone in a disabled Facebook Business Manager is at risk of having everything else they are working on getting shut down too. If you FORGOT a lurker in your BM who has a facebook account restricted it WILL come back to bite ya a$$ so BE AWARE. 

A disabled Facebook Business Manager is the next to the worst ban you can get on Facebook.

When my client Happi Digital, an eCommerce Agency hired me to audit their Facebook ads, I uncovered flags that if left alone could have shut down their entire ad agency.

Need Facebook ad policy expert too? Schedule a call with me right now.

Facebook ad account restricted: Pages

What Does it Mean When Your Facebook Page is Restricted?

Facebook ad account restriction

We saw many Pages go down in 2020 – when the pandemic first hit America with e-comm businesses that had shipping delays in China due to covid-19 shut downs. These e-commerce businesses saw their customers giving them bad reviews that took their Page quality score beneath a 1.

Then, just by automation alone, their FB Business Pages got restricted. And they didn’t even have a facebook account restricted-just the Page got shut down.

This is challenging because if you try to relaunch a new Facebook Business Page with the same brand name you may get blocked by Facebook right away for circumventing systems. You’ll need a better strategy more finely tuned for relaunching.

Want to stop losing money over Facebook bans? Get the expert advice of someone who worked at Meta here.

Facebook ad account restricted: Reasons

Why is my Facebook advertising account restricted?

Facebook account restricted from advertising

Still asking what to do when seeing, “You are restricted from running ads”? If you want to get to the bottom of why your Facebook advertising account is restricted, you’ll want to audit your funnel. This is to identify what was the biggest risk that got you on the radar and eventually shut down.

Have your Facebook ads been blocked? Read this blog here.

Here’s the deal, even if you read all of the Transparency Center policies on ads, you still wouldn’t know how to prevent a ban.

In reality, there are 1000s more that you are policed on by the automations but never told about.

Want access to a funnel audit to ensure you are compliant? Click here for a discovery call.

How to appeal advertising restrictions

There is a right way and a wrong way to appeal getting a Facebook ad account restricted. The wrong way is to mash buttons, click request review, and wait for the Facebook gods to grant you clemency. With staffing shortages, and reliance on automations, the first approach won’t get you far. But identifying what got you flagged, and what is the hierarchy of risks in your funnel and replacing the offending content with compliant copy is a much better place to start before appealing. 

Facebook ad account restricted: Fixes

How do I fix my restricted Facebook account?

No one wants to see: “You are restricted from running ads.”

If you googled disabled facebook ad account or Facebook ad rejections you’ll find a number of bullshit articles out there – even by major brands – that will just tell you to “Request Review.”

That CAN help if you have already removed ALL the flags from your funnel. But if you have not…Full stop, no pass go, don’t click it.

Your advertising access is restricted

What you’re doing here is saying to the automations that shut you down: “Hey bot, I know you are machine, but can you decipher human empathy and context? Even better can you send this Appeal to ANOTHER robot? And put my fate in the next bot’s hands?”

Really the best chance you have is to appeal within 48 hours of getting shut down AFTER identifying the EXACT source of the Facebook automation flag.

Anything less than that, and your chances diminish by A LOT. Now, if you’ve found me within that time period, I can possibly help you, depending on your type of business and other factors. Click here to schedule your call and avoid a further shut down and avoid a permanent restriction.

Want a better answer than Facebook ad support gives? Keep reading.

Learn more

facebook ad account restriction

Learn more about the appeal process: when appealing keep in mind you’re chatting wit outsourced workers who have a goal of getting more chats per day than increasing real resolution rate.

They will try to shut you down every step of the way. I can help you navigate these hurdles, and get the best chances you can have for making an appeal if you have contacted me fast enough after a ban. 

Beyond that window, the chances get slimmer. But you do have other options if your goal is to get Facebook ads live again and not just trying to recover old disabled ad accounts.

What if you had a guarantee that your ads were compliant before they went live on Facebook?

Keep reading for these answers and more: 

Facebook Ad Account Restriction Solution

Ad agencies: tired of getting the silent treatment from Facebook when all you want to do is get your Facebook ads live and revenue in the door?

I’m a Facebook ad policy specialist who worked at Facebook and I’m trusted by high level brands that take accuracy and results seriously.

Facebook account restricted from advertising

I can show you how to resolve FB bans even if Facebook ad support is useless to resolve ad account restrictions.

Don’t lose any more money from Facebook bans and schedule your call with me now.

Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me:

 your access can't be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

It shouldn’t be a mystery on what to do to recover from a ban. I strive for customer satisfaction, being a business owner myself.

facebook ad account restriction fix testimonial
My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to have a disabled Facebook ad account? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends, immediately secure expert-level Facebook consulting. Book a call with me now!

Facebook jail solution testimonial

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

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Learn a legitimate (and in-demand) skill that businesses love paying good money for – click here to get started making money from home

Ad Account Restricted Facebook FAQ

Facebook ad account restriction FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to fix ad account disabled on facebook

Your first step should always be to stop active ads running with the same copy as the rejected ad, then audit your funnel for flags, and appeal using the strategy outlined in the appeal section of the FAQs

2. How to enable my disabled facebook ad account

If you have a spare ad account in your Facebook Business Manager that you can run ads from, feel free to. BUT, identify the micro and major flags FIRST, so as not to repeat the same mistake. 

Ready to Finally Make the Money You Need in the Hours That Work for You & Your Family? Don’t miss out,Learn More here.

3. How to appeal a disabled facebook ad account

As far as how to appeal a disabled Facebook ad account, you’ll get 48 hours to make your appeal. The best strategy is to communicate to Meta | Facebook that:

A. You understand WHY you were banned.
B. You are committed to following the policies from here on out.
C. You have identified and REMOVED the offending content from your funnel.

You can also get some top tips on facebook ad policy in this complimentary eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

4. how to get disabled ad account up and running

Depending on how long your ad account was disabled, sometimes, if your appeal is written correctly, the appeal itself CAN potentially get you reactivated, if you understand to communicate with Facebook ad support correctly. 

5. How Many Policy Violations Before Account is Shut Down?

Typically, it’s a 1 to 10 ratio. For every single rejected ad that you get, you’ll want 10 Facebook ads that are approved. After a pattern of behavior is established by machine learning, from Meta’s automations, you may spiral rapidly into Facebook jail if your ratios aren’t correct. 3 consecutive ads getting rejected risks your ad account getting disabled. But, it also depends on how severe the ban is. 

And, if this still all seems too confusing, your clients are yelling at you to get ads live to bring in money, simply schedule a complimentary Facebook discovery call here

6. How to remove restriction on facebook ad account

As far as removing a restriction on a Facebook ad account, if we’re talking about a disabled ad account, well, you can rehabilitate your funnel and then appeal, possibly getting it reactivated if you do this SMART (I have methods that work if you’re in the appeal window). But as far as removing a restriction from Facebook ads, see the previous FAQ answer: you need to get in a positive approval-cycle ratio.

7. how long does facebook take to review restricted ad account

Now, ask yourself, is it an election year? Have there been over 20,000 Meta employees laid off? Did you word your appeal using specific language Facebook ad support can and will respond better to? These are the factors in play. Typically, you get an answer within a week. If you have a more severe ban or are in the special ad categories, you may get an answer faster but it won’t be one you like. Severe bans end up as permanent restrictions and they deliver that ban hammer faster than other lighter Facebook ad policy restrictions. 

8. how to fix your access can’t be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

In a situation like this, your recovery options depend on what is banned:

a) Facebook Ad Account
b) Facebook Business Page
c) Facebook Business Manager
d) Facebook profile

So, each one may have a different recovery option, depending on your situation, and type of ban it is, as well as your particular niche or business’s vertical, and the health of the accounts before the ban. Want to get a pathway to get Facebook ads live? Schedule your complimentary discovery call here.

9. How To Get Your Disabled Facebook Ad Account Back 

First, let me also address the elephant in the room: personal and emotional attachments to disabled ad accounts. I’ve worked with tons of Fortune 500 level companies, and the amount of hair pulling and FML-ing over ONE ad account being disabled, is incredible. Sometimes, it’s faster, and cheaper, to just start a new ad account, and relaunch, rather than recover a tainted asset.

That being said, the same answer applies here to the instructions above, for appeals

10. How to unblock your Facebook ad account

Now, unblocking an ad account, may be possible if you get in fast enough with the right kind of messaging to Facebook ad support. While they are the gatekeepers, and don’t have any real power, they CAN talk to the right folks who, if you word your appeal right, can unblock your Facebook ad account. And of course, if you need next-level assistance, I’m always available to chat and see if it’s a good fit here.

Facebook Ad Policy Why Ad Accounts Get Restricted

It’s tough deciphering Facebook ad policy when Facebook’s bots work around the clock to ban and restrict ad accounts. How can you even know what is allowed and what isn’t??

You have come to the right place – I’ve worked at Facebook in multiple departments from ad to tech and today, I’m explaining how this works. Want to just get a restricted FB ad account fixed and don’t want to spend the time reading this article? Schedule a discovery call here, free for a limited time.

disabled facebook ad account

Facebook policy for ads sounds simple but it’s pretty complex – it’s dangerous to think Facebook will take the time to understand you, your ads, or why the automations ban you. Would you like a clear explanation? Facebook won’t give you one, but today I’ll help make some things clear. And don’t forget to read my last blog, Facebook account restricted from advertising – What to do


When Facebook was first established it was just for college kids, and soon it ballooned into a billion dollar empire. Similar to a city that grows too fast for its own infrastructure to support the traffic, city codes, building violations, and so on – Facebook has too much traffic to handle the ads from a human level. (don’t miss out on this ad account restriction guide)

So, they hired engineers I’ve worked with to design the automations to replace the humans reviewing your ads for Facebook ad policy compliance. And as a result, a lot of advertisers and businesses get banned without warning or explanation. Why is that?

Facebook ad policy

Facebook ad policy is designed to stop bad actors from scamming innocent Facebook users – and I’ve oversaw the outsourced workers who review your content, moderating it to ensure compliance.

You may not know this but there are a TON of bad actors out there skimming and scamming every DAY – in fact it’s gotten so bad I wrote an indepth guide on how to prevent getting hacked on Facebook and what to do if you HAVE been hacked while running ads on Facebook you can access it here. As much Keep in mind, Facebook itself is under scrutiny

We unleashed Facebook and Instagram’s algorithms on blank accounts. They served up sexism and misogyny

Facebook ad policy

Result of Guardian Australia experiment aligns with research showing social media automatically delivers troubling content to young men, largely without oversight

As the Guardian reportshow do the algorithms of Facebook and Instagram affect what you see in your news feed? To find out, Guardian Australia unleashed them on a completely blank smartphone linked to a new, unused email address.

Three months later, without any input, they were riddled with sexist and misogynistic content.

Facebook ad policy

Dr Stephanie Wescott, a lecturer in humanities and social sciences at Monash University, conducted research into the influence of Manosphere influencers like Andrew Tate on school-aged boys and told Guardian Australia our investigation results for Facebook were not surprising.

“Based on the research I’m doing and also what we know [from other research] this is what we know the algorithm will provide and serve up to young men, based on what it assumed will capture their interest,” she said.

“It’s kind of degrading for men for the algorithm to make this assumption about their interests … [that] you’re going to like these sort of misogynistic memes.”

Nicholas Carah, an associate professor in digital media at the University of Queensland, said the experiment showed how “baked into the model” serving up such content to young men is on Facebook.

“We have to think seriously about the informational environment young men are immersed in and the problem with platforms is they’ve made that information environment completely dark and ephemeral to anyone but those young men,” he said.

“There has to be some kind of public imperative here where platforms help civil society, journalists, researchers, regulators, whoever, observe what these informational flows look like so that we can have some kind of public understanding, public scrutiny, and public debate about them.”

Wescott said platforms need to answer questions on how the algorithms work because currently they are unaccountable.

“They’re beyond reproach and they don’t seem to be willing to put any sort of alterations or restrictions on their algorithm.”

As I’m writing this, in a coffee shop, I look up from my laptop and see a single mother with her 8 year old son, joking around with his brother who looks to be about 4 years old and I hope their mother hasn’t gotten them smartphones with the Facebook app on it because…jeez. Facebook’s algorithm is not only banning legitimate ad accounts, apparently it’s also training young boys to be incels.

Nevermind all that…Let’s talk about Meta’s advertising principles. 

Meta advertising policy principles

The more eyes are on content, the more chance ads will be displayed to FB users, so high engagement is prioritized, even if sometimes that engagement isn’t positive.

The ad review process

Facebook rarely puts human eyes on ads, the decision to approve or reject a Facebook ad is done by machines 90% of the time. And typically they have, maximum, 24 hours to approve or reject a FB ad. If it goes longer than that “in review” you’ll want to reach out to Facebook ad support.

What to do if your ad is rejected or if your business asset is restricted

The first step is to stop taking actions on Facebook with Ads Manager, Facebook Business Manager, and your Page. Often the biggest fail comes from acting too quickly without examining your entire funnel and assessing the damage before acting.

Community standards

Typically, there’s no cross over from facebook ad policies that govern all ads you run on Facebook and the Community Standards which regulate the organic content. Facebook has workers in sweatshops overseas monitoring the organic content and removing porn, violence, drugs and more. You won’t see Community Standards violations in Ads Manager, they’ll be in the Support Inbox, visible from your Profile (not FB Business Page)’s privacy settings.

Facebook Ad Policy

Anytime you report a fake profile on Facebook you’ll see the Support Inbox filled with automated messages, and sometimes you can reach a person – but this is for non-advertising issues.

Facebook Ad Policy support inbox 2

Facebook Ad Policy Content

Unacceptable content

When you look at Facebook ad policy on unacceptable content, you’ll see things like, don’t sell illegal items, or exploit people but what this manifests as in your real, every day experience running ads for profit is the part where Meta talks about Misinformation.

Facebook ad policy
If you cut out all the BS and fluff what Facebook is saying for Facebook ad policy here is TLDR: “Don’t look like spam or an MLM.”

Want to hear some crazy shit about Facebook? Personal Attributes Flag:

Excuse my french, but I just discovered one of the most alarming changes Facebook has made, that is hurting thousands of advertisers across America. Facebook’s new website makeover that has been going on for roughly 2 years after the name change from Facebook to Meta, now EXCLUDES images showing you exactly what IS allowed versus what is BANNABLE for various facebook ad policies.

To put this in context, in 2016, you could go onto Facebook’s help pages website about their ad policies, and see clear examples of ads they approve of, and ads they would ban you for running.

Now? Crazy af…Meta since the name change, took them all down!!! This is seriously F@#ed up folks. How are you going to know what Facebook allows and what they’ll ban you for? It grinds my gears, because this year Facebook or Meta, expects you to follow all their ad policies but has removed 99% of the visual aids to help advertisers and business owners have clear cut and dry examples of what kind of ad is prohibited and what is approved.

Of course, having worked at Facebook since 2016, I can share some of what they have taken down, here, but unless you knew the exact ad copy and creatives that old Facebook put up, even using the way back machine, you wouldn’t be able to find concrete examples of what Facebook allows and what they don’t for multiple major ad policies people get banned for ALL THE TIME.

I would know, as they call me to help escape from FB jail – I’ve worked with Amazon reality TV stars to Wu-Tang Clan’s marketing agency. Let me give you one specific example before we discuss Deceptive Ads.

The Personal Attributes flag, which a lot of folks in cosmetic surgery and weightloss get hit with, used to have it’s own page on Facebook where they showed you the type of ads that got you banned for this flag. Now? Look what Meta’s policy page shows:

Facebook ad policy

Scroll to the bottom of that page, and Facebook doesn’t say ONCE anything about the highest risk markets for the Personal Attributes flags, fitness and diet, weightloss and cosmetic surgery or cosmetic beauty AND they show NO examples of what IS allowed and what NOT allows AND THEY USED TO SHOW THIS!!!

Not to worry, I have a few pictures in my archives I’ll share for what is allowed vs what is not for Personal Attributes, here is one I have from back in the day:

Facebook ad policy Personal Attributes

Want my guide on Personal Attributes and avoid getting the ban hammer? Google “Facebook Personal Attributes flag”

Facebook ad policy Personal Attributes

Suffice to say, you are wandering in the dark searching for the Deadsea Scrolls trying to get Facebook to be clear and specific on what they ban and what they allow. Want to save yourself money and headaches and avoid bans? Schedule your complimentary discovery call with me here

Facebook Ad Policy: Deceptive Ads

Deceptive content

Let me decode this for you, as it isn’t clear from reading this section on Facebook ad policy what Facebook means when you break it down to nuts and bolts. Meta here is saying don’t make exaggerated claims that don’t sound realistic in their opinion for what an average person’s results may be using your product or service. So, tone down your ad copy from anything that sounds like a tabloid or over sensational.

Facebook Ad Policy Restricted Products

Restricted goods and services

You may be blissfully unaware of certain banned business models on Facebook and specific types of products you can’t sell on Facebook which include:

  • Animals
  • Crypto Currency
  • Tobacco 

One of the reasons why people who sell CBD have such a hard time ever getting it live on Facebook is because the bots will flag anything smoke-related as selling cigarettes. I have an article about selling CBD on Facebook you may find helpful here.

Facebook Ad Policy: Objection

Objectionable content

What Facebook means by “Objectionable content” for Facebook ad policy is:

  • No nudity (seems obv) 
  • No cursing in ads (don’t try to be cute here) 
  • No Graphic Content

What that typically looks like in ads is if you try to go too extreme or shocking with kicking the pain points when writing ad copy. Want to stop reading an encyclopedia of Facebook ad policy and just ensure your ads get approved?

Or recover from a restricted ad account? Then you’re like my client Cubatica who ran ads for Tony Robbins that I prescreened for his Knowledge Broker Blueprint (KBB) launch. Schedule your Facebook ad policy discovery call today right here.Facebook ad policy discovery call today right here.

Facebook Ad Policy IP

Intellectual property infringement

Facebook Ad Policy

It’s crazy how obvious this is – yet every year I still see many of my clients come to me with IP flags. You cannot borrow authority from a celebrity or name brand of an established company to sell your products, without paying your dues. If you attempt to use a major brand name – including Facebook’s – without a licensing agreement, Facebook will flag you for copyright infringement. 

Facebook Ad Policy Political Ads

Social issue, electoral or political advertising

If Facebook’s bots perceive your ad as something political or addressing a social issue you’ll have to mark your ad as a special ad category ad – if you don’t Facebook will ban you. 

Facebook Ad Policy: Drugs et al

Product and format-specific policies

This is a fancy way of saying even if your ad is a video ad not a static image ad you still have to obey Facebook ad policy and not have any:

  1. Drugs and alcohol use

  2. Adult content

  3. Profanity

  4. Violence and gore

Facebook Ad Policy: Cybersecurity

Advertising policies affecting business assets

Wow, another vague af Facebook ad policy title! What does it mean? It means don’t run ads that Facebook thinks sound real spammy, and don’t try to hack people. This also means don’t SOUND like you are. What do I mean by that? Well, if FB says don’t hack people, check your copy to make sure there are no phrases that could be misinterpreted that way.


What you should know by now is that Facebook doesn’t F around when it comes to enforcing Facebook ad policy because there are genuinely bad actors out there breaking all the rules to harm others, so they have a better safe than sorry approach. After the Big Tech Layoffs, now Facebook is even more short staffed and relying on automations to make most of their Facebook ad policy decisions. Keep that in mind – machines are reviewing your ads not people.

Want someone who speaks Facebook ad policy bot language? Schedule your discovery call with me today. Schedule your discovery call with me today.

Facebook Ad Policy Enforcing Policy


The way Facebook automations enforce Facebook ad policy is by building a profile of your actions on Facebook Business Manager, Ads Manager, Facebook Business Page and running ads. After a specific period of time (lets say 60-90 days or sooner) the Facebook ad policy automations may make a conclusion, after seeing a pattern, that you are deliberately breaking Facebook ad policy if you have repeat violations.

Here is the problem with Facebook relying on machine-learning to enforce ad policies – if you made a few mistakes in a row, Facebook’s automations see the pattern and assume you are deliberately violating another one of their ad policies, called Circumventing Systems. I created a quick and dirty guide for you on Circumventing Systems here:

Circumventing Systems Guide (1)

Wouldn’t you like to prevent Facebook from banning your ad account?

As Liana Lang, CEO of Power Up Strategy Inc. said, “Please meet Trevor, my ‘secret weapon’ for all things Facebook compliance. I highly recommend hiring him to help you out especially if you plan to be running ads.”

Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call.

Now, you may have noticed Facebook changes their ad policies A LOT!

Who are the Facebook changes really for? 

I’m sure we’ve all seen the awkward testimonial from Mark Zuckerberg when he faced Congress. Anytime there is a PR fire – like Cambridge Analytica (I was working at Facebook when this happened), Facebook has to get out and do damage control.

Facebook policy
Facebook’s policy is to change Facebook’s policy to show they are doing something about an issue. Even if those changes wreak havoc on advertisers just like you.

Facebook creates new ad automations to police Facebook ads more to please their stakeholders, and show the board they are doing something. What they don’t do is look at the big picture for how these new automations integrate with the existing Facebook bots.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

What are Facebook ad policies?

Facebook ad policies operate on 3 levels:

One level is the Community Standards for NON ads but if your Page or Profile is breaking them it can affect your ads.  

The 2nd level is the common sense ad policies like no guns or drugs, that every social media website has. 

The 3rd level are the ad policies specific to your industry. Different ad policies apply for ads about weightloss versus ads about how to make money online. While many blogs get it wrong guessing, I’ve worked with the engineers at Facebook and help business prevent or recover from a Facebook ban, learn more here.

Advertising Standards

In 2023 if you googled new facebook ad policies 2023 this is what you’d see:

Facebook ad policy

You can see beginning in February 2023, advertisers will only be able to use age and location to reach teens. Facebook is removing gender as a targeting option – thats another update to the Facebook advertising guidelines. That’s my blog as the first result (Facebook had to advertise to rank above me under the Sponsored post btw).

Already completely banned?

If you are running ads and spending $100K a year or more on ads, I can help with that.

Also check out:
Top Reasons Why Facebook Disables Ad Accounts

Facebook Policy Related articles

Check out the ad-guides I’ve created for ad agencies, you’ll find some great tips to help when Facebook isn’t being transparent.

Facebook Ad Policy [Explained] Why Some Accounts Are Banned & Others Are Not

So why do some accounts get banned while others are not? Simply said, it depends on a few things, for instance your track record for ad rejections or Facebook ad policy violations, within a specific amount of time. If you have had a lot of near misses, you are more likely to be shut down for a smaller flag in the future.

And, you may hate to hear this, but there are some agency accounts who have simply not made changes to their previously approved ads for years, and get into a holding pattern where the automations don’t rescan them. So, they’ve gotten away with noncompliant ads for years.

Eventually, the bots will catch up to them, and they’ll be calling me, to help them get Facebook ads live again after a ban or ad account restriction. But, just because you see noncompliant ads live on Facebook doesn’t mean it’s safe for you to do so. 

Facebook Policy Prevent Bans

Even if you spent a week reading Facebook’s Ad Policies you’d still be at risk of a shut down for Personal Attributes simply because there are ways Facebook’s bots flag you that Facebook isn’t open about. But that’s what I help businesses and ad agencies with: actual transparency for how Facebook ad policy automations flag and what to do to avoid Facebook jail. 

Learn more

Don’t miss out on an opportunity to never have to get flagged again:

Facebook Ad Policy Violations New Solution

Ad agencies: tired of getting the silent treatment from Facebook when all you want to do is get your Facebook ads live and revenue in the door?

I’m a Facebook ad policy specialist who worked at Facebook and I’m trusted by high level brands that take accuracy and results seriously.

Facebook account restricted from advertising

I can show you how to resolve FB bans even if Facebook ad support is useless to resolve ad account restrictions.

Don’t lose any more money from Facebook bans and schedule your call with me now.

Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me:

 your access can't be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

It shouldn’t be a mystery on what to do to recover from a ban. I strive for customer satisfaction, being a business owner myself.

facebook ad account restriction fix testimonial
My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to have a disabled Facebook ad account? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends, immediately secure expert-level Facebook consulting. Book a call with me now!

Facebook jail solution testimonial

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

What Is a Virtual Bookkeeping Business
(And Why Is It Better Than Any Other “Make Money Online” Opportunity Out There):
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On Day 1 of the Keyboard Rich Challenge, you’ll discover:

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The very few things you need to start your business THIS week—and the stuff you DON’T need that will only waste your time.

Learn a legitimate (and in-demand) skill that businesses love paying good money for – click here to get started making money from home

Ad Account Restricted Facebook FAQ

Facebook ad account restriction FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to fix ad account disabled on facebook

Your first step should always be to stop active ads running with the same copy as the rejected ad, then audit your funnel for flags, and appeal using the strategy outlined in the appeal section of the FAQs

2. How to enable my disabled facebook ad account

If you have a spare ad account in your Facebook Business Manager that you can run ads from, feel free to. BUT, identify the micro and major flags FIRST, so as not to repeat the same mistake. 

Ready to Finally Make the Money You Need in the Hours That Work for You & Your Family? Don’t miss out,Learn More here.

3. How to appeal a disabled facebook ad account

As far as how to appeal a disabled Facebook ad account, you’ll get 48 hours to make your appeal. The best strategy is to communicate to Meta | Facebook that:

A. You understand WHY you were banned.
B. You are committed to following the policies from here on out.
C. You have identified and REMOVED the offending content from your funnel.

You can also get some top tips on facebook ad policy in this complimentary eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

4. how to get disabled ad account up and running

Depending on how long your ad account was disabled, sometimes, if your appeal is written correctly, the appeal itself CAN potentially get you reactivated, if you understand to communicate with Facebook ad support correctly. 

5. How Many Policy Violations Before Account is Shut Down?

Typically, it’s a 1 to 10 ratio. For every single rejected ad that you get, you’ll want 10 Facebook ads that are approved. After a pattern of behavior is established by machine learning, from Meta’s automations, you may spiral rapidly into Facebook jail if your ratios aren’t correct. 3 consecutive ads getting rejected risks your ad account getting disabled. But, it also depends on how severe the ban is. 

And, if this still all seems too confusing, your clients are yelling at you to get ads live to bring in money, simply schedule a complimentary Facebook discovery call here

6. How to remove restriction on facebook ad account

As far as removing a restriction on a Facebook ad account, if we’re talking about a disabled ad account, well, you can rehabilitate your funnel and then appeal, possibly getting it reactivated if you do this SMART (I have methods that work if you’re in the appeal window). But as far as removing a restriction from Facebook ads, see the previous FAQ answer: you need to get in a positive approval-cycle ratio.

7. how long does facebook take to review restricted ad account

Now, ask yourself, is it an election year? Have there been over 20,000 Meta employees laid off? Did you word your appeal using specific language Facebook ad support can and will respond better to? These are the factors in play. Typically, you get an answer within a week. If you have a more severe ban or are in the special ad categories, you may get an answer faster but it won’t be one you like. Severe bans end up as permanent restrictions and they deliver that ban hammer faster than other lighter Facebook ad policy restrictions. 

8. how to fix your access can’t be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

In a situation like this, your recovery options depend on what is banned:

a) Facebook Ad Account
b) Facebook Business Page
c) Facebook Business Manager
d) Facebook profile

So, each one may have a different recovery option, depending on your situation, and type of ban it is, as well as your particular niche or business’s vertical, and the health of the accounts before the ban. Want to get a pathway to get Facebook ads live? Schedule your complimentary discovery call here.

9. How To Get Your Disabled Facebook Ad Account Back 

First, let me also address the elephant in the room: personal and emotional attachments to disabled ad accounts. I’ve worked with tons of Fortune 500 level companies, and the amount of hair pulling and FML-ing over ONE ad account being disabled, is incredible. Sometimes, it’s faster, and cheaper, to just start a new ad account, and relaunch, rather than recover a tainted asset.

That being said, the same answer applies here to the instructions above, for appeals

10. How to unblock your Facebook ad account

Now, unblocking an ad account, may be possible if you get in fast enough with the right kind of messaging to Facebook ad support. While they are the gatekeepers, and don’t have any real power, they CAN talk to the right folks who, if you word your appeal right, can unblock your Facebook ad account. And of course, if you need next-level assistance, I’m always available to chat and see if it’s a good fit here.

Facebook account restricted from advertising – What to do

Facebook doesn’t play around when handing out ad bans. Is your Facebook account restricted from advertising? I’ve worked in ads at Facebook and will help you today make sense of the madness like I did in my last blog.

Facebook account restricted from advertising: ad restrictions

About advertising restrictions


Facebook account restricted from advertising

Is your Facebook account restricted from advertising and you don’t know what to do?
What do you do with a Facebook account restricted from advertising? On top of that, Facebook ad support doesn’t seem to know what you’re saying and offers no answers. You began googling and now have found this blog. Welcome to the most trusted source for Facebook ad policy tips – I worked in ads at Facebook and want to help you not get the FB ban hammer so you don’t get stuck with a Facebook account restricted from advertising.

I’ve worked directly with the engineers at Meta, and if it’s one thing I know, it’s how the automations find content to flag in your marketing funnel. My goal is to give you some specifics for better compliance without shut downs. Something a little better than just guessing with google, if you get a Facebook account restricted from advertising.

If you’re like my client Jack Randall, President of Social Flight, you’re tired of beating your head against the wall trying to guess why Facebook has shut you down, and want answers faster.

“Trevor helped me successfully diagnose exactly why my ad account was disabled, and helped me frame out a plan to move forward.” 👍🏻

Click here, to schedule a discovery call.

Facebook ad account restricted – what does it mean?

When your Facebook account’s restricted from advertising you’re already on the radar and all of your assets are under the microscope.

This means your ad account history is being reviewed, the people who are on your Facebook Business Manager are being checked out – do they have ad bans elsewhere? If their other facebook account’s restricted it could effect you too.

And of course it means you are now on trial with the judges at Facebook who are robots for the most part.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

Because it’s guilty until proven innocent – when it comes to getting a Facebook account restricted from advertising. But, if you act like you’re Al Pacino playing attorney at law Arthur Kirkland and prepare your counter strategy, then I promise you counsel will not have to approach the bench.

You are restricted from running ads
It’s frustrating getting hit with a Facebook account restricted from advertising. When you prepare before blindly appealing Facebook accounts restricted from advertising, then you have a much better chance of recovery. Want to skip the guessing since I worked there? Well, schedule a discovery call here.

Facebook account restricted from advertising: Policy
Advertising restrictions for policy violations  

At its core, Facebook is a machine, scanning billions of ads every day. While many ad agencies disregard Facebook ad policy when determining their holiday ads, that one slip up can cost millions of dollars.

If your Facebook account is restricted from advertising, it may hurt your ability to earn money in the future, so you’ll want to make sure your overall track record is in the black not the red. That means more approved ads than rejected. If your facebook account’s restricted it was done by bots.

Given how automated Facebook’s policy bots are, to be successful not getting thrown in FB jail, you’ll want to understand how and why these policy automations flag to avoid being on their radar. There’s some nuance to this. And, Meta is constantly being dragged into court, leading to even more automations being created to make up for the laid off workers.

Meta tells court it won’t sue over Facebook feed-killing tool—yet

This week, Meta asked a US district court in California to toss a lawsuit filed by a professor, Ethan Zuckerman, who fears that Meta will sue him if he releases a tool that would give Facebook users an automated way to easily remove all content from their feeds.

Zuckerman has alleged that the imminent threat of a lawsuit from Meta has prevented him from releasing Unfollow Everything 2.0, suggesting that a cease-and-desist letter sent to the creator of the original Unfollow Everything substantiates his fears. Kind of funny a man with the last name “Zuckerman” is in court against Mark Zuckerberg.

It just underscores the point that now, Facebook is being pulled in a 100 different directions and the last thing they care about is your Facebook account restricted from advertising. That’s a road less traveled – an empathetic Facebook, willing to help you out if you were banned for some random log in, at a new location. 

Facebook account restricted from advertising: Activity
Advertising restrictions for unusual activity 

With a Facebook account restricted from advertising you may get the flag for unusual activity. Now, this can be frustratingly vague. Which activity was unusual? Why?

What I’ve seen working at Facebook is that this flag typically is triggered by:

○ A log in on a new device, not usually signed in to your Facebook account
○ Logging into Facebook business tools while traveling – especially in Cuba
○ Your bank is rejecting Facebook pre-auth charges or ad charges but not telling you

This is hard to recover from because Facebook essentially blacklists your devices, and each case is unique.

Facebook account restricted from advertising: Threat Level
How Serious is a Rejected Facebook Ad?

rejected Facebook ad
Facebook ads are what conservatives call Marijuana: a gateway drug. At least when it comes to bans – usually all bans are triggered at some point from a Facebook ad that led to a facebook account restricted.

Your Facebook ad gets rejected, you appeal or try to run it again, then your ad account gets disabled. You try to appeal this (probably incorrectly if you haven’t read my blog before) and then that appeal gets rejected and your Business Manager gets disabled.

It all starts with the Facebook ad and whether it follows ad policies or paints you as a bad actor to Facebook trying to circumvent systems in addition to Facebook accounts restricted from advertising.

If you’ve read How to Unrestrict My Ad Account you get how vital your appeal strategy is and has to be.

Facebook Restrictions: Facebook account restricted from advertising

One of the pain points of ad agencies is that Facebook is always changing their ad policies. Sometimes new ad policies punish old ads that WERE within policy WHEN THEY WERE PUBLISHED.

Facebook won’t take that into consideration when the bots descend like a swarm of locust on your ad account. And you don’t want a facebook account restricted. This means being aware of what may get banned and avoiding it is a full time job you can’t slack on.

It pays to be informed of what Facebook is doing as it effects industries at large, like Facebook’s recent NEW ad policies on selling CBD on Facebook. You need to stay current to avoid Facebook accounts restricted from advertising.

Facebook account restricted from advertising: Why?
Why Is My Facebook Advertising Account Restricted?

I’ve seen a thousand and one reasons why Facebook ad accounts get rejected. When Facebook accounts are restricted from advertising, what’s seldom talked about is the difference of ad policy enforcement per industry.

And now with the world obsessing with AI, do you think Meta is going to back down on automating their ban process? As Social Media Today reports,
Meta’s determined to make use of its expanding AI capacity, and it’s going to make you experience it, whether you want to or not.

Meta’s latest effort on this front is new Meta AI summaries in post comment streams on Facebook, which sum up the general consensus of what people are saying about that post.

IDK about you, scratching your head, looking at the screen reading this right now, but AI summaries on Facebook seem idiotic. The point of Facebook is not reading summaries – that’s wikipedia – but to scroll and be social. Either way, it spells disaster as more AI reliance means more rando bans on people like yourself.

Given my history of working with thousands of ad agencies both while I was working AT Facebook and in my own practice, I have stats on which ad policies are triggered the most in specific niches. Like personal attributes flags being higher in weight loss niches.

Understanding how YOUR specific niche interacts with Facebook ad policy automations is KEY to staying out of Facebook jail and avoiding a facebook account restricted. By the way, here’s my quick guide on Personal Attributes:

Facebook Policy Personal Attributes Guide

Facebook account restricted from advertising: Rejected Ads
Your ad account was banned for too many rejected ads

Ever been to the DMV? Facebook has a similar bureaucratic approach to scanning and flagging ads and appealing them when Facebook accounts restricted from advertising.

Facebook account restricted from advertising

Now, just like your auto insurance goes up for each new traffic violation, your ad account score on the back end is negatively effected by rejected ads.

This is ok until you cross a threshold of rejected ads. Those negative points start adding up BUT – unlike insurance companies or the DMV who you can call, Facebook is a faceless black hole without help to resolve a facebook account restricted.

If you’ve read my What to Do After Violating Facebook’s Ad Policies [Step-by-Step Guide] you found out the hidden clues in FB warnings  – that you may need an expert to decode into everyday language.

Just like my client, a Norwegian travel company discovered, there are micro flags in ad copy and landing pages that have to be removed first before attempting to appeal or relaunch a brand with Facebook.

Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call to avoid getting a disabled Facebook ad account.

Facebook account restricted from advertising: disabled accounts

What Disabled Facebook Ad Account Means

facebook ad account restricted

If you see that, “You are restricted from running ads” this means you missed the canary in the coal mine beforehand. SOMETHING in your ads was pissing off Facebook and there were warning signs – probably not obvious because Facebook isn’t that transparent.

Now, depending on what type of Business Manager you have you may be able to create a new ad account as long as the new ads have 0 flags in them that the old ads have.

When reading the Facebook ad policies on Facebook ad rejections you may feel frustrated, because they won’t talk about your specific situation in any detail, if at all.

And Facebook never provides reliable advice on how to solve a facebook account restricted.

“Full Stop,” as my friend Amanda Bond likes to say.

Is your Facebook ad account already disabled? Don’t get ripped off! Read How to Recover Facebook Ad Accounts now!

Just like my client Dr. Emi benefited from my funnel audits for compliance, you can too. It all starts with a free discovery call here. By the way, Dr. Emi was just featured on the Today Show on NBC.  (In a rush? Skip the line with prepaid funnel audits with VIP Access).

Facebook account restricted from advertising: Business Manager

What is a Disabled Facebook Business Manager?

You are restricted from running ads

If you are restricted from running ads, when your Facebook Business Manager is disabled within the Facebook Business Suite as they (annoyingly) renamed it, then you may need to relaunch your brand depending on how severe this ban is.

Sometimes Business Manager bans if they are appealed fast enough with the right language can be overturned.

But out of lets say 100 disabled Facebook Business Managers I’ve seen, 1% gets recovered.

Facebook account restricted from advertising? KNOW THIS: What you want to keep in mind is the Facebook Business Pages – as they are your digital storefront for your brand name – and take them out before your Facebook Business Manager gets disabled!

That being said, when you have a disabled Facebook Business Manager that means every asset inside is jeopardized.

  • Ad Accounts
  • Facebook Business Pages
  • People connected to this BM

Here’s why:

When you have a disabled Facebook Business Manager, Facebook keeps track of who is in the Business Manager and the other BMs they are connected to.

So, everyone in a disabled Facebook Business Manager is at risk of having everything else they are working on getting shut down too. If you FORGOT a lurker in your BM who has a facebook account restricted it WILL come back to bite ya a$$ so BE AWARE. 

A disabled Facebook Business Manager is the next to the worst ban you can get on Facebook.

When my client Happi Digital, an eCommerce Agency hired me to audit their Facebook ads, I uncovered flags that if left alone could have shut down their entire ad agency.

Need Facebook ad policy expert too? Schedule a call with me right now.

Facebook account restricted from advertising: Background
What Does it Mean When Your Facebook Page is Restricted?

Facebook account restrictions

We saw ALOT of this going on during 2020 – when the pandemic first hit America with e-comm businesses that had shipping delays in China due to covid-19 shut downs. These e-commerce businesses saw their customers giving them bad reviews that took their Page quality score beneath a 1.

Then, just by automation alone, their FB Business Pages got restricted. And they didn’t even have a facebook account restricted-just the Page got shut down.

This is challenging because if you try to relaunch a new Facebook Business Page with the same brand name you may get blocked by Facebook right away for circumventing systems. You’ll need a better strategy more finely tuned for relaunching.

For top tips on making a landing page compliant read this.

More About Facebook profile Restricted From Advertising

If your personal Profile on Facebook is restricted from advertising – that is the worst ban you can get. And facing this, the odds will be insurmountable for running ads again. At least without guidance from a FB policy expert.

Your personal Facebook Profile is the key to all the different doors. It is what creates your Facebook Business Page, it’s what creates your Facebook Business Manager, all the ad accounts and more.

Once that’s banned, welp! You’re up sh*t creek without a paddle. Don’t hold your breath on getting it restored. The chances are around .1% that you’ll ever get a permanently restricted profile restored.

But I do know a way to resolve this in addition to resolving a facebook account restricted. Now, let’s talk a little bit about why your Facebook ad account may have been restricted.

Why is my Facebook advertising account restricted?

facebook advertising restrictions

Still asking what to do when seeing, “You are restricted from running ads”? If you want to get to the bottom of why your Facebook advertising account is restricted, you’ll want to audit your funnel. This is to identify what was the biggest risk that got you on the radar and eventually shut down.

Have your Facebook ads been blocked? Read this blog here.

Here are a few of the Facebook ad policies you may want to glance at:

  • Sexually Explicit Content. This one is a no-brainer: you can’t advertise anything sexual on Facebook. Given that Facebook’s approval is partly automated, health-based services (spas, etc.) can be flagged for body parts even if they’re not sexually suggestive it’ll get you a facebook account restricted.
  • Prohibited categories. Even though some items may not be illegal per se, Facebook does have restrictions about advertising the following: Drugs or tobacco, supplements, weapons, and financial products (auctions, loans, etc.).
  • Misinformation. False news on Facebook is a no-go.
  • Sensational content. No click-bait, sensationalist content either.
  • Bad grammar or punctuation. This is also a bad advertising practice in general.
  • Inflammatory content. This is any content that could be categorized as hate speech.
  • Unacceptable Business Practices. This generic term describes ads that “promote products, services, schemes or offers using deceptive or misleading practices, including those meant to scam people out of money or personal information.” This can be things like fake celebrity-endorsed products, subscription-based services that do not have the appropriate requirements met, or making exaggerated claims about a product.
  • Low-quality or deceptive content. This includes ads that are cropped so that you need to click to see the full image, or anything sexually suggestive or shocking. It’s important to note that Facebook also looks at your ad destination to make sure the content is relevant to the ad itself.
  • Personal attributes. This one is a bit tricky, Essentially, you cannot make it known that you know (or assume to know) any specific detail about your audience. This can be things like medical conditions, demographics, or even sexual preference. This can be statements such as “Is your weight problem getting serious?”, or, “You’re a woman over 50.”

That’s just a summarized view of the Facebook ad policies to keep in mind if your Facebook account’s restricted from advertising.

In reality, there are 1000s more that you are policed on by the automations but never told about.

Want access to a funnel audit to ensure you are compliant? Click here for a discovery call.

Facebook account restricted from advertising: Fix
How do I fix my restricted Facebook account?

You want to fix your restricted Facebook ad account right? Doesn’t everyone?! No one wants to see: “You are restricted from running ads.”

If you googled disabled facebook ad account or Facebook ad rejections you’ll find a number of bullshit articles out there – even by major brands – that will just tell you to “Request Review.”

That’s not great advice. Full stop.

Facebook account restricted from advertising

What you’re doing here is saying to the automations that shut you down: “Hey bud, I know you are machine, but can you decipher human empathy and context? Even better can you send this Appeal to ANOTHER robot? And put my fate in the next bot’s hands?”

Really the best chance you have is to appeal within 48 hours of getting shut down AFTER identifying the EXACT source of the Facebook automation flag.

Anything less than that, and you are thrown to the wolves.

Facebook account restricted from advertising meme
Really the BEST way to handle a shut down, on any level but a profile restriction (which you don’t usually get appeals for), is to audit your funnel for violations, then remove them from your funnel and get on Facebook Ad Support Chat once you know 100% why you were shut down.

Then, ask for a manual appeal. Here’s the deal: the outsourced workers you’ll be chatting with have a goal of more chats per day than giving a damn about a real resolution rate.

They will try to shut you down every step of the way. I can help you navigate these hurdles, and get the best chances you can have for making an appeal if it is within less than 5 days of the shut down.

Beyond that window, the chances get slimmer. But you do have other options if your goal is to get Facebook ads live again and not just trying to recover old disabled ad accounts.

What if you had a guarantee that your ads were compliant before they went live on Facebook?

Keep reading for these answers and more: 

Facebook Account Restriction Solution

After years of working at Facebook, I understand exactly what ad copy in your funnel is triggering the automations and how to get compliant.

Schedule a call with me and I can easily tell you why the automations flag you and how to become compliant. Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me.

Facebook Policy
You’ll be swapping out walking in a minefield of ad flags, to have a sure path to having your Facebook ad accounts protected from being disabled.

My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to not know why Facebook is shutting you down? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends,
immediately secure an expert-level Facebook consulting call from someone at Facebook. Book a call with me now!

Mari Smith Facebook Ad Consultant

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

How to get out of Facebook jail for a Facebook ad account restricted

Feels like getting a Facebook ad account restriction is increasing these days right? And then when you reach out to Meta they give you a wall of silence or misinformation or they are not able to answer your questions. Pretty helpful isn’t it? 

Facebook doesn’t approve your advertisements due to violating Facebook’s advertising policies

I confess, Facebook will punish you for ad policies you can’t even read on their transparency center online because the automations are programmed to flag for much smaller policy violations than you’re prolly aware of.

It’s a shock seeing things like “Your account is restricted ” and the truth about Facebook restricted ads is that it is not a human making the final decision restricting your ad account.

Even as you’re reading this blog your phone already has notifications for Instagram or Facebook but I guarantee 9 out of 10 times those notifications won’t tell you that you have a restricted account or why it happened.
Would you like to make $10,000 a month from Facebook ads without ever dealing with Facebook jail? Well I’m about to knit you a patchwork quilt with a map out of Facebook jail.

I’ll tell you what can help – learning more about how Facebook’s bots enforce advertising restrictions, so you don’t get caught and sent to Facebook jail.

Want to save time and money? Just schedule a complimentary discovery call to reduce risk and see how I can help you resolve Facebook restrictions here.

About advertising restrictions

advertising restrictions

Often a Facebook ban happens because Facebook already had their eye on you. Getting an ad account restriction on Facebook happens when FB ad policy automations build a character profile of your ad account based on ad approval vs ad rejection basis. Get too far in one direction for rejections, and the red alert goes out to the bots to shut you down. 

Your advertising access is restricted – what does it mean? Facebook account restricted what to do
facebook ad account restriction
Want to know the secret to escaping Facebook jail?

Thought so.

Now let me explain…

I’ve seen folks banned for how they phrased their shipping and handling policies. It was a skincare company, so they had to watch out for getting hit with the Personal Attributes flag.

And yet, that wasn’t even what got them under fire when they found me and asked for my help. It was the small print in their S&H policy that violated a big policy they had no idea Facebook was punishing them for.

When you get your advertising access restricted it means the Facebook bots found something big or small somewhere in your funnel against policy.

Ready to stop guessing and stop losing money and time? Click here for a complimentary discovery call.

I’ve worked side-by-side with the software engineers at Meta, and offer better answers on this topic than many blogs you’ll find after googling facebook ad account restricted. All white hat.

It’s 2049, and you’re jumping rooftop to rooftop, you’re running from the evil Facebook replicants attempting to shut down your Facebook ads and steal your ad profits with unnecessary bans, what should you do?

Facebook ad account restricted

It’s important to remember Meta is a big company, and there’s a lot of focus on policy and social responsibility. For example:

European Union accuses Facebook owner Meta of breaking digital rules with paid ad-free option

facebook ad account restriction

FILE – European Commissioner for Europe fit for the Digital Age, Margrethe Vestager speaks during a media conference regarding the Digital Markets Act at EU headquarters in Brussels, on March 25, 2024. European Union regulators accused social media company Meta Platforms on Monday, July 1, 2024 of breaching the bloc’s new digital competition rulebook by forcing Facebook and Instagram users to choose between seeing ads or paying to avoid them. (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo)

European Union regulators accused social media company Meta Platforms on Monday of breaching the bloc’s new digital competition rulebook by forcing Facebook and Instagram users to choose between seeing ads or paying to avoid them.

Meta began giving European users the option in November of paying for ad-free versions of Facebook and Instagram as a way to comply with the continent’s strict data privacy rules.

Users can pay at least 10 euros ($10.75) a month to avoid being targeted by ads based on their personal data. The U.S. tech giant rolled out the option after the European Union’s top court ruled Meta must first get consent before showing ads to users, in a decision that threatened its business model of tailoring ads based on individual users’ online interests and digital activity.

The European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, said preliminary findings of its investigation show that Meta’s “pay or consent” advertising model was in breach of the 27-nation bloc’s Digital Markets Act.

Meta’s model doesn’t allow users to exercise their right to “freely consent” to allowing their personal data from its various services, including Facebook, Instagram, Marketplace, WhatsApp, and Messenger, to be combined to target them with personalized online ads, the commission said.

Meta’s model also doesn’t give users the option of a service that’s less personalized but still equivalent to its social networks, it said.

“Subscription for no ads follows the direction of the highest court in Europe and complies with the DMA,” Meta said in a statement. “We look forward to further constructive dialogue with the European Commission to bring this investigation to a close.”

The commission had opened its investigation shortly after the rulebook, also known as the DMA, took effect in March. It’s a sweeping set of regulations aimed at preventing tech “gatekeepers” from cornering digital markets under threat of heavy financial penalties.

I bring this up to remind you that Meta faces other pressing issues aside from helping you restore your restricted ad account. And with this pressure, Facebook typically responds by increasing their reliance on Facebook ad policy automations to enforce facebook ad policies – which means it’s getting more dangerous to run ads. There’s a higher risk of restrictions now more than ever. So, it’s vital to understand how the Facebook bots flag ads and ad accounts.
If you’re like my client Jack Randall, President of Social Flight, you’re tired of beating your head against the wall trying to guess why Facebook has shut you down, and want answers faster.
“Trevor helped me successfully diagnose exactly why my ad account was disabled, and helped me frame out a plan to move forward.” 👍🏻

Click here, to schedule a discovery call.

Why does Facebook say my advertising access is restricted?

Facebook typically says your advertising access is restricted because it tracked a sequence of actions violating Facebook ad policies. It can be one thing that gets you a facebook ad account restricted after it’s removed you’re good, or it could be a series of smaller actions over time Facebook’s automations have logged and determined, overall, you are deliberately choosing not to follow policy.

Other times it could be a log in issue, a bank issue, or a business model conflict if the automations flag your ads as belonging to a banned business model (like MLMs). Make sure to read my blog on removing ad account restrictions here

Facebook ad account restricted – what does it mean? 

What does it mean to have a Facebook ad account restricted? Well, it’s like having a bullseye on your back – and the machines Facebook uses will attempt to reinforce their initial judgement that you are against their rules.

When you get a Facebook ad account restricted, Facebook offers you a chance to appeal first. But, if instead of appealing you rush to resubmit the same ad with the same violations in it, it can lead to disabling your Facebook Business Manager too.

If someone else on your BM is in hot water with FB that can roll over on you too, because Meta will hold you responsible for another person’s facebook account restricted if you share the same BM. It’s tough, but there is a path to ban-free ads here.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

Advertising restrictions for policy violations  

facebook ad account restriction prohibited content
If your Facebook account is restricted from advertising, it may hurt your ability to earn money in the future, so you’ll want to make sure your overall track record is in the black not the red. That means more approved ads than rejected. If your facebook account’s restricted it was done by bots.

Given how automated Facebook’s policy bots are, to be successful not getting thrown in FB jail, you’ll want to understand how and why these policy automations flag to avoid being on their radar. There’s some nuance to this you’ll want to know to side step getting a facebook ad account restricted.

Advertising restrictions for unusual activity 

If you buy a new smartphone, and are in a new location, download the Facebook app and log in, you could get hit with the unusual activity flag.

With a Facebook account restricted from advertising you may get the flag for unusual activity. Now, this can be frustratingly vague. Which activity was unusual? Why? How does this relate to getting a facebook ad account restricted?

Meta thinks you are a hacker when it sees new log ins, especially if you’re traveling out of state, out of country, when logging in. I’d suggest avoiding logging in to Facebook business tools while traveling to avoid this flag.

Read the ultimate guide on what to do if you’re hacked while running Facebook ads or want to prevent this from happening here.

How Serious is a Rejected Facebook Ad?

facebook ad account restriction

Your Facebook ad gets rejected, you appeal or try to run it again, then your ad account gets disabled. You try to appeal this (probably incorrectly) and then that appeal gets rejected and your Business Manager gets disabled.

It all starts with the Facebook ad and whether it follows ad policies or paints you as a bad actor to Facebook trying to circumvent systems if you try to run the same ad already rejected, multiple times leading to a Facebook ad account restricted from advertising.

If you’ve read How to Unrestrict My Ad Account you get how vital your appeal strategy is and has to be when it comes to appealing a facebook ad account restricted. The problem with getting hit with a Circumventing Systems flag is that Facebook’s bots are not specific about WHAT you are circumventing, and HOW to fix this. I have a short little guide to add a bit of help here.

Circumventing Systems Guide 2.0

What does a restricted Facebook ad account mean?

When your ad account is restricted, you cannot run Facebook ads at all.  It means that your other assets like your Facebook Business Page and your Facebook Business Manager may be at risk too after getting a facebook ad account restricted.

How did I get myself restricted from advertising on Facebook?

Bad habits. Everyone has habits and the habits you have when creating ads can get you in trouble if your habits don’t include a compliance check up or sometimes you can get banned for simply acting too quickly. I’ve seen a series of quick thoughtless actions lead to a facebook ad account restricted before.

How can I tell if my account was restricted?

Facebook is supposed to send emails to your email account associated with your personal Facebook profile every time you have an ad approved and rejected. BUT, they end up in spam sometimes. You may not see these emails if your gmail has filtered these out to the promotions tab or social tab. 

Logging into Meta Business Suite or Facebook Business Manager and going to the ad accounts you own on the Ads Manager page, you’ll typically see red letters detailing the warning you have gotten or ban.

How do I unrestrict my Facebook ads? Facebook ad account restricted tips

A good practice for preventing a facebook ad account restricted is to audit your funnel for potential flags and remove them, making everything compliant BEFORE submitting ads to Facebook to review.

And you don’t want a facebook account restricted because the ad account creation limit for new Facebook Business Managers is only 1 or 2 ad accounts most of the time. This means being aware of what may get banned and avoiding it is a full time job you can’t slack on if you want to avoid getting a facebook ad account restricted

It pays to be informed of what Facebook is doing as it effects industries at large, like Facebook’s recent ad policies on selling CBD on Facebook. You need to stay current to avoid Facebook accounts restricted from advertising.

Why is my Facebook ad account restricted?

Now, it is not your fault that you don’t understand the policies – Facebook is clear as the vision of a serious scotch drinker after the 4th glass. But, most likely your Facebook ad account is restricted because of a few words in your ad copy, privacy policy or the creative you chose.

Given my history of working with thousands of ad agencies both while I was working AT Facebook and in my own practice, I have stats on which ad policies are triggered the most in specific niches. Like personal attributes flags being higher in weight loss niches, or MLM flags being higher in the start-a-biz online vertical.

Understanding how YOUR specific niche interacts with Facebook ad policy automations is KEY to staying out of Facebook jail and avoiding a facebook account restricted.

Facebook ad account restricted: Ad rejections

Your ad account was banned for too many rejected ads

When you step over a certain ratio of rejected ads, Facebook has a separate automation that determines the health of your ad account. If you are not paying attention to this as you run ads throughout the quarter, you could end up on the wrong side of the ban bots. So, as the meme below states, you’ll need to study your ad account history a little more carefully to avoid this type of ban.

facebook ad account restriction

Now, resolving a facebook account restricted can be a lot easier to prevent than recover from.

If you’ve read my Common Mistakes to Avoid When Advertising on Facebook you found out the hidden clues in FB warnings  – that you may need an expert to decode into everyday language.

Just like my clients, the social media marketing agency for Wu-Tang ClanWu-Tang Clan discovered, there are micro flags in ad copy and landing pages that have to be removed first before attempting to appeal or relaunch a brand with Facebook.

Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call to avoid getting a disabled Facebook ad account.

Facebook ad account restricted: disabled accounts

What Disabled Facebook Ad Account Means

Disabled facebook ad account, Search • back • clock • Open Google agency account • Open Google agency account

If you see that, “You are restricted from running ads” this means you missed the canary in the coal mine beforehand. SOME element in your ads attracted the attention of Facebook ban bots and there were warning signs. Probably not obvious because Facebook isn’t that transparent.

Now, depending on what type of Business Manager you have you may be able to create a new ad account as long as the new ads have 0 flags in them that the old ads have.

When reading the Facebook ad policies on Facebook ad rejections you may feel frustrated, because they won’t talk about your specific situation in any detail, if at all.

Facebook ad account restricted: Trust the right answers

A big hurdle to overcome with dealing with a Facebook ad account restricted is who to trust online. Most articles you’ll read come from outsiders, who have not worked at Meta and are shaking a Magic 8 ball to come up with best guesses.

Even worse, chatting in to Facebook ad support, you talk to people who don’t seem to understand your questions. I’ve heard stories from clients who got in a worst ban after talking to Facebook ad support before finding my blog.

And Facebook has a spotty track record for providing reliable advice on how to solve a facebook account restricted.

I’ve heard some people say that Facebook ads aren’t worth using anymore and don’t turn a profit – every week my calendar is booked with calls from businesses running high converting ads on Facebook making hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars. So, while Nas may have rapped that Hip Hop is Dead (with the recent beef with Kendrick Lamar and Drake you know hip hop is alive and kicking) Facebook certainly isn’t dead either.

Per Sprout Social,Per Sprout Social, Facebook is the third most visited website following Google and YouTube, respectively. This puts it ahead of other leading platforms like Twitter and Instagram.
The platform boasts 3.065 billion active users on a monthly basis. This makes it the most used social media platform worldwide.
In 2023, Facebook’s total ad revenue amounted to $135 billion, up from $116 billion the previous year.

Don’t leave money on the table just because you don’t understand the way the bots flag for policy, I can help you there.

Is your Facebook ad account already disabled? Don’t get ripped off! Read How to Recover Facebook Ad Accounts now!

Just like my client Dr. Emi benefited from my funnel audits for compliance, you can too. It all starts with a free discovery call here. By the way, Dr. Emi was just featured on the Today Show on NBC.  (In a rush? Skip the line with prepaid funnel audits with VIP Access).

Facebook ad account restricted: Business Manager

What is a Disabled Facebook Business Manager?

Facebook ad account restriction

If you are restricted from running ads, when your Facebook Business Manager is disabled within the Facebook Business Suite as they (annoyingly) renamed it, then you may need to relaunch your brand depending on how severe this ban is.

Sometimes Business Manager bans if they are appealed fast enough with the right language can be overturned.

But out of lets say 100 disabled Facebook Business Managers I’ve seen, 1% gets recovered.

Facebook account restricted from advertising? KNOW THIS: What you want to keep in mind is the Facebook Business Pages – as they are your digital storefront for your brand name – and take them out before your Facebook Business Manager gets disabled!

That being said, when you have a disabled Facebook Business Manager that means every asset inside is jeopardized.

  • Ad Accounts
  • Facebook Business Pages
  • People connected to this BM

Facebook ad account restricted: Causes

Here’s why:

When you have a disabled Facebook Business Manager, Facebook keeps track of who is in the Business Manager and the other BMs they are connected to.

So, everyone in a disabled Facebook Business Manager is at risk of having everything else they are working on getting shut down too. If you FORGOT a lurker in your BM who has a facebook account restricted it WILL come back to bite ya a$$ so BE AWARE. 

A disabled Facebook Business Manager is the next to the worst ban you can get on Facebook.

When my client Happi Digital, an eCommerce Agency hired me to audit their Facebook ads, I uncovered flags that if left alone could have shut down their entire ad agency.

Need Facebook ad policy expert too? Schedule a call with me right now.

Facebook ad account restricted: Pages

What Does it Mean When Your Facebook Page is Restricted?

Facebook ad account restriction

We saw many Pages go down in 2020 – when the pandemic first hit America with e-comm businesses that had shipping delays in China due to covid-19 shut downs. These e-commerce businesses saw their customers giving them bad reviews that took their Page quality score beneath a 1.

Then, just by automation alone, their FB Business Pages got restricted. And they didn’t even have a facebook account restricted-just the Page got shut down.

This is challenging because if you try to relaunch a new Facebook Business Page with the same brand name you may get blocked by Facebook right away for circumventing systems. You’ll need a better strategy more finely tuned for relaunching.

Want to stop losing money over Facebook bans? Get the expert advice of someone who worked at Meta here.

Facebook ad account restricted: Reasons

Why is my Facebook advertising account restricted?

Facebook account restricted from advertising

Still asking what to do when seeing, “You are restricted from running ads”? If you want to get to the bottom of why your Facebook advertising account is restricted, you’ll want to audit your funnel. This is to identify what was the biggest risk that got you on the radar and eventually shut down.

Have your Facebook ads been blocked? Read this blog here.

Here’s the deal, even if you read all of the Transparency Center policies on ads, you still wouldn’t know how to prevent a ban.

In reality, there are 1000s more that you are policed on by the automations but never told about.

Want access to a funnel audit to ensure you are compliant? Click here for a discovery call.

How to appeal advertising restrictions

There is a right way and a wrong way to appeal getting a Facebook ad account restricted. The wrong way is to mash buttons, click request review, and wait for the Facebook gods to grant you clemency. With staffing shortages, and reliance on automations, the first approach won’t get you far. But identifying what got you flagged, and what is the hierarchy of risks in your funnel and replacing the offending content with compliant copy is a much better place to start before appealing. 

Facebook ad account restricted: Fixes

How do I fix my restricted Facebook account?

No one wants to see: “You are restricted from running ads.”

If you googled disabled facebook ad account or Facebook ad rejections you’ll find a number of bullshit articles out there – even by major brands – that will just tell you to “Request Review.”

That CAN help if you have already removed ALL the flags from your funnel. But if you have not…Full stop, no pass go, don’t click it.

Your advertising access is restricted

What you’re doing here is saying to the automations that shut you down: “Hey bot, I know you are machine, but can you decipher human empathy and context? Even better can you send this Appeal to ANOTHER robot? And put my fate in the next bot’s hands?”

Really the best chance you have is to appeal within 48 hours of getting shut down AFTER identifying the EXACT source of the Facebook automation flag.

Anything less than that, and your chances diminish by A LOT. Now, if you’ve found me within that time period, I can possibly help you, depending on your type of business and other factors. Click here to schedule your call and avoid a further shut down and avoid a permanent restriction.

Want a better answer than Facebook ad support gives? Keep reading.

Learn more

facebook ad account restriction

Learn more about the appeal process: when appealing keep in mind you’re chatting wit outsourced workers who have a goal of getting more chats per day than increasing real resolution rate.

They will try to shut you down every step of the way. I can help you navigate these hurdles, and get the best chances you can have for making an appeal if you have contacted me fast enough after a ban. 

Beyond that window, the chances get slimmer. But you do have other options if your goal is to get Facebook ads live again and not just trying to recover old disabled ad accounts.

What if you had a guarantee that your ads were compliant before they went live on Facebook?

Keep reading for these answers and more: 

Facebook Ad Account Restriction Solution

Ad agencies: tired of getting the silent treatment from Facebook when all you want to do is get your Facebook ads live and revenue in the door?

I’m a Facebook ad policy specialist who worked at Facebook and I’m trusted by high level brands that take accuracy and results seriously.

Facebook account restricted from advertising

I can show you how to resolve FB bans even if Facebook ad support is useless to resolve ad account restrictions.

Don’t lose any more money from Facebook bans and schedule your call with me now.

Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me:

 your access can't be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

It shouldn’t be a mystery on what to do to recover from a ban. I strive for customer satisfaction, being a business owner myself.

facebook ad account restriction fix testimonial
My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to have a disabled Facebook ad account? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends, immediately secure expert-level Facebook consulting. Book a call with me now!

Facebook jail solution testimonial

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

What Is a Virtual Bookkeeping Business
(And Why Is It Better Than Any Other “Make Money Online” Opportunity Out There):
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On Day 1 of the Keyboard Rich Challenge, you’ll discover:

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The very few things you need to start your business THIS week—and the stuff you DON’T need that will only waste your time.

Learn a legitimate (and in-demand) skill that businesses love paying good money for – click here to get started making money from home

Ad Account Restricted Facebook FAQ

Facebook ad account restriction FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to fix ad account disabled on facebook

Your first step should always be to stop active ads running with the same copy as the rejected ad, then audit your funnel for flags, and appeal using the strategy outlined in the appeal section of the FAQs

2. How to enable my disabled facebook ad account

If you have a spare ad account in your Facebook Business Manager that you can run ads from, feel free to. BUT, identify the micro and major flags FIRST, so as not to repeat the same mistake. 

Ready to Finally Make the Money You Need in the Hours That Work for You & Your Family? Don’t miss out,Learn More here.

3. How to appeal a disabled facebook ad account

As far as how to appeal a disabled Facebook ad account, you’ll get 48 hours to make your appeal. The best strategy is to communicate to Meta | Facebook that:

A. You understand WHY you were banned.
B. You are committed to following the policies from here on out.
C. You have identified and REMOVED the offending content from your funnel.

You can also get some top tips on facebook ad policy in this complimentary eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

4. how to get disabled ad account up and running

Depending on how long your ad account was disabled, sometimes, if your appeal is written correctly, the appeal itself CAN potentially get you reactivated, if you understand to communicate with Facebook ad support correctly. 

5. How Many Policy Violations Before Account is Shut Down?

Typically, it’s a 1 to 10 ratio. For every single rejected ad that you get, you’ll want 10 Facebook ads that are approved. After a pattern of behavior is established by machine learning, from Meta’s automations, you may spiral rapidly into Facebook jail if your ratios aren’t correct. 3 consecutive ads getting rejected risks your ad account getting disabled. But, it also depends on how severe the ban is. 

And, if this still all seems too confusing, your clients are yelling at you to get ads live to bring in money, simply schedule a complimentary Facebook discovery call here

6. How to remove restriction on facebook ad account

As far as removing a restriction on a Facebook ad account, if we’re talking about a disabled ad account, well, you can rehabilitate your funnel and then appeal, possibly getting it reactivated if you do this SMART (I have methods that work if you’re in the appeal window). But as far as removing a restriction from Facebook ads, see the previous FAQ answer: you need to get in a positive approval-cycle ratio.

7. how long does facebook take to review restricted ad account

Now, ask yourself, is it an election year? Have there been over 20,000 Meta employees laid off? Did you word your appeal using specific language Facebook ad support can and will respond better to? These are the factors in play. Typically, you get an answer within a week. If you have a more severe ban or are in the special ad categories, you may get an answer faster but it won’t be one you like. Severe bans end up as permanent restrictions and they deliver that ban hammer faster than other lighter Facebook ad policy restrictions. 

8. how to fix your access can’t be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

In a situation like this, your recovery options depend on what is banned:

a) Facebook Ad Account
b) Facebook Business Page
c) Facebook Business Manager
d) Facebook profile

So, each one may have a different recovery option, depending on your situation, and type of ban it is, as well as your particular niche or business’s vertical, and the health of the accounts before the ban. Want to get a pathway to get Facebook ads live? Schedule your complimentary discovery call here.

9. How To Get Your Disabled Facebook Ad Account Back 

First, let me also address the elephant in the room: personal and emotional attachments to disabled ad accounts. I’ve worked with tons of Fortune 500 level companies, and the amount of hair pulling and FML-ing over ONE ad account being disabled, is incredible. Sometimes, it’s faster, and cheaper, to just start a new ad account, and relaunch, rather than recover a tainted asset.

That being said, the same answer applies here to the instructions above, for appeals

10. How to unblock your Facebook ad account

Now, unblocking an ad account, may be possible if you get in fast enough with the right kind of messaging to Facebook ad support. While they are the gatekeepers, and don’t have any real power, they CAN talk to the right folks who, if you word your appeal right, can unblock your Facebook ad account. And of course, if you need next-level assistance, I’m always available to chat and see if it’s a good fit here.

Facebook Ad Policy [Explained] Why Some Accounts Are Banned & Others Are Not

Asking how Facebook ad policy works dealing with a restricted ad account? You’ve come to the right place – I’ve worked at Meta in multiple departments from ad to tech and will help you make sense of Facebook ad policy to avoid bans. Want to just get a restricted FB ad account fixed and don’t want to spend the time reading this article? Schedule a discovery call here, free for a limited time.

Facebook Policy

Facebook policy for advertising sounds simple but it’s pretty complex – it’s dangerous to think Facebook will take the time to understand you, your ads, or why the automations ban you. Would you like a clear explanation?


When Facebook was first established it was just for college kids, and soon it ballooned into a billion dollar empire. Similar to a city that grows too fast for its own infrastructure to support the traffic, city codes, building violations, and so on – Facebook has too much traffic to handle the ads from a human level. (don’t miss out on this ad account restriction guide)

So, they hired engineers I’ve worked with to design the automations to replace the humans reviewing your ads for Facebook ad policy compliance. And as a result, a lot of advertisers and businesses get banned without warning or explanation. Why is that?

Facebook ad policy

Facebook ad policy is designed to stop bad actors from scamming innocent Facebook users – and I’ve oversaw the outsourced workers who review your content, moderating it to ensure compliance.

You may not know this but there are a TON of bad actors out there skimming and scamming every DAY – in fact it’s gotten so bad I wrote an indepth guide on how to prevent getting hacked on Facebook and what to do if you HAVE been hacked while running ads on Facebook you can access it here.

Meta advertising policy principles

The more eyes are on content, the more chance ads will be displayed to FB users, so high engagement is prioritized.

The ad review process

Facebook rarely puts human eyes on ads, the decision to approve or reject a Facebook ad is done by machines 90% of the time. And typically they have, maximum, 24 hours to approve or reject a FB ad. If it goes longer than that “in review” you’ll want to reach out to Facebook ad support.

What to do if your ad is rejected or if your business asset is restricted

The first step is to stop taking actions on Facebook with Ads Manager, Facebook Business Manager, and your Page. Often the biggest fail comes from acting too quickly without examining your entire funnel and assessing the damage before acting.

Community standards

Typically, there’s no cross over from facebook ad policies that govern all ads you run on Facebook and the Community Standards which regulate the organic content. Facebook has workers in sweatshops overseas monitoring the organic content and removing porn, violence, drugs and more. You won’t see Community Standards violations in Ads Manager, they’ll be in the Support Inbox, visible from your Profile (not FB Business Page)’s privacy settings.

Facebook Ad Policy

Anytime you report a fake profile on Facebook you’ll see the Support Inbox filled with automated messages, and sometimes you can reach a person – but this is for non-advertising issues.

Facebook Ad Policy support inbox 2

Facebook Ad Policy Content

Unacceptable content

When you look at Facebook ad policy on unacceptable content, you’ll see things like, don’t sell illegal items, or exploit people but what this manifests as in your real, every day experience running ads for profit is the part where Meta talks about Misinformation.

Facebook ad policy
If you cut out all the BS and fluff what Facebook is saying for Facebook ad policy here is TLDR: “Don’t look like spam or an MLM.”

Facebook Ad Policy: Deceptive Ads

Deceptive content

Let me decode this for you, as it isn’t clear from reading this section on Facebook ad policy what Facebook means when you break it down to nuts and bolts. Meta here is saying don’t make exaggerated claims that don’t sound realistic in their opinion for what an average person’s results may be using your product or service. So, tone down your ad copy from anything that sounds like a tabloid or over sensational.

Facebook Ad Policy Restricted Products

Restricted goods and services

You may be blissfully unaware of certain banned business models on Facebook and specific types of products you can’t sell on Facebook which include:

  • Animals
  • Crypto Currency
  • Tobacco 

One of the reasons why people who sell CBD have such a hard time ever getting it live on Facebook is because the bots will flag anything smoke-related as selling cigarettes. I have an article about selling CBD on Facebook you may find helpful here.

Facebook Ad Policy: Objection

Objectionable content

What Facebook means by “Objectionable content” for Facebook ad policy is:

  • No nudity (seems obv) 
  • No cursing in ads (don’t try to be cute here) 
  • No Graphic Content

What that typically looks like in ads is if you try to go too extreme or shocking with kicking the pain points when writing ad copy. Want to stop reading an encyclopedia of Facebook ad policy and just ensure your ads get approved?

Or recover from a restricted ad account? Then you’re like my client Cubatica who ran ads for Tony Robbins that I prescreened for his Knowledge Broker Blueprint (KBB) launch. Schedule your Facebook ad policy discovery call today right here.Facebook ad policy discovery call today right here.

Facebook Ad Policy IP

Intellectual property infringement

Facebook Ad Policy

It’s crazy how obvious this is – yet every year I still see many of my clients come to me with IP flags. You cannot borrow authority from a celebrity or name brand of an established company to sell your products, without paying your dues. If you attempt to use a major brand name – including Facebook’s – without a licensing agreement, Facebook will flag you for copyright infringement. 

Facebook Ad Policy Political Ads

Social issue, electoral or political advertising

If Facebook’s bots perceive your ad as something political or addressing a social issue you’ll have to mark your ad as a special ad category ad – if you don’t Facebook will ban you. 

Facebook Ad Policy: Drugs et al

Product and format-specific policies

This is a fancy way of saying even if your ad is a video ad not a static image ad you still have to obey Facebook ad policy and not have any:

  1. Drugs and alcohol use

  2. Adult content

  3. Profanity

  4. Violence and gore

Facebook Ad Policy: Cybersecurity

Advertising policies affecting business assets

Wow, another vague af Facebook ad policy title! What does it mean? It means don’t run ads that Facebook thinks sound real spammy, and don’t try to hack people. This also means don’t SOUND like you are. What do I mean by that? Well, if FB says don’t hack people, check your copy to make sure there are no phrases that could be misinterpreted that way.


What you should know by now is that Facebook doesn’t f@#$! around when it comes to enforcing Facebook ad policy because there are genuinely bad actors out there breaking all the rules to harm others, so they have a better safe than sorry approach. After the Big Tech Layoffs, now Facebook is even more short staffed and relying on automations to make most of their Facebook ad policy decisions. Keep that in mind – machines are reviewing your ads not people.

Want someone who speaks Facebook ad policy bot language? Schedule your discovery call with me today. Schedule your discovery call with me today.

Facebook Ad Policy Enforcing Policy


The way Facebook automations enforce Facebook ad policy is by building a profile of your actions on Facebook Business Manager, Ads Manager, Facebook Business Page and running ads. After a specific period of time (lets say 60-90 days or sooner) the Facebook ad policy automations may make a conclusion, after seeing a pattern, that you are deliberately breaking Facebook ad policy if you have repeat violations.

Wouldn’t you like to prevent Facebook from banning your ad account?

As Liana Lang, CEO of Power Up Strategy Inc. said, “Please meet Trevor, my ‘secret weapon’ for all things Facebook compliance. I highly recommend hiring him to help you out especially if you plan to be running ads.”

Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call.

Now, you may have noticed Facebook changes their ad policies A LOT!

Who are the Facebook changes really for? 

I’m sure we’ve all seen the awkward testimonial from Mark Zuckerberg when he faced Congress. Anytime there is a PR fire – like Cambridge Analytica (I was working at Facebook when this happened), Facebook has to get out and do damage control.

Facebook policy
Facebook’s policy is to change Facebook’s policy to show they are doing something about an issue. Even if those changes wreak havoc on advertisers just like you.

Facebook creates new ad automations to police Facebook ads more to please their stakeholders, and show the board they are doing something. What they don’t do is look at the big picture for how these new automations integrate with the existing Facebook bots.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

What are Facebook ad policies?

Facebook ad policies operate on 3 levels:

One level is the Community Standards for NON ads but if your Page or Profile is breaking them it can affect your ads.  

The 2nd level is the common sense ad policies like no guns or drugs, that every social media website has. 

The 3rd level are the ad policies specific to your industry. Different ad policies apply for ads about weightloss versus ads about how to make money online. While many blogs get it wrong guessing, I’ve worked with the engineers at Facebook and help business prevent or recover from a Facebook ban, learn more here.

Advertising Standards

In 2023 if you googled new facebook ad policies 2023 this is what you’d see:

Facebook ad policy

You can see beginning in February 2023, advertisers will only be able to use age and location to reach teens. Facebook is removing gender as a targeting option – thats another update to the Facebook advertising guidelines.

Already completely banned?

If you are running ads and spending $100K a year or more on ads, I can help with that.

Also check out:
Top Reasons Why Facebook Disables Ad Accounts

Facebook Policy Related articles

Check out the ad-guides I’ve created for ad agencies, you’ll find some great tips to help when Facebook isn’t being transparent.

Facebook Ad Policy [Explained] Why Some Accounts Are Banned & Others Are Not

So why do some accounts get banned while others are not? Simply said, it depends on a few things, for instance your track record for ad rejections or Facebook ad policy violations, within a specific amount of time. If you have had a lot of near misses, you are more likely to be shut down for a smaller flag in the future.

And, you may hate to hear this, but there are some agency accounts who have simply not made changes to their previously approved ads for years, and get into a holding pattern where the automations don’t rescan them. So, they’ve gotten away with noncompliant ads for years.

Eventually, the bots will catch up to them, and they’ll be calling me, to help them get Facebook ads live again after a ban or ad account restriction. But, just because you see noncompliant ads live on Facebook doesn’t mean it’s safe for you to do so. 

Facebook Policy Prevent Bans

Even if you spent a week reading Facebook’s Ad Policies you’d still be at risk of a shut down for Personal Attributes simply because there are ways Facebook’s bots flag you that Facebook isn’t open about. But that’s what I help businesses and ad agencies with: actual transparency for how Facebook ad policy automations flag and what to do to avoid Facebook jail. 

Learn more

Don’t miss out on an opportunity to never have to get flagged again:

Facebook Ad Policy Violations New Solution

Ad agencies: tired of getting the silent treatment from Facebook when all you want to do is get your Facebook ads live and revenue in the door?

I’m a Facebook ad policy specialist who worked at Facebook and I’m trusted by high level brands that take accuracy and results seriously.

Facebook account restricted from advertising

I can show you how to resolve FB bans even if Facebook ad support is useless to resolve ad account restrictions.

Don’t lose any more money from Facebook bans and schedule your call with me now.

Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me:

 your access can't be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

It shouldn’t be a mystery on what to do to recover from a ban. I strive for customer satisfaction, being a business owner myself.

facebook ad account restriction fix testimonial
My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to have a disabled Facebook ad account? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends, immediately secure expert-level Facebook consulting. Book a call with me now!

Facebook jail solution testimonial

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

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The very few things you need to start your business THIS week—and the stuff you DON’T need that will only waste your time.

Learn a legitimate (and in-demand) skill that businesses love paying good money for – click here to get started making money from home

Ad Account Restricted Facebook FAQ

Facebook ad account restriction FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to fix ad account disabled on facebook

Your first step should always be to stop active ads running with the same copy as the rejected ad, then audit your funnel for flags, and appeal using the strategy outlined in the appeal section of the FAQs

2. How to enable my disabled facebook ad account

If you have a spare ad account in your Facebook Business Manager that you can run ads from, feel free to. BUT, identify the micro and major flags FIRST, so as not to repeat the same mistake. 

Ready to Finally Make the Money You Need in the Hours That Work for You & Your Family? Don’t miss out,Learn More here.

3. How to appeal a disabled facebook ad account

As far as how to appeal a disabled Facebook ad account, you’ll get 48 hours to make your appeal. The best strategy is to communicate to Meta | Facebook that:

A. You understand WHY you were banned.
B. You are committed to following the policies from here on out.
C. You have identified and REMOVED the offending content from your funnel.

You can also get some top tips on facebook ad policy in this complimentary eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

4. how to get disabled ad account up and running

Depending on how long your ad account was disabled, sometimes, if your appeal is written correctly, the appeal itself CAN potentially get you reactivated, if you understand to communicate with Facebook ad support correctly. 

5. How Many Policy Violations Before Account is Shut Down?

Typically, it’s a 1 to 10 ratio. For every single rejected ad that you get, you’ll want 10 Facebook ads that are approved. After a pattern of behavior is established by machine learning, from Meta’s automations, you may spiral rapidly into Facebook jail if your ratios aren’t correct. 3 consecutive ads getting rejected risks your ad account getting disabled. But, it also depends on how severe the ban is. 

And, if this still all seems too confusing, your clients are yelling at you to get ads live to bring in money, simply schedule a complimentary Facebook discovery call here

6. How to remove restriction on facebook ad account

As far as removing a restriction on a Facebook ad account, if we’re talking about a disabled ad account, well, you can rehabilitate your funnel and then appeal, possibly getting it reactivated if you do this SMART (I have methods that work if you’re in the appeal window). But as far as removing a restriction from Facebook ads, see the previous FAQ answer: you need to get in a positive approval-cycle ratio.

7. how long does facebook take to review restricted ad account

Now, ask yourself, is it an election year? Have there been over 20,000 Meta employees laid off? Did you word your appeal using specific language Facebook ad support can and will respond better to? These are the factors in play. Typically, you get an answer within a week. If you have a more severe ban or are in the special ad categories, you may get an answer faster but it won’t be one you like. Severe bans end up as permanent restrictions and they deliver that ban hammer faster than other lighter Facebook ad policy restrictions. 

8. how to fix your access can’t be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

In a situation like this, your recovery options depend on what is banned:

a) Facebook Ad Account
b) Facebook Business Page
c) Facebook Business Manager
d) Facebook profile

So, each one may have a different recovery option, depending on your situation, and type of ban it is, as well as your particular niche or business’s vertical, and the health of the accounts before the ban. Want to get a pathway to get Facebook ads live? Schedule your complimentary discovery call here.

9. How To Get Your Disabled Facebook Ad Account Back 

First, let me also address the elephant in the room: personal and emotional attachments to disabled ad accounts. I’ve worked with tons of Fortune 500 level companies, and the amount of hair pulling and FML-ing over ONE ad account being disabled, is incredible. Sometimes, it’s faster, and cheaper, to just start a new ad account, and relaunch, rather than recover a tainted asset.

That being said, the same answer applies here to the instructions above, for appeals

10. How to unblock your Facebook ad account

Now, unblocking an ad account, may be possible if you get in fast enough with the right kind of messaging to Facebook ad support. While they are the gatekeepers, and don’t have any real power, they CAN talk to the right folks who, if you word your appeal right, can unblock your Facebook ad account. And of course, if you need next-level assistance, I’m always available to chat and see if it’s a good fit here.

My Facebook ad account restricted and I’m unable to review the account fix

Head spinning from a facebook ad account restricted? Looking for a solution to How do I get my Facebook ad account unrestricted? There are so many ways to get stuck in Facebook jail and so few trustworthy answers online, it’s hard to know who to trust. I’ve worked at Meta and will help you solve this issue.

Facebook doesn’t approve your advertisements due to violating Facebook’s advertising policies

If you’re googling things like, “Your account is restricted ” or “Facebook restricted ads,” or “Nonfunctional Landing Page” and terms like “I need help getting my account unrestricted” or even “How do I get my Facebook ad account unrestricted” you don’t want filler but answers to how to get ads running again and turning a profit for your business.

One of the tough choices a business has to make is how close to a ban do you want your ad copy to get? The most outrageous claims will get the highest clicks but will be the riskiest for what is allowed on Facebook. A good first step to take is to learn more about the advertising restrictions, so you don’t get caught on the bat radar of Facebook’s bots.

Want to save time? Just schedule a complimentary discovery call to see how I can help you resolve Facebook restrictions here.

About advertising restrictions

facebook ad account restricted

Many times when you get an ad account restriction on Facebook it’s because you were already on the radar of the policy automations, which build a character profile of your ad account based on ad approval vs ad rejection basis. Get too far in one direction for rejections, and the bat signal goes out for the bots to shut you down. 

Your advertising access is restricted – what does it mean? Facebook account restricted what to do
I’ve seen folks banned for how they phrased their shipping and handling policies. It was a skincare company, so they had to watch out for getting hit with the Personal Attributes flag. And yet, that wasn’t even what got them under fire when they found me and asked for my help. It was the small print in their S&H policy that violated a big policy they had no idea Facebook was punishing them for. When you get your advertising access restricted it means the Facebook bots found something big or small somewhere in your funnel against policy.

Ready to stop guessing and stop losing money and time? Click here for a complimentary discovery call.

I’ve worked directly with the engineers at Meta, and offer better answers on this topic than many blogs you’ll find after googling facebook ad account restricted. All white hat.

So you’re running from the evil Facebook robots attempting to steal your ad profits with unnecessary bans, what should you keep in mind?

Facebook ad account restricted

It’s important to remember Meta is a big company, and there’s a lot of focus on policy and social responsibility. For example:

Australian mining magnate Andrew Forrest can sue Meta over Facebook scam ads, US court rules

facebook ad account restriction

The Guardian reports that the Australian mining magnate can try to prove that Meta was negligent in allowing scam ads on Facebook, judge says. Andrew Forrest says the Facebook scam ads decision is the first where a social media company has been unable to invoke Section 230 immunity in a US civil case over its advertising business.

The external pressures Facebook has to endure lead to stricter ad policies for you, and higher risk of bans.

I mention this because a lot of businesses and advertisers think Facebook targets bans to them personally when getting a facebook ad account restricted. To be honest, Facebook is spread so thin across so many different things, from AI, to the Metaverse that Facebook ad support really isn’t a priority. Meaning, both you won’t get personally targeted for shut downs, and you also won’t get special treatment or empathy for all the money an unneeded ban causes your business.

If you’re like my client Jack Randall, President of Social Flight, you’re tired of beating your head against the wall trying to guess why Facebook has shut you down, and want answers faster.

“Trevor helped me successfully diagnose exactly why my ad account was disabled, and helped me frame out a plan to move forward.” 👍🏻

Click here, to schedule a discovery call.

Why does Facebook say my advertising access is restricted?

It can be one thing that gets you a facebook ad account restricted after it’s removed you’re good, or it could be a series of smaller actions over time Facebook’s automations have logged and determined, overall, you are deliberately choosing not to follow policy.

Other times it could be a log in issue, a bank issue, or a business model conflict if the automations flag your ads as belonging to a banned business model (like MLMs). Make sure to read my blog on removing ad account restrictions here

Facebook ad account restricted – what does it mean? 

Typically when you get a Facebook ad account restricted, Facebook offers you a chance to appeal first. But, if instead of appealing you rush to resubmit the same ad with the same violations in it, it can lead to disabling your Facebook Business Manager too.

If someone else on your BM is in hot water with FB that can roll over on you too, because Meta will hold you responsible for another person’s facebook account restricted if you share the same BM.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

Facebook ad account restricted: FTC claims Facebook withheld information when buying Instagram and WhatsApp

The newest issues Facebook or Meta is facing newest issues Facebook or Meta is facing isn’t related to a lot of your daily struggles running ads and understanding compliance. Meta Platforms Inc. withheld information from federal regulators during their original reviews of the Instagram and WhatsApp acquisitions, the US Federal Trade Commission said in a court filing as part of a lawsuit seeking to break up the social networking giant.

Why does this matter? Well, if Meta gets broken up, that could crash ads globally, or cause more disruptions in getting the same conversions. Not that I’m advocating for giant behemoths to control everything – we have enough mergers of giant corps doing that already, cornering the market, and reducing choice in the free market leading to higher costs globally. I just want you to be prepared for what may be coming, if the anti-trust law suit does succeed.

The company formerly known as Facebook bought photo-sharing app Instagram in 2012 and the messaging app WhatsApp in 2014. Both transactions were scrutinized by the FTC at the time before they closed – Instagram as part of an in-depth review and WhatsApp with a simple 30-day one. In the years since, the agency has faced significant criticism for allowing the deals to move forward.

In 2020, the antitrust agency sued Meta alleging that it monopolized the personal social networking market by buying up emerging rivals.

Instagram’s popularity has been key to Meta’s continued success. Instagram produced $16.5 billion in the first six months of 2022, bringing in almost 30% of the company’s overall revenue, according to court filings in the case. Meta has also degraded its platform for users most reliant on their apps, significantly increasing the ad load on first Instagram and then its flagship product Facebook, the agency said in the filing. It also “chronically deprived Instagram of resources to innovate and improve features,” the FTC said.

If you’re not paying attention to these things, you may be caught with your pants down if FTC’s antitrust hammer comes down on Meta and then Instagram changes the ad volume. have been keeping updated on the latest from Facebook, you’ll see the updates on Facebook Marketplace. When it comes to getting a facebook ad account restricted, this is the big picture view serious advertisers need to take looking forward (and consider diversifying your ad streams, if anything across different types of Facebook and IG ads).

When getting a facebook ad account restricted, you want to think more chess, less like checkers.

I bring this up because you should know the focus right now for Meta is not on making sure you, the honest business owner or marketing agency is being taken care of when it comes to avoiding unnecessarily dishing out a facebook ban or Facebook ad account restricted.

When you prepare before impulsively appealing Facebook accounts restricted from advertising, then you have a much better chance of recovery.

Advertising restrictions for policy violations  

facebook ad account restriction prohibited content
If your Facebook account is restricted from advertising, it may hurt your ability to earn money in the future, so you’ll want to make sure your overall track record is in the black not the red. That means more approved ads than rejected. If your facebook account’s restricted it was done by bots.

Given how automated Facebook’s policy bots are, to be successful not getting thrown in FB jail, you’ll want to understand how and why these policy automations flag to avoid being on their radar. There’s some nuance to this you’ll want to know to side step getting a facebook ad account restricted.

Advertising restrictions for unusual activity 

This flag is a pain in the a#$! If you buy a new smartphone, and are in a new location, download the Facebook app and log in, you could get hit with the unusual activity flag. With a Facebook account restricted from advertising you may get the flag for unusual activity. Now, this can be frustratingly vague. Which activity was unusual? Why? How does this relate to getting a facebook ad account restricted?

Meta thinks you are a hacker when it sees new log ins, especially if you’re traveling out of state, out of country, when logging in. I’d suggest avoiding logging in to Facebook business tools while traveling to avoid this flag.

Read the ultimate guide on what to do if you’re hacked while running Facebook ads or want to prevent this from happening herehere.

How Serious is a Rejected Facebook Ad?

facebook ad account restriction

Your Facebook ad gets rejected, you appeal or try to run it again, then your ad account gets disabled. You try to appeal this (probably incorrectly) and then that appeal gets rejected and your Business Manager gets disabled.

It all starts with the Facebook ad and whether it follows ad policies or paints you as a bad actor to Facebook trying to circumvent systems if you try to run the same ad already rejected, multiple times leading to a Facebook ad account restricted from advertising.

If you’ve read How to Unrestrict My Ad Account you get how vital your appeal strategy is and has to be when it comes to appealing a facebook ad account restricted. The problem with getting hit with a Circumventing Systems flag is that Facebook’s bots are not specific about WHAT you are circumventing, and HOW to fix this. I have a short little guide to add a bit of help here.

Circumventing Systems Guide 2.0

What does a restricted Facebook ad account mean?

When your ad account is restricted, you cannot run Facebook ads at all.  It means that your other assets like your Facebook Business Page and your Facebook Business Manager may be at risk too after getting a facebook ad account restricted.

How did I get myself restricted from advertising on Facebook?

Bad habits. Everyone has habits and the habits you have when creating ads can get you in trouble if your habits don’t include a compliance check up or sometimes you can get banned for simply acting too quickly. I’ve seen a series of quick thoughtless actions lead to a facebook ad account restricted before.

How can I tell if my account was restricted?

Facebook is supposed to send emails to your email account associated with your personal Facebook profile every time you have an ad approved and rejected. BUT, they end up in spam sometimes. You may not see these emails if your gmail has filtered these out to the promotions tab or social tab. 

Logging into Meta Business Suite or Facebook Business Manager and going to the ad accounts you own on the Ads Manager page, you’ll typically see red letters detailing the warning you have gotten or ban.

How do I unrestrict my Facebook ads? Facebook ad account restricted tips

facebook ad account restriction
A good practice for preventing a facebook ad account restricted is to audit your funnel for potential flags and remove them, making everything compliant BEFORE submitting ads to Facebook to review.

And you don’t want a facebook account restricted because the ad account creation limit for new Facebook Business Managers is only 1 or 2 ad accounts most of the time. This means being aware of what may get banned and avoiding it is a full time job you can’t slack on if you want to avoid getting a facebook ad account restricted

It pays to be informed of what Facebook is doing as it effects industries at large, like Facebook’s recent ad policies on selling CBD on Facebook. You need to stay current to avoid Facebook accounts restricted from advertising.

Why is my Facebook ad account restricted?

Because you f#$%!’d up. That may seem a little harsh, but it’s the truth. Somewhere along the way you crossed the line for policies and Facebook decided you are more of a threat than a benefit. Now, it is not your fault that you don’t understand the policies – Facebook is clear as the vision of a serious scotch drinker after the 4th glass.

Given my history of working with thousands of ad agencies both while I was working AT Facebook and in my own practice, I have stats on which ad policies are triggered the most in specific niches. Like personal attributes flags being higher in weight loss niches, or MLM flags being higher in the start-a-biz online nich.

Understanding how YOUR specific niche interacts with Facebook ad policy automations is KEY to staying out of Facebook jail and avoiding a facebook account restricted.

Facebook ad account restricted: Ad rejections

Your ad account was banned for too many rejected ads

When you step over a certain ratio of rejected ads, Facebook has a separate automation that determines the health of your ad account. If you are not paying attention to this as you run ads throughout the quarter, you could end up on the wrong side of the ban bots. So, as the meme below states, you’ll need to study your ad account history a little more carefully to avoid this type of ban.

facebook ad account restriction

Now, resolving a facebook account restricted can be a lot easier to prevent than recover from.

If you’ve read my Common Mistakes to Avoid When Advertising on Facebook you found out the hidden clues in FB warnings  – that you may need an expert to decode into everyday language.

Just like my clients, the social media marketing agency for Wu-Tang ClanWu-Tang Clan discovered, there are micro flags in ad copy and landing pages that have to be removed first before attempting to appeal or relaunch a brand with Facebook.

Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call to avoid getting a disabled Facebook ad account.

Facebook ad account restricted: disabled accounts

What Disabled Facebook Ad Account Means

Facebook ad account restriction

If you see that, “You are restricted from running ads” this means you missed the canary in the coal mine beforehand. SOMETHING in your ads was pissing off Facebook and there were warning signs – probably not obvious because Facebook isn’t that transparent.

Now, depending on what type of Business Manager you have you may be able to create a new ad account as long as the new ads have 0 flags in them that the old ads have.

When reading the Facebook ad policies on Facebook ad rejections you may feel frustrated, because they won’t talk about your specific situation in any detail, if at all.

Facebook ad account restricted: Trust the right answers

A big hurdle to overcome with dealing with a Facebook ad account restricted is who to trust online. Most articles you’ll read come from outsiders, who have not worked at Meta and are shaking a Magic 8 ball to come up with best guesses.

Even worse, chatting in to Facebook ad support, you talk to people who don’t seem to understand your questions. I’ve heard stories from clients who got in a worst ban after talking to Facebook ad support before finding my blog.

And Facebook has a spotty track record for providing reliable advice on how to solve a facebook account restricted.

I’ve heard some people say that Facebook ads aren’t worth using anymore and don’t turn a profit – every week my calendar is booked with calls from businesses running high converting ads on Facebook making hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars. So, while Nas may have rapped that Hip Hop is Dead (with the recent beef with Kendrick Lamar and Drake you know hip hop is alive and kicking) Facebook certainly isn’t dead either.

Per Sprout Social,Per Sprout Social, Facebook is the third most visited website following Google and YouTube, respectively. This puts it ahead of other leading platforms like Twitter and Instagram.
The platform boasts 3.065 billion active users on a monthly basis. This makes it the most used social media platform worldwide.
In 2023, Facebook’s total ad revenue amounted to $135 billion, up from $116 billion the previous year.

Don’t leave money on the table just because you don’t understand the way the bots flag for policy, I can help you there.

Is your Facebook ad account already disabled? Don’t get ripped off! Read How to Recover Facebook Ad Accounts now!

Just like my client Dr. Emi benefited from my funnel audits for compliance, you can too. It all starts with a free discovery call here. By the way, Dr. Emi was just featured on the Today Show on NBC.  (In a rush? Skip the line with prepaid funnel audits with VIP Access).

Facebook ad account restricted: Business Manager

What is a Disabled Facebook Business Manager?

Facebook ad account restriction

If you are restricted from running ads, when your Facebook Business Manager is disabled within the Facebook Business Suite as they (annoyingly) renamed it, then you may need to relaunch your brand depending on how severe this ban is.

Sometimes Business Manager bans if they are appealed fast enough with the right language can be overturned.

But out of lets say 100 disabled Facebook Business Managers I’ve seen, 1% gets recovered.

Facebook account restricted from advertising? KNOW THIS: What you want to keep in mind is the Facebook Business Pages – as they are your digital storefront for your brand name – and take them out before your Facebook Business Manager gets disabled!

That being said, when you have a disabled Facebook Business Manager that means every asset inside is jeopardized.

  • Ad Accounts
  • Facebook Business Pages
  • People connected to this BM

Facebook ad account restricted: Causes

Here’s why:

When you have a disabled Facebook Business Manager, Facebook keeps track of who is in the Business Manager and the other BMs they are connected to.

So, everyone in a disabled Facebook Business Manager is at risk of having everything else they are working on getting shut down too. If you FORGOT a lurker in your BM who has a facebook account restricted it WILL come back to bite ya a$$ so BE AWARE. 

A disabled Facebook Business Manager is the next to the worst ban you can get on Facebook.

When my client Happi Digital, an eCommerce Agency hired me to audit their Facebook ads, I uncovered flags that if left alone could have shut down their entire ad agency.

Need Facebook ad policy expert too? Schedule a call with me right now.

Facebook ad account restricted: Pages

What Does it Mean When Your Facebook Page is Restricted?

Facebook ad account restriction

We saw many Pages go down in 2020 – when the pandemic first hit America with e-comm businesses that had shipping delays in China due to covid-19 shut downs. These e-commerce businesses saw their customers giving them bad reviews that took their Page quality score beneath a 1.

Then, just by automation alone, their FB Business Pages got restricted. And they didn’t even have a facebook account restricted-just the Page got shut down.

This is challenging because if you try to relaunch a new Facebook Business Page with the same brand name you may get blocked by Facebook right away for circumventing systems. You’ll need a better strategy more finely tuned for relaunching.

Want to stop losing money over Facebook bans? Get the expert advice of someone who worked at Meta here.

Facebook ad account restricted: Reasons

Why is my Facebook advertising account restricted?

facebook ad account restriction

Still asking what to do when seeing, “You are restricted from running ads”? If you want to get to the bottom of why your Facebook advertising account is restricted, you’ll want to audit your funnel. This is to identify what was the biggest risk that got you on the radar and eventually shut down.

Have your Facebook ads been blocked? Read this blog here.

Here’s the deal, even if you read all of the Transparency Center policies on ads, you still wouldn’t know how to prevent a ban.

In reality, there are 1000s more that you are policed on by the automations but never told about.

Want access to a funnel audit to ensure you are compliant? Click here for a discovery call.

How to appeal advertising restrictions

There is a right way and a wrong way to appeal getting a Facebook ad account restricted. The wrong way is to mash buttons, click request review, and wait for the Facebook gods to grant you clemency. With staffing shortages, and reliance on automations, the first approach won’t get you far. But identifying what got you flagged, and what is the hierarchy of risks in your funnel and replacing the offending content with compliant copy is a much better place to start before appealing. 

Facebook ad account restricted: Fixes

How do I fix my restricted Facebook account?

No one wants to see: “You are restricted from running ads.”

If you googled disabled facebook ad account or Facebook ad rejections you’ll find a number of bullshit articles out there – even by major brands – that will just tell you to “Request Review.”

That CAN help if you have already removed ALL the flags from your funnel. But if you have not…Full stop, no pass go, don’t click it.

facebook ad account restriction

What you’re doing here is saying to the automations that shut you down: “Hey bot, I know you are machine, but can you decipher human empathy and context? Even better can you send this Appeal to ANOTHER robot? And put my fate in the next bot’s hands?”

Really the best chance you have is to appeal within 48 hours of getting shut down AFTER identifying the EXACT source of the Facebook automation flag.

Anything less than that, and your chances diminish by A LOT. Now, if you’ve found me within that time period, I can possibly help you, depending on your type of business and other factors. Click here to schedule your call and avoid a further shut down and avoid a permanent restriction.

Want a better answer than Facebook ad support gives? Keep reading.

Learn more

Learn more about the appeal process: when appealing keep in mind you’re chatting wit outsourced workers who have a goal of getting more chats per day than increasing real resolution rate.

They will try to shut you down every step of the way. I can help you navigate these hurdles, and get the best chances you can have for making an appeal if you have contacted me fast enough after a ban. 

Beyond that window, the chances get slimmer. But you do have other options if your goal is to get Facebook ads live again and not just trying to recover old disabled ad accounts.

What if you had a guarantee that your ads were compliant before they went live on Facebook?

Keep reading for these answers and more: 

Facebook Ad Account Restriction Solution

Ad agencies: tired of getting the silent treatment from Facebook when all you want to do is get your Facebook ads live and revenue in the door?

I’m a Facebook ad policy specialist who worked at Facebook and I’m trusted by high level brands that take accuracy and results seriously.

Facebook account restricted from advertising

I can show you how to resolve FB bans even if Facebook ad support is useless to resolve ad account restrictions.

Don’t lose any more money from Facebook bans and schedule your call with me now.

Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me:

 your access can't be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

It shouldn’t be a mystery on what to do to recover from a ban. I strive for customer satisfaction, being a business owner myself.

facebook ad account restriction fix testimonial
My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to have a disabled Facebook ad account? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends, immediately secure expert-level Facebook consulting. Book a call with me now!

Facebook jail solution testimonial

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

What Is a Virtual Bookkeeping Business
(And Why Is It Better Than Any Other “Make Money Online” Opportunity Out There):
Work from home
On Day 1 of the Keyboard Rich Challenge, you’ll discover:

How starting a virtual bookkeeping business can give you financial freedom + time with your family & time for yourself, too!

Why you won’t need a prior degree, experience, startup capital, or have any “sales” skills to get clients.

The very few things you need to start your business THIS week—and the stuff you DON’T need that will only waste your time.

Learn a legitimate (and in-demand) skill that businesses love paying good money for – click here to get started making money from home

Ad Account Restricted Facebook FAQ

Facebook ad account restriction FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to fix ad account disabled on facebook

Your first step should always be to stop active ads running with the same copy as the rejected ad, then audit your funnel for flags, and appeal using the strategy outlined in the appeal section of the FAQs

2. How to enable my disabled facebook ad account

If you have a spare ad account in your Facebook Business Manager that you can run ads from, feel free to. BUT, identify the micro and major flags FIRST, so as not to repeat the same mistake. 

Ready to Finally Make the Money You Need in the Hours That Work for You & Your Family? Don’t miss out,Learn More here.

3. How to appeal a disabled facebook ad account

As far as how to appeal a disabled Facebook ad account, you’ll get 48 hours to make your appeal. The best strategy is to communicate to Meta | Facebook that:

A. You understand WHY you were banned.
B. You are committed to following the policies from here on out.
C. You have identified and REMOVED the offending content from your funnel.

You can also get some top tips on facebook ad policy in this complimentary eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

4. how to get disabled ad account up and running

Depending on how long your ad account was disabled, sometimes, if your appeal is written correctly, the appeal itself CAN potentially get you reactivated, if you understand to communicate with Facebook ad support correctly. 

5. How Many Policy Violations Before Account is Shut Down?

Typically, it’s a 1 to 10 ratio. For every single rejected ad that you get, you’ll want 10 Facebook ads that are approved. After a pattern of behavior is established by machine learning, from Meta’s automations, you may spiral rapidly into Facebook jail if your ratios aren’t correct. 3 consecutive ads getting rejected risks your ad account getting disabled. But, it also depends on how severe the ban is. 

And, if this still all seems too confusing, your clients are yelling at you to get ads live to bring in money, simply schedule a complimentary Facebook discovery call here

6. How to remove restriction on facebook ad account

As far as removing a restriction on a Facebook ad account, if we’re talking about a disabled ad account, well, you can rehabilitate your funnel and then appeal, possibly getting it reactivated if you do this SMART (I have methods that work if you’re in the appeal window). But as far as removing a restriction from Facebook ads, see the previous FAQ answer: you need to get in a positive approval-cycle ratio.

7. how long does facebook take to review restricted ad account

Now, ask yourself, is it an election year? Have there been over 20,000 Meta employees laid off? Did you word your appeal using specific language Facebook ad support can and will respond better to? These are the factors in play. Typically, you get an answer within a week. If you have a more severe ban or are in the special ad categories, you may get an answer faster but it won’t be one you like. Severe bans end up as permanent restrictions and they deliver that ban hammer faster than other lighter Facebook ad policy restrictions. 

8. how to fix your access can’t be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

In a situation like this, your recovery options depend on what is banned:

a) Facebook Ad Account
b) Facebook Business Page
c) Facebook Business Manager
d) Facebook profile

So, each one may have a different recovery option, depending on your situation, and type of ban it is, as well as your particular niche or business’s vertical, and the health of the accounts before the ban. Want to get a pathway to get Facebook ads live? Schedule your complimentary discovery call here.

9. How To Get Your Disabled Facebook Ad Account Back 

First, let me also address the elephant in the room: personal and emotional attachments to disabled ad accounts. I’ve worked with tons of Fortune 500 level companies, and the amount of hair pulling and FML-ing over ONE ad account being disabled, is incredible. Sometimes, it’s faster, and cheaper, to just start a new ad account, and relaunch, rather than recover a tainted asset.

That being said, the same answer applies here to the instructions above, for appeals

10. How to unblock your Facebook ad account

Now, unblocking an ad account, may be possible if you get in fast enough with the right kind of messaging to Facebook ad support. While they are the gatekeepers, and don’t have any real power, they CAN talk to the right folks who, if you word your appeal right, can unblock your Facebook ad account. And of course, if you need next-level assistance, I’m always available to chat and see if it’s a good fit here.

How do I get my Facebook ad account unrestricted guide

Head spinning from a facebook ad account restricted? Looking for a solution to How do I get my Facebook ad account unrestricted? There are so many ways to get stuck in Facebook jail and so few trustworthy answers online, it’s hard to know who to trust. I’ve worked at Meta and will help you solve this issue.

Facebook doesn’t approve your advertisements due to violating Facebook’s advertising policies

If you’re googling things like, “Your account is restricted ” or “Facebook restricted ads,” or “Nonfunctional Landing Page” and terms like “I need help getting my account unrestricted” or even “How do I get my Facebook ad account unrestricted” you don’t want filler but answers to how to get ads running again and turning a profit for your business.

One of the tough choices a business has to make is how close to a ban do you want your ad copy to get? The most outrageous claims will get the highest clicks but will be the riskiest for what is allowed on Facebook. A good first step to take is to learn more about the advertising restrictions, so you don’t get caught on the bat radar of Facebook’s bots.

Want to save time? Just schedule a complimentary discovery call to see how I can help you resolve Facebook restrictions here.

About advertising restrictions

facebook ad account restricted

Many times when you get an ad account restriction on Facebook it’s because you were already on the radar of the policy automations, which build a character profile of your ad account based on ad approval vs ad rejection basis. Get too far in one direction for rejections, and the bat signal goes out for the bots to shut you down. 

Your advertising access is restricted – what does it mean? Facebook account restricted what to do
I’ve seen folks banned for how they phrased their shipping and handling policies. It was a skincare company, so they had to watch out for getting hit with the Personal Attributes flag. And yet, that wasn’t even what got them under fire when they found me and asked for my help. It was the small print in their S&H policy that violated a big policy they had no idea Facebook was punishing them for. When you get your advertising access restricted it means the Facebook bots found something big or small somewhere in your funnel against policy.

Ready to stop guessing and stop losing money and time? Click here for a complimentary discovery call.

I’ve worked directly with the engineers at Meta, and offer better answers on this topic than many blogs you’ll find after googling facebook ad account restricted. All white hat.

So you’re running from the evil Facebook robots attempting to steal your ad profits with unnecessary bans, what should you keep in mind?

facebook ad account restricted i robot

It’s important to remember Meta is a big company, and has a lot of focus on increasing engagement, in millennials to baby boomers to Gen-Z – even if it looks like TikTok is dominating the former. That is if TikTok doesn’t get banned in America (and perhaps it should if you look at the personal data even more than FB TikTok steals and the social engineering of dumbing down the youth).

Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook has a plan to win over Gen Z. Don’t laugh.

Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook has a plan to win over Gen Z. Don't laugh.

I mention this because a lot of businesses and advertisers think Facebook targets bans to them personally when getting a facebook ad account restricted. To be honest, Facebook is spread so thin across so many different things, from AI, to the Metaverse that Facebook ad support really isn’t a priority. Meaning, both you won’t get personally targeted for shut downs, and you also won’t get special treatment or empathy for all the money an unneeded ban causes your business.

If you’re like my client Jack Randall, President of Social Flight, you’re tired of beating your head against the wall trying to guess why Facebook has shut you down, and want answers faster.

“Trevor helped me successfully diagnose exactly why my ad account was disabled, and helped me frame out a plan to move forward.” 👍🏻

Click here, to schedule a discovery call.

Why does Facebook say my advertising access is restricted?

It can be one thing that gets you a facebook ad account restricted after it’s removed you’re good, or it could be a series of smaller actions over time Facebook’s automations have logged and determined, overall, you are deliberately choosing not to follow policy.

Other times it could be a log in issue, a bank issue, or a business model conflict if the automations flag your ads as belonging to a banned business model (like MLMs). Make sure to read my blog on removing ad account restrictions here

Facebook ad account restricted – what does it mean? 

Typically when you get a Facebook ad account restricted, Facebook offers you a chance to appeal first. But, if instead of appealing you rush to resubmit the same ad with the same violations in it, it can lead to disabling your Facebook Business Manager too.

If someone else on your BM is in hot water with FB that can roll over on you too, because Meta will hold you responsible for another person’s facebook account restricted if you share the same BM.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

Facebook ad account restricted: FTC claims Facebook withheld information when buying Instagram and WhatsApp

The newest issues Facebook or Meta is facing newest issues Facebook or Meta is facing isn’t related to a lot of your daily struggles running ads and understanding compliance. Meta Platforms Inc. withheld information from federal regulators during their original reviews of the Instagram and WhatsApp acquisitions, the US Federal Trade Commission said in a court filing as part of a lawsuit seeking to break up the social networking giant.

Why does this matter? Well, if Meta gets broken up, that could crash ads globally, or cause more disruptions in getting the same conversions. Not that I’m advocating for giant behemoths to control everything – we have enough mergers of giant corps doing that already, cornering the market, and reducing choice in the free market leading to higher costs globally. I just want you to be prepared for what may be coming, if the anti-trust law suit does succeed.

The company formerly known as Facebook bought photo-sharing app Instagram in 2012 and the messaging app WhatsApp in 2014. Both transactions were scrutinized by the FTC at the time before they closed – Instagram as part of an in-depth review and WhatsApp with a simple 30-day one. In the years since, the agency has faced significant criticism for allowing the deals to move forward.

In 2020, the antitrust agency sued Meta alleging that it monopolized the personal social networking market by buying up emerging rivals.

Instagram’s popularity has been key to Meta’s continued success. Instagram produced $16.5 billion in the first six months of 2022, bringing in almost 30% of the company’s overall revenue, according to court filings in the case. Meta has also degraded its platform for users most reliant on their apps, significantly increasing the ad load on first Instagram and then its flagship product Facebook, the agency said in the filing. It also “chronically deprived Instagram of resources to innovate and improve features,” the FTC said.

If you’re not paying attention to these things, you may be caught with your pants down if FTC’s antitrust hammer comes down on Meta and then Instagram changes the ad volume. have been keeping updated on the latest from Facebook, you’ll see the updates on Facebook Marketplace. When it comes to getting a facebook ad account restricted, this is the big picture view serious advertisers need to take looking forward (and consider diversifying your ad streams, if anything across different types of Facebook and IG ads).

When getting a facebook ad account restricted, you want to think more chess, less like checkers.

I bring this up because you should know the focus right now for Meta is not on making sure you, the honest business owner or marketing agency is being taken care of when it comes to avoiding unnecessarily dishing out a facebook ban or Facebook ad account restricted.

When you prepare before impulsively appealing Facebook accounts restricted from advertising, then you have a much better chance of recovery.

Advertising restrictions for policy violations  

ad account restricted machine

That picture above, taken from an old CNN news broadcast shows the tech vending machines we had access to at Facebook. They were pretty neat, you could get almost any Macbook accessory you wanted. I loved being able to upgrade my machines when working at Meta.

Speaking of machines, at its core, Facebook is a machine, scanning billions of ads every day. While many ad agencies disregard Facebook ad policy when determining their holiday ads, that one slip up can cost millions of dollars, beyond a single facebook ad account restricted.

If your Facebook account is restricted from advertising, it may hurt your ability to earn money in the future, so you’ll want to make sure your overall track record is in the black not the red. That means more approved ads than rejected. If your facebook account’s restricted it was done by bots.

Given how automated Facebook’s policy bots are, to be successful not getting thrown in FB jail, you’ll want to understand how and why these policy automations flag to avoid being on their radar. There’s some nuance to this you’ll want to know to side step getting a facebook ad account restricted.

Advertising restrictions for unusual activity 

This flag is a pain in the a#$! If you buy a new smartphone, and are in a new location, download the Facebook app and log in, you could get hit with the unusual activity flag. With a Facebook account restricted from advertising you may get the flag for unusual activity. Now, this can be frustratingly vague. Which activity was unusual? Why? How does this relate to getting a facebook ad account restricted?

Meta thinks you are a hacker when it sees new log ins, especially if you’re traveling out of state, out of country, when logging in. I’d suggest avoiding logging in to Facebook business tools while traveling to avoid this flag.

Read the ultimate guide on what to do if you’re hacked while running Facebook ads or want to prevent this from happening herehere.

How Serious is a Rejected Facebook Ad?

Facebook ad account restriction

Soooooo….Your Facebook ad gets rejected, you appeal or try to run it again, then your ad account gets disabled. You try to appeal this (probably incorrectly) and then that appeal gets rejected and your Business Manager gets disabled.

It all starts with the Facebook ad and whether it follows ad policies or paints you as a bad actor to Facebook trying to circumvent systems if you try to run the same ad already rejected, multiple times leading to a Facebook ad account restricted from advertising.

If you’ve read How to Unrestrict My Ad Account you get how vital your appeal strategy is and has to be when it comes to appealing a facebook ad account restricted. The problem with getting hit with a Circumventing Systems flag is that Facebook’s bots are not specific about WHAT you are circumventing, and HOW to fix this. I have a short little guide to add a bit of help here.

Circumventing Systems Guide 2.0

What does a restricted Facebook ad account mean?

When your ad account is restricted, you cannot run Facebook ads at all.  It means that your other assets like your Facebook Business Page and your Facebook Business Manager may be at risk too after getting a facebook ad account restricted.

How did I get myself restricted from advertising on Facebook?

Bad habits. Everyone has habits and the habits you have when creating ads can get you in trouble if your habits don’t include a compliance check up or sometimes you can get banned for simply acting too quickly. I’ve seen a series of quick thoughtless actions lead to a facebook ad account restricted before.

How can I tell if my account was restricted?

Facebook is supposed to send emails to your email account associated with your personal Facebook profile every time you have an ad approved and rejected. BUT, they end up in spam sometimes. You may not see these emails if your gmail has filtered these out to the promotions tab or social tab. 

Logging into Meta Business Suite or Facebook Business Manager and going to the ad accounts you own on the Ads Manager page, you’ll typically see red letters detailing the warning you have gotten or ban.

How do I unrestrict my Facebook ads? Facebook ad account restricted tips

Facebook ad account restriction
Clean clean clean your funnel up! This message is not sponsored by Mr Clean but, that’s the attitude you want: get my funnel squeaky clean from any big flags, small flags and if you are really careful, even content that is on-the-line (which is content that may not be caught when first scanned but later shuts you down).

This is a good practice for preventing a facebook ad account restricted.

And you don’t want a facebook account restricted because the ad account creation limit for new Facebook Business Managers is only 1 or 2 ad accounts most of the time. This means being aware of what may get banned and avoiding it is a full time job you can’t slack on if you want to avoid getting a facebook ad account restricted

It pays to be informed of what Facebook is doing as it effects industries at large, like Facebook’s recent ad policies on selling CBD on Facebook. You need to stay current to avoid Facebook accounts restricted from advertising.

Why is my Facebook ad account restricted?

Because you f#$%!’d up. That may seem a little harsh, but it’s the truth. Somewhere along the way you crossed the line for policies and Facebook decided you are more of a threat than a benefit. Now, it is not your fault that you don’t understand the policies – Facebook is clear as the vision of a serious scotch drinker after the 4th glass.

Given my history of working with thousands of ad agencies both while I was working AT Facebook and in my own practice, I have stats on which ad policies are triggered the most in specific niches. Like personal attributes flags being higher in weight loss niches, or MLM flags being higher in the start-a-biz online nich.

Understanding how YOUR specific niche interacts with Facebook ad policy automations is KEY to staying out of Facebook jail and avoiding a facebook account restricted.

Facebook ad account restricted: Ad rejections

Your ad account was banned for too many rejected ads

When you step over a certain ratio of rejected ads, Facebook has a separate automation that determines the health of your ad account. If you are not paying attention to this as you run ads throughout the quarter, you could end up on the wrong side of the ban bots. So, as the meme below states, you’ll need to study your ad account history a little more carefully to avoid this type of ban.

Facebook ad account restricted

Now, resolving a facebook account restricted can be a lot easier to prevent than recover from.

If you’ve read my Common Mistakes to Avoid When Advertising on Facebook you found out the hidden clues in FB warnings  – that you may need an expert to decode into everyday language.

Just like my clients, the social media marketing agency for Wu-Tang ClanWu-Tang Clan discovered, there are micro flags in ad copy and landing pages that have to be removed first before attempting to appeal or relaunch a brand with Facebook.

Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call to avoid getting a disabled Facebook ad account.

Facebook ad account restricted: disabled accounts

What Disabled Facebook Ad Account Means

Facebook ad account restriction

If you see that, “You are restricted from running ads” this means you missed the canary in the coal mine beforehand. SOMETHING in your ads was pissing off Facebook and there were warning signs – probably not obvious because Facebook isn’t that transparent.

Now, depending on what type of Business Manager you have you may be able to create a new ad account as long as the new ads have 0 flags in them that the old ads have.

When reading the Facebook ad policies on Facebook ad rejections you may feel frustrated, because they won’t talk about your specific situation in any detail, if at all.

Facebook ad account restricted: Trust the right answers

A big hurdle to overcome with dealing with a Facebook ad account restricted is who to trust online. Most articles you’ll read come from outsiders, who have not worked at Meta and are shaking a Magic 8 ball to come up with best guesses.

Even worse, chatting in to Facebook ad support, you talk to people who don’t seem to understand your questions. I’ve heard stories from clients who got in a worst ban after talking to Facebook ad support before finding my blog.

And Facebook has a spotty track record for providing reliable advice on how to solve a facebook account restricted.

I’ve heard some people say that Facebook ads aren’t worth using anymore and don’t turn a profit – every week my calendar is booked with calls from businesses running high converting ads on Facebook making hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars. So, while Nas may have rapped that Hip Hop is Dead (with the recent beef with Kendrick Lamar and Drake you know hip hop is alive and kicking) Facebook certainly isn’t dead either.

Per Sprout Social,Per Sprout Social, Facebook is the third most visited website following Google and YouTube, respectively. This puts it ahead of other leading platforms like Twitter and Instagram.
The platform boasts 3.065 billion active users on a monthly basis. This makes it the most used social media platform worldwide.
In 2023, Facebook’s total ad revenue amounted to $135 billion, up from $116 billion the previous year.

Don’t leave money on the table just because you don’t understand the way the bots flag for policy, I can help you there.

Is your Facebook ad account already disabled? Don’t get ripped off! Read How to Recover Facebook Ad Accounts now!

Just like my client Dr. Emi benefited from my funnel audits for compliance, you can too. It all starts with a free discovery call here. By the way, Dr. Emi was just featured on the Today Show on NBC.  (In a rush? Skip the line with prepaid funnel audits with VIP Access).

Facebook ad account restricted: Business Manager

What is a Disabled Facebook Business Manager?

Facebook ad account restriction

If you are restricted from running ads, when your Facebook Business Manager is disabled within the Facebook Business Suite as they (annoyingly) renamed it, then you may need to relaunch your brand depending on how severe this ban is.

Sometimes Business Manager bans if they are appealed fast enough with the right language can be overturned.

But out of lets say 100 disabled Facebook Business Managers I’ve seen, 1% gets recovered.

Facebook account restricted from advertising? KNOW THIS: What you want to keep in mind is the Facebook Business Pages – as they are your digital storefront for your brand name – and take them out before your Facebook Business Manager gets disabled!

That being said, when you have a disabled Facebook Business Manager that means every asset inside is jeopardized.

  • Ad Accounts
  • Facebook Business Pages
  • People connected to this BM

Facebook ad account restricted: Causes

Here’s why:

When you have a disabled Facebook Business Manager, Facebook keeps track of who is in the Business Manager and the other BMs they are connected to.

So, everyone in a disabled Facebook Business Manager is at risk of having everything else they are working on getting shut down too. If you FORGOT a lurker in your BM who has a facebook account restricted it WILL come back to bite ya a$$ so BE AWARE. 

A disabled Facebook Business Manager is the next to the worst ban you can get on Facebook.

When my client Happi Digital, an eCommerce Agency hired me to audit their Facebook ads, I uncovered flags that if left alone could have shut down their entire ad agency.

Need Facebook ad policy expert too? Schedule a call with me right now.

Facebook ad account restricted: Pages

What Does it Mean When Your Facebook Page is Restricted?

Facebook ad account restriction

We saw many Pages go down in 2020 – when the pandemic first hit America with e-comm businesses that had shipping delays in China due to covid-19 shut downs. These e-commerce businesses saw their customers giving them bad reviews that took their Page quality score beneath a 1.

Then, just by automation alone, their FB Business Pages got restricted. And they didn’t even have a facebook account restricted-just the Page got shut down.

This is challenging because if you try to relaunch a new Facebook Business Page with the same brand name you may get blocked by Facebook right away for circumventing systems. You’ll need a better strategy more finely tuned for relaunching.

Want to stop losing money over Facebook bans? Get the expert advice of someone who worked at Meta here.

Facebook ad account restricted: Reasons

Why is my Facebook advertising account restricted?

Why is my Facebook advertising account restricted?

Still asking what to do when seeing, “You are restricted from running ads”? If you want to get to the bottom of why your Facebook advertising account is restricted, you’ll want to audit your funnel. This is to identify what was the biggest risk that got you on the radar and eventually shut down.

Have your Facebook ads been blocked? Read this blog here.

Here’s the deal, even if you read all of the Transparency Center policies on ads, you still wouldn’t know how to prevent a ban.

In reality, there are 1000s more that you are policed on by the automations but never told about.

Want access to a funnel audit to ensure you are compliant? Click here for a discovery call.

How to appeal advertising restrictions

There is a right way and a wrong way to appeal getting a Facebook ad account restricted. The wrong way is to mash buttons, click request review, and wait for the Facebook gods to grant you clemency. With staffing shortages, and reliance on automations, the first approach won’t get you far. But identifying what got you flagged, and what is the hierarchy of risks in your funnel and replacing the offending content with compliant copy is a much better place to start before appealing. 

Facebook ad account restricted: Fixes

How do I fix my restricted Facebook account?

No one wants to see: “You are restricted from running ads.”

If you googled disabled facebook ad account or Facebook ad rejections you’ll find a number of bullshit articles out there – even by major brands – that will just tell you to “Request Review.”

That CAN help if you have already removed ALL the flags from your funnel. But if you have not…Full stop, no pass go, don’t click it.

Facebook ad account restricted

What you’re doing here is saying to the automations that shut you down: “Hey bot, I know you are machine, but can you decipher human empathy and context? Even better can you send this Appeal to ANOTHER robot? And put my fate in the next bot’s hands?”

Really the best chance you have is to appeal within 48 hours of getting shut down AFTER identifying the EXACT source of the Facebook automation flag.

Anything less than that, and your chances diminish by A LOT. Now, if you’ve found me within that time period, I can possibly help you, depending on your type of business and other factors. Click here to schedule your call and avoid a further shut down and avoid a permanent restriction.

Facebook ad account restriction
There are other options to get Facebook ads live again as well if you have a product or service to sell and your main goal is getting your marketing active rather than just recovering for the sake of recovering an account hit with a flag for a Facebook ad account restricted.

Learn more

Learn more about the appeal process: when appealing keep in mind you’re chatting wit outsourced workers who have a goal of getting more chats per day than increasing real resolution rate.

They will try to shut you down every step of the way. I can help you navigate these hurdles, and get the best chances you can have for making an appeal if you have contacted me fast enough after a ban. 

Beyond that window, the chances get slimmer. But you do have other options if your goal is to get Facebook ads live again and not just trying to recover old disabled ad accounts.

What if you had a guarantee that your ads were compliant before they went live on Facebook?

Keep reading for these answers and more: 

Facebook Ad Account Restriction Solution

Ad agencies: tired of getting the silent treatment from Facebook when all you want to do is get your Facebook ads live and revenue in the door?

I’m a Facebook ad policy specialist who worked at Facebook and I’m trusted by high level brands that take accuracy and results seriously.

Facebook account restricted from advertising

I can show you how to resolve FB bans even if Facebook ad support is useless to resolve ad account restrictions.

Don’t lose any more money from Facebook bans and schedule your call with me now.

Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me:

 your access can't be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

It shouldn’t be a mystery on what to do to recover from a ban. I strive for customer satisfaction, being a business owner myself.

facebook ad account restriction fix testimonial
My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to have a disabled Facebook ad account? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends, immediately secure expert-level Facebook consulting. Book a call with me now!

Facebook jail solution testimonial

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

What Is a Virtual Bookkeeping Business
(And Why Is It Better Than Any Other “Make Money Online” Opportunity Out There):
Work from home
On Day 1 of the Keyboard Rich Challenge, you’ll discover:

How starting a virtual bookkeeping business can give you financial freedom + time with your family & time for yourself, too!

Why you won’t need a prior degree, experience, startup capital, or have any “sales” skills to get clients.

The very few things you need to start your business THIS week—and the stuff you DON’T need that will only waste your time.

Learn a legitimate (and in-demand) skill that businesses love paying good money for – click here to get started making money from home

Ad Account Restricted Facebook FAQ

Facebook ad account restriction FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to fix ad account disabled on facebook

Your first step should always be to stop active ads running with the same copy as the rejected ad, then audit your funnel for flags, and appeal using the strategy outlined in the appeal section of the FAQs

2. How to enable my disabled facebook ad account

If you have a spare ad account in your Facebook Business Manager that you can run ads from, feel free to. BUT, identify the micro and major flags FIRST, so as not to repeat the same mistake. 

Ready to Finally Make the Money You Need in the Hours That Work for You & Your Family? Don’t miss out,Learn More here.

3. How to appeal a disabled facebook ad account

As far as how to appeal a disabled Facebook ad account, you’ll get 48 hours to make your appeal. The best strategy is to communicate to Meta | Facebook that:

A. You understand WHY you were banned.
B. You are committed to following the policies from here on out.
C. You have identified and REMOVED the offending content from your funnel.

You can also get some top tips on facebook ad policy in this complimentary eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

4. how to get disabled ad account up and running

Depending on how long your ad account was disabled, sometimes, if your appeal is written correctly, the appeal itself CAN potentially get you reactivated, if you understand to communicate with Facebook ad support correctly. 

5. How Many Policy Violations Before Account is Shut Down?

Typically, it’s a 1 to 10 ratio. For every single rejected ad that you get, you’ll want 10 Facebook ads that are approved. After a pattern of behavior is established by machine learning, from Meta’s automations, you may spiral rapidly into Facebook jail if your ratios aren’t correct. 3 consecutive ads getting rejected risks your ad account getting disabled. But, it also depends on how severe the ban is. 

And, if this still all seems too confusing, your clients are yelling at you to get ads live to bring in money, simply schedule a complimentary Facebook discovery call here

6. How to remove restriction on facebook ad account

As far as removing a restriction on a Facebook ad account, if we’re talking about a disabled ad account, well, you can rehabilitate your funnel and then appeal, possibly getting it reactivated if you do this SMART (I have methods that work if you’re in the appeal window). But as far as removing a restriction from Facebook ads, see the previous FAQ answer: you need to get in a positive approval-cycle ratio.

7. how long does facebook take to review restricted ad account

Now, ask yourself, is it an election year? Have there been over 20,000 Meta employees laid off? Did you word your appeal using specific language Facebook ad support can and will respond better to? These are the factors in play. Typically, you get an answer within a week. If you have a more severe ban or are in the special ad categories, you may get an answer faster but it won’t be one you like. Severe bans end up as permanent restrictions and they deliver that ban hammer faster than other lighter Facebook ad policy restrictions. 

8. how to fix your access can’t be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

In a situation like this, your recovery options depend on what is banned:

a) Facebook Ad Account
b) Facebook Business Page
c) Facebook Business Manager
d) Facebook profile

So, each one may have a different recovery option, depending on your situation, and type of ban it is, as well as your particular niche or business’s vertical, and the health of the accounts before the ban. Want to get a pathway to get Facebook ads live? Schedule your complimentary discovery call here.

9. How To Get Your Disabled Facebook Ad Account Back 

First, let me also address the elephant in the room: personal and emotional attachments to disabled ad accounts. I’ve worked with tons of Fortune 500 level companies, and the amount of hair pulling and FML-ing over ONE ad account being disabled, is incredible. Sometimes, it’s faster, and cheaper, to just start a new ad account, and relaunch, rather than recover a tainted asset.

That being said, the same answer applies here to the instructions above, for appeals

10. How to unblock your Facebook ad account

Now, unblocking an ad account, may be possible if you get in fast enough with the right kind of messaging to Facebook ad support. While they are the gatekeepers, and don’t have any real power, they CAN talk to the right folks who, if you word your appeal right, can unblock your Facebook ad account. And of course, if you need next-level assistance, I’m always available to chat and see if it’s a good fit here.

How do I unrestrict my Facebook ad account answers

Dealing with the Facebook ban hammer giving you a facebook ad account restricted? Coming from working at Facebook in ads, I’ll share some top tips on how to recover from this situation and avoid getting a facebook ad account restricted.

Facebook doesn’t approve your advertisements due to violating Facebook’s advertising policies

The biggest challenge running Facebook ads isn’t always getting conversions but navigating the landmines around Facebook ad policy automations. Often you’ll get flagged and try to log into Facebook Business Manager, and look for the reason why, but either not see a notification about the flag or not have an explanation for why you got flagged with a facebook ad account restricted. That’s because of the complicated interlinking of policy bots, where the left hand doesn’t always know what the right hand is doing. 

About advertising restrictions

facebook ad account restricted

Fun Fact: Many ads that are not compliant will run  for a much longer period of time than expected, because Facebook’s automations don’t always catch the flags that lead to a facebook ad account restricted.

Your advertising access is restricted – what does it mean? Facebook account restricted what to do
A major drawback of getting a facebook ad account restricted is that no one online or at Facebook seems to know what to do to fix it. Facebook ad support doesn’t seem to know what you’re saying and offers no answers, you begin googling and find this blog about fixing a facebook ad account restricted. Welcome to the most trusted source for Facebook ad policy tips – I worked in ads at Facebook and want to help you not get the FB ban hammer.

Ready to stop guessing and stop losing money and time? Click here for a complimentary discovery call.

I’ve worked directly with the engineers at Meta, that created and manage the automations that do the banning (and no, I didn’t ban you) but I can offer better answers on this topic than many blogs you’ll find after googling facebook ad account restricted.

A huge misconception with running ads on Facebook when it comes to Facebook jail, is to assume that just because you know marketing you know Facebook bans. But those are 2 different topics. One is advertising to get ROI with a good unique selling mechanism like Todd Brown discusses, the other is understanding how automations seek and flag content in facebook ads that result in getting a facebook ad account restricted.

If you’re like my client Jack Randall, President of Social Flight, you’re tired of beating your head against the wall trying to guess why Facebook has shut you down, and want answers faster.

“Trevor helped me successfully diagnose exactly why my ad account was disabled, and helped me frame out a plan to move forward.” 👍🏻

Click here, to schedule a discovery call.

Why does Facebook say my advertising access is restricted?

The million-dollar question: why is Facebook punishing me for paying them money to run ads? Well, there are tons of reasons you got a Facebook ad account restricted. Sometimes you just have too many rejected ads, other times you triggered a ban because of the type of flag you got was a big one (anything connected to Forex, gambling, some health issues). It can be one thing that gets you a facebook ad account restricted and after it’s removed you’re good.

Other times it could be a log in issue, a bank issue, or a business model conflict if the automations flag your ads as belonging to a banned business model (like MLMs). Make sure to read my latest blog on removing ad account restrictions here

Facebook ad account restricted – what does it mean? 

When your Facebook account’s restricted from advertising you’re already on the radar and all of your assets are under the microscope.

It’s likely that your ad account history is being reviewed, the people who are on your Facebook Business Manager are being checked out – do they have ad bans elsewhere? If their other facebook account’s restricted it could effect you too. When getting a Facebook ad account restricted, you have to look at the health of each of your ad assets.

And of course it means you are now on trial with the judges at Facebook who are robots for the most part, when reviewing a facebook ad account restricted.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

Facebook ad account restricted: Marketplace

If you have been keeping updated on the latest from Facebook, you’ll see the updates on Facebook Marketplace. Now, the ad policies for marketplace are not the same as for Facebook when it comes to getting a facebook ad account restricted. But it’s worth mentioning for something I’ll get into more detail about below.

Mark Zuckerberg is quietly sitting on a shopping empire with 4 times the customers of Amazon, as Facebook Marketplace skyrockets

Ethan Gaskill, a 29-year-old content creator, begins everyday the same way: “When I wake up in the morning—most people get on their phone and start checking Instagram—I check Facebook Marketplace.”

With his Los Angeles home furnished almost exclusively with second-hand items and a TikTok with over 220,000 followers interested in his thrifty hauls, Gaskill trusts the shopping platform to be a reliable source for hidden gems: a thousand-dollar Herman Miller light and pendant he nabbed for $400; a $5,000 bed from the same designer he bought for 20% of the original price; and, a Founders mid-century dresser worth $4,000 that Gaskill got for $800.

Facebook Marketplace has not only become a trusted source for LA’s second-hand scene. It’s made itself a real contender to go toe-to-toe with well-established e-commerce sites. Facebook has grown to 3.07 billion monthly active users (MAUs) as of the end of 2023, a 3% year-over-year increase. Of those, up to 40%, or 1.2 billion, are active users shopping on Marketplace, according to a March report from Capital One Shopping. How does this relate to getting a facebook ad account restricted?

I bring this up because you should know the focus right now for Meta is not on making sure you, the honest business owner or marketing agency is being taken care of when it comes to avoiding unnecessarily dishing out a facebook ban or Facebook ad account restricted.

Facebook ad account restricted
When you prepare before blindly appealing Facebook accounts restricted from advertising, then you have a much better chance of recovery.

Advertising restrictions for policy violations  

At its core, Facebook is a machine, scanning billions of ads every day. While many ad agencies disregard Facebook ad policy when determining their holiday ads, that one slip up can cost millions of dollars, beyond a single facebook ad account restricted.

If your Facebook account is restricted from advertising, it may hurt your ability to earn money in the future, so you’ll want to make sure your overall track record is in the black not the red. That means more approved ads than rejected. If your facebook account’s restricted it was done by bots.

Given how automated Facebook’s policy bots are, to be successful not getting thrown in FB jail, you’ll want to understand how and why these policy automations flag to avoid being on their radar. There’s some nuance to this you’ll want to know to side step getting a facebook ad account restricted.

Advertising restrictions for unusual activity 

With a Facebook account restricted from advertising you may get the flag for unusual activity. Now, this can be frustratingly vague. Which activity was unusual? Why? How does this relate to getting a facebook ad account restricted?

What I’ve seen working at Facebook is that this flag typically is triggered by:

○ A log in on a new device, not usually signed in to your Facebook account
○ Logging into Facebook business tools while traveling – especially in Cuba
○ Your bank is rejecting Facebook pre-auth charges or ad charges but not telling you

This is hard to recover from because Facebook essentially blacklists your devices, and each case is unique.

How Serious is a Rejected Facebook Ad?

Facebook ad account restriction
Facebook ads are what conservatives call Marijuana: a gateway drug. At least when it comes to bans – usually all bans are triggered at some point from a Facebook ad that led to a facebook account restricted.

Your Facebook ad gets rejected, you appeal or try to run it again, then your ad account gets disabled. You try to appeal this (probably incorrectly if you haven’t read my blog before) and then that appeal gets rejected and your Business Manager gets disabled.

It all starts with the Facebook ad and whether it follows ad policies or paints you as a bad actor to Facebook trying to circumvent systems in addition to being *awarded* a Facebook ad account restricted from advertising.

If you’ve read How to Unrestrict My Ad Account you get how vital your appeal strategy is and has to be when it comes to appealing a facebook ad account restricted.

What does a restricted Facebook ad account mean?

Generally speaking when your ad account is restricted, you cannot run Facebook ads at all.  It also means that your other assets like your Facebook Business Page and your Facebook Business Manager may be on the chopping blog for a ban next too after getting a facebook ad account restricted.

How did I get myself restricted from advertising on Facebook?

You could have come into contact with a brand new Facebook automation that is attempting to sync with the existing automations, or sometimes you can get banned for simply acting too quickly. I’ve seen a series of quick thoughtless actions lead to a facebook ad account restricted before.

How can I tell if my account was restricted?

Facebook typically sends emails to your email account associated with your personal Facebook profile every time you have an ad approved and rejected. You may not see these emails if your gmail has filtered these out to the promotions tab or social tab. Or you may need to check your spam folder. 

Other than that, logging into Meta Business Suite or Facebook Business Manager and going to the ad accounts you own on the Ads Manager page, you’ll typically see red letters detailing the warning you have gotten or ban.

How do I unrestrict my Facebook ads? Facebook ad account restricted tips

One of the pain points of ad agencies is that Facebook is always changing their ad policies leading to a facebook ad account restricted. Sometimes new ad policies punish old ads that WERE within policy WHEN THEY WERE PUBLISHED.

Facebook won’t take that into consideration when the bots descend on your ad account. And you don’t want a facebook account restricted. This means being aware of what may get banned and avoiding it is a full time job you can’t slack on if you want to avoid getting a facebook ad account restricted

It pays to be informed of what Facebook is doing as it effects industries at large, like Facebook’s recent NEW ad policies on selling CBD on Facebook. You need to stay current to avoid Facebook accounts restricted from advertising.

Why is my Facebook ad account restricted?

I’ve seen a thousand and one reasons why Facebook ad accounts get rejected. When Facebook accounts are restricted from advertising, what’s seldom talked about is the difference of ad policy enforcement per industry.

Given my history of working with thousands of ad agencies both while I was working AT Facebook and in my own practice, I have stats on which ad policies are triggered the most in specific niches. Like personal attributes flags being higher in weight loss niches, or MLM flags being higher in the start-a-biz online nich.

Understanding how YOUR specific niche interacts with Facebook ad policy automations is KEY to staying out of Facebook jail and avoiding a facebook account restricted.

Facebook ad account restricted: Ad rejections

Your ad account was banned for too many rejected ads

Ever been to the DMV? Facebook has a similar bureaucratic approach to scanning and flagging ads and appealing them when Facebook accounts restricted from advertising. After asking Facebook to unrestrict your ad account many sit and wait indefinitely for an answer.

Facebook ad account restricted

Now, just like your auto insurance goes up for each new traffic violation, your ad account score on the back end is negatively effected by rejected ads.

This is ok until you cross a threshold of rejected ads. Those negative points start adding up BUT – unlike insurance companies or the DMV who you can call, Facebook is a faceless black hole without help to resolve a facebook account restricted.

If you’ve read my What to Do After Violating Facebook’s Ad Policies [Step-by-Step Guide] you found out the hidden clues in FB warnings  – that you may need an expert to decode into everyday language.

Just like my clients, the social media marketing agency for Wu-Tang Clan discovered, there are micro flags in ad copy and landing pages that have to be removed first before attempting to appeal or relaunch a brand with Facebook.

Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call to avoid getting a disabled Facebook ad account.

Facebook ad account restricted: disabled accounts

What Disabled Facebook Ad Account Means

Facebook ad account restricted

If you see that, “You are restricted from running ads” this means you missed the canary in the coal mine beforehand. SOMETHING in your ads was pissing off Facebook and there were warning signs – probably not obvious because Facebook isn’t that transparent.

Now, depending on what type of Business Manager you have you may be able to create a new ad account as long as the new ads have 0 flags in them that the old ads have.

When reading the Facebook ad policies on Facebook ad rejections you may feel frustrated, because they won’t talk about your specific situation in any detail, if at all.

Facebook ad account restricted: Trust the right answers

A big hurdle to overcome with dealing with a Facebook ad account restricted is who to trust online. Most articles you’ll read come from outsiders, who have not worked at Meta and are shaking a Magic 8 ball to come up with best guesses.

Even worse, chatting in to Facebook ad support, you talk to people who don’t seem to understand your questions. I’ve heard stories from clients who got in a worst ban after talking to Facebook ad support before finding my blog.

And Facebook has a spotty track record for providing reliable advice on how to solve a facebook account restricted.

“Full Stop,” as my colleague Amanda Bond likes to say.

Is your Facebook ad account already disabled? Don’t get ripped off! Read How to Recover Facebook Ad Accounts now!

Just like my client Dr. Emi benefited from my funnel audits for compliance, you can too. It all starts with a free discovery call here. By the way, Dr. Emi was just featured on the Today Show on NBC.  (In a rush? Skip the line with prepaid funnel audits with VIP Access).

Facebook ad account restricted: Business Manager

What is a Disabled Facebook Business Manager?

Facebook ad account restriction

If you are restricted from running ads, when your Facebook Business Manager is disabled within the Facebook Business Suite as they (annoyingly) renamed it, then you may need to relaunch your brand depending on how severe this ban is.

Sometimes Business Manager bans if they are appealed fast enough with the right language can be overturned.

But out of lets say 100 disabled Facebook Business Managers I’ve seen, 1% gets recovered.

Facebook account restricted from advertising? KNOW THIS: What you want to keep in mind is the Facebook Business Pages – as they are your digital storefront for your brand name – and take them out before your Facebook Business Manager gets disabled!

That being said, when you have a disabled Facebook Business Manager that means every asset inside is jeopardized.

  • Ad Accounts
  • Facebook Business Pages
  • People connected to this BM

Facebook ad account restricted: Causes

Here’s why:

When you have a disabled Facebook Business Manager, Facebook keeps track of who is in the Business Manager and the other BMs they are connected to.

So, everyone in a disabled Facebook Business Manager is at risk of having everything else they are working on getting shut down too. If you FORGOT a lurker in your BM who has a facebook account restricted it WILL come back to bite ya a$$ so BE AWARE. 

A disabled Facebook Business Manager is the next to the worst ban you can get on Facebook.

When my client Happi Digital, an eCommerce Agency hired me to audit their Facebook ads, I uncovered flags that if left alone could have shut down their entire ad agency.

Need Facebook ad policy expert too? Schedule a call with me right now.

Facebook ad account restricted: Pages

What Does it Mean When Your Facebook Page is Restricted?

Facebook ad account restriction

We saw ALOT of this going on during 2020 – when the pandemic first hit America with e-comm businesses that had shipping delays in China due to covid-19 shut downs. These e-commerce businesses saw their customers giving them bad reviews that took their Page quality score beneath a 1.

Then, just by automation alone, their FB Business Pages got restricted. And they didn’t even have a facebook account restricted-just the Page got shut down.

This is challenging because if you try to relaunch a new Facebook Business Page with the same brand name you may get blocked by Facebook right away for circumventing systems. You’ll need a better strategy more finely tuned for relaunching.

For top tips on making a landing page compliant read this.

Facebook ad account restricted: Profiles

More About Facebook profile Restricted From Advertising

If your personal Profile on Facebook is restricted from advertising – that is the worst ban you can get. And facing this, the odds will be insurmountable for running ads again. At least without guidance from a FB policy expert.

Your personal Facebook Profile is the key to all the different doors. It is what creates your Facebook Business Page, it’s what creates your Facebook Business Manager, all the ad accounts and more.

Once that’s banned, welp! You’re up shit creek without a paddle. Don’t hold your breath on getting it restored. The chances are around .1% that you’ll ever get a permanently restricted profile restored.

But I do know a way to resolve this in addition to resolving a facebook account restricted. Now, let’s talk a little bit about why your Facebook ad account may have been restricted.

Facebook ad account restricted: Reasons

Why is my Facebook advertising account restricted?

Facebook ad account restricted

Still asking what to do when seeing, “You are restricted from running ads”? If you want to get to the bottom of why your Facebook advertising account is restricted, you’ll want to audit your funnel. This is to identify what was the biggest risk that got you on the radar and eventually shut down.

Have your Facebook ads been blocked? Read this blog here.

Here are a few of the Facebook ad policies you may want to glance at:

  • Sexually Explicit Content. This one is a no-brainer: you can’t advertise anything sexual on Facebook. Given that Facebook’s approval is partly automated, health-based services (spas, etc.) can be flagged for body parts even if they’re not sexually suggestive it’ll get you a facebook account restricted.
  • Prohibited categories. Even though some items may not be illegal per se, Facebook does have restrictions about advertising the following: Drugs or tobacco, supplements, weapons, and financial products (auctions, loans, etc.).
  • Misinformation. False news on Facebook is a no-go.
  • Sensational content. No click-bait, sensationalist content either.
  • Bad grammar or punctuation. This is also a bad advertising practice in general.
  • Inflammatory content. This is any content that could be categorized as hate speech.
  • Unacceptable Business Practices. This generic term describes ads that “promote products, services, schemes or offers using deceptive or misleading practices, including those meant to scam people out of money or personal information.” This can be things like fake celebrity-endorsed products, subscription-based services that do not have the appropriate requirements met, or making exaggerated claims about a product.
  • Low-quality or deceptive content. This includes ads that are cropped so that you need to click to see the full image, or anything sexually suggestive or shocking. It’s important to note that Facebook also looks at your ad destination to make sure the content is relevant to the ad itself.
  • Personal attributes. This one is a bit tricky, Essentially, you cannot make it known that you know (or assume to know) any specific detail about your audience. This can be things like medical conditions, demographics, or even sexual preference. This can be statements such as “Is your weight problem getting serious?”, or, “You’re a woman over 50.”

That’s just a summarized view of the Facebook ad policies to keep in mind if your Facebook account’s restricted from advertising.

In reality, there are 1000s more that you are policed on by the automations but never told about.

Want access to a funnel audit to ensure you are compliant? Click here for a discovery call.

How to appeal advertising restrictions

There is a right way and a wrong way to appeal getting a Facebook ad account restricted. The wrong way is to mash buttons, click request review, and wait for the Facebook gods to grant you clemency. With staffing shortages, and reliance on automations, the first approach won’t get you far. But identifying what got you flagged, and what is the hierarchy of risks in your funnel and replacing the offending content with compliant copy is a much better place to start before appealing. 

Facebook ad account restricted: Fixes

How do I fix my restricted Facebook account?

You want to fix your restricted Facebook ad account right? Doesn’t everyone?! No one wants to see: “You are restricted from running ads.”

If you googled disabled facebook ad account or Facebook ad rejections you’ll find a number of bullshit articles out there – even by major brands – that will just tell you to “Request Review.”

That CAN help if you have already removed ALL the flags from your funnel. But if you have not…Full stop, no pass go, don’t click it.

Facebook ad account restricted

What you’re doing here is saying to the automations that shut you down: “Hey bud, I know you are machine, but can you decipher human empathy and context? Even better can you send this Appeal to ANOTHER robot? And put my fate in the next bot’s hands?”

Really the best chance you have is to appeal within 48 hours of getting shut down AFTER identifying the EXACT source of the Facebook automation flag.

Anything less than that, and you are thrown to the wolves. Now, if you’ve found me within that time period, I can possibly help you, depending on your type of business and other factors. Click here to schedule your call.

Facebook ad account restricted
Really the BEST way to handle a shut down, on any level but a profile restriction (which you don’t usually get appeals for), is to audit your funnel for violations, then remove them from your funnel and get on Facebook Ad Support Chat once you know 100% why you were shut down.

There are other options to get Facebook ads live again as well if you have a product or service to sell and your main goal is getting your marketing active rather than just recovering for the sake of recovering an account hit with a flag for a Facebook ad account restricted.

Learn more

Learn more about the appeal process: when appealing keep in mind you’re chatting wit outsourced workers who have a goal of getting more chats per day than increasing real resolution rate.

They will try to shut you down every step of the way. I can help you navigate these hurdles, and get the best chances you can have for making an appeal if you have contacted me fast enough after a ban. 

Beyond that window, the chances get slimmer. But you do have other options if your goal is to get Facebook ads live again and not just trying to recover old disabled ad accounts.

What if you had a guarantee that your ads were compliant before they went live on Facebook?

Keep reading for these answers and more: 

Facebook Ad Account Restriction Solution

Ad agencies: tired of getting the silent treatment from Facebook when all you want to do is get your Facebook ads live and revenue in the door?

I’m a Facebook ad policy specialist who worked at Facebook and I’m trusted by high level brands that take accuracy and results seriously.

Facebook account restricted from advertising

I can show you how to resolve FB bans even if Facebook ad support is useless to resolve ad account restrictions.

Don’t lose any more money from Facebook bans and schedule your call with me now.

Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me:

 your access can't be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

It shouldn’t be a mystery on what to do to recover from a ban. I strive for customer satisfaction, being a business owner myself.

facebook ad account restriction fix testimonial
My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to have a disabled Facebook ad account? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends, immediately secure expert-level Facebook consulting. Book a call with me now!

Facebook jail solution testimonial

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

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Ad Account Restricted Facebook FAQ

Facebook ad account restriction FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to fix ad account disabled on facebook

Your first step should always be to stop active ads running with the same copy as the rejected ad, then audit your funnel for flags, and appeal using the strategy outlined in the appeal section of the FAQs

2. How to enable my disabled facebook ad account

If you have a spare ad account in your Facebook Business Manager that you can run ads from, feel free to. BUT, identify the micro and major flags FIRST, so as not to repeat the same mistake. 

Ready to Finally Make the Money You Need in the Hours That Work for You & Your Family? Don’t miss out,Learn More here.

3. How to appeal a disabled facebook ad account

As far as how to appeal a disabled Facebook ad account, you’ll get 48 hours to make your appeal. The best strategy is to communicate to Meta | Facebook that:

A. You understand WHY you were banned.
B. You are committed to following the policies from here on out.
C. You have identified and REMOVED the offending content from your funnel.

You can also get some top tips on facebook ad policy in this complimentary eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

4. how to get disabled ad account up and running

Depending on how long your ad account was disabled, sometimes, if your appeal is written correctly, the appeal itself CAN potentially get you reactivated, if you understand to communicate with Facebook ad support correctly. 

5. How Many Policy Violations Before Account is Shut Down?

Typically, it’s a 1 to 10 ratio. For every single rejected ad that you get, you’ll want 10 Facebook ads that are approved. After a pattern of behavior is established by machine learning, from Meta’s automations, you may spiral rapidly into Facebook jail if your ratios aren’t correct. 3 consecutive ads getting rejected risks your ad account getting disabled. But, it also depends on how severe the ban is. 

And, if this still all seems too confusing, your clients are yelling at you to get ads live to bring in money, simply schedule a complimentary Facebook discovery call here

6. How to remove restriction on facebook ad account

As far as removing a restriction on a Facebook ad account, if we’re talking about a disabled ad account, well, you can rehabilitate your funnel and then appeal, possibly getting it reactivated if you do this SMART (I have methods that work if you’re in the appeal window). But as far as removing a restriction from Facebook ads, see the previous FAQ answer: you need to get in a positive approval-cycle ratio.

7. how long does facebook take to review restricted ad account

Now, ask yourself, is it an election year? Have there been over 20,000 Meta employees laid off? Did you word your appeal using specific language Facebook ad support can and will respond better to? These are the factors in play. Typically, you get an answer within a week. If you have a more severe ban or are in the special ad categories, you may get an answer faster but it won’t be one you like. Severe bans end up as permanent restrictions and they deliver that ban hammer faster than other lighter Facebook ad policy restrictions. 

8. how to fix your access can’t be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

In a situation like this, your recovery options depend on what is banned:

a) Facebook Ad Account
b) Facebook Business Page
c) Facebook Business Manager
d) Facebook profile

So, each one may have a different recovery option, depending on your situation, and type of ban it is, as well as your particular niche or business’s vertical, and the health of the accounts before the ban. Want to get a pathway to get Facebook ads live? Schedule your complimentary discovery call here.

9. How To Get Your Disabled Facebook Ad Account Back 

First, let me also address the elephant in the room: personal and emotional attachments to disabled ad accounts. I’ve worked with tons of Fortune 500 level companies, and the amount of hair pulling and FML-ing over ONE ad account being disabled, is incredible. Sometimes, it’s faster, and cheaper, to just start a new ad account, and relaunch, rather than recover a tainted asset.

That being said, the same answer applies here to the instructions above, for appeals

10. How to unblock your Facebook ad account

Now, unblocking an ad account, may be possible if you get in fast enough with the right kind of messaging to Facebook ad support. While they are the gatekeepers, and don’t have any real power, they CAN talk to the right folks who, if you word your appeal right, can unblock your Facebook ad account. And of course, if you need next-level assistance, I’m always available to chat and see if it’s a good fit here.

Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision fix

Do you spend $100,000 or more a year on Facebook ads but suddenly see the message: advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision?

Facebook doesn’t offer a path to getting your ads live so you’ve googled that phrase and landed on my blog – well you’re in luck because I’ve worked at Facebook and will offer some tips on how to solve this issue. 

Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision


Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision

Everything seems to be great at first. You’re running Facebook ads, have at least double ROI and your clients are happy until out of the blue you see: Your advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision. You can no longer advertise with this business account, and its advertising assets will remain disabled. This is our final decision.

Keep reading to find out how to get Facebook ads live again even if you sent your ID and Facebook said you were permanently restricted.

Why trust me over all the other blogs online? I’ve worked at Facebook in ads, and tech, and with the engineers at Meta.

Even the engineers at Facebook have reached out and asked me for help not getting banned with their ads on Facebook – so clearly Meta’s automations for Facebook policy don’t always work as intended as I go into detail about in the video below:

I get contacted by everyone across the globe for help with Facebook jail. Elon Musk engineers have also reached out to me for help. Want the same VIP treatment? Book your complimentary discovery call here.

So why does Meta act this way, when it’s clear bans cost Meta money too, because it stops you from paying Facebook for ads? Well, it’s a staffing issue on one hand. Mark Zuckerberg had hired too many people in 2020, not expecting the world to open up as quickly after the pandemic hit America. As a result, in 2022, he fired 11,000 people – machines more than ever decide if you have a restricted ad account or have an active ad account.

When one word can get you banned, you can’t afford to guess, as I mentioned in a recent blog.

Just like my client, Amazon Reality Show star Juanita Ingram of The Expats International Ingrams you’ll discover there are micro flags in ad copy and landing pages that have to be removed first before attempting to appeal or relaunch a brand with Facebook.

Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision
Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call to avoid getting a disabled Facebook ad account.

Facebook ad account permanently restricted
Advertising access permanently restricted

People all over the world are talking about being permanently restricted on Facebook whether that’s on Reddit or Quora or many other sites.

Facebook will often give advertisers boiler plate warnings without anything specific stated for how you got flagged, why, or what to do about it. Sound familiar?

You are not the only one seeing, “Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision,” unfortunately it happens often due to machine logic for flagging.

On top of that, Facebook has been having outages as well – where won’t load for half the globe. These are the type of tech issues I handled when I worked at Facebook in the Stability Support department.

One of the drawbacks of the co-dependence on AI is if you’re running Facebook ads, you are judged quick and without mercy – but you’re in luck because I helped the engineers who wrote these automations. I know when you’re on the outside, it feels like an episode of Unsolved Mysteries.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision
One thing many forget is that Facebook is a private website – so Zuck can literally do anything he wants. Where it gets confusing is with 2.085 billion daily active users it feels like Facebook is a school or governmental entity that owes its users something, but in reality, it is one dude’s website. So, you gotta learn how the policies work to run ads.

But Facebook or Meta now doesn’t clearly explain how and why Facebook bots flag you – and this I’ll help you understand so their evil AIs don’t shut down your funnel again.

Permanent Restriction no more: A Step-by-Step Guide to Solving Facebook Advertising Access Issues

On Facebook or Meta’s side, the problem is a business model issue, where thousands of outsourced workers are used to do Facebook ad support, even if none of them have ever run ads in their life.

If you understand the WAY the bots flag it can give you first mover advantage over competitors who still get banned.

The very best solution is always a preventative one. Because if you get restricted, even appealing won’t always solve this issue.

Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision

Cleaning out your funnel (your Facebook Page, ads, website etc) and removing the flags will take the sting out of bans and reduce risk of losing money from disabled ad accounts.
Just like my client Darryl CEO of King Memory found out, and shared on LinkedIn there are specific ways to work with Facebook policies without losing conversions or getting stuck in Facebook jail:

Facebook customer feedback
Schedule your discovery call now

Facebook ad account restricted – what does it mean? 

When your ad account on Facebook has been restricted it’s because specific actions or content triggered the automations to first score you, track you, rate you, evaluate your ad history and decide if you are a threat to the platform.

Facebook account takeovers are targeting people you know, turning friendship into fraud

With hacking on the rise, imposter accounts are popping up left and right. As a result, Facebook’s ban bots are cracking down even harder. While you always had to follow facebook ad policies, now, Facebook is even stricter due to these bad actors. Read my full guide on what to do if you have been hacked or want to prevent it here.

Why is my Facebook advertising account restricted?

If you’re seeing advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision, that means there is something specific you did to trigger this.

Identifying the content, words, or actions that got you on the radar is the first step towards getting out of Facebook jail.

Facebook doesn’t approve your advertisements due to violating Facebook’s advertising policies

Facebook doesn’t personally care about you so it isn’t personal – with billions of ads to scan for policy on a daily basis, they are just trying to do the bare minimum to keep online.

Advertising access permanently restricted Explained

A lot of times you can prevent yourself from seeing that message we all love to hate, that your Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision

This message is the death of your ad account – I’ve rarely seen this fixed unless you’re working with me at the time it happened and we can appeal within 48 hours.

How do I fix my restricted Facebook account?

One of the best ways is to stop immediately appealing bans.

If you leap before you look, there’s a good chance you’ll end up between a rock and a hard place when it comes to Facebook ad policies.

Ideally you’re keeping tabs on the latest Facebook ad policies, and new changes to them, as well as how your funnel stacks up to new restrictions Facebook creates (like right now you cannot advertise anywhere near Russia without getting shut down because of the ban on ads in that area due to the Russia-Ukraine war).

Have a lander that got you in trouble? Read my guide on landing pageshere

There are a few ways to contact Facebook Support online if Advertising access permanently restricted

what you can do - Facebook account restricted from advertising
If you are a seasoned Facebook ads vet you know what a dumpster fire Facebook ad support is this year.

We used to have great service until it was outsourced. American jobs were lost and globally, support dropped for ad agencies seeing ban hammer warnings like Advertising access permanently restricted.

While I can give you the link to Facebook ad support – it’s here and correct when I published this blog, Facebook ad support will rarely have good advice.

Definitive Guide: Why Is My Advertising Access Restricted on Facebook?

It all starts wit Facebook’s business model – outsource for cheap labor who are not trained and don’t know anything – so, you are asking someone who has never had skin in the game to help you with a warning they are not trained on.

If you’ve read How to Unrestrict My Ad Account you get how vital your appeal strategy is and has to be, and not left up to guesses from sweat shops.

Facebook Restrictions: Advertising access permanently restricted

Want to know a big miss I see ad agencies make for how they THINK about Facebook jail and ad bans?

Forgetting that Facebook has a global audience and is literally ONE website dealing with billions PER DAY accessing – and this leads to bandwidth issues for Facebook.

Want to avoid a Advertising access permanently restricted ban?

Keep in mind that the actions you take on Facebook have a ripple effect, and the help you get from Facebook depends on your ad account history, your region, the back log Facebook currently has, and internal technical glitches that may be wide spread.

I helped fix these when I was in tech at FB.

The problem is that if you immediately appeal an ad or ad account or disabled Business Manager without understanding the ad policies YOU MISS things you may be able to do RIGHT NOW to put you in a better light with Facebook.

I remember waking up at 3am getting calls that Facebook servers were down and having to work with engineering [ENG] to get Facebook back online. When you don’t incorporate bandwidth into your advertising compliance strategy you put yourself at a higher risk because simply said:

Facebook ads don't convert

Why Is My Facebook Advertising Account Restricted?

I’ve seen a thousand and one reasons why Facebook ad accounts get rejected. When Facebook accounts are restricted from advertising, what’s seldom talked about is the difference of ad policy enforcement per industry.

Given my history of working with thousands of ad agencies both while I was working AT Facebook and in my own practice, I have stats on which ad policies are triggered the most in specific niches. Like personal attributes flags being higher in weight loss niches.

Understanding how YOUR specific niche interacts with Facebook ad policy automations is KEY to staying out of Facebook jail and avoiding an Advertising access permanently restricted ban.

Advertising access permanently restricted: Myth Busting

Ok, I see A LOT of bullshit online by people guessing and making shit up about Facebook and Facebook ad policies, so I have to call them out if they are not providing solutions forAdvertising access permanently restricted.

This blog blatantly ripped me off, stealing my content and trying to mimic how I structure my blogs. Which ok, cool if you have to and you think I’m that legendary BUT the info ABOUT Facebook is wrong:
Link Instagram to Facebook
First of all, the best action is NOT to whine to Facebook about your problems. How has whining to Facebook worked so far?

• No answers
• Inaccurate info
• Advice that gets you banned worse

“They will help you reactivate your account,”

WOW. Total bullshit. Most of the time Facebook ad support is just throwing shots in the dark – again never having run an ad that made them money.

“Facebook has made it easier to review your account with the Account Quality page,”


The Account Quality page in Business Manager is connected to the same or similar algorithm that governs Page Insights – which have ALWAYS been buggy and inaccurate. I’ve had ads perform at 2 cents per CPA and account quality said the ad was under performing.

So basically this entire section “Solutions to Restricted Facebook Account” offered…ZERO solutions. And it’s ignorant. And it copies my blog but provides bad info. Not a good look guys!

Definitely won’t help you solve Advertising access permanently restricted.

If you’ve read my What to Do After Violating Facebook’s Ad Policies [Step-by-Step Guide] you found out there ARE hidden clues in FB warnings  – BUT you may need an expert to decode into everyday language.

If you’re like my client Jack Randall, President of Social Flight, you’re tired of beating your head against the wall trying to guess why Facebook has shut you down, and want answers faster.

“Trevor helped me successfully diagnose exactly why my ad account was disabled, and helped me frame out a plan to move forward.” 👍🏻

Click here, to schedule a discovery call.

What if you had a guarantee that your ads were compliant before they went live on Facebook?

Keep reading for these answers and more: 

Advertising access permanently restricted Facebook Solution

I’ve worked at Facebook in ads, tech and project management, and my zone of genius is helping ad agencies get Facebook ads live again and preventing future shut downs.

Are you going to trust random articles online or someone like me, who has worked at Meta?

I’m trusted by high level brands that take accuracy and results seriously:

Facebook account restricted from advertising

I can show you how to resolve FB bans even if Facebook won’t, and solve issues like advertising access permanently restricted.

Schedule a call with me and learn how to stop the domino effect when Facebook starts banning your entire funnel after a simple ad rejection.

Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me.

Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision
My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to not know why Facebook is shutting you down? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends,
immediately secure an expert-level Facebook consulting call from someone at Facebook. Book a call with me now!

Facebook jail solution testimonial

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

New Help With Avoiding A Facebook Ad Account Restriction

Want to give your ad account a fighting chance at avoiding a Facebook Ad Account Restriction? Today, we’ll cover ad account restrictions, the biggest dangers and some good strategies to keep your ad account safe.

Facebook ad account restriction

Why Swelter Through Another Chat with Facebook?

The first thing most people do when you get a Facebook Ad Account Restriction, is panic, Google the problem or immediately try to run new ads – many times identical to the ones that got them rejected. Or chat into Facebook ad support – only to get wrong answers that further the ad account restrictions.

The most important thing to do when in Facebook jail, is assess where in your funnel Facebook has honed in on and flagged you with a Facebook Ad Account Restriction. The irony is when you go online to Meta’s website, facebook ad policies are listed in the “Transparency Center” – except they are clear as mud.

Another challenge is that each section of Facebook’s ad policies are often truncated, incomplete, and never tell you any risk assessment for the parts of your funnel and ad policy violations. I’ll help clear some of this up in this article today.

Facebook refused to take down fake account, says TikTok star

Facebook ad account restriction

Something to watch out for is also the imposter accounts which are rising exponentially high now, as bad actors have found a career in trying to fake legit accounts, and prey upon your audience, per a recent article in The Guardian. 

Facebook Ad Account Restriction: Rejected Ads

For getting ad accounts restricted due to an overwhelming amount of rejected Facebook ads I have the solution: Balance the amount of rejected ads with approved ads of any type.

What you’re looking for is an overall ratio of more approved than rejected, as this helps the machine learning view your ad assets more favorably, which can help prevent getting a Facebook Ad Account Restriction.

You are no doubt reading this blog after Googling ” I need help getting my account unrestricted” or something similar. So, why trust me over all the other blogs online? I’ve worked at Facebook in ads, and tech, and with the engineers at Meta. When one word can get you banned, you can’t afford to guess when it comes to getting a Facebook Ad Account Restriction.

Just like my client, Amazon Reality Show star Juanita Ingram of The Expats International Ingrams you’ll discover there are micro flags in ad copy and landing pages that have to be removed first before attempting to appeal or relaunch a brand with Facebook.

Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision
Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns and solving a Facebook Ad Account Restriction?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call to avoid getting a Facebook Ad Account Restriction.

Facebook Ad Account Restriction: New Approach Gives You A 2nd Chance

A huuuuuuuge problem businesses and ad agencies running ads on Meta’s platforms face is that there’s a lot of old advice out there steering people wrong.

The old school “how to start a biz” programs advise you to create a hundred ads up front, and not pay attention to policies. Kind of a spray and pray approach, that if you submit a shit ton of ads at once and hope some slip through BUT this is WRONG and won’t avoid a Facebook Ad Account Restriction.

Maybe back in 2016 you could do that. But this year, the game has changed.

ad account restriction

A new approach that will prevent you from losing sleep and losing a lot of money is a preventative one: ensure your funnel is free of Facebook flags before running ads. Or at the least, after getting policy flags, make sure you have removed them from your main website before running new ads.

The average advertiser will not be able to read between the lines here and grok how Facebook’s philosophy applies to your funnel and your ads. I’ll help explain. For my essential guide to Facebook ad policies click here.

“We want to help ensure that the ads don’t detract from the overall experience across our technologies.”

Facebook says this but if you’ve noticed every time you log into the Meta Business Suite or Facebook Business Manager, Facebook harasses your eyes with a ton of bullshit pop ups every single time you open Ads Manager or your BM. So, yeah, the hypocrisy keeps happening. Let’s cover another common flag: Unusual Activity restrictions. 

Facebook Ad Account Restriction: Advertising restrictions for unusual activity

The “Unusual Activity” flag is confusing for many people because Facebook won’t give you context. But, TLDR – it’s usually a location or device IP address mixup. You’re traveling and log into Facebook business tools – Facebook will think you have been hacked.

So, word of advice: never log in to Facebook business tools while traveling. You know when I’m about to travel I call my bank and let them know so I’m not left holding the bag at the register with a rejected card transaction. Maybe someday Facebook will allow you to advise them of your travel plans to avoid this flag? Let’s hope so. 

For ad agencies spending $100K a year and up on Facebook ads:

We all know the Facebook ban bots are vicious but there IS a way to work with them and never get shut down. I know, because I’ve helped countless 7 and 8 figure ad agencies recover from Facebook bans or avoid them all together. But to do so, you have to get familiar with how Facebook automations decide to flag Facebook ads. Also, if you want a faster route to getting ads live, click here.

Facebook Ad Account Restriction: Discover New AI Policies

Facebook wants to use your posts to train AI. Here’s how to object.

PCWorld just provided some helpful info on the upcoming onslaught of forced AI tools and bots onto us.

On June 26, 2024 Facebook will change its privacy policy with regard to generative AI features such as Meta AI. From that point on, posts and photos from all users will be read by the AI to help train them and improve services such as the AI Creative Tool. Meta is currently providing information about this on Facebook.

Private messages will not be affected, only public texts and images. Nevertheless, many users may be skeptical about this new regulation due to data protection concerns or for personal reasons.

ad account restriction ai

In order to prevent your data from being used by Meta, you must expressly object. This can be done using a specific form that can be found on this Facebook help page. Select the middle option:

Alright, back to avoiding a Facebook ad account restriction – I just wanted you to have this information because AI is like the hot new shit but people are not looking ahead to see how the current trajectory of artificial intelligence generative AIs will compromise privacy.

One of the mistakes advertisers make when it comes to advertising on Facebook, is to assume Facebook actually cares personally, about your ads or business, and will act or behave logically.

This is a false equivalent because of the degree all flagging and review of ad account restrictions are done by Facebook’s bots. If you don’t speak bot language, and the type of lexicon Facebook’s automations use in particular, you are essentially using a strategy of luck and guesses to ensure your money-maker – the ad account – is safe from Facebook bans.

Don’t risk your revenue with guesses. If you want an escape plan from Facebook Jail, I’m like Michael Scofield with the blueprints for a way out.

ad account restrictions
Just like my client Darryl CEO of King Memory found out, and shared on LinkedIn there are specific ways to work with Facebook policies without losing conversions or getting stuck in Facebook jail:

Facebook customer feedback
Trevor W. Goodchild verifiably reveals what key metrics matter when staying out of Facebook jail. This means better more profitable decisions when ad buying and running campaigns. Stop losing money from Facebook bans – Schedule your discovery call now

Facebook Ad Account Restriction: Your advertising access is restricted – what does it mean?

Here’s a missed concept by 100% of the businesses facing ad account restrictions: Learn how Facebook perceives ads this will help you reframe your ad copy and creative to be more compliant.

No, that doesn’t mean you can’t kick pain points or be negative sometimes to inspire FOMO, or the need for a solution to a problem, but it does mean considering Facebook ad policies first and then conversion elements for high converting Facebook ads.

For example, if your ads are making Facebook users feel bad and they leave Facebook for TikTok, Facebook loses more money than you do from a disabled ad account. Are your Facebook ads blocked? Schedule your discovery call today right here.

TLDR: If your Facebook ads are perceived as too sexual, too spammy, too clickbait-y, too misleading, too negative and Facebook users decide to get off Facebook, that’s a truckload of money you just took from Facebook.

Facebook will 😡 your ad now and remove it because you just lost them thousands of dollars because every single ad that Facebook user saw was paying Facebook money.

Now, let’s check out another Facebook ad policy violation that can put you in Facebook jail.

Facebook Ad Account Restriction: Why does Facebook say my advertising access is restricted?

The lack of transparency is what makes this frustrating, so I’ll help clarify a few details. With the big tech lay offs, Facebook is relying on automations now more than ever. So you’ll need to get familiar with what type of content Meta flags. Typically if your ads sound like they are unrealistic, and over promising results, you’ll get on the radar, or get flagged.

Facebook Ad Account Restriction: How do I unrestrict my Facebook ads?

Prevention is a lot easier than recovery. I won’t bullshit you with clickbait titles without substance – there’s enough of that online already when you google Facebook ad account restriction. So, I’ll just give it to you straight. You have 48 hours to appeal a disabled ad account by clicking “request review” HOWEVER you don’t want to just hit that button LIKE MOST PEOPLE DO because it is a precious chance to present your case to Meta to reinstate your account.

Instead you’ll want to narrow down the biggest flag in your funnel first, remove it, then appeal. I go into the risks of clicking request review in this video below:

It’s a lot easier to appeal a restriction if you know why you were restricted. Facebook not answering this question? Get your call with me today right here, I can help.

Facebook Ad Account Restriction: How to appeal advertising restrictions

When you ARE appealing, you’ll want to first audit your funnel, remove the highest risk flags, and then request a manual appeal but only if you understand just how to talk to Facebook ad support.

Whatever you do, don’t do this: mash buttons resubmitting a copy of the same rejected ad to Facebook. Or impulsively click “request review” without auditing your funnel for policy violations first. And I can help with that. Want a free discovery call to see if I can help get your Facebook ads live again? Schedule your call here.

Learn More

Clickbait flags are connected (but aren’t the same thing) as Unrealistic Claims. Circumventing Systems are connected to Unrealistic Claims (but aren’t the same) in both being header flags sometimes for unrelated ad policy violations.

MLM flags usually have to do with, although not exclusively, money. Talking about how much money you can make people online is a dangerous topic to approach given these MLM flags.

Do you want to spend 200 hours researching all the ways your ads could get flagged or would you rather just have instant answers within 60 minutes for exactly why your Facebook ads are getting flagged?

I’ve worked with celebrities, influencers, written for and consulted major social media publications and can help prevent you from getting the ban hammer.

It’s kinda ironic (thank you Alanis) but engineers at Facebook have reached out and asked me for help not getting banned with their ads from the very automations they created!!! To quote Clay Davis from The Wire….


Elon Musk engineers have also reached out to me for help. Want the same VIP treatment? Keep reading for more info:

Facebook Ad Account Restriction: Solution

I’ve worked at Facebook in ads, tech and project management, and my zone of genius is helping ad agencies get Facebook ads live again and preventing future shut downs.

Are you going to trust random articles online or someone like me, who has worked at Meta?

I’m trusted by high level brands that take accuracy and results seriously:

Facebook account restricted from advertising

I can show you how to resolve FB bans even if Facebook won’t, and solve issues like advertising access permanently restricted.

Schedule a call with me and learn how to stop the domino effect when Facebook starts banning your entire funnel after a simple ad rejection.

Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me.

Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision
My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to not know why Facebook is shutting you down? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends,
immediately secure an expert-level Facebook consulting call from someone at Facebook. Book a call with me now!

Facebook jail solution testimonial

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

Facebook Ad Account Restriction Resolution

When you get a Facebook Ad Account Restriction, the money stops, the clients scream, and Facebook stays quiet. What can you do? No worries! I’ve worked at Facebook and will help with steps towards resolving a Facebook Ad Account Restriction within this article:

Facebook ad account restriction

Your future is in danger unless you read this important notice

When you get a Facebook Ad Account Restriction, it’s important to not make it worse. Your future advertising on Facebook is in danger if you don’t know why you were banned, or what part of your funnel triggered Facebook’s bots to give you a Facebook Ad Account Restriction.

The challenge is reading between the lines when you get a Facebook ad policy violation because the reasons often seem obscure. Which ad policy did you violate? Below I’ll explain the most common ad policy violations.

Facebook Ad Account Restriction: Facebook Jail

A ton of your Facebook ads have just been rejected! What do you do? Sweating, worried, you look at your account quality score but see more mean red little letters telling you that you’re in Facebook jail with a Facebook Ad Account Restriction:

Facebook ad policy

What does this even mean? Maybe it has some answers?! Except this metric won’t actually tell you which ad policy violations weigh more heavily than others when getting a Facebook Ad Account Restriction.

Was there just one ad policy violation that was the straw that broke the camel’s back? Or was it a sum total of all of them adding up?

It was a landing page issue, no wait perhaps it was controversial content (what the fuck is that?), or wait..those damn social issue flags! A Facebook Ad Account Restriction can stop your whole funnel.

Want to make sure your landing page doesn’t get flagged by Facebook? Click here.

I’ve spent years working at Facebook (even before the special ad category was invented) and today I’ll be blogging about Five Reasons Why You’re in Facebook Jail and what to do about it.

But FIRST you need to know how Facebook thinks. If you don’t know how Facebook sees your ad, that is one of the reasons you’re in Facebook jail.

Why trust me over all the other blogs online? I’ve worked at Facebook in ads, and tech, and with the engineers at Meta. When one word can get you banned, you can’t afford to guess when it comes to getting a Facebook Ad Account Restriction.

Just like my client, Amazon Reality Show star Juanita Ingram of The Expats International Ingrams you’ll discover there are micro flags in ad copy and landing pages that have to be removed first before attempting to appeal or relaunch a brand with Facebook.

Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision
Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns and solving a Facebook Ad Account Restriction?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call to avoid getting a Facebook Ad Account Restriction.

Facebook Ad Account Restriction: Advertising restrictions for policy violations

When you create ads but don’t understand how the platform sees those same ads you’ll end up in Facebook jail. How can you not? It’s like never running track but entering the Hunger Games.

BUT – after you familiarize yourself with how facebook sees Facebook ads, and what they want to see, you won’t put your Business Manager in as much risk when it comes to avoiding a Facebook Ad Account Restriction.

So how does Facebook see ads?

Direct from the source, let’s start with Facebook’s positive user experience blurb:

Knowing Facebook ad policy violations is important.

The average advertiser will not be able to read between the lines here and grok how Facebook’s philosophy described above applies to your funnel and your ads. I’ll help explain. For my essential guide to Facebook ad policies click here.

“We want to help ensure that the ads don’t detract from the overall experience across our technologies.”

Marketers reading that often fail to connect the real meaning behind it to shape how they run ads and as a result, come off more click bait-y than intended, and end up in Facebook jail dealing with a Facebook Ad Account Restriction.

Perhaps your ad accounts in your Facebook Business Manager get disabled so now you try your personal ad account. Everything goes fine for a while then that gets disabled too. Now your profile get restricted from advertising as well.


Reread that line above again. “We want to help ensure that the ads don’t detract from the overall experience.”

What is Facebook referring to with the overall experience?

Meta or Facebook is referring to the everyday journey of the average consumer, logging onto Facebook to check their notifications.

Catching up on relatives that live in another city, seeing the Facebook Business Pages they liked, scrolling the feed for updates from their friends and websites that post news updates – this is the overall experience.

In the middle are the sponsored posts many Facebook users barely notice or distinguish from the non-ad posts.

Now let’s step into the shoes of Facebook’s policies and review the bots that ban ya.

Facebook Ad Account Restriction: Advertising restrictions for unusual activity

The “Unusual Activity” flag is confusing for a lot of advertisers and business owners because it’s vague and doesn’t tell you why you’re being banned. Typically this is seen in new accounts Facebook is trying to suss out, and wants your ID or it’s because you’ve logged in while traveling. So don’t log into Facebook ad tools while traveling. That’s one way you can avoid this flag. 

A message to all the ad agencies spending $100K a year and up on Facebook ads:

We all know the Facebook ban bots are vicious but there IS a way to work with them and never get shut down. I know, because I’ve helped countless 7 and 8 figure ad agencies recover from Facebook bans or avoid them all together. But to do so, you have to get familiar with how Facebook automations decide to flag Facebook ads. Also, if you want a faster route to getting ads live, click here.

Facebook Ad Account Restriction: Policy Philosophy

Let’s dive deeper into the philosophy behind how the automations flag your ads.

Facebook Ad Policy Progressive? Automations Are 1950s

If you want a persona, let’s look at Ward, from the hit series Leave It to Beaver.

Check out Facebook ad policy violations.

Believe it or not, the way Facebook’s automations see Facebook posts very much align with 1950s conformism. And when they scan the Newsfeed for the Facebook ads that are running, if there is shocking content it will be removed.

For an in depth look at the top reasons why Facebook disables ad accounts click here.

Can you imagine, Ward – the father figure in Leaves It to Beaver seeing an ad on Facebook that appeared too spammy or too sexual? An even sterner expression would be on his face. He’d be outraged to see this:

People see a lot of ads per day but don’t know about Facebook ad policy violations.
Admittedly the post above is pretty dated as you can see from the older build of Facebook’s platform but perhaps that fits this analogy of a 50s sitcom dad looking at your Facebook ad with scrutiny.

If your ad is too negative or too sexual it is going to get flagged and shut down, often without a specific explanation as to why. Because we are dealing with a very conservative Facebook 1950s sitcom dad automation.

So, don’t risk your revenue with guesses. If you want an escape plan from Facebook Jail, I’m like Michael Scofield with the blueprints for a way out.

Facebook ad policy
Just like my client Darryl CEO of King Memory found out, and shared on LinkedIn there are specific ways to work with Facebook policies without losing conversions or getting stuck in Facebook jail:

Facebook customer feedback
Trevor W. Goodchild verifiably reveals what key metrics matter when staying out of Facebook jail. This means better more profitable decisions when ad buying and running campaigns. Schedule your discovery call now

Facebook Ad Account Restriction: Your advertising access is restricted – what does it mean?

I’ll get to the Facebook ad policies you get flagged for most often soon enough. But it’s important not to skip this part because once you get how Facebook perceives ads this will help you reframe your ad copy and creative to be more compliant.

No, that doesn’t mean you can’t kick pain points or be negative sometimes to inspire FOMO, or the need for a solution to a problem, but it does mean considering Facebook ad policies first and then conversion elements for high converting Facebook ads.

So, one last time, let’s go back to Facebook’s ad policy philosophy of wanting to:

“…ensure that the ads don’t detract from the overall experience.”

If your ads are making Facebook users feel bad and they shoot a peace sign to the big FB, think about how many ads an average person sees in a day they won’t be seeing now. Are your Facebook ads blocked? Click here for expert guidance.

TLDR: If your Facebook ads are perceived as too sexual, too spammy, too clickbait-y, too misleading, too negative and Facebook users decide to get off Facebook, that’s a truckload of money you just took from Facebook.

Facebook will 😡 your ad now and remove it because you just lost them thousands of dollars because every single ad that Facebook user saw was paying Facebook money.

The kicker is Facebook has already told you this but, they have disguised these intentions behind generic wording to appear more consumer friendly (following their own policies of not being too shocking or negative). Full circle.

Now, let’s check out another Facebook ad policy violation that can put you in Facebook jail.

Facebook Ad Account Restriction: Why does Facebook say my advertising access is restricted?

Is your patience running thin from random Facebook bans? You’re not alone! The lack of transparency is what makes this frustrating. But, with the big tech lay offs, Facebook is relying on automations now more than ever. So you’ll need to get familiar with what type of content Meta flags. 

Facebook Ad Account Restriction: How do I unrestrict my Facebook ads?

In Facebook jail because of a flag that Facebook won’t tell you about? 10 million to one I can fix it. Facebook’s official explanation for a flag is essentially, “I pity the fool who thinks they can sneak around my policies.”

Submitting the same ad won’t help with Facebook ad policy violations.

Ok ok, so the automations aren’t exactly as cool as Mr. T from the A-Team. But essentially that’s the external PR line that Facebook gives when you get ad policy flags. But is this really what it means? Let’s look at 3 realistic scenarios for Facebook ad policy flags:

•  Requesting people to DM you on an ad
•  Trying to run an ad again that was just rejected
•  Creating a new ad or ad account after shut downs

If you are requesting folks to DM you on a Facebook (or especially an Instagram) ad Facebook will assume you are trying to get around paying for clicks and flag you for circumventing the system.

Facebook Ad Account Restriction: How to appeal advertising restrictions

You just got a Facebook ad rejected? Oh shit! Let’s just try to run it again! That kind of thinking is why you’re getting banned.

Sorry not sorry for being so in your face about it but I’ve seen this thousands of times from the thousands of ad agencies I’ve worked with over the years helping them get compliant. It’s the same story every time:

“We got our ad rejected from Facebook, didn’t know why, so we tried to run it again!”

Clickbait headlines are against Facebook ad policy violations.
This is one of the biggest triggers for Circumventing Systems flag!!

The logic is (and we are talking machine-logic) that Facebook assumes you are trying to get around their automations by sheer number of ads submitted even if these ads have flags you’d been previously shut down for.

Don’t get me wrong, it is a tactic that can work. Do I advise it? Hell no. Because eventually, when a new ad policy is distributed across the platform Facebook’s bots will rescan existing ads and shut you down.

Even if the ads you were running were compliant at the time they went live.

Big agencies, who run 100s of ads in an ad set will often try to just overwhelm the automations by submitting so many ads that a few slip through that are not compliant. Or a bunch slips through depending on the bandwidth of Facebook’s servers.

Even if you are a smaller SMB, Facebook will assume that by resubmitting the same ad with the same flags again, that you are trying this tactic and that’s when you get hit with the Circumventing Systems flag.

The fix? Just don’t resubmit a rejected Facebook ad before finding out WHY it was rejected FIRST. And I can help with that. Want a free discovery call to see if I can help get your Facebook ads live again? Schedule your call here.

Learn More

You’re saying, “I’ll just create it all again from scratch!” and it sounds easy right? Wrong. Facebook has extra safeguards in place now if you want to relaunch and it’s impossible to do without expert guidance most of the time.

Clickbait flags are connected (but aren’t the same thing) as Unrealistic Claims. Circumventing Systems are connected to Unrealistic Claims (but aren’t the same) in both being header flags sometimes for unrelated ad policy violations.

MLM flags usually have to do with, although not exclusively, money. Talking about how much money you can make people online is a dangerous topic to approach given these MLM flags.

Do you want to spend 200 hours researching all the ways your ads could get flagged or would you rather just have instant answers within 60 minutes for exactly why your Facebook ads are getting flagged?

I’ve worked with celebrities, influencers, written for and consulted major social media publications and can help prevent you from getting the ban hammer. Keep reading for more info:

Facebook Ad Account Restriction: Solution

I’ve worked at Facebook in ads, tech and project management, and my zone of genius is helping ad agencies get Facebook ads live again and preventing future shut downs. 

A full customer life cycle and cost are critical to getting true profit from your marketing, and Facebook bans are costly.

I’ll review your funnel and FULL cost of Facebook jail, letting you see the EXACT cause of FB bans and how to fix them to IMPROVE your immediate ad & marketing results and get ads live again.

Are you going to trust random articles online or someone like me, who has worked at Meta?

I’m trusted by high level brands that take accuracy and results seriously:

Facebook account restricted from advertising

I can show you how to resolve FB bans even if Facebook won’t, and solve issues like advertising access permanently restricted.

Schedule a call with me and learn how to stop the domino effect when Facebook starts banning your entire funnel after a simple ad rejection.

Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me.

Facebook Policy
My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to not know why Facebook is shutting you down? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends,
immediately secure an expert-level Facebook consulting call from someone at Facebook. Book a call with me now!

Facebook jail solution testimonial

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes Help

Is your ad account restricted from a Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes flag? You’re in the right place, as I’ve been at Facebook and have the answers many businesses need that Facebook isn’t sharing.

Facebook ad rejected personal attributes

Facebook ad policy regarding the Personal Attributes flag is not well explained online, so as someone who has worked at Meta, I’ll be helping you to understand the best practices to avoid getting banned.

One of the most common flags you get when running ads on Facebook is Personal Attributes. The Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes flag often happens if you get too specific with your targeting of a type of audience.

If you need VIP assistance from someone who worked at Facebook book your discovery call here.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes flag

Perhaps you really do want to follow Facebook policies, but can’t get a straight answer on how to do so. It can often be confusing to figure this out.

Not every ad agency has the bandwidth to dig deep on this. And business owners don’t even have the context to understand why Facebook shut downs happen due to an ad rejected personal attributes flag.

My Facebook ad account disabled blog provided you with some cool solutions to that issue. And today, I’ll explore exactly what the Personal Attributes flag is, why the automations target you, and best practices for saying Facebook ban-free.

(Also a good roadmap: What to Do After Violating Facebook’s Ad Policies)

As Liana Lang, CEO of Power Up Strategy Inc. said, “Please meet Trevor, my ‘secret weapon’ for all things Facebook compliance. I highly recommend hiring him to help you out especially if you plan to be running ads.”

Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call.

In the meantime, read over this short but effective guide on solving what to do in the case of an ad rejected personal attributes flag ban:

Facebook Policy Personal Attributes Guide

What are personal attributes?

Personal Attributes is a detail about someone that ad copy calls out. Personal Attributes consist of targeting one specific group of people, and singling them out, negatively or positively. If you break this policy Facebook might send you a red alert saying something like, “The ad was declined based on an ad rejected personal attributes flag.”

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes Types

These attributes can be height, weight, age, gender, financial status, sexual orientation, or belonging to a subgroup. Even if you went to ad conferences like Midwest Digital Marketing Conference, you will won’t have full answers on FB policies – so I aim to please with this detailed blog today to help you solve this issue.

While you’re here, bookmark the Facebook Ad Guide, influencer Larry Kim reached out to me to share on his website: Common Mistakes to Avoid When Advertising on Facebook

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes What Experts Say

You may be searching Google, or looking on Reddit threads for answers and seeing guesses. Facebook ad expert Jon Loomer says:

“Your ad can’t suggest that you know someone’s race, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender, disability, financial status, medical condition, voting status, or criminal record. It’s not that your ad can’t include information about these attributes, it simply can’t suggest that you know or believe that the targeted user falls into certain groups.”

One of the biggest roadblocks advertisers face when getting hit with a Facebook shut down is not being told why it happened.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: PAS Formula

The rules of advertising when it comes the ole problem-agitate-solution formula don’t work 100% on Facebook. Or they work but only if customized for Facebook ad policy.

Which results in Meta giving you some default warning like: “Unfortunately, the ad did not meet the criteria and was rejected with an ad rejected personal attributes flag.”

You’ve read the policies, but still don’t have answers and are mashing the keyboard like Ron Swanson:

The issue isn’t necessarily what you think it is. In your eyes, the ad felt like something you’d hear around the water cooler in normal conversation. Your ads were bringing in money, satisfying clients, until Facebook tells you: “The rejection of the ad was solely due to an ad rejected personal attributes flag.”

Want to save some time and money, and instead of reading this entire article just get a solution? Schedule a complimentary discovery call on my calendar here.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes flag Perception

Within the Facebook ecosystem:

What you consider normal may not be perceived the same by the bots that do the flagging within Facebook’s ecosystem. That’s why things get tricky. You keep resubmitting the ad, hitting that button over and over like

ad rejected personal attributes button
You may feel your ad copy sounds normal – but if you want to follow the Facebook ad policies, you gotta frame your copy specifically for Facebook’s website Or face a ban telling you, “Unfortunately, the ad did not meet the criteria and was rejected with an ad rejected personal attributes flag.”

That’s why I’ll let you know some reasons why your Facebook ad may have been rejected for the Personal Attributes flag.

Top 3 reasons why your Facebook ads are rejected

Here are the top 3 reasons why your Facebook ads were rejected for personal attributes:

1. You targeted a specific group of people too specifically
2. Your ad copy made Facebook users feel bad
3. The way you phrased something that is compliant triggered a ban

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes flag POLICIES

When I worked supporting Facebook’s remote access tools for a global staff, often content reviewers would have to take down violent content that was literally call-the-police level.

Just because you are, *mostly* compliant, doesn’t stop the billions using Facebook everyday from abusing it.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes flag Reality

Because of the scale of both advertisers and everyday Facebook users, Facebook has to have policies that are enforced in broad strokes. That’s why it feels like it’s impossible to follow them all, in reality, it’s easier than you think once you get down to brass bolts.

Advertising Standards

Facebook just wants you to not be a troll, hacker, or violent guerrilla warfare instigator. The problem is how you come across is inspected on a minute level. The advertising standards are in place to ensure bad actors don’t ruin Facebook for both advertisers and the general public.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes GENERAL GUIDANCE

This list sounds deceptively simple. You’re thinking, “How hard can it be to follow these 4 bullet points?”

Well, it can be harder than it sounds because a machine is the one interpreting your ad copy as compliant or ban worthy. (Check out my article Facebook ad account disabled next steps).

What “Text referencing or alluding to personal attributes or characteristics of the targeted group or individual,” means, is if you are calling out a specific smaller sub group of people you can get the Personal Attributes flag.

So, the balance is, hitting the pain points, but not getting too graphic, or else Facebook will say something like, “the ad was declined because of an ad rejected personal attributes flag.”

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes flag: FB Philosophy

ad rejected personal attributes
To avoid hearing Facebook ad support say, “The review team identified an ad rejected personal attributes flag, leading to the rejection of the ad,” you’ll need to know Facebook’s philosophy.

Facebook’s philosophy here is that if you are being too negative about a small enough group of people, they’ll leave Facebook, feeling too singled out. And Facebook loses a lot of ad money if people leave Facebook for a competitor platform.

While there can be tons of flags, people in the weightloss niche will see an ad rejected personal attributes flag playinf a crucial role in as disapprovals, unless it’s reworded.

You and Your are tricky pronouns, because they do specifically call out the viewer. So, you’ll need to be extra careful with how you use these 2 words. Especially if you single out an attribute of your target audience negatively AND use “you” or “your.”

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: RACE OR ETHNICITY


This is a great example of what not to say. When you use the word “other” you are dehumanizing (aka “othering”) a select group of people. Facebook doesn’t like that because it sounds bad.

Navigating Facebook’s Advertising Policies as a Business is a good read too if you’re looking to go from ignorance on Facebook ad policy to having some clarity.

What we’re trying to avoid is bigger bans. Because an ad rejected personal attributes flag can contribute to your overall policy score as a business.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: RELIGION


If you’re paying attention you may start to see the pattern – meeting “other” Buddhists isn’t allowed. Saying a specific group of individuals after “you” isn’t allowed.

Did you already say something that got your Facebook ad account disabled?

Don’t get ripped off! Read How to Recover Facebook Ad Accounts now

If you’ve been shutdown a lot but never got answers, you’re like one of my clients, Steve Martinez, Vice President of Apollidon Learning.

“Trevor took us through the process of getting one of our University of Texas ad accounts reinstated (within minutes). He offered some critical insights to why our Facebook Ad Account was disabled and shared options to reduce our chances of future issues. We have a better understand of how the algorithm works and know exactly what to do and say if our account gets disabled again.”

Want to see how I can help you? Schedule a free discovery call here. Or, if you’re in a rush, prepay for your consulting call and skip the line.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: AGE


Ever hear the expression, “Never ask a woman her age?” Well, Facebook feels that way times 1000.

Some of my clients have included skin care companies, and they often have run into issues talking about looking younger or older. It’s a really fine line here. As you can see saying “teenagers” is allowed, as well as “seniors” but definitely not combining “you” and “younger.”

You don’t want your entire Facebook Business Manager shut down just due to an ad rejected personal attributes flag. But it can happen if you get a large quantity of rejections in a short amount of time. Education here on FB policy is prevention.

Or, you could just schedule a call with me to add clarity, simply click here.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: Best Practices

A good thought exercise before writing ad copy about age, is to say, “Would a person, sensitive to their age, get offended in any way by my ad copy?”

Filter your ad copy through that and you’ll have a better chance avoiding the ban hammer.



It’s generally a good idea to not talk about sexuality on Facebook in any context. But definitely don’t say “Are you gay?”

And, you can see from the reoccurring theme like 80s nostalgia and Stranger Things, once again, don’t use “other” before identifying a specific group of people.

It’s much better to go 3rd person. That’s a safer route than saying, “you” “your” or “other.”

Already completely banned?

If you are running ads and spending $100K a year or more on ads, I can help with that.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: GENDER IDENTITY


This is one of the newest Facebook Policy Personal Attributes flags that came out, very recently. According to Facebook, you can say “Come meet transgender singles.”

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: Tip

But if I were you, I’d avoid doing so. It’s a hot topic, very divisive, and the machines at Facebook want to eliminate any ad that may put Facebook in a bad light. While it’s allowed right now within 6 months Facebook will impose stricter automations that will severely flag you for saying “meet transgender singles.” Because that’s a little too specific to target Facebook users with.

Something Facebook won’t tell you about ad restrictions

Something Facebook won’t tell you about ad restrictions, is ad rejected personal attributes flag can be the reason behind the decline of both organic reach and paid reach.

I know you’re like:

ad rejected personal attributes MEME 3
But, it’s true. If you have too many ad rejections, one thing Meta does before a ban, is start suppressing reach. Organically at first. Then, Facebook suppresses the reach of even your paid ads. You’re saying, “But if I’m PAYING for reach, how can Facebook suppress it?”

If Facebook ultimately decides your brand has a more negative effect on the Feed, and a consistent pattern of Facebook ad policy violations, they’ll limit the reach you pay for, before eventually full on banning you.

Want to avoid or recover from a ban? Schedule a complimentary call here.



It’s clear these are some hot topic issues, from medical problems, to emotional you must be very careful how you talk about this on Facebook.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: Tip #2

You can see that the pattern continues of not directly asking with “you” about someone’s personal attribute. It’s much better to use the 3rd person perspective here rather than 2nd person.



One of the most common businesses to get flagged for vulnerable financial statuses are loan companies. Also, car accident personal injury attorneys also get hit with the Personal Attributes flag.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: Tip #3

I’m sure at this point, you’re starting to understand that on one level, the general idea about Personal Attributes is to not negatively call out details about your target audience.

I’d suggest not using Facebook as your platform if you intend to sell crypto or forex type products. And look at your ad copy to make sure it doesn’t sound like you are, or you risk getting flagged.

Are you hacked? Blame Facebook for the pop up you clicked, and are mad af that you’re getting no help at all? Read the ultimate guide on what to do if you get hacked here.

Spam is at an all time high right now, so be on the lookout for fake tags from your personal profile. Over the past few weeks, online forums such as Reddit and Twitter have been teeming with rants from angry users who are facing a particularly vexing problem: Facebook tag spam.

They keep getting tagged on Facebook by unfamiliar accounts, apparently with the intention of being redirected to spammy posts or tricked into clicking on suspicious links.

Clicking on those links is how you get hacked or associated with bad actors that get you banned on Facebook (don’t hire people off Upwork or Fiverr to run ads for you or connect them to your Facebook accounts. You can outsource, just don’t give someone in a 3rd world country access to your Facebook ad assets).

As you can see, Facebook policy is pretty specific. And to get more granular, it applies differently to each attribute.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: VOTING STATUS

facebook-ad-rejected-personal-attributes-policyAttributing ownership of a ballot to a Facebook user here isn’t allowed, whereas the 3rd person “Learn about voter registration” is kosher. The same goes with identifying a Facebook user in your target audience by voter registration card.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: MEMBERSHIP IN A TRADE UNION

Do trade unions use Facebook ads much? I’ve never seen a Facebook ad about this but I’m not in a union. You’ll read above that Facebook isn’t not cool with advertising dissing
Union reps – with “your” preceding it.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: Compliance Tip

A better version of this ad copy would be something like, “Issues with a Union rep?” 

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: CRIMINAL RECORD


Asking someone if they are felon is not a great icebreaker. If felons are your target audience,  perhaps rethink your target audience (do they make a lot of money after being released from jail?)

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: Automation Tip

Even the first Facebook-approved copy example would still get you flagged. Asking,  “Services to clean up any previous offenses” in reality, would get you flagged by Facebook’s bots even if Facebook’s official policy says it won’t. Because it’s triggered another policy, instead of just Personal Attributes – but unrealistic claims.

This is where Facebook tends to frustrate advertisers and businesses alike – because above Facebook says you can create ad copy about “previous offenses” but I guarantee you the automations will still flag and shut you down. If not at first, later they will.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes Tip #4

It’d be better to partner up with a vertical who already serves this clientele, that has their email addresses, like a probation company, do a JV or just buy an email list and create a custom audience from it and/or Lookalike audience.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: NAME OR IDENTIFICATION


I didn’t even know this was a thing until I was hit with Facebook ads using my personal name – idk who sold my data, Shopify or something – and the company offered me personalized quilts with my name. Bad targeting on their part and against Facebook ad policy.

So, it’s only a matter of time before they are shut down unless they change to a new tactic.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: Tip #5

Asking for someone’s Driver’s License in a Facebook ad is likely to get you on the radar, as that’s a little too personal to ask for that info.

That’s like saying, “Hey buddy, comment on this Facebook ad with your social security number, credit card number and billing zip!”

Examples of violating ads with personal attributes



facebook-ad-rejected-personal-attributes-policy facebook-ad-rejected-personal-attributes-policy

Hopefully these examples give you a better idea of what Facebook will flag you for. The “Alternative ideas” are almost all useless because they are too vague.

If you need help rewriting ad copy to be compliant with Facebook I offer a prescreen service – book a discovery call here.

Getting the Language Right in Your Facebook Ad

There are a few techniques you can use to ensure Facebook doesn’t flag you for Personal Attributes. One is to write everything in 3rd person. The other is to use a 1st person testimonial. These are pretty good alternatives than kicking the pain points a bit too hard.

However, you can still get flagged when using the 3rd person if you are too specific with who you call out with pain points. So, be careful there. 

Determining Why Your Ad was Rejected

I have a process that has worked 100% of the time for identifying why a Facebook ad was rejected – but that’s because I’ve worked at Facebook for many years.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: Tip #6

If you don’t know someone like me with this experience, skill and context, then I’d suggest taking a good look at the ad copy in your ad above the creative, below the creative as far as the headline goes, as well as your website.

Do the litmus test: Ask yourself, “If I was someone who got easily offended at any remark, positive or negative about myself, would this ad copy be on the line for a flag?”

Looking through that lens can help you identify potential Personal Attributes flags.

Fun fact: Facebook doesn’t flag as seriously on landing page outside of the Facebook platform, when it comes to Personal Attributes. Does that mean you say whatever the hell you want like a drunk Gilbert Godfrey (RIP)?

The answer is no, you’ll still get flagged if you negatively call out an attribute too specifically on your website. But, there is a little more wiggle room on an LP. Keep reading below for more details on Landing Pages (LPs).

Facebook Ad Policies and Landing Pages

Facebook | Meta has a list of verbatim words programmed into their automations and if you trigger this on your lander, yes, you’ll still be flagged. Despite your expectations, the ad gets declined because of an ad rejected personal attributes flag.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: Stats

Is Facebook still worth advertising on? Well, per Sprout Social, despite the platform’s reputation as a seemingly “older” network, 24.4% of Facebook users in the United States are between the ages of 25 and 34.

facebook ad policy personal attributes

That’s a lot of marketing potential and revenue you’re leaving on the table, when a few micro adjustments can get you compliant. 

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes: Tip #7

On landers, some words NOT allowed above a Facebook ad creative in the ad ON Facebook, are in a grey area on your landing page. Meaning, if everything else in your funnel IS compliant then, you can get away with a little bit more on your website than on Facebook itself.

Meaning because, simply said, is prime real estate 100% owned by Zuck | Parent Company Meta. Your website is yours, but if it’s connected to Facebook ads, you’ll have some scrutiny. For more info read How to Fix NonFunctional Landing Pages

Ultimately, when you run ads on a social media site like Facebook, you’ll run the risk of getting a disabled Facebook ad account. And sometimes the rejection notice will cite an ad rejected personal attributes flag as the reason.

Having trouble defining where that line exactly is for what you can and cannot say? This is my zone of genius, schedule a free discovery call here

Avoid Using Words like “You” and “Other”

I hope I’ve beaten it into your minds enough that you really don’t want to say “you” that much in an ad. Yes, you can say you and your in the 3rd person, but only a specific number of times before you get banned for Personal Attributes flags.

And with “other” I would just not say that at all before naming a group of people you’re targeting.

Use Third-Person Narrative

For those non-English major types, 3rd person perspective is they, them, POVs. Not “you” but from a 3rd person point of view. This will be a lot less risky than overdoing it on the personal pronouns.  And you want to minimize risk when advertising on Facebook, because more risk equals more money lost. 

This is especially true given how fast Facebook changes their policies. Just recently, breaking news happened where the “News” tab is being removed from Facebook in certain countries.

Apparently, the number of people using Facebook News in Australia and the U.S. has dropped by over 80% last year. People don’t come to Facebook for news and political content — they come to connect with people and discover new opportunities, passions and interests. And see your ads of course, as long as they are compliant without a Facebook ad rejected personal attributes issue.

Use First-Person Testimony On Landing Page

A good rule of thumb to incur social trust from strangers visiting your website from an ad, is to include testimonials on your lander. When someone who doesn’t know you, sees people similar to themselves recommending your product or service, you’re more likely to get a sale.

This also helps with staying compliant with the Personal Attributes policy and avoiding an ad rejected personal attributes flag.

Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes FAQ

Facebook ad account disabled FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to fix ad account disabled on facebook

Your first step should always be to stop active ads running with the same copy as the rejected ad, then audit your funnel for flags, and appeal using the strategy outlined in the appeal section of the FAQs

2. How to enable my disabled facebook ad account

If you have a spare ad account in your Facebook Business Manager that you can run ads from, feel free to. BUT, identify the micro and major flags FIRST, so as not to repeat the same mistake. 

3. How to appeal a disabled facebook ad account

As far as how to appeal a disabled Facebook ad account, you’ll get 48 hours to make your appeal. The best strategy is to communicate to Meta | Facebook that:

A. You understand WHY you were banned.
B. You are committed to following the policies from here on out.
C. You have identified and REMOVED the offending content from your funnel.

You can also get some top tips on facebook ad policy in this complimentary eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

4. how to get disabled ad account up and running

Depending on how long your ad account was disabled, sometimes, if your appeal is written correctly, the appeal itself CAN potentially get you reactivated, if you understand to communicate with Facebook ad support correctly. 

5. How Many Policy Violations Before Account is Shut Down?

Typically, it’s a 1 to 10 ratio. For every single rejected ad that you get, you’ll want 10 Facebook ads that are approved. After a pattern of behavior is established by machine learning, from Meta’s automations, you may spiral rapidly into Facebook jail if your ratios aren’t correct. 3 consecutive ads getting rejected risks your ad account getting disabled. But, it also depends on how severe the ban is. 

And, if this still all seems too confusing, your clients are yelling at you to get ads live to bring in money, simply schedule a complimentary Facebook discovery call here

6. How to remove restriction on facebook ad account

As far as removing a restriction on a Facebook ad account, if we’re talking about a disabled ad account, well, you can rehabilitate your funnel and then appeal, possibly getting it reactivated if you do this SMART (I have methods that work if you’re in the appeal window). But as far as removing a restriction from Facebook ads, see the previous FAQ answer: you need to get in a positive approval-cycle ratio.

7. how long does facebook take to review restricted ad account

Now, ask yourself, is it an election year? Have there been over 20,000 Meta employees laid off? Did you word your appeal using specific language Facebook ad support can and will respond better to? These are the factors in play. Typically, you get an answer within a week. If you have a more severe ban or are in the special ad categories, you may get an answer faster but it won’t be one you like. Severe bans end up as permanent restrictions and they deliver that ban hammer faster than other lighter Facebook ad policy restrictions. 

8. how to fix your access can’t be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

In a situation like this, your recovery options depend on what is banned:

a) Facebook Ad Account
b) Facebook Business Page
c) Facebook Business Manager
d) Facebook profile

So, each one may have a different recovery option, depending on your situation, and type of ban it is, as well as your particular niche or business’s vertical, and the health of the accounts before the ban. Want to get a pathway to get Facebook ads live? Schedule your complimentary discovery call here.

9. How To Get Your Disabled Facebook Ad Account Back 

First, let me also address the elephant in the room: personal and emotional attachments to disabled ad accounts. I’ve worked with tons of Fortune 500 level companies, and the amount of hair pulling and FML-ing over ONE ad account being disabled, is incredible. Sometimes, it’s faster, and cheaper, to just start a new ad account, and relaunch, rather than recover a tainted asset.

That being said, the same answer applies here to the instructions above, for appeals

10. How to unblock your Facebook ad account

Now, unblocking an ad account, may be possible if you get in fast enough with the right kind of messaging to Facebook ad support. While they are the gatekeepers, and don’t have any real power, they CAN talk to the right folks who, if you word your appeal right, can unblock your Facebook ad account. And of course, if you need next-level assistance, I’m always available to chat and see if it’s a good fit here

How to appeal for a disapproved Facebook & Instagram ad?

This is a great technique for Facebook ban-proofing your ads. (So is my prescreen service). You are safer the more you are able to use the 3rd person, and avoid saying things like, “Want to lose weight off your fat a$%? Click Learn More!”

If you haven’t had a chance yet, read my break down of Common Facebook Ad Policy Violations [Explained]

Even if you spent a week reading Facebook’s Ad Policies you’d still be at risk of a shut down for Personal Attributes simply because there are ways Facebook’s bots flag you that Facebook isn’t transparent about.

Generally speaking, your ads have to follow a 1000 more rules than you are actually told about.

BUT – don’t miss out on an opportunity to never have to get flagged again.

What if you had a guarantee that your ads were compliant 
before they went live on Facebook? What if you knew 100% without guessing why your ad account was disabled? What if you knew why your Facebook ads were blocked and had a path to get ads live again?

Keep reading for these answers and more: 

New Solution to Facebook Ad Policy Personal Attributes Flag

Ad agencies: tired of getting the silent treatment from Facebook when all you want to do is get your Facebook ads live and revenue in the door?

I’m a Facebook ad policy specialist who worked at Facebook and I’m trusted by high level brands that take accuracy and results seriously.

Facebook account restricted from advertising

I can show you how to resolve FB bans even if Facebook ad support is useless to resolve ad account restrictions.

Don’t lose any more money from Facebook bans and schedule your call with me now.

Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me:

 your access can't be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

It shouldn’t be a mystery on what to do to recover from a ban. I strive for customer satisfaction, being a business owner myself.

Facebook Policy
My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to have a disabled Facebook ad account? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends, immediately secure expert-level Facebook consulting. Book a call with me now!

Facebook jail solution testimonial

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

What Is a Virtual Bookkeeping Business
(And Why Is It Better Than Any Other “Make Money Online” Opportunity Out There):

Work from home
On Day 1 of the Keyboard Rich Challenge, you’ll discover:

How starting a virtual bookkeeping business can give you financial freedom + time with your family & time for yourself, too!

Why you won’t need a prior degree, experience, startup capital, or have any “sales” skills to get clients.

The very few things you need to start your business THIS week—and the stuff you DON’T need that will only waste your time.

Learn a legitimate (and in-demand) skill that businesses love paying good money for – click here to get started making money from home

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

Your Advertising Access Permanently Restricted Help from a Facebook Alum

Give your ad account a fighting chance: While Taylor Swift literally changes economies by visiting a city, business owners and advertisers are battling bots at Meta after seeing the dreaded: Your Advertising Access Permanently Restricted ban.

Taylor Swift Your Advertising Access Permanently Restricted
Facebook did nothing about Taylor Swift ticket hack scam according to BBC news, and are you surprised? I’ve worked at Meta before and after it Facebook got it’s new name and will help you troubleshoot your advertising access permanently Restricted Facebook restriction in this article. Check out my last blog:How to Remove a Restriction on Facebook Ads

Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision

Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision

Sucks when you’re running Facebook ads and see: Your advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision. You can no longer advertise with this business account, and its advertising assets will remain disabled. This is our final decision.

Keep reading to find out how to get Facebook ads live again even if you sent your ID and Facebook said you were permanently restricted.

Why trust me over all the other blogs online? I’ve worked at Facebook in ads, and tech, and with the engineers at Meta.

Trevor W. Goodchild is for brands that need MAXIMUM accuracy.

10-20% off is a the difference of tens, hundreds or even millions. Thinking of quitting Facebook due to all the banned accounts? Well, Facebook is still highly profitable.

As of April 2024, it was found that men between the ages of 25 and 34 years made up Facebook largest audience, accounting for 18.4 percent of global users. Additionally, Facebook’s second largest audience base could be found with men aged 18 to 24 years.

Looking to start your own business Learn more here.

When one word can get you banned, you can’t afford to guess.

Just like my client, Amazon Reality Show star Juanita Ingram of The Expats International Ingrams you’ll discover there are micro flags in ad copy and landing pages that have to be removed first before attempting to appeal or relaunch a brand with Facebook.

Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision
Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call to avoid getting a disabled Facebook ad account.

Facebook ad account permanently restricted

When your ad account generates revenue and that’s restricted, you need to act strategically to get ads live again. 

Advertising access permanently restricted

People all over the world are talking about being permanently restricted on Facebook whether that’s on Reddit or Quora or many other sites.

Facebook will often give advertisers boiler plate warnings without anything specific stated for how you got flagged, why, or what to do about it. Sound familiar?

You are not the only one seeing, “Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision,” unfortunately it happens often due to machine logic for flagging.

One of the drawbacks of the co-dependence on AI is if you’re running Facebook ads, you are judged quick and without mercy – but you’re in luck because I helped the engineers who wrote these automations. And no matter which version of Mark Zuckerberg you go with, he won’t explain why you got banned, but I can.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision
One thing advertisers I’ve worked with often forget SMB to billionaires is that Facebook IS a private website. Meaning, stop complaining about the rules and instead learn how to use them!

But Facebook or Meta now doesn’t clearly explain how and why Facebook bots flag you – and this I’ll help you understand so their evil AIs don’t shut down your funnel again.

Advertising Access Permanently Restricted Guide

Learn next, the best approach to take to ad account restrictions.

Permanent Restriction no more: A Step-by-Step Guide to Solving Facebook Advertising Access Issues

On Facebook or Meta’s side, the problem is a business model issue, where thousands of outsourced workers are used to do Facebook ad support, even if none of them have ever run ads in their life.

Click here to learn How Anyone Can Earn 6 Figures from Home with a Simple Bookkeeping Business

If you understand the WAY the bots flag it can give you first mover advantage over competitors who still get banned.

The very best solution is always a preventative one. Not rushing to resubmit ads, sweating bullets. 

Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision

You DO need to audit first, complain about FB later.

Meaning – be 100% about what’s IN your funnel, how close it comes to the ban hammer, and what specifically to do to ensure your entire ad copy, creative and website follow Facebook’s ad policies to a T.

Just like my client Darryl CEO of King Memory found out, and shared on LinkedIn there are specific ways to work with Facebook policies without losing conversions or getting stuck in Facebook jail:

Facebook customer feedback
Trevor W. Goodchild reveals what key metrics matter when staying out of Facebook jail. This means better more profitable decisions when ad buying and running campaigns. Schedule your discovery call now

Advertising Access Permanently Restricted: Ad Accounts

Let’s discuss how to save time and money troubleshooting a restricted ad account.

Facebook ad account restricted – what does it mean? 

When your ad account on Facebook has been restricted it’s because specific actions or content triggered the automations to first score you, track you, rate you, evaluate your ad history and decide if you are a threat to the platform. You’ll lose money if you submit a previously rejected ad for review again without finding out first why it was banned. And you’ll waste time submitting a noncompliant ad back to Facebook.
The trick is to find out why the automations flagged your particular business model and fix this in your funnel.

Advertising Access Permanently Restricted: Why

Up next, let’s cover some easy steps to getting bailed out of Facebook jail.

Why is my Facebook advertising account restricted?

If you’re seeing advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision, that means there is something specific you did to trigger this.

Identifying the content, words, or actions that got you on the radar is the first step towards getting out of Facebook jail.

Facebook doesn’t approve your advertisements due to violating Facebook’s advertising policies

Facebook doesn’t personally care about you so it isn’t personal – with billions of ads to scan for policy on a daily basis, they are just trying to do the bare minimum to keep online.

Advertising access permanently restricted Explained

A lot of times you can prevent yourself from seeing that message we all love to hate, that your Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision

This message is the death of your ad account – I’ve rarely seen this fixed unless you’re working with me at the time it happened and we can appeal within 48 hours.

Advertising Access Permanently Restricted: New Tip

How do I fix my restricted Facebook account?

One of the best ways is to stop immediately appealing bans.

If you leap before you look, there’s a good chance you’ll end up between a rock and a hard place when it comes to Facebook ad policies.

Ideally you’re keeping tabs on the latest Facebook ad policies, and new changes to them, as well as how your funnel stacks up to new restrictions Facebook creates (like right now you cannot advertise anywhere near Russia without getting shut down because of the ban on ads in that area due to the Russia-Ukraine war).

Have a lander that got you in trouble? Read my guide on landing pageshere

There are a few ways to contact Facebook Support online if Advertising access permanently restricted

what you can do - Facebook account restricted from advertising
If you are a seasoned Facebook ads vet you know what a dumpster fire Facebook ad support is this year.

We used to have great service until it was outsourced. American jobs were lost and globally, support dropped for ad agencies seeing ban hammer warnings like Advertising access permanently restricted.

While I can give you the link to Facebook ad support – it’s here and correct when I published this blog, Facebook ad support will rarely have good advice.

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Work when you want, schedule your own hours with a legitimate business in high demand but low supply – learn how to be your own boss. Click here to find out more

Definitive Guide: Why Is My Advertising Access Restricted on Facebook?

It all starts wit Facebook’s business model – outsource for cheap labor who are not trained and don’t know anything – so, you are asking someone who has never had skin in the game to help you with a warning they are not trained on.

If you’ve read How to Unrestrict My Ad Account you get how vital your appeal strategy is and has to be, and not left up to guesses from sweat shops.

Facebook Restrictions: Advertising access permanently restricted

Want to know a big miss I see ad agencies make for how they THINK about Facebook jail and ad bans?

Forgetting that Facebook has a global audience and is literally ONE website dealing with billions PER DAY accessing – and this leads to bandwidth issues for Facebook.

Want to avoid an Advertising access permanently restricted ban?

Keep in mind that the actions you take on Facebook have a ripple effect, and the help you get from Facebook depends on your ad account history, your region, the back log Facebook currently has, and internal technical glitches that may be wide spread.

I helped fix these when I was in tech at FB.

The problem is that if you immediately appeal an ad or ad account or disabled Business Manager without understanding the ad policies YOU MISS things you may be able to do RIGHT NOW to put you in a better light with Facebook.

I remember waking up at 3am getting calls that Facebook servers were down and having to work with engineering [ENG] to get Facebook back online. When you don’t incorporate bandwidth into your advertising compliance strategy you put yourself at a higher risk because simply said:

Facebook ads don't convert

Why Is My Facebook Advertising Account Restricted?

I’ve seen a thousand and one reasons why Facebook ad accounts get rejected. When Facebook accounts are restricted from advertising, what’s seldom talked about is the difference of ad policy enforcement per industry.

Given my history of working with thousands of ad agencies both while I was working AT Facebook and in my own practice, I have stats on which ad policies are triggered the most in specific niches. Like personal attributes flags being higher in weight loss niches.

Understanding how YOUR specific niche interacts with Facebook ad policy automations is KEY to staying out of Facebook jail and avoiding an Advertising access permanently restricted ban.

Should we just give this to your competitors?

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Advertising access permanently restricted: Myth Busting

Ok, I see A LOT of bullshit online by people guessing and making shit up about Facebook and Facebook ad policies, so I have to call them out if they are not providing solutions forAdvertising access permanently restricted.

This blog blatantly ripped me off, stealing my content and trying to mimic how I structure my blogs. Which ok, cool if you have to and you think I’m that legendary BUT the info ABOUT Facebook is wrong:
Link Instagram to Facebook
First of all, the best action is NOT to whine to Facebook about your problems. How has whining to Facebook worked so far?

• No answers
• Inaccurate info
• Advice that gets you banned worse

“They will help you reactivate your account,”

WOW. Total bullshit. Most of the time Facebook ad support is just throwing shots in the dark – again never having run an ad that made them money.

“Facebook has made it easier to review your account with the Account Quality page,”


The Account Quality page in Business Manager is connected to the same or similar algorithm that governs Page Insights – which have ALWAYS been buggy and inaccurate. I’ve had ads perform at 2 cents per CPA and account quality said the ad was under performing.

So basically this entire section “Solutions to Restricted Facebook Account” offered…ZERO solutions. And it’s ignorant. And it copies my blog but provides bad info. Not a good look guys!

Definitely won’t help you solve Advertising access permanently restricted.

If you’ve read my What to Do After Violating Facebook’s Ad Policies [Step-by-Step Guide] you found out there ARE hidden clues in FB warnings  – BUT you may need an expert to decode into everyday language.

If you’re like my client Jack Randall, President of Social Flight, you’re tired of beating your head against the wall trying to guess why Facebook has shut you down, and want answers faster.

“Trevor helped me successfully diagnose exactly why my ad account was disabled, and helped me frame out a plan to move forward.” 👍🏻

Click here, to schedule a discovery call.

What if you had a guarantee that your ads were compliant before they went live on Facebook?

Keep reading for these answers and more: 

Remove a Restriction on a Facebook Ad Account Solution

Ad agencies: tired of getting the silent treatment from Facebook when all you want to do is get your Facebook ads live and revenue in the door?

I’m a Facebook ad policy specialist who worked at Facebook and I’m trusted by high level brands that take accuracy and results seriously.

Facebook account restricted from advertising

I can show you how to resolve FB bans even if Facebook ad support is useless to resolve ad account restrictions.

Don’t lose any more money from Facebook bans and schedule your call with me now.

Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me:

Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision

It shouldn’t be a mystery on what to do to recover from a ban. I strive for customer satisfaction, being a business owner myself.

Facebook Policy
My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to have a disabled Facebook ad account? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends, immediately secure expert-level Facebook consulting. Book a call with me now!

Facebook jail solution testimonial

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

What Is a Virtual Bookkeeping Business
(And Why Is It Better Than Any Other “Make Money Online” Opportunity Out There):
Work from home
On Day 1 of the Keyboard Rich Challenge, you’ll discover:

How starting a virtual bookkeeping business can give you financial freedom + time with your family & time for yourself, too!

Why you won’t need a prior degree, experience, startup capital, or have any “sales” skills to get clients.

The very few things you need to start your business THIS week—and the stuff you DON’T need that will only waste your time.

Learn a legitimate (and in-demand) skill that businesses love paying good money for – click here to get started making money from home

Ad Account Restricted Facebook FAQ

Facebook ad account disabled FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to fix ad account disabled on facebook

Your first step should always be to stop active ads running with the same copy as the rejected ad, then audit your funnel for flags, and appeal using the strategy outlined in the appeal section of the FAQs

2. How to enable my disabled facebook ad account

If you have a spare ad account in your Facebook Business Manager that you can run ads from, feel free to. BUT, identify the micro and major flags FIRST, so as not to repeat the same mistake. 

Ready to Finally Make the Money You Need in the Hours That Work for You & Your Family? Don’t miss out,Learn More here.

3. How to appeal a disabled facebook ad account

As far as how to appeal a disabled Facebook ad account, you’ll get 48 hours to make your appeal. The best strategy is to communicate to Meta | Facebook that:

A. You understand WHY you were banned.
B. You are committed to following the policies from here on out.
C. You have identified and REMOVED the offending content from your funnel.

You can also get some top tips on facebook ad policy in this complimentary eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

4. how to get disabled ad account up and running

Depending on how long your ad account was disabled, sometimes, if your appeal is written correctly, the appeal itself CAN potentially get you reactivated, if you understand to communicate with Facebook ad support correctly. 

5. How Many Policy Violations Before Account is Shut Down?

Typically, it’s a 1 to 10 ratio. For every single rejected ad that you get, you’ll want 10 Facebook ads that are approved. After a pattern of behavior is established by machine learning, from Meta’s automations, you may spiral rapidly into Facebook jail if your ratios aren’t correct. 3 consecutive ads getting rejected risks your ad account getting disabled. But, it also depends on how severe the ban is. 

And, if this still all seems too confusing, your clients are yelling at you to get ads live to bring in money, simply schedule a complimentary Facebook discovery call here

6. How to remove restriction on facebook ad account

As far as removing a restriction on a Facebook ad account, if we’re talking about a disabled ad account, well, you can rehabilitate your funnel and then appeal, possibly getting it reactivated if you do this SMART (I have methods that work if you’re in the appeal window). But as far as removing a restriction from Facebook ads, see the previous FAQ answer: you need to get in a positive approval-cycle ratio.

7. how long does facebook take to review restricted ad account

Now, ask yourself, is it an election year? Have there been over 20,000 Meta employees laid off? Did you word your appeal using specific language Facebook ad support can and will respond better to? These are the factors in play. Typically, you get an answer within a week. If you have a more severe ban or are in the special ad categories, you may get an answer faster but it won’t be one you like. Severe bans end up as permanent restrictions and they deliver that ban hammer faster than other lighter Facebook ad policy restrictions. 

8. how to fix your access can’t be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

In a situation like this, your recovery options depend on what is banned:

a) Facebook Ad Account
b) Facebook Business Page
c) Facebook Business Manager
d) Facebook profile

So, each one may have a different recovery option, depending on your situation, and type of ban it is, as well as your particular niche or business’s vertical, and the health of the accounts before the ban. Want to get a pathway to get Facebook ads live? Schedule your complimentary discovery call here.

9. How To Get Your Disabled Facebook Ad Account Back 

First, let me also address the elephant in the room: personal and emotional attachments to disabled ad accounts. I’ve worked with tons of Fortune 500 level companies, and the amount of hair pulling and FML-ing over ONE ad account being disabled, is incredible. Sometimes, it’s faster, and cheaper, to just start a new ad account, and relaunch, rather than recover a tainted asset.

That being said, the same answer applies here to the instructions above, for appeals

10. How to unblock your Facebook ad account

Now, unblocking an ad account, may be possible if you get in fast enough with the right kind of messaging to Facebook ad support. While they are the gatekeepers, and don’t have any real power, they CAN talk to the right folks who, if you word your appeal right, can unblock your Facebook ad account. And of course, if you need next-level assistance, I’m always available to chat and see if it’s a good fit here.

What to Do If Your Facebook Ad Account Is Disabled

Are you seeking to recover from seeing your Facebook ad account disabled? You’ve come to the right place. I’ve worked at Meta and will be sharing some great tactics.

recover disabled facebook account

Stuck trying to recover a disabled facebook account can be a pain when Facebook aka Meta is not not helping. Today, I’m going to dive into more solutions to a Facebook ad account disabled.

After working high up at Facebook in ads, tech and the creator monetization program I help advertisers get out of Facebook jail – the smart way, not the hard way, and teach you what to do when you get the notification: Facebook ad account disabled.

In a rush to get your Facebook ads live again or pinpoint why Facebook’s bots shut you down? Simply Click here, to schedule a discovery call.

What to do if your Facebook Ad Account is disabled

Madgicx vector logo dark variant • Madgicx vector logo dark variant • Facebook Ad Account disabled • One of the error messages you can receive for a disabled Facebook ad account. Image shows a big red padlock and an error message that says you can't run ads or manage ad accounts. • Another type of error message you may receive for a disabled Facebook ad account. This text error message includes a reason why and an option to contact Meta. • Image of post performance with engagement stats and the negative feedback portion highlighted at the bottom. • View of the appeal form that may appear for you to request a review of a restricted or disabled Facebook ad account. • Next part of the appeal form process to request a review of a disabled or restricted Facebook Ad account • The "Still need help" section with the highlighted "Contact support" button. • View of the "Business Support Home" page showing any recent account issues, your accounts, and your support cases sections. • ROAS formula • Where do I find my Meta (Facebook) Pixel ID? • Link Instagram to Facebook • Madgicx vector logo light color variant.

The first thing I’d suggest doing is making sure you don’t fall into the trap of immediately appealing. I know, it seems counterintuitive, because you want to get your Facebook ads live right?

But shooting first and asking questions later hasn’t worked well for the police these days and it won’t work well for you, if you’re trying to recover your disabled Facebook ad account.

Also, one of the quickest ways to get scammed is to believe randos online that say, “Just give me your PayPal info and FB Login info and I’ll recover and reactivate your Facebook account.” These are probably THE SAME ONES who would hack you later if you didn’t voluntarily give away sensitive security data.

The second thing I’d suggest is to assess how severe the flag is, what led to getting on the radar with Facebook’s bots in the first place, and locate where in your funnel you have shutdown flag at, and removing it. In a perfect world, you’d replace the ban flags with compliant copy.

But we don’t live in a perfect world do we? So, if you can’t find all the flags in your marketing funnel that are getting you shut down, you may want to talk to an expert on this.

I’ve worked with celebrities, to SMBs, and even Facebook engineers and Twitter software engineers working for Elon Musk have asked me for help. I don’t work with everyone, but to see if you qualify, schedule a complimentary discovery call here.

Facebook ad account disabled: Myth Busting

It’s still happening: myths being told that all you need to do is verify your Facebook Business Manager or click Request Review to get your disabled ad account active again.

This kind of advice gets you locked in Facebook jail, in an endless loop, where you’re asked to provide your ID and fill out half-working forms that lose your info before it gets to Facebook.

Now, there is a 1 in 10 chance that verifying your Facebook Business Manager will work. But you want to set up protections ahead of time instead of spinning the barrel and hoping when the hammer snaps down, that a bullet isn’t in the chamber.

I’ve talked to, literally one person was able to get their ads active again by verifying their Facebook Business Manager.

And, they tried to rub it in my face, like they’d invented the cure for cancer, not knowing the actual statistics behind how unlikely Facebook is to even reply once you’re in Facebook jail. So, sure, Facebook CAN swoop in and both ban AND unban you, in a matter of hours or even minutes. But look at the stats.

Out of the last 1,275 advertisers and businesses running Facebook ads I’ve spoken with, 1 person was able to get help from Facebook on reactivating their disabled ad account.

One person. What’s the success rate of that ratio? Well, 10 people succeeding this way would be 1 percent of 1000. ONE person succeeding using the self-service appeal tools out of 1000 that haven’t? That’s 0.1%. Wow.

If you are in the lucky 0.1% that Facebook DOES decide to help, congratulations. But that is not the majority. If Facebook helps you, it isn’t because you did a strategy for recovering a disabled Facebook ad account.

It was luck. Luck that Facebook’s backlog was low enough that they got to your case this week. Luck that the English-as-a-second-language Facebook ad support agent even understood the words you said.

And LUCK that you managed to get a disabled ad account reactivated. But the other 1,274 advertisers? They were $h%&! out of luck trusting that Facebook would look after their disabled ad accounts.

Luck is not a strategy. 

Everything you can do to reinstate including how to resolve payment issues, rejected ads, and get support. 

Working inside of Facebook, I saw a lot of marketers banned & get shut down for just one word or honest mistakes. But, failing to identify the flags right away, they tried to run new ads.

Facebooks bots interpretation of that was to drop ANOTHER ban hammer down for trying to circumvent Facebook’s systems. When you have an ad account get disabled it stops the money from ad sales from hitting your bank account.

While you can’t get that money back, you CAN prevent yourself from getting a Facebook ad account disabled. You’ll want to make sure your bank isn’t blocking Facebook ad charges first – if they are Facebook just thinks you’re a spammer trying to steal ad space for free. Making sure the bank isn’t blocking the ad charges will help resolve those payment issues.

Getting a disabled Facebook ad account also hurts your track record with Facebook on both the front end and the back end.

To have a chance at reactivating your disabled Facebook ad account you’ll need to correctly identify what piece of your funnel triggered the automations to lay down the ban hammer. And you may be surprised to learn it’s a flag you never thought of that triggered a Facebook ad account disabled. But, clarity here will help resolve rejected ads.

After you know exactly why you were flagged and can present this in the specific way Facebook ad support responds well to, what little support they offer, can be yours. I have a method that has worked more often than not.

Another pattern I saw while working in ads at Meta, was that marketing agencies would build up micro-flags on their ad account. These micro flags by themselves were not enough to get, say a Business Manager disabled. But, they DO add up.

And, after enough smaller flags, everything gets shut down and get folks a Facebook ad account disabled. There is a better way to ensure you get your ad account back.

(Check out my article Facebook ad account disabled next steps).

Why was your Facebook ad account disabled?

What to try if you struggle with identifying WHY you were flagged 

I think one of the most frustrating aspects of dealing with a disabled Facebook ad account is the lack of transparency from Facebook – ironic that Meta calls their facebook ad policies pages the “transparency center.”

As mentioned above, you can get your Facebook ad account disabled from crossing a threshold of smaller flags adding up to a ban-level amount. But, if you accidentally use the wrong wording, you can also get misflagged as a special ad category even if you are
not in real estate or employment.

Facebook ad account disabled: The Truth About Ad Support

Now, what is also confusing, is that Facebook ad support is ALSO guessing at how to solve your Facebook ad policy issues – these are not the decision makers, just gatekeepers.

They have no clue what to say or do, and are paid by the hour to get AS MANY calls as possible. Uh…what was that you said about Quality Control?

recover disabled facebook account

Meantime, you’re typing fast into the chat box, screaming, “Help! I have a Facebook ad account disabled!”

But, if have not correctly identified the flag, then you won’t say the right things to Facebook ad support, that will trigger them to use their limited tools to help. Want to stop guessing and get actual answers and a path to get ads live again?

As Liana Lang, CEO of Power Up Strategy Inc. said, “Please meet Trevor, my ‘secret weapon’ for all things Facebook compliance. I highly recommend hiring him to help you out especially if you plan to be running ads.”

Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call.

How to recover a disabled Facebook ad account

If you’re trying to recover a disabled Facebook ad account, first think about why you want to recover it. Is it just to run ads? There are otherwise besides recovery to run ads.

Ironically, the best solution for recovering a disabled Facebook ad account can sometime be just taking a new approach, whose end result is live Facebook ads bringing your company revenue.

Facebook has 3 billion daily active users now, and have more money than they know what to do with especially after firing a bunch of people in the great tech layoffs.

facebook disabled ad account tech layoffs
You’re better off reading articles like:How to Remove a Restriction on a Facebook Ad Account or watching one of my videos on what to do in these situations, than hear the copy and paste responses pasted into Facebook ad support chat to you when you’re chatting in about a Facebook ad account disabled.

What to do if you get a Facebook ad account disabled

If you get a Facebook ad account disabled, check the rest of the ads running in Facebook ads manager, and see what are duplicated for ad copy and creative, from the ads running in the ad account that got restricted.

Find commonalities and narrow down why you were restricted, then remove the offending copy from your entire funnel.

Recognize the signs of a disabled Facebook ad account 

The first sign you’re dealing with a Facebook ad account disabled situation, is of course, the notification Facebook or Meta gives you. But, you may start to see your reach and spend get reduced before you get shut down.

The impact of a Facebook ad account disabled

Each rejection you get, no matter what kind, will add a black mark on your Facebook credibility. It’s kind of like each conviction on your criminal record affects your ability to get a new job.

Just like poor customer feedback in reviews on Facebook Business Pages can lead to a dip in the quality score, and eventually advertising restricted, so can a disabled ad account.

The real impact of getting a Facebook ad account disabled is in the ad assets that are now on the chopping block to get banned before a total shut down. It’s about machines, having less faith in humans, as crazy as that sounds, it’s how the automations work. The rise of the machines.

Facebook ad account disabled rise of the machines
So call me the Resistance, trying to educate advertisers on all the friggin trapdoors in ad policies and ad machines. Get your discovery call here, complimentary.

Why did you get a Facebook ad account disabled?

Waking up at 3:00am, refreshing Ads Manager, looking for some sign of hope, you keep asking “Why did I get a Facebook ad account disabled?!!”

Machines man, I tell you. Way before the lay offs began, when my coworkers at Meta, product marketing managers and PMs were sent packing, Facebook had begun relying on automations for policy flagging. The issue is, the bots don’t get human context.

And, after a period of time, if your rejections outnumbered your approvals, instead of being tried before a jury of your peers, this Kangaroo Court was chaperoned by ANOTHER machine that monitored the OTHER machines…it became a game of simply statistics.

Understanding how that works, is one of the keys to staying out of Facebook jail.

How to prevent your Facebook ad account from getting disabled

The best way to prevent your Facebook ad account from getting disabled is to do regular audits for Facebook ad policy violations. Make sure your ads are compliant before submitting them. Don’t use submitting Facebook ads as a way to find out if you are going to get banned. Instead, use an expert on Facebook ad policy to add further protection to your money maker – the ad account. 

Facebook ad account disabled: Understanding Facebook’s Ad Policies 

When avoiding getting a Facebook ad account disabled, it’s important to consider Facebook’s policies. Facebook wants you to advertising, but they don’t want you to be too offensive to their customer base. And on Facebook, the customer IS the product.

If you get that, you get how valuable each Facebook user is to Facebook. Filter your POV about Facebook ad policies through that understanding and you may start to grasp how this works.

Immediate Steps to Take after hit with a Facebook ad account disabled

The immediate steps to take after getting hit with a Facebook ad account disabled, is to first, stop what you’re doing. Don’t try to edit the ad immediately – it’s a dumb mistake born out of panic most people make. The 2nd thing to do is make sure there are not any bad actors in your Facebook Business Manager who are dealing with Facebook issues ELSEWHERE. And of course make sure you haven’t been hacked. 

Facebook ad account disabled: Submitting an Appeal to Facebook 

So, once you have confirmed you have a Facebook ad account disabled, you’ll want to devise a strategy to appeal the ban. That strategy, by the way, doesn’t mean cursing out Facebook ad support. Or just hitting the appeal button as fast as possible. Or not using ANY strategy when appealing, then several weeks later feeling like:

facebook ad account disabled appeal meme
You essentially have 2 main strategies for a successful appeal: telling Facebook ad support WHY you got shut down, and 2. Making them, through specific language, use what limited tools they have, to submit an appeal for you.

Conclusion: Navigating through Facebook ad complications

How I turned things around for an ad agency stuck in Facebook jail

When Jack Randall of SocialFlight, Inc. contacted me, he didn’t know what to do. Facebook went silent, and Jack didn’t know how severe his Facebook ban was.

Meta wouldn’t tell Jack if he had a chance of recovery or what to do to get his ads live again. Or the timeframe for getting this fixed.

Luckily, Jack found me, and I helped him uncover why he was banned, and took the appropriate steps to get his funnel compliant and his Facebook ads running again.

Want this experience as well? Schedule a complimentary discovery call here.

How to Recover a Disabled Facebook Account

The truth about people promising to recover your disabled Facebook ad account

An additional challenge as a business owner you’ll have to overcome is when googling “how to recover disabled facebook account” you’ll get tons of articles like this one or..

How to Recover a Disabled Facebook Account or this one, or FB’s article here, which is only aimed at NON-advertisers who are NOT businesses with skin in the game.

Most of the folks who read those articles have forgotten their passwords or gotten hacked(for the most comprehensive guide on what to do if you’ve been hacked while running Facebook ads, click here)

Sadly, many people online try to take advantage if you if you are googling how to recover a disabled Facebook ad account. They’ll send you emails as well:

options for hiding Facebook ads in feed

Don’t get ripped off! Read How to Recover Facebook Ad Accounts now

As far as how to ACTUALLY recover a disabled Facebook ad account, you have 48 hours to make your appeal, and use an effective tactic to communicate to Meta that:

A. You understand WHY you were banned.
B. You are committed to following the policies from here on out.
C. You have identified and REMOVED the offending content from your funnel.

If you’ve been shutdown a lot but never got answers, you’re like one of my clients, Steve Martinez, Vice President of Apollidon Learning.

“Trevor took us through the process of getting one of our University of Texas ad accounts reinstated (within minutes). He offered some critical insights to why our Facebook Ad Account was disabled and shared options to reduce our chances of future issues. We have a better understand of how the algorithm works and know exactly what to do and say if our account gets disabled again.”

Want to see how I can help you? Schedule a free discovery call here. Or, if you’re in a rush, prepay for your consulting call and skip the line.


Facebook ad account disabled FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to fix ad account disabled on facebook

Your first step should always be to stop active ads running with the same copy as the rejected ad, then audit your funnel for flags, and appeal using the strategy outlined in the appeal section of the FAQs

2. How to enable my disabled facebook ad account

If you have a spare ad account in your Facebook Business Manager that you can run ads from, feel free to. BUT, identify the micro and major flags FIRST, so as not to repeat the same mistake. 

3. How to appeal a disabled facebook ad account

As far as how to appeal a disabled Facebook ad account, you’ll get 48 hours to make your appeal. The best strategy is to communicate to Meta | Facebook that:

A. You understand WHY you were banned.
B. You are committed to following the policies from here on out.
C. You have identified and REMOVED the offending content from your funnel.

You can also get some top tips on facebook ad policy in this complimentary eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

4. how to get disabled ad account up and running

Depending on how long your ad account was disabled, sometimes, if your appeal is written correctly, the appeal itself CAN potentially get you reactivated, if you understand to communicate with Facebook ad support correctly. 

5. How Many Policy Violations Before Account is Shut Down?

Typically, it’s a 1 to 10 ratio. For every single rejected ad that you get, you’ll want 10 Facebook ads that are approved. After a pattern of behavior is established by machine learning, from Meta’s automations, you may spiral rapidly into Facebook jail if your ratios aren’t correct. 3 consecutive ads getting rejected risks your ad account getting disabled. But, it also depends on how severe the ban is. 

And, if this still all seems too confusing, your clients are yelling at you to get ads live to bring in money, simply schedule a complimentary Facebook discovery call here

6. How to remove restriction on facebook ad account

As far as removing a restriction on a Facebook ad account, if we’re talking about a disabled ad account, well, you can rehabilitate your funnel and then appeal, possibly getting it reactivated if you do this SMART (I have methods that work if you’re in the appeal window). But as far as removing a restriction from Facebook ads, see the previous FAQ answer: you need to get in a positive approval-cycle ratio.

7. how long does facebook take to review restricted ad account

Now, ask yourself, is it an election year? Have there been over 20,000 Meta employees laid off? Did you word your appeal using specific language Facebook ad support can and will respond better to? These are the factors in play. Typically, you get an answer within a week. If you have a more severe ban or are in the special ad categories, you may get an answer faster but it won’t be one you like. Severe bans end up as permanent restrictions and they deliver that ban hammer faster than other lighter Facebook ad policy restrictions. 

8. how to fix your access can’t be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

In a situation like this, your recovery options depend on what is banned:

a) Facebook Ad Account
b) Facebook Business Page
c) Facebook Business Manager
d) Facebook profile

So, each one may have a different recovery option, depending on your situation, and type of ban it is, as well as your particular niche or business’s vertical, and the health of the accounts before the ban. Want to get a pathway to get Facebook ads live? Schedule your complimentary discovery call here.

9. How To Get Your Disabled Facebook Ad Account Back 

First, let me also address the elephant in the room: personal and emotional attachments to disabled ad accounts. I’ve worked with tons of Fortune 500 level companies, and the amount of hair pulling and FML-ing over ONE ad account being disabled, is incredible. Sometimes, it’s faster, and cheaper, to just start a new ad account, and relaunch, rather than recover a tainted asset.

That being said, the same answer applies here to the instructions above, for appeals

10. How to unblock your Facebook ad account

Now, unblocking an ad account, may be possible if you get in fast enough with the right kind of messaging to Facebook ad support. While they are the gatekeepers, and don’t have any real power, they CAN talk to the right folks who, if you word your appeal right, can unblock your Facebook ad account. And of course, if you need next-level assistance, I’m always available to chat and see if it’s a good fit here

Recover Disabled Facebook Account Learn More

Anyone who says they’ll recover disabled facebook accounts is lying. Spammers will say things like paypal me $60 and I’ll get your ad account back. That’s a lie. You’ll be ripped off if you think these hackers can help you recover from issues with a Facebook ad account disabled.

Account Managers at Facebook are the only ones who can actually recover your disabled ad account. Now, if you’re contacting me within 24 to at the max 48 hours after getting shut down (a week at the longest for a slim chance), I may be able to write an appeal for you, depending on why you were shut down.

Outside those 2 options, appealing is harder than relaunching. Even if you spent a week reading Facebook’s Ad Policies you’d still be at risk of a shut down because there are 10,000 more Facebook ad policies Facebook’s bots flag you that Facebook isn’t transparent about.

What if you had a guarantee that your ads were compliant 
before they went live on Facebook? What if you knew 100% without guessing why your ad account was disabled? What if you knew why your Facebook ads were blocked and had a path to get ads live again?

Keep reading for these answers and more: 

New Solution to Facebook ad account disabled

Ad agencies: tired of getting the silent treatment from Facebook when all you want to do is get your Facebook ads live and revenue in the door?

I’m a Facebook ad policy specialist who worked at Facebook and I’m trusted by high level brands that take accuracy and results seriously.

Facebook account restricted from advertising

I can show you how to resolve FB bans even if Facebook ad support is useless to resolve ad account restrictions.

Don’t lose any more money from Facebook bans and schedule your call with me now.

Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me:

 your access can't be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

It shouldn’t be a mystery on what to do to recover from a ban. I strive for customer satisfaction, being a business owner myself.

Facebook Policy
My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to have a disabled Facebook ad account? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends, immediately secure expert-level Facebook consulting. Book a call with me now!

Facebook jail solution testimonial

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

Recover Facebook ad account disabled

Are you seeking to recover from seeing your Facebook ad account disabled? You’ve come to the right place. 

recover disabled facebook account

Stuck trying to recover a disabled facebook account? Facebook aka Meta not helping? You’ve come to the right place for solutions to a Facebook ad account disabled.

After working high up at Facebook in ads, tech and the creator monetization program I help advertisers get out of Facebook jail – the smart way, not the hard way, and teach you what to do when you get the notification: Facebook ad account disabled.

In a rush to get your Facebook ads live again or pinpoint why Facebook’s bots shut you down? Simply Click here, to schedule a discovery call.

Reactivate your Facebook account

One of the quickest ways to get scammed is to believe randos online that say, “Just give me your PayPal info and FB Login info and I’ll recover and reactivate your Facebook account.” These are probably THE SAME ONES who would hack you later if you didn’t voluntarily give away sensitive security data.

The first step is to assess how severe the flag is, what led to getting on the radar with Facebook’s bots in the first place, and all the places you have this same flag in your funnel. Ideally, removing them and swapping out with compliant copy.

I’ve worked with celebrities, to SMBs, and even Facebook engineers and Twitter software engineers working for Elon Musk have asked me for help. I don’t work with everyone, but to see if you qualify, schedule a complimentary discovery call here.

Facebook ad account disabled: Chain Effect 

Working inside of Facebook, I saw a lot of marketers banned & get shut down for just one word or honest mistakes. But, failing to identify the flags right away, they tried to run new ads. Facebook’s bots interpretation of that was to drop ANOTHER ban hammer down for trying to circumvent Facebook’s systems. When you have an ad account get disabled it stops the money from ad sales from hitting your bank account. While you can’t get that money back, you CAN prevent yourself from getting a Facebook ad account disabled.

Getting a disabled Facebook ad account also hurts your track record with Facebook on both the front end and the back end.

To have a chance at reactivating your disabled Facebook ad account you’ll need to correctly identify what piece of your funnel triggered the automations to lay down the ban hammer. And you may be surprised to learn it’s a flag you never thought of that triggered a Facebook ad account disabled

Another pattern I saw while working in ads, then later tech was marketing agencies would accumulate micro-flags, that by themselves were not enough to get, say a Business Manager disabled. But, they DO add up. And, after enough smaller flags, everything gets shut down.While appealing can help, appealing without auditing your funnel first missed out on the chance to actually get the appeal approved and recover from getting a Facebook ad account disabled. There is a better way to ensure you get your ad account back.

Creating New [Disabled] Accounts

Back in the day, you could easily make a new ad account in your Facebook Business Manager and advertise pretty quickly. Hell, when I began working at Facebook the ad account creation limit was A THOUSAND ad accounts! But after January 2022 Facebook started limiting the ad account creation limit for Facebook Business Managers, which made restarting after a shut down a little more challenging after getting hit with a Facebook ad account disabled.

When you have a disabled facebook ad account, don’t panic. Because acting too quickly may lead Facebook to treat you more suspiciously. You really gotta start with a risk assessment before devising a winning strategy.

Now, if you’re in the Ecommerce space you may remember when 2020 shipping delays from China hurt your Facebook Business Page quality score, even though it wasn’t your fault. Because…literally a global pandemic was under way. If you don’t know someone like me, getting permanently restricted, is, full stop, gonna prevent you from running ads again, after you’re notified you have a Facebook ad account disabled.

These are smart questions to ask before trying to appeal and recover a disabled Facebook ad account (Check out my article Facebook ad account disabled next steps).

Facebook ad account disabled: The Truth About Ad Support

Now, what is also confusing, is that Facebook ad support is ALSO guessing at how to solve your Facebook ad policy issues. They have no clue what to say or do, and are paid by the hour to get AS MANY calls as possible. Uh…what was that you said about Quality Control?

Facebook ad account disabled FB ad support a joke

Meantime, you’re typing fast into the chat box, screaming, “Help! I was told I have a Facebook ad account disabled!”

But, if have NOT correctly identified the flag, then you WON’T have this knowledge to use in your appeal to show Facebook that you’ve learned your lesson and won’t repeat the same mistakes with facebook ad policies.

As Liana Lang, CEO of Power Up Strategy Inc. said, “Please meet Trevor, my ‘secret weapon’ for all things Facebook compliance. I highly recommend hiring him to help you out especially if you plan to be running ads.”

Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call.

When Facebook is Fuzzy Here’s Some Clarity

I think a lot of the mistakes advertisers make when trying to talk to Facebook is feeling like their case is significant to Meta. It is not. They have 3 billion daily active users now, and have more money than they know what to do with especially after firing a bunch of people in the great tech layoffs.

Facebook ad account disabled
You’re better off reading articles like: You Won’t Believe How Facebook Bans Advertisers for Ad Account Restriction, or watching one of my videos on what to do in these situations, than hear the copy and paste responses pasted into Facebook ad support chat to you when you’re chatting in about a Facebook ad account disabled.

What to do if you get a Facebook ad account disabled

A helpful tip is to think about what your goals are with Facebook ads, and trying to recover a disabled ad account. If you are sentimental about an old profile, or ad account, just remember, these are merely vehicles towards the end goal: Conversion sales, and brand awareness.

If you got an email saying you now have a
Facebook ad account disabled, before freaking out, think about your end goal. Is it to recover an ad account or is it to get 4X ROI on ad spend?

Recognize the signs of a disabled Facebook ad account 

The first sign you’re dealing with a Facebook ad account disabled situation, is of course, the notification Facebook or Meta gives you. But, you may start to see your reach and spend get throttled way before you get shut down.

The impact of a Facebook ad account disabled

Each rejection you get, no matter what kind, will be a black mark on your Facebook credibility. Just like poor customer feedback in reviews on Facebook Business Pages can lead to a dip in the quality score, and eventually advertising restricted, so can a disabled ad account. What I mean is, no matter how bad it gets, there is always something new Facebook à la  Meta can take away.

The real impact of getting a Facebook ad account disabled is in the UNaffected assets that are now on the line to get banned before a total shut down. It’s about machines, having less faith in humans, as crazy as that sounds, it’s how the automations work.

Facebook ad account disabled rise of machines
So call me mofuckin John Connor here, as I can help when Facebook bots put you on the radar and try to launch Skynet into your ad account. Get a discovery call here, complimentary.

Why did you get a Facebook ad account disabled?

Waking up at 3:00am, refreshing Ads Manager, looking for some sign of hope, you keep asking “Why did I get a Facebook ad account disabled?!!”

Machines man, I tell you. Way before the lay offs began, when my coworkers at Meta, product marketing managers and PMs were sent packing, Facebook had begun relying on automations for policy flagging. The issue is, the bots don’t get human context.

And, after a period of time, if your rejections outnumbered your approvals, instead of being tried before a jury of your peers, this Kangaroo Court was chaperoned by ANOTHER machine that monitored the OTHER machines…it became a game of simply statistics.

Understanding how that works, is one of the keys to staying out of Facebook jail.

Facebook ad account disabled: Understanding Facebook’s Ad Policies 

When avoiding getting a Facebook ad account disabled, it’s important to consider Facebook’s policies. Facebook wants you to advertising, but they DON’T want you to be too offensive to their customer base. And on Facebook, the customer IS the product.

If you grok that, you get how valuable each Facebook user is to Facebook. Filter your POV about Facebook ad policies through that understanding and you may start to grasp how this works.

Immediate Steps to Take after hit with a Facebook ad account disabled

The immediate steps to take after getting hit with a Facebook ad account disabled, is to first, stop what you’re doing. Don’t try to edit the ad immediately – it’s a dumb mistake born out of panic most people make. The 2nd thing to do is make sure there are not any bad actors in your Facebook Business Manager who are dealing with Facebook issues ELSEWHERE. And of course make sure you haven’t been hacked. 

Facebook ad account disabled: Submitting an Appeal to Facebook 

So, once you have confirmed you DO have a Facebook ad account disabled, you’ll want to devise a strategy to appeal the ban. That strategy, by the way, doesn’t mean cursing out Facebook ad support. Or yelling at them on the phone or typing in the chat, WHY YOU LIKE THIS.

Facebook ad account disabled no clicks
Trust me, as cathartic as that may feel, it won’t win you any friends and you will lose more money the longer that ad account stays in the danger zone.

You essentially have 2 main strategies for a successful appeal: telling Facebook ad support WHY you got shut down, and 2. Making them, through specific language, use what limited tools they have, to submit an appeal for you.

How to Recover a Disabled Facebook Account

An additional challenge as a business owner you’ll have to overcome is when googling “how to recover disabled facebook account” you’ll get tons of articles like this one or..

How to Recover a Disabled Facebook Account or this one, or FB’s article here, which is only aimed at the soccer moms and average joes whose personal profile – not Facebook ad account – is disabled.

Most of the folks who read those articles have forgotten their passwords or gotten hacked. It’s time for some myth-busting about a Facebook ad account disabled.

Take a look at this BS, the headline describing this section says: “What to do if your Facebook Ad Account is disabled and everything you can do to reinstate including how to resolve payment issues, rejected ads, and get support.”

And look at the text below it, literally answers NOTHING they promised you:

Facebook ad account disabled wrong info from madgicx

Definitely not anything helpful to you, if you are an ad agency or a business running Facebook ads. So, I’ll help to add some knowledge you can use to get out of this rut. Is your Facebook ad account disabled already?

Don’t get ripped off! Read How to Recover Facebook Ad Accounts now

As far as how to ACTUALLY recover a disabled Facebook ad account, you have 48 hours to make your appeal, and use an effective tactic to communicate to Meta that:

A. You understand WHY you were banned.
B. You are committed to following the policies from here on out.
C. You have identified and REMOVED the offending content from your funnel.

If you’ve been shutdown a lot but never got answers, you’re like one of my clients, Steve Martinez, Vice President of Apollidon Learning.

“Trevor took us through the process of getting one of our University of Texas ad accounts reinstated (within minutes). He offered some critical insights to why our Facebook Ad Account was disabled and shared options to reduce our chances of future issues. We have a better understand of how the algorithm works and know exactly what to do and say if our account gets disabled again.”

Want to see how I can help you? Schedule a free discovery call here. Or, if you’re in a rush, prepay for your consulting call and skip the line.


Facebook ad account disabled FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to fix ad account disabled on facebook

Your first step should always be to stop active ads running with the same copy as the rejected ad, then audit your funnel for flags, and appeal using the strategy outlined in the appeal section of the FAQs

2. How to enable my disabled facebook ad account

If you have a spare ad account in your Facebook Business Manager that you can run ads from, feel free to. BUT, identify the micro and major flags FIRST, so as not to repeat the same mistake. 

3. How to appeal a disabled facebook ad account

As far as how to appeal a disabled Facebook ad account, you’ll get 48 hours to make your appeal. The best strategy is to communicate to Meta | Facebook that:

A. You understand WHY you were banned.
B. You are committed to following the policies from here on out.
C. You have identified and REMOVED the offending content from your funnel.

You can also get some top tips on facebook ad policy in this complimentary eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

4. how to get disabled ad account up and running

Depending on how long your ad account was disabled, sometimes, if your appeal is written correctly, the appeal itself CAN potentially get you reactivated, if you understand to communicate with Facebook ad support correctly. 

5. How Many Policy Violations Before Account is Shut Down?

Typically, it’s a 1 to 10 ratio. For every single rejected ad that you get, you’ll want 10 Facebook ads that are approved. After a pattern of behavior is established by machine learning, from Meta’s automations, you may spiral rapidly into Facebook jail if your ratios aren’t correct. 3 consecutive ads getting rejected risks your ad account getting disabled. But, it also depends on how severe the ban is. 

And, if this still all seems too confusing, your clients are yelling at you to get ads live to bring in money, simply schedule a complimentary Facebook discovery call here

6. How to remove restriction on facebook ad account

As far as removing a restriction on a Facebook ad account, if we’re talking about a disabled ad account, well, you can rehabilitate your funnel and then appeal, possibly getting it reactivated if you do this SMART (I have methods that work if you’re in the appeal window). But as far as removing a restriction from Facebook ads, see the previous FAQ answer: you need to get in a positive approval-cycle ratio.

7. how long does facebook take to review restricted ad account

Now, ask yourself, is it an election year? Have there been over 20,000 Meta employees laid off? Did you word your appeal using specific language Facebook ad support can and will respond better to? These are the factors in play. Typically, you get an answer within a week. If you have a more severe ban or are in the special ad categories, you may get an answer faster but it won’t be one you like. Severe bans end up as permanent restrictions and they deliver that ban hammer faster than other lighter Facebook ad policy restrictions. 

8. how to fix your access can’t be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

In a situation like this, your recovery options depend on what is banned:

a) Facebook Ad Account
b) Facebook Business Page
c) Facebook Business Manager
d) Facebook profile

So, each one may have a different recovery option, depending on your situation, and type of ban it is, as well as your particular niche or business’s vertical, and the health of the accounts before the ban. Want to get a pathway to get Facebook ads live? Schedule your complimentary discovery call here.

9. How To Get Your Disabled Facebook Ad Account Back 

First, let me also address the elephant in the room: personal and emotional attachments to disabled ad accounts. I’ve worked with tons of Fortune 500 level companies, and the amount of hair pulling and FML-ing over ONE ad account being disabled, is incredible. Sometimes, it’s faster, and cheaper, to just start a new ad account, and relaunch, rather than recover a tainted asset.

That being said, the same answer applies here to the instructions above, for appeals

10. How to unblock your Facebook ad account

Now, unblocking an ad account, may be possible if you get in fast enough with the right kind of messaging to Facebook ad support. While they are the gatekeepers, and don’t have any real power, they CAN talk to the right folks who, if you word your appeal right, can unblock your Facebook ad account. And of course, if you need next-level assistance, I’m always available to chat and see if it’s a good fit here

Recover Disabled Facebook Account Learn More

I’ll give you another protip – anyone who promises they can recover disabled facebook accounts is lying. Spammers will say things like paypal me $60 and I’ll get your ad account back. That’s a lie. You’ll be ripped off if you think these hackers can help you recover from issues with a Facebook ad account disabled.

Account Managers at Facebook are the only ones who can actually recover your disabled ad account. Now, if you’re contacting me within 24 to at the max 48 hours after getting shut down (a week at the longest for a slim chance), I may be able to write an appeal for you, depending on why you were shut down.

Outside those 2 options, appealing is harder than relaunching. Even if you spent a week reading Facebook’s Ad Policies you’d still be at risk of a shut down because there are 10,000 more Facebook ad policies Facebook’s bots flag you that Facebook isn’t transparent about.

What if you had a guarantee that your ads were compliant 
before they went live on Facebook? What if you knew 100% without guessing why your ad account was disabled? What if you knew why your Facebook ads were blocked and had a path to get ads live again?

Keep reading for these answers and more: 

New Solution to Facebook ad account disabled

Ad agencies: tired of getting the silent treatment from Facebook when all you want to do is get your Facebook ads live and revenue in the door?

I’m a Facebook ad policy specialist who worked at Facebook and I’m trusted by high level brands that take accuracy and results seriously.

Facebook account restricted from advertising

I can show you how to resolve FB bans even if Facebook ad support is useless to resolve ad account restrictions.

Don’t lose any more money from Facebook bans and schedule your call with me now.

Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me:

 your access can't be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

It shouldn’t be a mystery on what to do to recover from a ban. I strive for customer satisfaction, being a business owner myself.

Facebook Policy
My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to have a disabled Facebook ad account? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends, immediately secure expert-level Facebook consulting. Book a call with me now!

Facebook jail solution testimonial

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

Facebook Ad Ban Fix

Looking for a solution to Facebook ad bans? Look no further, Facebook alum here ready to share solutions.

Facebook ad bans are the worst! Your Facebook ads are running great until out of nowhere, everything is shut down. Your Facebook ad account is precious because it lets you run ads that make money but what happens if your Facebook ad account gets hit with the ban hammer? [Suspenseful music].

This can lead to your Business Manager getting disabled, your Facebook Business Page being restricted or your Facebook ad account getting disabled. Want to prevent this? Keep reading.

Just like my client, a Darryl Tanner, CEO of King Memory discovered, there are micro flags in ad copy and landing pages that have to be removed first before attempting to appeal or relaunch a brand with Facebook. Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call.

Facebook Ad Ban: Add ad accounts in Meta Business Manager

Step 1 in avoiding a ban is to never use your personal Facebook ad account. What is a personal Facebook ad account? It’s the ad account that by default is assigned to your personal profile.

Remember, this is not a Facebook Business Page – which is your digital storefront. This is the personal profile that you can add friends to and it views the Newsfeed on Facebook of your friend and family’s posts. Different from Ads Manager access from a Business Page.

Because Facebook wants everyone to spend money on Facebook, everyone with a profile automatically gets a personal ad account associated with the nonbusiness personal profile. But, if you are a newb, and start running ads on your personal profile’s ad account you risk restricting your profile from advertising.

If you need some tips on running ads on FB as a business, read How to Navigate Facebook’s Advertising Policies as a Business.

Facebook Ad Ban: Let’s get started with business tools from Meta

Ok, so you want to only advertise from an ad account in Business Manager. What protections does this offer? Well, you are more likely to simply risk an ad account getting disabled instead of your whole Facebook personal profile getting banned.

That’s a much more acceptable risk because you can create more ad accounts in your Business Manager, as that is a tool Meta provides to manage your Facebook ad account. When your profile is restricted, that is one key to many doors because your profile creates your Facebook Biz Page, Business Managers and more.

Is your Facebook ad account already disabled? Don’t get ripped off! Read How to Recover Facebook Ad Accounts now!

Just like my client Dr. Emi benefited from my funnel audits for compliance, you can too. It all starts with a free discovery call here. By the way, Dr. Emi was just featured on the Today Show on NBC. 
 (In a rush? Skip the line with prepaid funnel audits with VIP Access).
Need help with the circumventing systems flag? I’ve got a handy infographic for you here:

Circumventing Systems Guide 2.0

Facebook Ad Ban: Facebook Ads Setup

Facebook ad ban

One of the best ways to avoid the ban hammer is to prescreen your Facebook ad account for compliance before rolling out lets say 50 or 100 new ads all at once. If you’re following the latest trends advertising on Facebook you know that:

Video advertising will remain insanely popular

But before those video ads go live ensure they follow Facebook’s rules. It’s a lot easier to make sure your Facebook ads are compliant before they go live than running around like a chicken with your head cut off once Facebook starts flagging you left and right!

Want a few pro tips before you get started? Check out: Top Reasons Why Facebook Disables Ad Accounts

When you get ready to create all your Facebook ads, leave them in draft mode in Ads Manager. Then have someone who is an expert with Facebook ad policies scan those ads before they go live. And identify what could potentially shut you down, swap that out with compliant copy.

Then, you are not risking so much after you set up your Facebook ads in your Facebook ad account.

Facebook Ad Ban: Ads Manager & Facebook Ad Accounts

Let’s chat about Ads Manager – this is the interface you create your ads in. Yes, as many newbies have discovered, a boosted post, is in fact the same damn thing as a regular ad 😂

Ads Manager has been around forever, it used to look a lot more compact – and be a lot more efficient. Then, back in the day, Facebook decided to combine this interface with a separate advertising interface called Power Editor. Now it’s changed along with the increased chance of getting a Facebook ad ban.

In the upper left hand corner, now you have a drop down menu to choose which ad account you are using to advertise on Facebook. Make sure you don’t accidentally have your personal ad account selected when you are creating new ads.

If you’ve read my What to Do After Violating Facebook’s Ad Policies [Step by Step Guide], you found out the hidden clues Facebook sometimes drop in warnings to you – that you may need an expert to decode into everyday language. Well, let’s start addressing this from a preventative standpoint.

Facebook Ad Ban: Create brand new ads

With the amount of people thrown in Facebook jail even higher recently, you may want to create new ads instead of fixing the old ones. Anytime you create brand new ads in your Facebook ad account you are inviting Facebook to scan your entire funnel. Yes, that does mean your website as well.

What can you do to avoid the ban hammer on your Facebook ad account in Ads Manager? Make sure every piece of your marketing funnel that is connected to your Facebook ads, is compliant. Don’t half ass this part. I promise you the upfront effort saves a lot more time and money then waiting til you’re in Facebook jail with a Facebook ad ban.

Facebook ad ban

Next up let me address 2 myths in Facebook ad account advertising: Buying cheap clicks from 3rd world countries & risks to avoid in the entertainment industry.

Choose your audience

A common mistake I’ve seen made by thousands of marketers like yourself who went through a Facebook ads training is to get cheap likes by targeting 3rd world countries. Advertisers will target Africa, or India and small villages in islands nearby like the Philippines.

Sure, you’ll get likes on the cheap but you are training your Facebook ad account to attract a shitty audience of nonbuyers. The Facebook algorithm will seek to show your Facebook Business Page to more people like those you’ve targeted. Now, your ads only reach clickbait farms. This is not an advisable strategy if you want to avoid getting a Facebook ad ban.

In general you want to make sure your ads don’t look like cheap spam. Don’t cross out creating relatable ads  – they are the better well received than the standard hard sell.

If you’re in the entertainment industry and run ads for a restaurant, bar, music venue, wedding venue, events venue etc you have to watch out with your targeting. Because if your ad is seen by minors or they comment on it, and aren’t old enough to drink alcohol, you could get flagged. So avoid that by using better targeting.

Set up and manage your ad budgets

When you’re setting up the ad budget for your Facebook ad account, remember to make sure your credit card numbers are clean. If you’d ran ads in the past but got shut down, it’s possible those CC #s are flagged now.

As I’ve written in other blogs, banks can sometimes block the charges on accident, not knowing Facebook is an approved payment processor. So, even if your credit card is good from not having been on an ad account that was shut down before, if your bank blocked charges for ads at any point, your card could be blacklisted. That also leads to a Facebook ad ban.

Facebook, Meta, Instagram all change quickly, so as they change make sure you change to not be left behind when budgeting and creating ads.

As one of my clients, Mari Smith has stated, people will be able to develop and share their own custom, meme-able Add Yours templates by pinning GIFs, text, and gallery images to a Story template. Social Media Today shared as well that Add Yours story templates gives people more ways to express their creativity in Stories and share what’s on their mind with their followers.

Yet, so many get banned from imposter accounts! There are ways to recover from this although it isn’t easy.

When my client Happi Digital, an eCommerce Agency hired me to audit their Facebook ads, I uncovered flags that if left alone could have shut down their entire ad agency.

Need Facebook ad policy expert too? Schedule a call with me right now.

Adjust your campaigns

Facebook ad ban

Whether you’re using mixed media or also integrating SEO with your Facebook marketing campaigns this year, you’ll want to stay abreast of the latest Facebook ad policies. And adjust your campaigns to ensure your Facebook ad account doesn’t get shut down.

Check out Essential Facebook Ad Policies to Know [Ultimate Guide] here.

Facebook Ad Ban: Test which ads perform best

One of the secrets to never getting the Facebook ban hammer dropped on your Facebook ad account is maintaining the delicate balance between marketing and compliance.

What does that mean?

Well, clearly, the most outrageous claims with the least amount of effort will often convert much higher than something that tells people they have to work to get the reward.

Your Facebook ads may get rejected in the testing process – not just split testing for the best ad copy or creative but also testing to ensure Facebook won’t block your ads or give you a Facebook ad ban.

94% of ad revenue is from mobile users in 2024, so ensure your ads are mobile-friendly too, because if it looks wonky or part of the text is cut off you may get a Facebook ad ban for that too.

Have your Facebook ads been blocked? Read this blog here.

To be successful advertising on Facebook you’ll want to create an ad that both speaks to the pain points of your audience in a high converting manner, but also follows Facebook’s ad policies to make sure your Facebook ad account is in good standing.

That includes making sure your website is fully compliant as well.

For top tips on making a landing page compliant read this.

Facebook Ad Ban: Facebook Ad Account Hidden Score

How long have you been running ads on Facebook? Do you remember the 1 to 10 Relevancy Score?

It was one of my favorite metrics because you could see real easy where you stand with Facebook: 1 your ad is in the dog house, 10 Facebook loves your ad so much they reduce the cost of your CPCs and CPAs.

Now, with the new Ad Quality metrics – you have no real clue because they are bonkers. Meaning, these are terribly inaccurate scores. You can have an amazing ad with your CPCs under 50 cents with tons of reactions and…

Facebook will say it’s a low performing ad on the Ad Quality charts. So…yeah. No thanks.
Facebook ad ban














 On the compliance side, to avoid getting the ban hammer dropped on your Facebook ad account you’ll want to make sure your ad account doesn’t have a negative score. What am I referring to?

Even if you went to Social Media Marketing World (a great event) you wouldn’t learn about this.

I’m referring to the score Facebook has for both your Profile (personally) and your Facebook Ad Account (professionally).

If you have a shit ton of rejected ads, there will be a threshold where eventually even a minor flag can trigger a total account shut down. Just because you have so many rejected ads. That can lead to a Facebook ad ban.

Make sure your ratio of rejected ads doesn’t out number your approved ads. That will help. 

How To Create A Facebook Ad Account

One of the questions I get asked a lot is, “My facebook ad account is banned, how to I start again?”

This answer is more complicated this year than it used to be when it comes to a Facebook ad ban.

Previously, you’d be allowed to create multiple ad accounts inside your Business Manager and possibly relaunch a new facebook ad account. But, Facebook / Meta has put new limits on that.

While they won’t tell you what these limits are for ad account creation limit, we went from 3 in BM, to now…one ad account.

If you need to create a new Facebook ad account, just be careful to not run any ads with the same flags as the ones that got you shut down.

Start Managing Ads with Your Facebook Ad Account

The ads you run on your Facebook ad account have a dual purpose. They aren’t just a funnel delivering money; Facebook ads are also the pressure that tempers Meta’s compliance barometer. This all factors in when they slap down a Facebook ad ban.

You are essentially creating a digital reputation judged by the automations that filter through. The 7 odd billion people in the world see like 6,000 Facebook ads a day. That means, somewhere around forty-seven trillion, three hundred twenty-eight billion Facebook ads run every day. Or something.

Facebook has to profile some of these as bad actors to protect others from harm but innocent mistakes advertisers make just running ads, often get them banned too.

While not always, often the ads you’ve created also made a digital footprint that put you on the radar with Facebook. Stop focusing only on the money and realize the type of ads run also creates your reputation on the platform.

Facebook Business Manager: The Basics

Facebook ad ban

In addition to a Facebook ad ban, I just wanted to cover a few things that even the most experienced advertisers seem to miss about Facebook’s Business Manager.

When you have a Facebook Business Page inside a Business Manager, that Business Manager owns the Facebook Business Page. Meaning, you need to have a role as admin on the Facebook Business Page AND the Facebook Business Manager to run ads on it.

Also, for Business Manager basics on not getting caught by the Facebook ban hammer:

If you feel like you are on the radar, and are at risk for getting your Facebook Business Manager disabled – take your Facebook Business Page out ASAP!!

That Page, if it’s still inside a Business Manager, after the Business Manager gets disabled, will forever be banned from advertising because it’ll be stuck inside the disabled Facebook Business Manager.

Facebook Ad Ban: Understand Facebook ad account limits

Facebook ad accounts can do a lot but they need to stay healthy. After repeatedly getting Facebook ads rejected, you could jeopardize your brand name. And Facebook is still a hot market!

Facebook is the third most visited website following Google and YouTube. This puts it ahead of other leading platforms like Twitter and Instagram.

Because if your Facebook Business Page gets restricted from advertising because you didn’t learn from the first few ad rejections, then that’s on you brosky.

If you haven’t had a chance yet, read my break down of Common Facebook Ad Policy Violations [Explained]

What if you had a guarantee that your ads were compliant 
before they went live on Facebook? What if you knew 100% without guessing why your ad account was disabled? What if you knew why your Facebook ads were blocked and had a path to get ads live again?

Keep reading for these answers and more: 

Facebook Ad Ban Solution

Ad agencies: tired of getting the silent treatment from Facebook when all you want to do is get your Facebook ads live and revenue in the door?

I’m a Facebook ad policy specialist who worked deep at Facebook and I’m trusted by high level brands that take accuracy and results seriously:

Facebook account restricted from advertising

After years of working at Facebook, I can show you how to resolve FB bans even if Facebook ad support is useless to resolve ad account restrictions.

Don’t lose any more money from Facebook bans and schedule your call with me now.

Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me:

 your access can't be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

Facebook Policy
My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to not know why Facebook is shutting you down? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends, immediately secure expert-level Facebook consulting. Book a call with me now!

Facebook jail solution testimonial

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

This is How Ad Agencies Avoid Facebook Jail: Ad Policies Checklist

You can now get banned for the smallest thing on Facebook if you don’t know the Facebook ad policies. Want to shortcut to escaping Facebook jail? Keep reading…

Having a disabled Facebook ad account is a real bummer but you’re in the right place. I’ve worked at Facebook and today I’ll share a Facebook Ad Policy Checklist with you to prevent Facebook blocks and ad account restrictions. 

(Further reading on restricted ad accounts here: Facebook Account Restricted from Advertising? Don’t Panic!)

Just like I provided solutions for Boomerang, a marketing research firm, you’ll learn how to avoid the land mines that shut down millions of businesses a year on Facebook.

Click here for a free discovery call.

Facebook Ad Policies: Review

Let’s cover the review process next.

Facebook Ad Review Process

Facebook’s ad review process takes up to 24 hours, and is 100% automated. So you’ll want to check your ads for facebook policy flags before submitting them for review.

Facebook changes often, as Jon Loomer mentions about the new Conversion API so you’ll want to stay up-to-date with new Facebook policy changes before submitting your ads for review.

Breaking Down the Facebook Ad Review Process 

Your ads are the face of your business online. Social media ads are the top source of new brand discovery for internet users aged 16-24 (DataReportal, 2023).

When your ads first go for review, Meta’s automations review your ad account history, your Business Manager history and the industry you’re in. After a quick check, you’ll get an answer on whether it’s approved or not.

And just because your ad is approved doesn’t mean you are compliant – often smaller flags can slip through if you don’t have a complete audit of your funnel first for Facebook policy compliance.

Facebook’s Advertising Policies

Every year Facebook creates new Facebook ad policies that reflect changes to privacy, advertising, and PR that affects Meta’s stockholders. They may not always make sense from a conversion standpoint – but from a PR brand development level they do.

Restricted Ad Content

Certain types of content can get you banned in only a few seconds. Facebook won’t let you run ads from prohibited categories: forbidden substances, violence, weapons, hate speech etc. For you, if one of your words sounds similar to restricted ad content.

Facebook Ad Policies: Background

So why not just throw it against the wall and see if your ads stick? 

Why Should You Bother Learning About Facebook Ads Policies?

It sounds like a pain in the ass to learn about Facebook ad policies but unless you want to run a black hat agency that is always pumping and dumping rented ad accounts, learning Facebook ad policy helps you establish longevity. You can’t build the pixel retargeting data if you are hopping from one ad account to the next. Learning Facebook ad policies helps you with building audiences for your brand to retarget later. 

Understanding Facebook’s Advertising Standards

Facebook ad policies were created by the Facebook ad policy department but enforced by the engineering department I worked with at Facebook. That means that on the surface, Facebook ad policies seem simple, but how they are enforced can get complicated unless you speak bot-language. As automations enforce the ad policies your ads have to follow.

Facebook Ads Policies You Need to Know

Facebook ad policy automations enforce these ad policies the most:

Misleading Business Practices
Personal Attributes

Each Facebook ad policy affects different industries differently.

Additional policies that may apply to your ad

Depending on which type of business you have additional Facebook ad policies may apply. If you’re selling CBD, or gambling online or in person, there are more Facebook ad policies specific to your niche you’ll want to be familiar with.

Complying with Facebook’s Ad Policy

To ensure you you don’t get stuck in Facebook jail you’ll want to review your ads both for conversion, and for Facebook ad policy compliance.

How to Ensure Your Ads Comply with Facebook’s Policy

Look at your ads through the eyes of the machines that flag them, and predict where and how the Facebook automations will flag you, and make sure you have compliant ad copy. Stuck trying to figure that out? I worked with the engineers that created these automations at Facebook.

If you’ve been shutdown a lot but never got answers, you’re like one of my clients, Steve Martinez, Vice President of Apollidon Learning.

“Trevor took us through the process of getting one of our University of Texas ad accounts reinstated (within minutes). He offered some critical insights to why our Facebook Ad Account was disabled and shared options to reduce our chances of future issues. We have a better understand of how the algorithm works and know exactly what to do and say if our account gets disabled again.”

Want to see how I can help you? Schedule a free discovery call here. Or, if you’re in a rush, prepay for your consulting call and skip the line.

The Facebook Ad Policies Checklist

Step 1: Review Your Facebook Ad Policies History

What happens when you apply for a loan? The lender checks your credit history – and Facebook’s automations do this in a similar fashion. When you submit your ads for review, an automation checks to see what your ad account history is with Facebook.

How many ads have you had rejected in the past few months?

The machines will tally up your rejected ads and compare those to the number of approved ads – it all happens in a few seconds, completely automatic. And, let’s face it, that’s a simple math equation. The number of ads approved versus ads rejected.

facebook ad policies

Remember: 95% of the review process is done by machines so it comes down to a simple tally. If you have more rejected ads than approved ads within a certain time span like 30 to 60 or 90 days, the machines will conclude you are a bad actor. And then disable your Facebook ad account.

[Read: Your Access Can’t Be Reinstated here]

Of course, there is an easy way to weigh the scales in your favor: Run ads that follow Facebook ad policies. And make sure your motivation here isn’t profit but simply running ads you know will be approved, to help improve your ad account health.

If you need some tips on running ads on FB as a business, read How to Navigate Facebook’s Advertising Policies as a Business.

I guarantee it will save you more time to make a decision and take action on improving your ad account health before running conversion campaigns where everything is on the line. 

Step 2:  Look Up Facebook Ad Policies for Your Niche

Facebook may be many things, but few will actually say “Facebook is fair.” And the reason why this is a popular sentiment is because of how confusing Facebook ad policies are. They’re confusing af because different industries play by different rules.

Facebook ad policies vary a lot depending on what your business is. For instance, if you run employment ads, political ads, or real estate ads you’re in what’s called the special ad category for social issues.

When Facebook was sued in 2019 for having targeting parameters for income and zipcode (mainly in real estate ads) the backlash was taking away these targeting options and creating special ad categories.

There are specific ad policies that apply only to special ad category ads, so you’ll want to be familiar, even if on a surface level, with those facebook ad policies.

Gambling ads don’t allow you to provide users with the ability to bet using real money on an app for example. Here’s a quick overview of the facebook ad policies:

facebook ad policies
You can see we covered the special ad categories, but, let’s say you’re in the “how to start a business” niche. One thing you’ll want to be aware of is the Misleading Business Practices ad policy.

This is a policy to help prevent pyramid schemes from creating Facebook ads. Do you actually run an MLM? A multilevel marketing company isn’t allowed to advertise on Facebook. So, knowing that going forward will better prepare you.

I hope the main idea is clear here: get familiar with the facebook ad policies that relate to your business specifically. Even if you’re not an MLM, be aware of how your ads sound.

Don’t sound like an MLM.

That means making realistic claims for the results you promise in the ad copy.

Be aware of what those ad policies are before you press publish on any new ads. Or you can just hire me to review your ads and save time looking at 1000s of facebook ad policies.

Facebook Ad Policies Analysis

Next up, get ready to analyze your ads for flags.

Step 3: Analyze Your Rejected Facebook Ads

Facebook ads have multiple parts:

  • The ad copy above the creative 
  • Creative (image or video)
  • Headline beneath the creative
  • Display URL
  • Leadform (if using Lead gen ads)

To avoid getting your Facebook ad account disabled, you’ll want to ensure you don’t have too many rejected ads. And make sure you don’t have the same ad policy strikes on multiple ads. You’ll want to analyze each part of your ad and look for potential Facebook ad policy violations.

facebook ad policies

Facebook Ad Policies: Ad Copy

For the ad copy – which is the 1st thing you see on a Facebook ad – you want to be extra careful you accurately represent your company, product, service, or brand being advertised. So, no outlandish promises of big results with little effort.

Facebook Ad Policies: Headline

It’s often said that you need to spend a lot more time split-testing headlines than the content on your lander because the headline is what grabs your audience’s attention.

In the same vein, you also want to keep in mind any ad copy in your headline that sounds spammy. Don’t talk about that “one weird trick.” 

Facebook Ad Policies: Display URL

A lot of my clients that come to me with disabled Facebook ad accounts or rejected Facebook ads have been hit by the automations because of issues with their display URLs. What is the display URL?

It’s what you want your audience to see but it has to match your actual landing page’s URL. If you have a messy URL with a lot of numbers that’s super long, sure, you can put the root domain instead of the add-on domain there.

BUT don’t put your bridge page there instead of the actual sales page URL if the website address is different. That will getcha flagged. Too many flags can lead to ad account shutdowns or rejected Facebook ads that hurt your ad account score.

That was the case for my client Jack Randall. Jack is a social media marketer that kept getting shut down by Facebook until we worked together.

Trevor helped me successfully diagnose exactly why my ad account was disabled, and helped me frame out a plan to move forward.” In a rush? Skip the line with prepaid funnel audits with VIP Access.

Step 4: Check Your Website for Facebook Ad Policies Violations

You’d be surprised how many advertisers tell me, “I didn’t know Facebook scanned my website as well as my Facebook ad.”

Welp! But they do!

Got a ton of ads running to a non-compliant site? I’m gonna have to quote Kermit on you.

facebook ad policies

A common flaw I’ve seen in advertisers who get the Facebook ban hammer is not making sure every link on their website works. If you have any 404 pages, Facebook automations will find them and flag you for a nonfunctioning landing page.

Also for the love of God, get a dang privacy policy!

This is a must for any website that you run Facebook ads to. And for some special ad categories like political ads, it is a legal requirement.

A common flag I see a lot is Personal Attributes – this happens when you target the pain points of a specific group of people too specifically. Be aware of that and look at your website to make sure you aren’t being too negative.

facebook ad policies
Look over your website and make sure there isn’t any content on it that violates Facebook ad policies. Don’t skip this step on the checklist!

Also check out: Top Reasons Why Facebook Disables Ad Accounts

Step 5.  Get Your Funnel Facebook Compliant

(Before Running New Ads or Appealing)

WHEW! You’ve come so far. You’ve reviewed your Facebook ad policies history, looked up facebook ad policies for your niche, analyzed your rejected Facebook ads, and checked your website for Facebook ad policies violations.

The best strategy for keeping Facebook ads active is always going to be a preventative one. You can’t undo a certain level of banning – that’s why this Facebook ad policies checklist is focused on discovering potential flags and current or past facebook policy flags.

Your last step is to put all that knowledge you’ve gained in the previous steps to work. Now that you’ve identified Facebook ad policies you may have violated, you’ll want to get your Facebook funnel compliant.

facebook ad policies
Take a moment to review your Facebook ads and compare them to the Facebook ad policies online. Your marketing plan should include compliance before conversions. Because it’s a balance between those 2.


A preventative Facebook ad policy approach will SAVE YOU SO MUCH MONEY AND HEADACHES! Is it easier to pay child support for 18 years or pull out? Do the math folks.

Here is a TLDR for Facebook ad policies to check your funnel for:

  • Check for improper grammar or punctuation.
  • Check for sexual content, nudity, or allusions to sexual activity.
  • Reference or imply a user’s personal characteristics, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, religion, beliefs, and sexual orientation.
  • Discriminate or promote discrimination.
  • Promote misleading or deceptive practices or products in any capacity.
  • Contain images that portray non-existent functionality (for example, a “play” button that doesn’t play actual content).
  • Make potentially misleading claims or set unrealistic expectations.
  • Include low-quality content (for example, using sensationalized or exaggerated language or withholding key information to entice someone to click on the ad).

There you have it! I hope you’ve found the Facebook ad policies checklist helpful.

If you use this Checklist before running new ads you’ll increase your rate of approved Facebook ads and prevent disabled Facebook ad accounts from ever gracing your screen.

Thanks for reading!

facebook ad policies

Still here?

What if you had a guarantee that your ads were compliant 
before they went live on Facebook? What if you knew 100% without guessing why your ad account was disabled? What if you knew why your Facebook ads were blocked and had a path to get ads live again?

Keep reading for these answers and more: 

Facebook Jail Solution

Ad agencies: tired of getting the silent treatment from Facebook when all you want to do is get your Facebook ads live and revenue in the door?

I’m a Facebook ad policy specialist who worked deep at Facebook and I’m trusted by high level brands that take accuracy and results seriously:

Facebook account restricted from advertising

After years of working at Facebook, I can show you how to resolve FB bans even if Facebook ad support is useless to resolve ad account restrictions.

Don’t lose any more money from Facebook bans and schedule your call with me now.

Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me:

 your access can't be reinstated because too much time has passed since we restricted your account

Facebook Policy
My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to not know why Facebook is shutting you down? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends, immediately secure expert-level Facebook consulting. Book a call with me now!

Facebook jail solution testimonial

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision fix

Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision


Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision

Sucks when you’re running Facebook ads and see: Your advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision. You can no longer advertise with this business account, and its advertising assets will remain disabled. This is our final decision.

Keep reading to find out how to get Facebook ads live again even if you sent your ID and Facebook said you were permanently restricted.

Why trust me over all the other blogs online? I’ve worked at Facebook in ads, and tech, and with the engineers at Meta.

Trevor W. Goodchild is for brands that need MAXIMUM accuracy.

10-20% off is a the difference of tens, hundreds or even millions.

When one word can get you banned, you can’t afford to guess.

Just like my client, Amazon Reality Show star Juanita Ingram of The Expats International Ingrams you’ll discover there are micro flags in ad copy and landing pages that have to be removed first before attempting to appeal or relaunch a brand with Facebook.

Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision
Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call to avoid getting a disabled Facebook ad account.

Facebook ad account permanently restricted
Advertising access permanently restricted

People all over the world are talking about being permanently restricted on Facebook whether that’s on Reddit or Quora or many other sites.

Facebook will often give advertisers boiler plate warnings without anything specific stated for how you got flagged, why, or what to do about it. Sound familiar?

You are not the only one seeing, “Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision,” unfortunately it happens often due to machine logic for flagging.

One of the drawbacks of the co-dependence on AI is if you’re running Facebook ads, you are judged quick and without mercy – but you’re in luck because I helped the engineers who wrote these automations.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

negative feedback Facebook ads
One thing advertisers I’ve worked with often forget SMB to billionaires is that Facebook IS a private website. Meaning, stop complaining about the rules and instead learn how to use them!

But Facebook or Meta now doesn’t clearly explain how and why Facebook bots flag you – and this I’ll help you understand so their evil AIs don’t shut down your funnel again.

Speaking of AI – want to leverage the powerhouse of AI created funnels? Click here while supplies last.

Permanent Restriction no more: A Step-by-Step Guide to Solving Facebook Advertising Access Issues

On Facebook or Meta’s side, the problem is a business model issue, where thousands of outsourced workers are used to do Facebook ad support, even if none of them have ever run ads in their life.

If you understand the WAY the bots flag it can give you first mover advantage over competitors who still get banned.

The very best solution is always a preventative one. Unlike bad bitches

Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision

and unlike bad boys with leather jackets who act first and apologize later

Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision

You DO need to audit first, complain about FB later.

Meaning – be 100% about what’s IN your funnel, how close it comes to the ban hammer, and what specifically to do to ensure your entire ad copy, creative and website follow Facebook’s ad policies to a T.

Just like my client Darryl CEO of King Memory found out, and shared on LinkedIn there are specific ways to work with Facebook policies without losing conversions or getting stuck in Facebook jail:

Facebook customer feedback
Trevor W. Goodchild verifiably reveals what key metrics matter when staying out of Facebook jail. This means better more profitable decisions when ad buying and running campaigns. Schedule your discovery call now

Facebook ad account restricted – what does it mean? 

When your ad account on Facebook has been restricted it’s because specific actions or content triggered the automations to first score you, track you, rate you, evaluate your ad history and decide if you are a threat to the platform.

Why is my Facebook advertising account restricted? 

If you’re seeing advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision, that means there is something specific you did to trigger this.

Identifying the content, words, or actions that got you on the radar is the first step towards getting out of Facebook jail.

Want to build a marketing funnel in minutes with AI? Stay ahead of the competition here

Facebook doesn’t approve your advertisements due to violating Facebook’s advertising policies

Facebook doesn’t personally care about you so it isn’t personal – with billions of ads to scan for policy on a daily basis, they are just trying to do the bare minimum to keep online.

Advertising access permanently restricted Explained

A lot of times you can prevent yourself from seeing that message we all love to hate, that your Advertising access permanently restricted this is our final decision

This message is the death of your ad account – I’ve rarely seen this fixed unless you’re working with me at the time it happened and we can appeal within 48 hours.

How do I fix my restricted Facebook account? 

One of the best ways is to stop immediately appealing bans.

If you leap before you look, there’s a good chance you’ll end up between a rock and a hard place when it comes to Facebook ad policies.

Ideally you’re keeping tabs on the latest Facebook ad policies, and new changes to them, as well as how your funnel stacks up to new restrictions Facebook creates (like right now you cannot advertise anywhere near Russia without getting shut down because of the ban on ads in that area due to the Russia-Ukraine war).

Have a lander that got you in trouble? Read my guide on landing pages here

There are a few ways to contact Facebook Support online if Advertising access permanently restricted

what you can do - Facebook account restricted from advertising
If you are a seasoned Facebook ads vet you know what a dumpster fire Facebook ad support is this year.

We used to have great service until it was outsourced. American jobs were lost and globally, support dropped for ad agencies seeing ban hammer warnings like Advertising access permanently restricted.

While I can give you the link to Facebook ad support – it’s here and correct when I published this blog, Facebook ad support will rarely have good advice.

Definitive Guide: Why Is My Advertising Access Restricted on Facebook?

It all starts wit Facebook’s business model – outsource for cheap labor who are not trained and don’t know anything – so, you are asking someone who has never had skin in the game to help you with a warning they are not trained on.

If you’ve read How to Unrestrict My Ad Account you get how vital your appeal strategy is and has to be, and not left up to guesses from sweat shops.

Facebook Restrictions: Advertising access permanently restricted

Want to know a big miss I see ad agencies make for how they THINK about Facebook jail and ad bans?

Forgetting that Facebook has a global audience and is literally ONE website dealing with billions PER DAY accessing – and this leads to bandwidth issues for Facebook.

Want to avoid a Advertising access permanently restricted ban?

Keep in mind that the actions you take on Facebook have a ripple effect, and the help you get from Facebook depends on your ad account history, your region, the back log Facebook currently has, and internal technical glitches that may be wide spread.

I helped fix these when I was in tech at FB.

The problem is that if you immediately appeal an ad or ad account or disabled Business Manager without understanding the ad policies YOU MISS things you may be able to do RIGHT NOW to put you in a better light with Facebook.

I remember waking up at 3am getting calls that Facebook servers were down and having to work with engineering [ENG] to get Facebook back online. When you don’t incorporate bandwidth into your advertising compliance strategy you put yourself at a higher risk because simply said:

Facebook ads don't convert

Why Is My Facebook Advertising Account Restricted?

I’ve seen a thousand and one reasons why Facebook ad accounts get rejected. When Facebook accounts are restricted from advertising, what’s seldom talked about is the difference of ad policy enforcement per industry.

Given my history of working with thousands of ad agencies both while I was working AT Facebook and in my own practice, I have stats on which ad policies are triggered the most in specific niches. Like personal attributes flags being higher in weight loss niches.

Understanding how YOUR specific niche interacts with Facebook ad policy automations is KEY to staying out of Facebook jail and avoiding an Advertising access permanently restricted ban.

Should we just give this to your competitors?

Don’t fall behind and miss out on the AI gold rush – click here to save time and money

Advertising access permanently restricted: Myth Busting

Ok, I see A LOT of bullshit online by people guessing and making shit up about Facebook and Facebook ad policies, so I have to call them out if they are not providing solutions forAdvertising access permanently restricted.

This blog blatantly ripped me off, stealing my content and trying to mimic how I structure my blogs. Which ok, cool if you have to and you think I’m that legendary BUT the info ABOUT Facebook is wrong:
Link Instagram to Facebook
First of all, the best action is NOT to whine to Facebook about your problems. How has whining to Facebook worked so far?

• No answers
• Inaccurate info
• Advice that gets you banned worse

“They will help you reactivate your account,”

WOW. Total bullshit. Most of the time Facebook ad support is just throwing shots in the dark – again never having run an ad that made them money.

“Facebook has made it easier to review your account with the Account Quality page,”


The Account Quality page in Business Manager is connected to the same or similar algorithm that governs Page Insights – which have ALWAYS been buggy and inaccurate. I’ve had ads perform at 2 cents per CPA and account quality said the ad was under performing.

So basically this entire section “Solutions to Restricted Facebook Account” offered…ZERO solutions. And it’s ignorant. And it copies my blog but provides bad info. Not a good look guys!

Definitely won’t help you solve Advertising access permanently restricted.

If you’ve read my What to Do After Violating Facebook’s Ad Policies [Step-by-Step Guide] you found out there ARE hidden clues in FB warnings  – BUT you may need an expert to decode into everyday language.

If you’re like my client Jack Randall, President of Social Flight, you’re tired of beating your head against the wall trying to guess why Facebook has shut you down, and want answers faster.

“Trevor helped me successfully diagnose exactly why my ad account was disabled, and helped me frame out a plan to move forward.” 👍🏻

Click here, to schedule a discovery call.

What if you had a guarantee that your ads were compliant before they went live on Facebook?

Keep reading for these answers and more: 

Advertising access permanently restricted Facebook Solution

A full customer life cycle and cost are critical to getting true profit from your marketing.

As is a healthy ad account life cycle, as Facebook uses your history to rate your online presence.

Goodchild reviews your historic customer behavior and FULL cost of ad bans letting you see the EXACT cause of FB bans and how to fix them to IMPROVE your immediate ad & marketing results.

Make the most accurate decisions on the fly while working in your NATIVE workflow without having to constantly login or cross check data by collaborating with a top tech from Facebook.

Trusted by high level brands that take accuracy and results seriously:

Facebook account restricted from advertising

After years of working at Facebook, I can show you how to resolve FB bans even if Facebook ad support doesn’t understand what you’re saying and solve issues like advertising access permanently restricted.

Schedule a call with me and learn how to stop the domino effect when Facebook starts banning your entire funnel after a simple ad rejection.

Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me.

Facebook Policy
My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to not know why Facebook is shutting you down? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends,
immediately secure an expert-level Facebook consulting call from someone at Facebook. Book a call with me now!

Facebook jail solution testimonial

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

Continue reading

Facebook Account Restricted from Advertising Fix

About advertising restrictions


Facebook account restricted from advertising

Is your Facebook account restricted from advertising and you don’t know what to do?
Sweating bullets when Facebook ad support doesn’t seem to know what you’re saying and offers no answers, you begin googling and find this blog. Welcome to the most trusted source for Facebook ad policy tips – I worked in ads at Facebook and want to help you not get the FB ban hammer.

I’ve worked directly with the engineers at Meta, this feeds SUPERIOR data to your ad platform for better compliance without shut downs than just guessing with google if Facebook accounts are restricted from advertising.

If you’re like my client Jack Randall, President of Social Flight, you’re tired of beating your head against the wall trying to guess why Facebook has shut you down, and want answers faster.

“Trevor helped me successfully diagnose exactly why my ad account was disabled, and helped me frame out a plan to move forward.” 👍🏻

Click here, to schedule a discovery call.

Facebook ad account restricted – what does it mean?

When your Facebook account’s restricted from advertising you’re already on the radar and all of your assets are under the microscope.

This means your ad account history is being reviewed, the people who are on your Facebook Business Manager are being checked out – do they have ad bans elsewhere? If their other facebook account’s restricted it could effect you too.

And of course it means you are now on trial with the judges at Facebook who are robots for the most part.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

Because it’s guilty until proven innocent – if you internalize that instead of feeling victimized, act like you’re Al Pacino playing attorney at law Arthur Kirkland and prepare your counter strategy, then I promise you counsel will not have to approach the bench.

You are restricted from running ads
When you prepare before blindly appealing Facebook accounts restricted from advertising, then you have a much better chance of recovery.

Advertising restrictions for policy violations  

At its core, Facebook is a machine, scanning billions of ads every day. While many ad agencies disregard Facebook ad policy when determining their holiday ads, that one slip up can cost millions of dollars.

If your Facebook account is restricted from advertising, it may hurt your ability to earn money in the future, so you’ll want to make sure your overall track record is in the black not the red. That means more approved ads than rejected. If your facebook account’s restricted it was done by bots.

Given how automated Facebook’s policy bots are, to be successful not getting thrown in FB jail, you’ll want to understand how and why these policy automations flag to avoid being on their radar. There’s some nuance to this. 

Advertising restrictions for unusual activity 

With a Facebook account restricted from advertising you may get the flag for unusual activity. Now, this can be frustratingly vague. Which activity was unusual? Why?

What I’ve seen working at Facebook is that this flag typically is triggered by:

○ A log in on a new device, not usually signed in to your Facebook account
○ Logging into Facebook business tools while traveling – especially in Cuba
○ Your bank is rejecting Facebook pre-auth charges or ad charges but not telling you

This is hard to recover from because Facebook essentially blacklists your devices, and each case is unique.

How Serious is a Rejected Facebook Ad?

rejected Facebook ad
Facebook ads are what conservatives call Marijuana: a gateway drug. At least when it comes to bans – usually all bans are triggered at some point from a Facebook ad that led to a facebook account restricted.

Your Facebook ad gets rejected, you appeal or try to run it again, then your ad account gets disabled. You try to appeal this (probably incorrectly if you haven’t read my blog before) and then that appeal gets rejected and your Business Manager gets disabled.

It all starts with the Facebook ad and whether it follows ad policies or paints you as a bad actor to Facebook trying to circumvent systems in addition to Facebook accounts restricted from advertising.

If you’ve read How to Unrestrict My Ad Account you get how vital your appeal strategy is and has to be.

Facebook Restrictions: Facebook account restricted from advertising

One of the pain points of ad agencies is that Facebook is always changing their ad policies. Sometimes new ad policies punish old ads that WERE within policy WHEN THEY WERE PUBLISHED.

Facebook won’t take that into consideration when the bots descend like a swarm of locust on your ad account. And you don’t want a facebook account restricted. This means being aware of what may get banned and avoiding it is a full time job you can’t slack on.

It pays to be informed of what Facebook is doing as it effects industries at large, like Facebook’s recent NEW ad policies on selling CBD on Facebook. You need to stay current to avoid Facebook accounts restricted from advertising.

Why Is My Facebook Advertising Account Restricted?

I’ve seen a thousand and one reasons why Facebook ad accounts get rejected. When Facebook accounts are restricted from advertising, what’s seldom talked about is the difference of ad policy enforcement per industry.

Given my history of working with thousands of ad agencies both while I was working AT Facebook and in my own practice, I have stats on which ad policies are triggered the most in specific niches. Like personal attributes flags being higher in weight loss niches.

Understanding how YOUR specific niche interacts with Facebook ad policy automations is KEY to staying out of Facebook jail and avoiding a facebook account restricted.

Your ad account was banned for too many rejected ads

Ever been to the DMV? Facebook has a similar bureaucratic approach to scanning and flagging ads and appealing them when Facebook accounts restricted from advertising.

Facebook account restricted from advertising

Now, just like your auto insurance goes up for each new traffic violation, your ad account score on the back end is negatively effected by rejected ads.

This is ok until you cross a threshold of rejected ads. Those negative points start adding up BUT – unlike insurance companies or the DMV who you can call, Facebook is a faceless black hole without help to resolve a facebook account restricted.

If you’ve read my What to Do After Violating Facebook’s Ad Policies [Step-by-Step Guide] you found out the hidden clues in FB warnings  – that you may need an expert to decode into everyday language.

Just like my client, a Norwegian travel company discovered, there are micro flags in ad copy and landing pages that have to be removed first before attempting to appeal or relaunch a brand with Facebook.

Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call to avoid getting a disabled Facebook ad account.

What Disabled Facebook Ad Account Means

facebook ad account restricted

If you see that, “You are restricted from running ads” this means you missed the canary in the coal mine beforehand. SOMETHING in your ads was pissing off Facebook and there were warning signs – probably not obvious because Facebook isn’t that transparent.

Now, depending on what type of Business Manager you have you may be able to create a new ad account as long as the new ads have 0 flags in them that the old ads have.

When reading the Facebook ad policies on Facebook ad rejections you may feel frustrated, because they won’t talk about your specific situation in any detail, if at all.

And Facebook never provides reliable advice on how to solve a facebook account restricted.

“Full Stop,” as my friend Amanda Bond likes to say.

Is your Facebook ad account already disabled? Don’t get ripped off! Read How to Recover Facebook Ad Accounts now!

Just like my client Dr. Emi benefited from my funnel audits for compliance, you can too. It all starts with a free discovery call here. By the way, Dr. Emi was just featured on the Today Show on NBC.  (In a rush? Skip the line with prepaid funnel audits with VIP Access).

What is a Disabled Facebook Business Manager?

You are restricted from running ads

If you are restricted from running ads, when your Facebook Business Manager is disabled within the Facebook Business Suite as they (annoyingly) renamed it, then you may need to relaunch your brand depending on how severe this ban is.

Sometimes Business Manager bans if they are appealed fast enough with the right language can be overturned.

But out of lets say 100 disabled Facebook Business Managers I’ve seen, 1% gets recovered.

Facebook account restricted from advertising? KNOW THIS: What you want to keep in mind is the Facebook Business Pages – as they are your digital storefront for your brand name – and take them out before your Facebook Business Manager gets disabled!

That being said, when you have a disabled Facebook Business Manager that means every asset inside is jeopardized.

  • Ad Accounts
  • Facebook Business Pages
  • People connected to this BM

Here’s why:

When you have a disabled Facebook Business Manager, Facebook keeps track of who is in the Business Manager and the other BMs they are connected to.

So, everyone in a disabled Facebook Business Manager is at risk of having everything else they are working on getting shut down too. If you FORGOT a lurker in your BM who has a facebook account restricted it WILL come back to bite ya a$$ so BE AWARE. 

A disabled Facebook Business Manager is the next to the worst ban you can get on Facebook.

When my client Happi Digital, an eCommerce Agency hired me to audit their Facebook ads, I uncovered flags that if left alone could have shut down their entire ad agency.

Need Facebook ad policy expert too? Schedule a call with me right now.

What Does it Mean When Your Facebook Page is Restricted?

Facebook account restrictions

We saw ALOT of this going on during 2020 – when the pandemic first hit America with e-comm businesses that had shipping delays in China due to covid-19 shut downs. These e-commerce businesses saw their customers giving them bad reviews that took their Page quality score beneath a 1.

Then, just by automation alone, their FB Business Pages got restricted. And they didn’t even have a facebook account restricted-just the Page got shut down.

This is challenging because if you try to relaunch a new Facebook Business Page with the same brand name you may get blocked by Facebook right away for circumventing systems. You’ll need a better strategy more finely tuned for relaunching.

For top tips on making a landing page compliant read this.

More About Facebook profile Restricted From Advertising

If your personal Profile on Facebook is restricted from advertising – that is the worst ban you can get. And facing this, the odds will be insurmountable for running ads again. At least without guidance from a FB policy expert.

Your personal Facebook Profile is the key to all the different doors. It is what creates your Facebook Business Page, it’s what creates your Facebook Business Manager, all the ad accounts and more.

Once that’s banned, welp! You’re up shit creek without a paddle. Don’t hold your breath on getting it restored. The chances are around .1% that you’ll ever get a permanently restricted profile restored.

But I do know a way to resolve this in addition to resolving a facebook account restricted. Now, let’s talk a little bit about why your Facebook ad account may have been restricted.

Why is my Facebook advertising account restricted?

facebook advertising restrictions

Still asking what to do when seeing, “You are restricted from running ads”? If you want to get to the bottom of why your Facebook advertising account is restricted, you’ll want to audit your funnel. This is to identify what was the biggest risk that got you on the radar and eventually shut down.

Have your Facebook ads been blocked? Read this blog here.

Here are a few of the Facebook ad policies you may want to glance at:

  • Sexually Explicit Content. This one is a no-brainer: you can’t advertise anything sexual on Facebook. Given that Facebook’s approval is partly automated, health-based services (spas, etc.) can be flagged for body parts even if they’re not sexually suggestive it’ll get you a facebook account restricted.
  • Prohibited categories. Even though some items may not be illegal per se, Facebook does have restrictions about advertising the following: Drugs or tobacco, supplements, weapons, and financial products (auctions, loans, etc.).
  • Misinformation. False news on Facebook is a no-go.
  • Sensational content. No click-bait, sensationalist content either.
  • Bad grammar or punctuation. This is also a bad advertising practice in general.
  • Inflammatory content. This is any content that could be categorized as hate speech.
  • Unacceptable Business Practices. This generic term describes ads that “promote products, services, schemes or offers using deceptive or misleading practices, including those meant to scam people out of money or personal information.” This can be things like fake celebrity-endorsed products, subscription-based services that do not have the appropriate requirements met, or making exaggerated claims about a product.
  • Low-quality or deceptive content. This includes ads that are cropped so that you need to click to see the full image, or anything sexually suggestive or shocking. It’s important to note that Facebook also looks at your ad destination to make sure the content is relevant to the ad itself.
  • Personal attributes. This one is a bit tricky, Essentially, you cannot make it known that you know (or assume to know) any specific detail about your audience. This can be things like medical conditions, demographics, or even sexual preference. This can be statements such as “Is your weight problem getting serious?”, or, “You’re a woman over 50.”

That’s just a summarized view of the Facebook ad policies to keep in mind if your Facebook account’s restricted from advertising.

In reality, there are 1000s more that you are policed on by the automations but never told about.

Want access to a funnel audit to ensure you are compliant? Click here for a discovery call.

How do I fix my restricted Facebook account?

You want to fix your restricted Facebook ad account right? Doesn’t everyone?! No one wants to see: “You are restricted from running ads.”

If you googled disabled facebook ad account or Facebook ad rejections you’ll find a number of bullshit articles out there – even by major brands – that will just tell you to “Request Review.”

That’s some dumbass advice. Full stop.

Facebook account restricted from advertising

What you’re doing here is saying to the automations that shut you down: “Hey bud, I know you are machine, but can you decipher human empathy and context? Even better can you send this Appeal to ANOTHER robot? And put my fate in the next bot’s hands?”

Really the best chance you have is to appeal within 48 hours of getting shut down AFTER identifying the EXACT source of the Facebook automation flag.

Anything less than that, and you are thrown to the wolves.

Facebook account restricted from advertising
Really the BEST way to handle a shut down, on any level but a profile restriction (which you don’t usually get appeals for), is to audit your funnel for violations, then remove them from your funnel and get on Facebook Ad Support Chat once you know 100% why you were shut down.

Then, ask for a manual appeal. Here’s the deal: the outsourced workers you’ll be chatting with have a goal of more chats per day than giving a damn about a real resolution rate.

They will try to shut you down every step of the way. I can help you navigate these hurdles, and get the best chances you can have for making an appeal if it is within less than 5 days of the shut down.

Beyond that window, the chances get slimmer. But you do have other options if your goal is to get Facebook ads live again and not just trying to recover old disabled ad accounts.

What if you had a guarantee that your ads were compliant before they went live on Facebook?

Keep reading for these answers and more: 

Facebook Account Restriction Solution

After years of working at Facebook, I understand exactly what ad copy in your funnel is triggering the automations and how to get compliant.

Schedule a call with me and I can easily tell you why the automations flag you and how to become compliant. Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me.

Facebook Policy
You’ll be swapping out walking in a minefield of ad flags, to have a sure path to having your Facebook ad accounts protected from being disabled.

My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to not know why Facebook is shutting you down? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends,
immediately secure an expert-level Facebook consulting call from someone at Facebook. Book a call with me now!

Mari Smith Facebook Ad Consultant

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

How to Unrestrict My Ad Account

How to Appeal a Disabled Facebook Ad Account

how to unrestrict my ad account

Are you asking how to unrestrict my ad account? If your ad account has been disabled, I’ll share a few tips you can follow to get your ad account up and running again!

As you have spent hours scouring the internet for a solution and miracles of miracles landing on my blog, I won’t waste your time with fluff or BS like everyone else does because I have worked AT Facebook – before and after it was called Meta.

As Liana Lang, CEO of Power Up Strategy Inc. said, “Please meet Trevor, my ‘secret weapon’ for all things Facebook compliance. I highly recommend hiring him to help you out especially if you plan to be running ads.”

Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call.

Common Reasons for Why An Ad Account is Disabled 

As always I have to call out the foolery online – I see a lot of outsiders, who never worked at Facebook making claims like, “Facebook has made a mistake,”  for their first reason why an ad account is disabled. Like this ill informed article:

How to Unrestrict My Ad Account

This is just ignorance talking and it won’t help you get FB ads live, and making you money will it? Ironically, what happens more often than not is Facebook didn’t make the mistake – their automations are doing what they are supposed to do.

BUT….answering how to unrestrict my ad account goes deeper. 

How to Unrestrict My Ad Account: Glitches 

Facebook just doesn’t explain to you specifically what triggered the ad policy bots to flag you and why. You think that might be more useful than just complain and blame FB for glitching out? When the real glitch isn’t FB but ignorance in ad agencies.

To be fair, Facebook | Meta doesn’t explain what the fudge you should be doing right, or help you identify where their automations flagged you and how to get compliant. That’s definitely a big miss on Facebook’s part. [Check out Facebook Ad Policies Explained here]


To insist on victimizing yourself instead of informing yourself is a recipe for lost revenue, competitors taking your market share, and getting stuck in Facebook Jail. 

I can help. Let’s take a look at appealing a disabled Facebook ad account and learning the answer to how to unrestrict my ad account.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

How to Appeal a Disabled Facebook Ad Account 

how to unrestrict my ad account
If your Facebook ad account has been disabled your money flow has stopped, clients are blaming you for the lost revenue, and Facebook frustratingly is silent. Or idiotic. Both parts idiot when you try to chat in and clear as mud – sound familiar?

A co-worker of mine at Facebook trained a lot of the ad support reps, so I can verify it isn’t just you- they really do act dumb and ill informed about…everything. Especially if you’re asking how to unrestrict my ad account.

Let’s start off with what not to do.

How to Unrestrict My Ad Account: What NOT to Do

FIRST: do not let me repeat DO NOT immediately appeal your rejected ad or disabled ad account. Or submit the same damn ad that got you shut down, to be reviewed AGAIN.

That may trigger a NEW set of flags like circumventing systems when Facebook’s bots will think you are denying any wrong doing or attempting to get around their ad policies by resubmitting a noncompliant ad or ad account.

There are 2 ways you can appeal your disabled ad account:

The first method is to use Facebook Support Chat / Email.

The second method is to use the Request Review of Restricted Ad Account form.

It’s that time again to call out idiots online giving BAD advice on how to answer “how to unrestrict my ad account.” (Also check out my article Facebook ad account disabled next steps).

how to unrestrict my ad account

This is a bit deceiving because it makes it seem like the answer to how to unrestrict my ad account is simple and easy when it is not. This article left out a lot.

How to Unrestrict My Ad Account: Misconceptions

Here’s what’s wrong with this advice: Facebook ad support has not been “great” nor has email support been “great” if we’re being honest – and I trained some of these ad support agents! They got fired in 2019 and outsourced to sweat shops in other countries.

The ad support people you talk to now are 80% more ignorant about Facebook than everyone in this department prior to 2019. Facts. Full stop.

The next mistake is that this should not be your first step!

Your first step is to determine WHAT GOT YOU SHUT DOWN and REMOVE IT FROM YOUR FUNNEL!! Like..yesterday. Otherwise you’ll have NEW bans stacked on old bans due to machine learning from Facebook’s automations.

Only AFTER you have at least SOME idea (or if you get to work with me, the EXACT idea) on what got you in Facebook jail and a compliant version of the ad copy, creative, website etc that Facebook DOES approve of.

That’s step ONE. You cannot attempt to recover an ailing ad account without diagnosing the sickness first, and identifying the cause of what put you on FB’s radar. If you don’t do that you are more screwed than Stormy Daniels.

how to unrestrict my ad account

You want to SAVE chatting in to Facebook once you have an appeal strategy solidified – this is NOT one of those things you can fly by the seat of your pants with if you’re solving how to unrestrict my ad account.

How to Unrestrict My Ad Account: Strategy

You have to be strategic, understanding the limits of what Facebook Ad Support CAN and CANNOT do – and appeal only AFTER a full assessment of your funnel.

You want the best chance to turn on that money faucet again from your FB ads right? Keep listening. 

Did you already say something that got your Facebook ad account disabled?

Don’t get ripped off! Read How to Recover Facebook Ad Accounts now

If you’ve been shutdown a lot but never got answers, you’re like one of my clients, Steve Martinez, Vice President of Apollidon Learning.

“Trevor took us through the process of getting one of our University of Texas ad accounts reinstated (within minutes). He offered some critical insights to why our Facebook Ad Account was disabled and shared options to reduce our chances of future issues. We have a better understand of how the algorithm works and know exactly what to do and say if our account gets disabled again.”

Want to see how I can help you? Schedule a free discovery call here. Or, if you’re in a rush, prepay for your consulting call and skip the line.

Method 1: Use Facebook Support Chat / Email 

how to unrestrict my ad account

There is a specific way you’ll need to approach appealing a restricted Facebook ad account with Facebook ad support. Not everyone can go in and get results.

Navigating Facebook’s Advertising Policies as a Business is a good read too if you’re looking to go from ignorance on Facebook ad policy to having some clarity.

You’ll want to start with an audit of your marketing funnel, and the pieces of violating content removed and replaced with compliant content BEFORE every chatting in to Facebook. Otherwise you are WASTING a chance to get your account active after asking how to unrestrict my ad account.

Only then, once you have identified why you were shut down, you can request Facebook ad support use internal forms to appeal your disabled ad account.

If you don’t know this, you are putting the fate of your monthly revenue in the hands of sweat shop burger flippers. 

Method 2: Use the Request Review of Restricted Ad Account form.

It’s that time again! Calling out all the BULLSHIT online giving ad agencies WRONG INFO. I used to run an ad agency so I’m on your side guys and I have to call BS on the lies being spread online that won’t help you turn on that money faucet of your FB ads again.

Here’s a prime example from ToneDef Knowledge that is incorrectly advising advertisers:

how to unrestrict my ad account

This is a great example of MISINFORMATION about Facebook bans and incorrectly answers the question how to unrestrict my ad account? 

A ROBOT reviews your appeal if you use this option. WAIT..but ROBOTS shut me down…will they side with humans on the appeal of…ROBOT vs ROBOT?

how to unrestrict my ad account
Be serious! Online marketing mags that suggest you request review are idiotic, as all that does is guarantee a higher chance of getting stuck in that infinite Facebook loop of death.

Robots will side with robots not humans (side note: why hasn’t humanity understood this? Why do we keep trying to build real life terminators?)

So this is NOT AN OPTION if you want your ads to turn on again and generate that nice fat revenue every month. You need to audit and create a specific strategy for appeals to have a chance.

Do you want to stop walking on eggshells every time you run a Facebook ad? Don’t miss out on an opportunity to never have to get flagged again.

How to Unrestrict My Ad Account New Solution

After years of working at Facebook, I understand exactly what ad copy in your funnel is triggering the automations and how to get compliant.

Schedule a call with me and I can easily tell you why the automations flag you and how to become compliant. Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me.

Facebook Policy
You’ll be swapping out walking in a minefield of ad flags, to have a sure path to having your Facebook ad accounts protected from being disabled.

My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to not know why Facebook is shutting you down? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends,
immediately secure an expert-level Facebook consulting call from someone at Facebook. Book a call with me now!

Mari Smith Facebook Ad Consultant

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook


What To Do If Your Facebook Ad Account Is Disabled


Ad Account Is Disabled

If your Facebook ad account is disabled who do you trust for advice – rando blogs on the internet or someone who worked at Facebook? I’ve worked at Meta and will help you figure out what to do when your Facebook ad account is disabled.

Want to learn more?

Understanding Facebook’s Ad Account Policies

Simply said, Facebook’s ad account policies are not clear to ad agencies. When I was working in ads at Facebook I saw thousands of marketers unfairly banned.

And the hard part was not that Facebook had a glitch and banned them incorrectly. The hard part is these ad agencies WERE violating ad policies but Facebook’s automations wouldn’t tell them WHICH ad policy.

Machine driven ad flagging is done without full context or explanation for why your ads were shut down. Later, when I was working in tech at Facebook I got a chance to see how these Facebook bots decided to flag ads and it is definitely a unique method not many understand!

But I can help you here.

Already completely banned?

If you are running ads and spending $100K a year or more on ads, I can help with that.

Immediate Steps to Take After Your Ad Account is Disabled  

The immediate steps to take after your ad account is disabled is to first check everyone in your Business Manager who has a role on there so they stop making things worse!

How to fix a Facebook Ad Account and join the party!Facebook’s policy is to check everyone’s ad history who has a role on a Facebook Business Manager.

If you are ok, but someone on your BM is not, then a rejected ad can go from bad to worst leading to a disabled ad account.

Facebook’s policy to eliminate spammers ASAP because they are ruining the ad platform on Facebook for everyone else. So you’ll want to take a good long look at your ads and ask, “Are my ads spammy in any way?”

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

Your idea of spam may be different from Facebook’s so keep that mind if you feel like you can’t find any potential flags. But your FIRST and most important step is to look at your own ad account history and identify specifically why you were flagged – Facebook ad support won’t know why and can’t help you unless you are more informed than they are. 

Submitting an Appeal to Facebook  

disabled ad account
I’ve worked with 1000s of ad agencies working at Facebook and in my own business and the first response when writing an appeal is usually one of outrage.

“I’ve done nothing wrong reinstate my ad account!” ad agencies will scream BUT, they are emailing a group of Facebook workers who have no clue what’s going on.

(Check out my article Facebook ad account disabled next steps).

But, if you write the appeal as more of an overview of potential flags you could have and commit to following ad policies going forward you’ll have much better luck!

Submitting an Appeal to Facebook

Facebook ad account appeal

Before submitting an appeal, get 100% clear on why you were banned and clean your funnel of these flags.

Otherwise you are asking Facebook to break their own rules to allow a noncompliant ad account on their platform.

So you’ll want to carefully look at your most recent ads, and identify what flags you’ve triggered and remove these from your funnel before appealing.

Did you already say something that got your Facebook ad account disabled?

Don’t get ripped off! Read How to Recover Facebook Ad Accounts now

Preventing Future Ad Account Disabling

Adopt a strategy of scanning your own ads in DRAFT mode before they go live for policy compliance NOT JUST if they convert well.

You’ll want to screenshot then delete old ads if they violate new Facebook ad policies that Meta drops in the future, you could be banned for old ads that are not even active.

One of the newest changes to facebook policy is the CBD rules for advertising CBD on Facebook. Read my expose on these changes here: Facebook’s New CBD Ad Policy

And of course working with a Facebook ad policy expert like me would prevent you from losing money from Facebook ad account bans.


It’s easy to miss Facebook flags because even ONE WORD can get you banned.

Make sure you audit your ads before appealing.

When appealing be polite, and be informed on what flags you are the highest risk of Facebook shutting you down for, correct these in your funnel THEN appeal.

Never use the Request Review button because that goes to another bot not a human.

Don’t miss out on an opportunity to never have to get flagged again:

New Solution to Facebook Ad Policy Violations

After years of working at Facebook, I understand exactly what ad copy in your funnel is triggering the automations and how to get compliant.

Schedule a call with me and I can easily tell you why the automations flag you and how to become compliant. Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me.

Facebook Policy
You’ll be swapping out walking in a minefield of ad flags, to have a sure path to having your Facebook ad accounts protected from being disabled.

My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to not know why Facebook is shutting you down? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends,
immediately secure an expert-level Facebook consulting call from someone at Facebook. Book a call with me now!

Mari Smith Facebook Ad Consultant

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

Facebook Policy [Explained]


Facebook Policy

Facebook policy for advertising sounds simple but it’s pretty complex – would you like a clear explanation?

I’ve worked at Facebook and see what you see when googling Facebook policy, with those generic headlines like:


Clear as mud right? I’ll be helping you understand Facebook policy better in this article. You can also peep my Facebook Ad Policies Checklist.

In this article today I’ll be revealing some of the reasons for disabled Facebook ad accounts, and how to navigate Facebook policy without risking a Facebook ban. What sets my blog apart from all the other google results?

I’ve worked at Facebook in ads, tech and project management, high up at Facebook before and after it was rebranded to Meta. So, you’re getting high quality info from someone who worked AT Facebook, not guesses from randos online.

Wouldn’t you like to prevent Facebook from banning your ad account?

As Liana Lang, CEO of Power Up Strategy Inc. said, “Please meet Trevor, my ‘secret weapon’ for all things Facebook compliance. I highly recommend hiring him to help you out especially if you plan to be running ads.”

Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call.

Now, you may have noticed Facebook changes their ad policies A LOT!

Who are the Facebook changes really for? 

I’m sure we’ve all seen the awkward testimonial from Mark Zuckerberg when he faced Congress. Anytime there is a PR fire – like Cambridge Analytica (I was working at Facebook when this happened), Facebook has to get out and do damage control.

Facebook policy
Facebook’s policy is to change Facebook’s policy to show they are doing something about an issue. Even if those changes wreak havoc on advertisers just like you.

Facebook creates new ad automations to police Facebook ads more to please their stakeholders, and show the board they are doing something. What they don’t do is look at the big picture for how these new automations integrate with the existing Facebook bots.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

What you consider normal may not be perceived the same by the bots that do the flagging within Facebook’s ecosystem. That’s why things get tricky. You may feel your ad copy sounds normal – but if you want to follow the Facebook ad policies, you gotta frame your copy specifically for Facebook’s website. 

The delete Facebook movement continues to gain pace

facebook policy
Other celebrities who have quit the social network include pop singer Cher, Starwars actor Mark Hamill, actor and Will Ferrell. What you don’t hear about is the ad agencies who represented these celebrities and the money they lost.

BUT, as the platform becomes less crowded because Facebook is driving many away with all the issues with privacy or Facebook bans on advertisers, this leaves more room for you to make money on Facebook after you figure out the Facebook policy which I’ll help with.

(Check out my article Facebook ad account disabled next steps).

Lets cover some common Facebook ad policies that ad agencies often get banned for.

Here are a list of the facebook ad policies Facebook frequently drops the ban hammer on:


Many of these ad policies are triggered because marketers don’t keep Facebook policy in mind when making ads. Your first goal when designing ads should be to ask, “Will Facebook approve this ad?” THEN focus on the conversions aspect.

Facebook advertising policy principles explained

Facebook policy explained

Facebook’s advertising principles are to keep the most amount of Facebook users on the platform without losing anyone to competitors like TikTok or Elon Musk’s Twitter.

Because of this, they are extra sensitive about how you say something. So a pro tip is to think like Facebook does when making ads, and be extra PC.

Did you already say something that got your Facebook ad account disabled?

Don’t get ripped off! Read How to Recover Facebook Ad Accounts now

#1: Name Your Page Accurately

May seem simple but a common mistake advertisers can make is to create a Facebook Business Page that doesn’t match their core audience or their core offer.

As a result, if there ever is an issue with Facebook policy, and Facebook looks at your Page that you barely put any effort into, and it’s blank or looks sketch, that’s a red flag to Facebook.

I would advise creating more than one Page if you run ads in multiple industries. Instead of using 1 Page to run all the ads for your clients, make sure to differentiate Pages per industry to give you a better chance of not being shadow banned.

#2: Have a Privacy Policy in Place if You Collect Data

Another easy miss that can get your entire funnel banned: a missing privacy policy. This is a legal document you need to get created before you run ads to a lander.

There are free privacy policy generators online, or you can get a lawyer to draw up one.

Just make sure to have it on the landing page you are sending traffic from Facebook to.

Attention Agency Owners, Brand Marketers, and Consultants

It’s a lot easier to prevent Facebook bans than it is to try to bully Facebook into undoing a ban. Think about how this works out with your friends.

When you prove your friend wrong in an argument what do they often do? Double down on their wrong answer out of pride. What do you think Facebook does?

The exact same thing. To some extent. I want you to think philosophically about this – someone in the wrong is more defensive than someone in the right. So, while not impossible, it is a lot harder to appeal a ban than it is to prevent one from happening. 

#3: Don’t Imply That Facebook Endorses Your Promotions

Another easy to miss flag that many advertisers accidentally violate: You can’t use the Facebook “f” or “fb” or “facebook” or their logo on your lander.

If you do Facebook can and will shut your entire funnel down real quick as that’s trademark infringement, not a Facebook policy. It’s IP law, for intellectual property regulated on a federal level.

What’s the 1st rule about Fight Club?

Facebook policy
Don’t talk about Fight Club. Apply this to Facebook branding on your site.

#4: Observe Copyright at All Times

While it’s great to leverage big brand names if you’ve worked with them, trademark laws don’t just apply to Facebook’s logo.

If you are name dropping established brand names, Facebook may shut you down (or the company whose brand name you are using) for copyright infringement.

So, just don’t do it. Even one of my clients, celebrity Juanita Ingram, creator and host of the Amazon Reality Show The Black Expat owns rights to her show but due to Facebook’s bots won’t name drop “Amazon”‘s name in her Facebook posts. 

Facebook policy


If you’ve been shutdown a lot but never got answers, you’re like one of my clients, Steve Martinez, Vice President of Apollidon Learning.

“Trevor took us through the process of getting one of our University of Texas ad accounts reinstated (within minutes). He offered some critical insights to why our Facebook Ad Account was disabled and shared options to reduce our chances of future issues. We have a better understand of how the algorithm works and know exactly what to do and say if our account gets disabled again.”

Want to see how I can help you? Schedule a free discovery call here. Or, if you’re in a rush, prepay for your consulting call and skip the line.

What are Facebook ad policies?

Facebook ad policies operate on 3 levels:

One level is the Community Standards for NON ads but if your Page or Profile is breaking them it can affect your ads.  

The 2nd level is the common sense ad policies like no guns or drugs, that every social media website has. 

The 3rd level are the ad policies specific to your industry. Different ad policies apply for ads about weightloss versus ads about how to make money online.

The latest Facebook advertising policies in 2023

Facebook ad policy

If you googled new facebook ad policies 2023 you’ll see my blog as the 1st organic result (even Facebook had to advertise to get above my blog on google).

And, you can see beginning in February 2023, advertisers will only be able to use age and location to reach teens. Facebook is removing gender as a targeting option – thats another update to the Facebook advertising guidelines.

One of the newest changes to facebook policy is the CBD rules for advertising CBD on Facebook. Read my expose on these changes here: Facebook’s New CBD Ad Policy

Already completely banned?

If you are running ads and spending $100K a year or more on ads, I can help with that.

Also check out:
Top Reasons Why Facebook Disables Ad Accounts

The ad review process Facebook Policy

Typically what happens is after you submit an ad for review Facebook has up to 24 hours to reject or approve the ad. But, if you have some weird Facebook policy block it can take longer.

One of the newest glitches is if you are adding a payment method it can block your card and disable your Facebook ad account. Make sure your bank doesn’t block Facebook’s preauth charge of $1.

Facebook ad rejected, now what?

Really the 1st thing you should do when a Facebook ad is rejected, is look carefully at each part of the ad:

1. The ad copy above the creative

2. The creative.

3. The headline beneath the ad creative

4 The landing page

5. The privacy policy.

It’s real easy to go from 1 rejected ad to a disabled Facebook business manager if you can’t diagnose fast why your ad was rejected. 

Facebook account restricted from advertising?


If you have an ad account that has been disabled for Facebook policy violations this means the next ad asset on the chopping block is your Facebook Business Manager. You don’t want that banned right?

So you’ll want to expand your audit of the ads you’ve run. Just like in the last section I mentioned breaking down each part of the ad and reviewing it for ad policy violations, now do the same thing for the ads you’ve run in the last month.

Don’t know what to look for? Just hire me to audit your funnel and get real answers when Facebook goes silent. Book your call here.

Facebook Policy Reviews and disputes

Most ad agencies make the rookie mistake of blindly appealing an ad reject or ad account getting disabled without understanding why it was shut down.

That’s a fast way to get your BM banned because if you have that same flag, that got you shut down, in more than one ad, it will all count against you.

It is much safer to audit your funnel first before appealing. Otherwise you are just rolling the dice. And when rent time comes around you don’t want to be rolling the dice with your landlord.

Facebook Policy Key takeaways 

‣ Facebook creates new ad policies for good PR 

‣ These ad policies are run by automations

‣ These new Facebook policy automations break when integrating with existing Facebook policies

‣ Beware of trademark infringements, don’t use the FB logo on your lander

‣ Audit your funnel before appealing an ad rejection 

Facebook Policy Related articles

Check out the ad-guides I’ve created for ad agencies, you’ll find some great tips to help when Facebook isn’t being transparent.

Facebook Policy Prevent Bans

Even if you spent a week reading Facebook’s Ad Policies you’d still be at risk of a shut down for Personal Attributes simply because there are ways Facebook’s bots flag you that Facebook isn’t open about.

Don’t miss out on an opportunity to never have to get flagged again:

New Solution to Facebook Ad Policy Violations

After years of working at Facebook, I understand exactly what ad copy in your funnel is triggering the automations and how to get compliant.

Schedule a call with me and I can easily tell you why the automations flag you and how to become compliant. Don’t take my word for it, let my clients tell you what it was like working with me.

Facebook Policy
You’ll be swapping out walking in a minefield of ad flags, to have a sure path to having your Facebook ad accounts protected from being disabled.

My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. How much is it costing you to not know why Facebook is shutting you down? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends,
immediately secure an expert-level Facebook consulting call from someone at Facebook. Book a call with me now!

Mari Smith Facebook Ad Consultant

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Free eBook: Top 5 Reasons Agencies Fail at Facebook

What To Do When Your Facebook Ad Account Is Disabled [Updated]

disabled Facebook ad account

disabled facebook ad account

It SUCKS balls to get a disabled Facebook ad account! Looking to fix a disabled facebook ad account?! I worked at Facebook and will help you.

The domino principle (and no not the old movie with Gene Hackman) or butterfly effect is that once this starts in motion, one disabled ad account can turn into a restricted Facebook Business Page or even a disabled Facebook Business Manager.

Disabled Facebook Ad Account Help

But, have no fear, I’ll shed some light on disabled facebook ad accounts, how to appeal, and what to do to get your Facebook ads live again.

My last ad guide provided you with a full blueprint to advertise CBD on Facebook after Google’s recent policy change forced Facebook to change their ad policies too!

As Liana Lang, CEO of Power Up Strategy Inc. said, “Please meet Trevor, my ‘secret weapon’ for all things Facebook compliance. I highly recommend hiring him to help you out especially if you plan to be running ads.”

Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call.

Understanding Facebook’s Ad Account Policies

Facebook disabled ad accounts don’t happen in a silo – usually they are connected to either a big flag getting triggered by Facebook or a series of smaller flags leading the robots to judge your ad account as untrustworthy.

Disabled Facebook Ad Account Reasons

Common Reasons for Ad Account Disabling

Facebook prohibits the promotion of illegal drugs, tobacco, firearms, and other regulated products. And one of the most common flags is:

Misleading Business Practices – you’ll get this one if you over-sensationalize the claims of results in ads. So, try to sound more realistic to minimize this risk (I also offer pre-scans of ads for compliance).

Another trap door to avoid is getting flagged for ad copy or creative Type A, but the flag is described to you as something unrelated to the real reason you were flagged for content Type B. This obscures the root cause of a shut down because what Facebook tells you differs from the actual flag that led to a ban.

Facebook’s Ad Review Process

Facebook has 24 hours to review an ad and it is done 99% by machines now, except for certain special ad categories. This means, no, a human is not looking at your ads and judging them.

It’s just a machine with preprogrammed prompts to flag specific words and ways they are put together, along with images. Certain articles from people who did not work at Facebook like I have get their information wrong, like this one:

disabled facebook ad accountThis is incorrect! Facebook’s review process does not include a manual review at all. Due to the massive lay offs and focus on AI, Meta’s automations literally do all of the reviewing with a few exceptions (political ads with a large societal effects may be manually monitored all else it’s bots).

Contrary to popular opinion, most of the Facebook bans are not from glitches on Facebook’s side but due to advertisers simply not understanding where the lines are they can’t cross.

This is partly Facebook’s fault for not being more transparent, but also marketers who focus only on conversions sometimes miss the rules of engagement on a private website,

Pro-Tip: It’s good to familiarize yourself with the ad policies that affect your specific industry before running ads. The same ad policies may be applied differently by automations, depending on your ad’s industry.

Immediate Steps to Take After Your Ad Account is Disabled

disabled facebook ad account
Oh shit!? My Facebook ad account is disabled what should I do?! OK, the 1st step is to take a deep breath and don’t act on impulse or emotion or you’ll dig a deeper hole. You have to put on your Sherlock Holmes hat and begin auditing your ad account for potential flags that led to the Facebook ban.

Disabled Facebook Ad Account Reviews

Reviewing Your Ad Content

The most important thing to do when reviewing your ad content, is to do it through Facebook’s eyes. Facebook wants to protect Facebook users from harmful content. So check your ads for anything that sounds like it could be interpreted that way. This fits in with my earlier pro-tip to study the type of ad policies that affect your specific industry because that will give you a head start finding what led to the Facebook disabled ad account.

Identifying Potential Policy Violations

Identifying potential policy violations will be the only way you have a chance at appealing because if you don’t know why you were shut down, Facebook ad support (if you can even reach someone) are incompetent outsourced workers. Their advice will often lead you to further bans and shut downs and disabled Facebook ad accounts. You have to ensure you know yourself before taking any future steps what language, images, or videos led to the shut down. 

Gathering Necessary Information

If you contact Facebook ad support when submitting an appeal, saying, “I did nothing wrong, reactivate my Facebook ads!” They will shut your chat or email support case down fast. The Facebook ad support contract workers will not have answers. So, be prepared with screenshots and documentation of the possible flags you may have. Now, don’t self admit to more flags than the ones they caught you for, just identify the highest possible flag you could have gotten, and use this to guide the chat. 

Submitting an Appeal to Facebook

disabled facebook ad account
Everyone thinks submitting an appeal is a great idea, but it may not be if your entire funnel is not compliant with facebook ad policies. If it’s a small flag you identified and fixed, then an appeal is a good idea. But if the flag is rooted in your business model, you could be knocking over a house of cards, so tread carefully.

Disabled Facebook Ad Account Appeals

How to Submit an Appeal

How you submit an appeal will depend on what part of the world you are in, and what level of ban you have for your disabled facebook ad account. While a disabled Facebook ad account could be the official title to what you’re dealing with, if Facebook’s automations have tracked other behavior they view as sus, you could be dealing with a bigger problem than you think it is and are currently risking all your ad assets (not just one, of only the disabled facebook ad account). 

What to Include in Your Appeal

Really what you want to do is gather the timeline for when the shut down happened, the specific ad account number which Facebook ad support will ask for, and the Business ID for your Business Manager. You’ll want to include the reason why you were banned, what you’ve done to resolve this and your commitment to following Facebook’s policy from here on out.

Tips for a Successful Appeal

Your appeal won’t stand a chance if you are relying on Facebook ad support to tell you why you were banned. These are outsourced workers with barely any marketing education, who have never run Facebook ads to support themselves or pay bills.

So, don’t make the common mistake of relying on Facebook ad support to solve a disabled Facebook ad account. You’ll need to audit your funnel first, and determine where in your funnel the Facebook bots flagged you the hardest that led to the shut down, then present this to Facebook ad support also stating you’ve fixed this specific issue.

Navigating Facebook’s Advertising Policies as a Business is a good read too if you’re looking to go from ignorance on Facebook ad policy to having some clarity.

Preventing Future Ad Account Disabling

The best way to solve a disabled facebook ad account is prevention. Staying on top of all the content you release in ads and knowing where it stands policy-wise is a smart move that few ad agencies take.

Disabled Facebook Ad Account Prevention

Staying Up-to-Date with Facebook’s Ad Policies

New Facebook ad policies pop up every quarter and being ignorant of them is no excuse for getting banned. Stay up to date with these changes (like my last blog’s guide to the new CBD Facebook ad policies) and you’ll be better prepared to face any challenges without risking your money maker – your ad account – in the process.

Regularly Monitoring Your Ad Performance

Regularly monitoring your ad performance is a good best practice for Facebook ads but it also can be the canary in the coal mine for you to prevent Facebook bans. If you see ads that were performing well suddenly dip, this could be a competitor targeting the same audience with more money or Facebook could be reducing your reach because a new policy came out that you are not fully following. 

Implementing Best Practices for Facebook Advertising

The best practice for Facebook advertising is being human, approachable, not a faceless corporate entity selling a product or service. People respond to people. So, focus less on being a machine with your marketing and more on being down to earth – this will help you stay compliant with Facebook ad policies too.

Disabled Facebook Ad Account Myths

Don’t mass promote something without split testing it first – let’s say you run 100 ads at once but they each have 1 small flag in them. Guess what? That’s 100 strikes against your ad account not 1. So, start slow before ramping up to avoid a disabled Facebook ad account.

Did you already say something that got your Facebook ad account disabled?

Don’t get ripped off! Read How to Recover Facebook Ad Accounts now

If you’ve been shutdown a lot but never got answers, you’re like one of my clients, Steve Martinez, Vice President of Apollidon Learning.

“Trevor took us through the process of getting one of our University of Texas ad accounts reinstated (within minutes). He offered some critical insights to why our Facebook Ad Account was disabled and shared options to reduce our chances of future issues. We have a better understand of how the algorithm works and know exactly what to do and say if our account gets disabled again.”

Want to see how I can help you? Schedule a free discovery call here. Or, if you’re in a rush, prepay for your consulting call and skip the line.


It is much easier to spend the little effort to ensure your ads are compliant before going live than it is to try to recover disabled ad accounts or try to force a billion dollar company to reverse a decision.

Disabled Facebook Ad Account Wrap Up

Staying up to date with new Facebook ad policies will help and reviewing your ad content on a regular basis. Sounding more realistic less exaggerated will help you avoid the Misleading Business Practices flags. 

And of course audit your funnel after getting a disabled Facebook ad account and before appealing for the best chance.

But what if you’ve read the Facebook’s Ad Policies  and still can’t figure out why Facebook banned you?
Keep reading for these answers and more: 

New Solution to Facebook Bans

After years of working at Facebook, I understand exactly what ad copy in your funnel is triggering the automations and how to get compliant.

Get solid answers directly from the source instead guessing, googling, and playing roulette. Schedule a call with me and I can easily tell you proven reasons why the automations flag you and how to become compliant.

You’ll be swapping out walking in a minefield of ad flags, to have a sure path to having your Facebook ad accounts protected from being disabled.

My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

Save energy and money – how much is it costing you to not know why Facebook is shutting you down? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends, immediately secure an expert-level Facebook consulting call from someone at Facebook. Book a call with me now!

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.
Mari Smith Facebook Ad Consultant

Facebook’s New CBD Ad Policy


Facebook CBD

Brand new Facebook Ad Policy Change about selling CBD on Facebook!

Selling CBD has been a nightmare for most advertisers because Facebook never officially allowed it.

My last blog was Blocked from Advertising on Facebook Solved And today, I’ll share the brand new update from Facebook about selling CBD.

Announcing our new CBD and related products advertising policy 

Facebook aka Meta just announced:

“We want people to continue to discover and learn about new products and services on our technologies. Effective today, we are renaming our advertising policy Hemp & Related Products to CBD & Related Products and allowing the promotion of legally permissible, non-ingestible CBD in the U.S., with some restrictions.

Under the new policy advertisers don’t need written permission to run ads that:

Promote or offer the sale of hemp products that don’t contain CBD or >0.3% THC (e.g. hemp seed and hemp fiber) in Canada, Mexico and the United States, provided that they comply with all applicable local laws, required or established industry codes and guidelines

Educate, advocate, or give public service announcements related to CBD and related products provided that such ads don’t offer any prohibited products for sale

Advertisers will continue to be prohibited from running ads that promote THC products or cannabis products containing related psychoactive components.

Additionally, advertisers can only run ads that promote or offer the sale of CBD products that don’t contain more than 0.3% THC as long as they are:

Certified with Legitscript
Have written permission from Meta
Comply with all applicable local laws required or established industry codes and guidelines.
Further, ads for CBD products must not target people under 18 years of age and are only allowed in the U.S.

Products subject to Meta’s policy on Prescription Drugs are not subject to these updates, and advertisers of such products must continue to comply with the Prescription Drugs policy.

For more information on the new CBD and related products policy, and countries where we allow ads to promote or offer the sale of CBD and related products, visit our Business Help Center.”

CBD Facebook Ads Cheatsheet

Advertising CBD On Facebook – Can You Do It?

I’ve worked with countless (in the 1000s) of advertisers when I was working at Facebook, and in my own private practice. And I’ve talked with many businesses trying to sell CBD on Facebook.

I even have a friend who lives in my city that owns a CBD business.

Can you really sell CBD on Facebook now?

While Facebook may have released an official PR statement says that selling CBD is kosher on Facebook, I would pause for a second before running a shit ton of CBD ads.

This is a brand new Facebook ad policy.

New facebook ad policies take a while to work out the bugs. That is just a fact of the automations. They say that fools rush in, well, you’d be a little foolish to immediately run a 100 CBD ads right now.

CBD and Related Products

This is Facebook’s brand new CBD Facebook Ad Policy:

Facebook CBD Policy

You’ll need to first get certified by LegitScript. Despite this website sounding like a stoner’s offbrand scam product, LegitScript is legit.

Navigating Facebook’s Advertising Policies as a Business is a good read too if you’re looking to go from ignorance on Facebook ad policy to having some clarity.

As Liana Lang, CEO of Power Up Strategy Inc. said, “Please meet Trevor, my ‘secret weapon’ for all things Facebook compliance. I highly recommend hiring him to help you out especially if you plan to be running ads.”

Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call.

LegitScript & Selling CBD on Facebook

Facebook CBD

Great! Simply get certified by LegitScript and sell CBD today on FB right? Not exactly.

This doesn’t mean there isn’t red tape. It really depends on what type of ad you’re running. If you are running Google ads you are limited to specific states.

Facebook CBDFacebook CBD’s ad policy is different and it appears Facebook is going to allow CBD to be sold in all 50 states versus Google’s 4 states.

You realize why Meta did this right? It’s because just last December Google Announced they were going to stop banning CBD completely and allow it finally:

CBD Ad Policy

Google’s new CBD policy prompted higher ups at Facebook | Meta to say, “Oh shit, are we missing the boat on potential profits from CBD ads we get a percentage of on Facebook? Google is allowing it! We need to out do them…let’s allow it for all 50 states to beat their 4 states!”

Did you already say something that got your Facebook ad account disabled?

Don’t get ripped off! Read How to Recover Facebook Ad Accounts now

If you’ve been shutdown a lot but never got answers, you’re like one of my clients, Steve Martinez, Vice President of Apollidon Learning.

“Trevor took us through the process of getting one of our University of Texas ad accounts reinstated (within minutes). He offered some critical insights to why our Facebook Ad Account was disabled and shared options to reduce our chances of future issues. We have a better understand of how the algorithm works and know exactly what to do and say if our account gets disabled again.”

Want to see how I can help you? Schedule a free discovery call here. Or, if you’re in a rush, prepay for your consulting call and skip the line.

Facebook Ad Policy on CBD Revealed:

Facebook CBD

Reading the fine print is going to save your ass from getting put in Facebook Jail. The ad policies above apply to you if you are selling CBD on Facebook.

Make Note of This:

“Advertisers don’t need written permission to run ads that:
Promote or offer the sale of hemp products that don’t contain CBD or >0.3% THC (e.g. hemp seed and hemp fiber) in Canada, Mexico and the United States, provided they comply with all applicable local laws, required or established industry codes, guidelines and licenses.”

If you do want to brave selling CBD right now on Facebook, make sure you: 

Get an approved license from LegitScript 
Get Written Permission from Meta | Facebook
Follow CBD percentage Requirements for both
⚫ Target Only 18 and Up Facebook Users
⚫ Research CBD Policies in the state you run ads in

Selling CBD Educational Content on Facebook

Facebook says you are allowed to sell CBD educational products:

“Educate, advocate or give public service announcements related to CBD and related products, provided they don’t offer any prohibited products for sale.”


This is one of those “nice in theory” but “hell in application” things.

The reality is, there are thousands of Facebook automations already running that are primed to scan and ban FB CBD ads.

What does this mean for you?

Even if you are only selling educational content about CBD – Facebook’s automations do not account for intent. So you can have all the great educational intentions, but if the bots misinterpret your ads you’ll get banned again.

Despite if officially Facebook is saying, “It’s all good bruh, sell yo CBD here!” Their BOTS will still flag your ads. You’ll have to appeal.

Maybe you get it approved. Maybe you don’t. Maybe you get stuck in a @#$%&!-ing loop where they ask you to confirm your identity or verify your Facebook Business Manager.

Now you’re @#$%&!ed.

And you are no further ahead than before this new Facebook ad policy change. So, I’d advice you to wait a little longer before running CBD ads.

Facebook CBD Ads

Even email marketing service companies like Aweber, Active Campaign or Click Funnels won’t let you advertise CBD in an email newsletter.

So, let’s say you are all set up with LegitScript, gotten written permission from Meta | FB to run CBD ads, you got the deets for the US state you are running CBD ads in and it looks good.

But then someone opts into your funnel, because FB is ok with you, and someone gets an email from your automated welcome sequence but it talks about CBD.

That’s a great way to violate CAN SPAM acts and get booted off your email marketing service.

So, while this is a great step forward, you have to look at the entire ad ecosystem to be sure you won’t get banned again.

Already completely banned?

If you are running ads and spending $100K a year or more on ads, I can help with that.

Facebook Ad Policy CBD Wrap Up

I have refused to work with ad agencies who sell CBD because it was essentially illegal on Facebook, due to their facebook ad policies.

But now, it looks like that is changing. Which is great!

I’d advice caution here. I’ve worked deep at Facebook, with the engineers who tool the automations that drop the ban hammer down.

I can tell you for certain all the bugs aren’t worked out yet. It is still risky to sell CBD on Facebook. If was in this market, I’d wait 6 months.

Basically, wait til January 2024 before running CBD Facebook ads.

You don’t want to be the 1st set of 100 guinea pigs who are banned from advertising for life because old automations couldn’t sync up with the new CBD-friendly Facebook bots.

My work at Facebook has shown me there is, similar to a Facebook ad entering the learning phase as you compete with other advertisers on the Facebook Newsfeed targeting similar audiences, new Facebook automations that enforce these new CBD policies have to take time to adjust to the existing framework on

Let them adjust. Find an email marketing service that lets you sell CBD products, or start one of your own and carve a niche in this market.

Then, in January 2024, after some of the bugs are worked out, you won’t risk your entire funnel getting shut down to run CBD ads on Facebook.

Learn More

Are you running ads for products besides CBD? But you worry that Facebook is going to drop the ban hammer down any second?

I can relieve this worry and give you an assurance and guarantee no one else on the planet can give.

Even if you spent a week reading Facebook’s Ad Policies you’d still be at risk of a shut down for Personal Attributes simply because there are ways Facebook’s bots flag you that Facebook isn’t transparent about.

It’s hard for ad agencies because your ads have to follow a 1000 more rules than you are actually told about.

BUT – don’t miss out on an opportunity to never have to get flagged again.

What if you had a guarantee that your ads were compliant 
before they went live on Facebook? What if you knew 100% without guessing why your ad account was disabled? What if you knew why your Facebook ads were blocked and had a path to get ads live again?

Keep reading for these answers and more: 

New Solution to Facebook Ad Policy Violations

After years of working at Facebook, I understand exactly what ad copy in your funnel is triggering the automations and how to get compliant.

Get solid answers directly from the source instead guessing, googling, and playing roulette. Schedule a call with me and I can easily tell you proven reasons why the automations flag you and how to become compliant.

You’ll be swapping out walking in a minefield of ad flags, to have a sure path to having your Facebook ad accounts protected from being disabled.

My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

Save energy and money – how much is it costing you to not know why Facebook is shutting you down? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends, immediately secure an expert-level Facebook consulting call from someone at Facebook. Book a call with me now!

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Mari Smith Facebook Ad Consultant

🔥 Blocked from Advertising on Facebook Solved 😱


Facebook account restricted from advertising

Are you blocked from advertising on Facebook and need a solution?

If your Facebook ad account has been restricted from advertising, this article will show you tips for appealing your ad account ban and how to create ads again in no time. I’ve worked at Meta both when it was only called Facebook and recently since the name change to Meta – you’ll find much higher quality info on this blog than elsewhere on Google.

If you’ve had your Facebook account restricted—you’re not alone. Many ad agencies have been shutdown recently due to new facebook ad policies that automations are enforcing.

In this blog, I’ll cover why your ad account was banned in the first place, what you can do to fix it, and how to prevent it in the future.

Be sure to check out my last blog too.

As Liana Lang, CEO of Power Up Strategy Inc. said, “Please meet Trevor, my ‘secret weapon’ for all things Facebook compliance. I highly recommend hiring him to help you out especially if you plan to be running ads.”

Want the same white glove treatment navigating Facebook shutdowns?

Click here, to schedule a discovery call.

What To Do When Facebook BANS Your Ad Account

A top tip I can share for first steps when your Facebook ad account is disabled, is to immediately pause any actions inside Ads Manager and Facebook Business Manager.

Ad agencies often make things much worse because they’ll quickly appeal a rejected ad or disabled ad account without taking a breath, leading to more mistakes that are harder to come back from.

Or, the standard entry-level social media manager, or marketer will try to resubmit the same ads that got rejected ASAP, and sometimes repeatedly many times in a row. That only makes you look like a bot or spammer to Facebook.

If you’re going to do anything, take a breath and look at your ads carefully, because clearly there is either a piece of ad copy, or creative in your funnel triggering Facebook’s automations to put you on the radar.   

Facebook ad account restricted – what does it mean?

How to fix a disabled Facebook Ad Account after being notified of it
Whether your Facebook Business Manager is disabled, Facebook Business Page restricted or your ad account disabled – it can really knock the wind out of your sails!

What does it mean if your Facebook ad account is disabled?

It means 1 of a few things could have happened:

‣ You ran ads with a gigantic flag in them
‣ Over a period of time, smaller flags have added up
‣ Facebook has a glitch

Also feel free to check out my article Facebook ad account disabled next steps

Based on which reason got your Facebook ad account blocked, you’ll have a different course of action to get your Facebook ads live again.

Before You Set Any More Ads Live

Hypothetically – let’s say you have 1 ad account that’s blocked, but another that’s active. Your clients are tearing their hair out because their Facebook ads have not been running, so your 1st instinct is to just start running ads again.

This isn’t a smart move because the flags that got you shut down are in your ad copy that you are using for the new ads on another ad account. You are doomed to repeat the Facebook block here.

You have to identify the exact cause for why Facebook’s bot’s shut you down before running any new ads otherwise you risk further bans that are even worse.

New to startup life? Navigating Facebook’s Advertising Policies as a Business is a good read too.

Why Block Facebook Ads?

Facebook account restricted from advertising
One thing I learned working at Facebook is how much carnage – literal murder – is shown on Facebook just in rando posts you’ll never see because Facebook took them down. Literally, I had to see people getting killed on Facebook Live when I worked in tech at Facebook.

The Facebook ads you’ve never seen because they were blocked have all sorts of nastiness in them. A few bad actors have partly ruined Facebook for everyone else. Because with these blackhat advertisers, and clickbait farms, Facebook has to be strict.

That’s why Meta has so many ad policies. It’s all the stuff you don’t see that requires heavy monitoring via automations and teams that review content on the Newsfeed.

I had lowkey PTSD from some of my work at Facebook due to what I had to see, helping the low-level, near sweatshop workers that reviewed content, with their tech if a tool failed.

Did you already say something that got your Facebook ad account disabled?

Don’t get ripped off! Read How to Recover Facebook Ad Accounts now

If you’ve been shutdown a lot but never got answers, you’re like one of my clients, Steve Martinez, Vice President of Apollidon Learning.

“Trevor took us through the process of getting one of our University of Texas ad accounts reinstated (within minutes). He offered some critical insights to why our Facebook Ad Account was disabled and shared options to reduce our chances of future issues. We have a better understand of how the algorithm works and know exactly what to do and say if our account gets disabled again.”

Want to see how I can help you? Schedule a free discovery call here. Or, if you’re in a rush, prepay for your consulting call and skip the line. 

Advertising restrictions for policy violations

Being blocked from advertising on facebook is no fun because your ads are not bringing in money. Keep in mind that Facebook enforces ad policies differently per industry.

Specific industries face different challenges depending on what your niche is.

For example, if you’re selling weightloss ads on facebook, you’ll risk getting hit with the Personal Attributes flag.

Conversely, if you’re running ads teaching people how to start a new business, your biggest risk is going to be getting hit with the MLM flags.

However, there is another reason you could get blocked from advertising on Facebook.

Advertising restrictions for unusual activity

When you hear: “Advertising restrictions for unusual activity” it’s because of 1 of 2 reasons.

Your credit card was flagged – which means your bank may be blocking charges from Facebook. Or, if your CC is used on a Facebook Business Manager that other advertisers use, they could have run some sketchy ads that got your card number flagged.

The other reason is you got a new phone and logged into Facebook on it.

Or, you logged into Facebook while traveling and you are not in your usual geographical location and Facebook flagged the mismatching IP addresses as suspicious.

You can solve this by being more mindful about where you log into Facebook, and take precautions ahead of time (I can share what to do on this if we are working together).

Already completely banned?

If you are running ads and spending $100K a year or more on ads, I can help with that.

Also check out:
Top Reasons Why Facebook Disables Ad Accounts

Your ad account was banned for too many rejected ads

Simply put, there is a limit to how many facebook ad policy mistakes Facebook is willing to allow per ad account.

There is a specific ratio of approved vs. rejected Facebook ads that once you cross that line, Facebook’s machines will auto-shut you down.

Kinda like points on your car insurance from car accidents – if you have too many in too short of time, you risk your driver’s license being suspended. You have to balance this with approved ads. 

How to appeal advertising restrictions

Having dealt with 1000s of ad agencies over the years, both working at Facebook and in my private facebook ad policies firm, I can tell you what the best appeal strategy is.

You’ll want to clean up your funnel first before submitting an appeal. That means you need to identify the actual reason Facebook flagged you and identify the specific piece of content that caused the shutdown.

Otherwise you have no ammunition in your appeal to use. By telling Facebook, “Hey, my bad, I see exactly what I did wrong and have taken steps to correct it,” you get a lot more good faith from Meta to be given a chance to advertise again.

Don’t want to roll the dice and just guess with your appeal? Hire me and I’ll use my experience working at Facebook to craft the best appeal with the highest chance of success. Schedule a discovery call here.

Learn More: Blocked from Advertising on Facebook

You’ve probably searched the entire internet for solutions to being blocked from advertising on facebook. It helps to learn more about how Facebook works by reading the ad policies. BUT…

None of that will help if you can’t identify why you were targeted by Facebook’s bots.

Also, it’s challenging when literally one one word can get you shut down. 

To have the ultimate security that you know what the fuck you’re doing, it helps to see things from Facebook’s point of view, and have a definite answer on why you were flagged and how to get your ads live again.

Generally speaking, your ads have to follow a 10,000 more rules than you are actually told about.

BUT – don’t miss out on an opportunity to never have to get flagged again.

What if you had a guarantee that your ads were compliant 
before they went live on Facebook? What if you knew 100% without guessing why your ad account was disabled? What if you knew why your Facebook ads were blocked and had a path to get ads live again?

Keep reading for these answers and more: 

New Solution to Facebook Ad Policy Violations

After years of working at Facebook, I understand exactly what ad copy in your funnel is triggering the automations and how to get compliant.

Get solid answers directly from the source instead guessing, googling, and playing roulette. Schedule a call with me and I can easily tell you proven reasons why the automations flag you and how to become compliant.

You’ll be swapping out walking in a minefield of ad flags, to have a sure path to having your Facebook ad accounts protected from being disabled.

My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

Save energy and money – how much is it costing you to not know why Facebook is shutting you down? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends, immediately secure an expert-level Facebook consulting call from someone at Facebook. Book a call with me now!

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Mari Smith Facebook Ad Consultant

Thailand threatening to shut down Facebook, alleging it doesn’t screen ads well enough



A Thai Cabinet minister is threatening to try to shut down Facebook in the country, saying the social media platform does not do enough to screen the advertisements it runs, leaving people vulnerable to costly scams.

Chaiwut Thanakamanusorn, Thailand’s minister of Digital Economy and Society, said in a statement Monday that he is ready to go to criminal court by the end of the month arguing for Facebook to be shut down in Thailand.

He said Thai authorities have already appealed to Facebook parent company Meta to take down fraudulent ads, leading to more than 5,000 being blocked, but that the problem persists.

He said ads or fake profiles on Facebook frequently purport to represent reputable financial and investment advisers offering high profits, luring people into scams in which they lose their money.

Reached by phone on Tuesday, Meta in Thailand asked for queries to be sent by email to its press department, which did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the minister’s allegations.

It was not immediately clear how quickly the court might rule on the case if it is filed by the ministry.

Facebook is extremely popular in Thailand, with more than 50 million user accounts for the country’s 66 million people.

There are a lot of ways you can get blocked on Facebook – even if you don’t have a fake account but are a legit ad agency.

What if you had a guarantee that your ads were compliant 
before they went live on Facebook? What if you knew 100% without guessing why your ad account was disabled? What if you knew why your Facebook ads were blocked and had a path to get ads live again?

Keep reading for these answers and more: 

New Solution to Facebook Ad Policy Violations

After years of working at Facebook, I understand exactly what ad copy in your funnel is triggering the automations and how to get compliant.

Get solid answers directly from the source instead guessing, googling, and playing roulette. Schedule a call with me and I can easily tell you proven reasons why the automations flag you and how to become compliant.

You’ll be swapping out walking in a minefield of ad flags, to have a sure path to having your Facebook ad accounts protected from being disabled.

My clients have included the social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, and Dean Graziosi. I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

Save energy and money – how much is it costing you to not know why Facebook is shutting you down? Talk today. 

Scheduling a call is a big step in learning more about Facebook ad landing page policy.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends, immediately secure an expert-level Facebook consulting call from someone at Facebook. Book a call with me now!

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Mari Smith Facebook Ad Consultant

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